NU Alolan Muk [QC: 2/2] [GP: 2/2]


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Alolan Muk's useful defensive typing and high Special Defense allow it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Reuniclus are stopped in their tracks and forced out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn't useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can slowly beat Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allow it to spread poison nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often being forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon and losing momentum. It is also weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior, which then get free turns to set entry hazards or boost their offensive stats. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Rest + Sleep Talk offers recovery but is sometimes unreliable; alternatively, Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health while threatening Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosion and Chandelure, and it gifts Alolan Muk a strong defensive Tera type that can take on tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon improves the sun matchup, retains a good rain matchup, and helps Alolan Muk check other special attackers like Thundurus and Rotom-H better than Tera Water does. Both Tera Water and Dragon help Alolan Muk when facing Ground-types, but they tend to leave it more susceptible to other physical wallbreakers like Tsareena and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers, especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao. So, Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using Knock Off, Alolan Muk is almost helpless against Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki as they set entry hazards or boost; its Drain Punch is just too weak. To counter this, teammates that can handle these foes such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk's presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can remove items, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire have great synergy with it. On the flip side, with how many times Alolan Muk is forced to switch into an attack, hazards become an issue for it, jeopardizing its ability to take on Chandelure and Munkidori. To clear these hazards, Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Tsareena pair perfectly.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take special hits while also pressuring foes, but, in doing so, it sacrifices a lot of longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior easily OHKO Alolan Muk with a super effective Earthquake, and they can capitalize on a forced switch by setting Stealth Rock or boosting.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super effectively, overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful Fighting-type attacks.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to poison. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth, while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical wallbreakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Setup Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be setup fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong defensive typing and high Special Defense allows it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge are stopped in their tracks and forced right out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. It can PP stall, Toxic stall, and even scout out moves like Trick from Porygon-Z. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically. It also is weak fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

I don't think you properly emphasize that Muk's ability to spread poison almost uninhibited is one of the biggest reasons it's elite. I'd argue that's more important than any defensive tool it provides.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Drain Punch / Rest
move 4: Protect / Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon / Flying

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health while still pressuring opponents while Rest + Sleep Talk is very passive but more reliable for recovery. I'd mention the coverage Drain Punch offers too, especially in the context of Lucario. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian and Chandelure, but Tera Dragon can be used as a more well-rounded Tera, keeping you safe from Special arrackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape. I'd actually argue the opposite with these two: Tera Water is a generally well-rounded option that's just... great defensively. Tera Dragon is more practical for the specific resistances. However, Tera Flying can be used instead to alleviate Alolan Muk’s sole weakness to Ground. Tera Flying really doesn't see much use. You could throw it in other options.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers such as Lycanroc-D, Mienshao, and Flygon, so Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. Ground- and Fighting-types like Krookodile and Infernape can deal with Alolan Muk easily; this makes Pokemon like Tsareena, Slowbro, and Vileplume, who can deal with these foes, good partners. You basically just made this point in the previous sentence. Just reward it a bit if you want to make more direct mention of the offensive types that Muk sucks against. After using a Knock Off, Alolan Muk fails to do much if anything to Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, which lets them set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively. To counter this, teammates that can clear these of the field such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. This sentence needs rephrasing because it really doesn't make a lot of sense right now even though I understand what you're trying to say. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off, hazard setters like Klefki, Brambleghast Rhyperior, and Quagsire complete this sentence :D. Teammates that like to clean up games like Lycanroc-D or a Choice Scarf user like Mienshao appreciate how simple it is for Alolan Muk to spread poison and chip away at a team over time. I don't think this is really integral to Muk's role at all.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, or Thunder Punch can be used to take Special hits while also pressuring opponents, but, in doing so, it misses out on any recovery. "misses out on any recovery" but has Drain Punch listed? D: also I'd probably take out Thunder Punch and replace it with Giga Drain and Shadow Sneak.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Fighting-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior can take Alolan Muk’s attacks quite easily and revenge kill it with a super-effective Earthquake. Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, snd Infernape however opt for a different method, preferring to overwhelm it with powerful, consecutive Fighting-type attacks. These types should be separate sections down here. Ground-types are far more likely to pose a defensive threat to Muk in addition to beating it down, and there's more utility tools for many of them to make use of on forced switches.

Add a Poison-types bit. Vileplume makes Muk's life hell, and most Tera Poison foes (Slowbro) are good at beating it too.

**Physical Breakers* Wallbreakers*: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong defensive typing and high Special Defense allows it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge are stopped in their tracks and forced right out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. It can PP stall, Toxic stall, and even scout out moves like Trick from Porygon-Z. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically. It also is weak fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

I don't think you properly emphasize that Muk's ability to spread poison almost uninhibited is one of the biggest reasons it's elite. I'd argue that's more important than any defensive tool it provides.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Drain Punch / Rest
move 4: Protect / Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon / Flying

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health while still pressuring opponents while Rest + Sleep Talk is very passive but more reliable for recovery. I'd mention the coverage Drain Punch offers too, especially in the context of Lucario. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian and Chandelure, but Tera Dragon can be used as a more well-rounded Tera, keeping you safe from Special arrackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape. I'd actually argue the opposite with these two: Tera Water is a generally well-rounded option that's just... great defensively. Tera Dragon is more practical for the specific resistances. However, Tera Flying can be used instead to alleviate Alolan Muk’s sole weakness to Ground. Tera Flying really doesn't see much use. You could throw it in other options.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers such as Lycanroc-D, Mienshao, and Flygon, so Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. Ground- and Fighting-types like Krookodile and Infernape can deal with Alolan Muk easily; this makes Pokemon like Tsareena, Slowbro, and Vileplume, who can deal with these foes, good partners. You basically just made this point in the previous sentence. Just reward it a bit if you want to make more direct mention of the offensive types that Muk sucks against. After using a Knock Off, Alolan Muk fails to do much if anything to Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, which lets them set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively. To counter this, teammates that can clear these of the field such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. This sentence needs rephrasing because it really doesn't make a lot of sense right now even though I understand what you're trying to say. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off, hazard setters like Klefki, Brambleghast Rhyperior, and Quagsire complete this sentence :D. Teammates that like to clean up games like Lycanroc-D or a Choice Scarf user like Mienshao appreciate how simple it is for Alolan Muk to spread poison and chip away at a team over time. I don't think this is really integral to Muk's role at all.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, or Thunder Punch can be used to take Special hits while also pressuring opponents, but, in doing so, it misses out on any recovery. "misses out on any recovery" but has Drain Punch listed? D: also I'd probably take out Thunder Punch and replace it with Giga Drain and Shadow Sneak.

Checks and Counters

**Ground- and Fighting-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior can take Alolan Muk’s attacks quite easily and revenge kill it with a super-effective Earthquake. Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, snd Infernape however opt for a different method, preferring to overwhelm it with powerful, consecutive Fighting-type attacks. These types should be separate sections down here. Ground-types are far more likely to pose a defensive threat to Muk in addition to beating it down, and there's more utility tools for many of them to make use of on forced switches.

Add a Poison-types bit. Vileplume makes Muk's life hell, and most Tera Poison foes (Slowbro) are good at beating it too.

**Physical Breakers* Wallbreakers*: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong defensive typing and high Special Defense allows it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge are stopped in their tracks and forced right out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows it to spread poisons nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. On top of this, it can PP stall, Toxic stall, and even scout out moves like Trick from Porygon-Z. This previous sentence about stalling feels weird and out of place. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon, which loses momentum. It also is weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Drain Punch / Rest Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Protect / Sleep Talk Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health and still threaten Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario while simultaneously allowing it to pressure opponents while Rest + Sleep Talk is very passive but more reliable for recovery. Swap the order of DP + Protect and RestTalk as the latter is far superior because it helps beat bulky Pokemon like Slowbro and Reuniclus (something that should be mentioned). Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian and Chandelure, and it gifts it a strong defensive Tera type that can take tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon can be used to resist more typings, keeping you safe from specific Special attackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape. Mention that, by using Tera, Muk becomes better vs. Ground-types, but is more susceptible to physical breakers like DD Flygon, Tsareena, and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers—especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Mienshao, and Flygon, Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao Re-ordered these to reflect Ground- and Fighting-types as well as how these 4 Pokemon handle each Muk set (RestTalk vs. Krook/Luc, DP+Prot for Flygon/Shao). so Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using a Knock Off, Alolan Muk has no strong way to deal with Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, so they take advantage of it and start to set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively. To counter this, teammates that can clear these of the field handle these such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire. Muk's biggest weakness is how weak it is to entry hazards, this deserves a mention as well as teammates that remove them.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take Special hits while also pressuring opponents, but, in doing so, it misses out on any reliable recovery. Add Toxic Spikes as an option (and why it's sorta mid because of the 100 grounded Poisons).

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior can take Alolan Muk’s attacks quite easily They do?, and, since they pressure it with a super-effective Earthquake, they can use a forced switch in their favor by instead going for Stealth Rock or setting up.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, snd Infernape and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super-effectively overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful, consecutive Fighting-type attacks. Bias aside, Alolan Muk without Drain Punch is setup fodder for Lucario, so it deserves a mention.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to Toxic. On top of that, they can bother it with status conditions or can take it out. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong defensive typing and high Special Defense allows it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge are stopped in their tracks and forced right out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows it to spread poisons nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. On top of this, it can PP stall, Toxic stall, and even scout out moves like Trick from Porygon-Z. This previous sentence about stalling feels weird and out of place. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon, which loses momentum. It also is weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Drain Punch / Rest Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Protect / Sleep Talk Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health and still threaten Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario while simultaneously allowing it to pressure opponents while Rest + Sleep Talk is very passive but more reliable for recovery. Swap the order of DP + Protect and RestTalk as the latter is far superior because it helps beat bulky Pokemon like Slowbro and Reuniclus (something that should be mentioned). Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian and Chandelure, and it gifts it a strong defensive Tera type that can take tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon can be used to resist more typings, keeping you safe from specific Special attackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape. Mention that, by using Tera, Muk becomes better vs. Ground-types, but is more susceptible to physical breakers like DD Flygon, Tsareena, and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers—especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Mienshao, and Flygon, Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao Re-ordered these to reflect Ground- and Fighting-types as well as how these 4 Pokemon handle each Muk set (RestTalk vs. Krook/Luc, DP+Prot for Flygon/Shao). so Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using a Knock Off, Alolan Muk has no strong way to deal with Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, so they take advantage of it and start to set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively. To counter this, teammates that can clear these of the field handle these such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire. Muk's biggest weakness is how weak it is to entry hazards, this deserves a mention as well as teammates that remove them.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take Special hits while also pressuring opponents, but, in doing so, it misses out on any reliable recovery. Add Toxic Spikes as an option (and why it's sorta mid because of the 100 grounded Poisons).

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior can take Alolan Muk’s attacks quite easily They do?, and, since they pressure it with a super-effective Earthquake, they can use a forced switch in their favor by instead going for Stealth Rock or setting up.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, snd Infernape and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super-effectively overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful, consecutive Fighting-type attacks. Bias aside, Alolan Muk without Drain Punch is setup fodder for Lucario, so it deserves a mention.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to Toxic. On top of that, they can bother it with status conditions or can take it out. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong Muk's useful defensive typing and high Special Defense allows allow it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge Reuniclus spex dragalge smokes ur pack are stopped in their tracks and forced out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t isn't useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, slowly beat he loses to slowbro Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows it to spread poisons nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often being forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon,(remove comma) which loses and losing momentum. It also is weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior, which then get free turns to set entry hazards or boost their offensive stats. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Rest + Sleep Talk offers reliable recovery but is quite passive unreliable sometimes; however alternatively, Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health and still threaten while threatening Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario while simultaneously allowing it to pressure opponents. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian Typhlosion and Chandelure, and it gifts it Alolan Muk a strong defensive Tera type that can take on tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon can be used to resist more typings, keeping you safe from specific Special attackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape improves the sun matchup, retains a good rain matchup, and helps Alolan Muk check other special attackers like Thundurus and Rotom-H better than Tera Water does. Both Tera Water and Dragon help Alolan Muk when facing Ground-types, but they tend to leave it more susceptible to other physical wallbreakers like Flygon, Tsareena (remove comma) and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers—especially especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao.(comma -> period) so So, Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using Knock Off, Alolan Muk has no strong way to deal with is almost helpless against Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, so they take advantage of it and start to set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively as they set entry hazards or boost; its Drain Punch is just too weak. To counter this, teammates that can handle these such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s Muk's presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off remove items, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire have great synergy with it. On the flipside, with how many times Alolan Muk is forced to switch into an attack, hazards become an issue for it, jeopardizing its ability to take on Chandelure and Munkidori. To clear these hazards, Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Tsareena pair perfectly.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take Special special hits while also pressuring opponents foes, but, in doing so, it misses out on any reliable recovery it sacrifices a lot of longevity. Toxic Spikes can be on Alolan Muk, but, due to the prevalence of grounded Poison-types like Vileplume, Munkidori, and opposing Alolan Muk, it tends to fall short of useful. (it does not learn this move)

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior easily pressure it OHKO Alolan Muk with a super effective(remove hyphen) Earthquake, and they can capitalize on a forced switch by instead going for setting Stealth Rock or setting up boosting.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super effectively,(remove hyphen, add comma) overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful,(remove comma) consecutive Fighting-type attacks.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to Toxic poison. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth,(comma) while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Setup Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up setup fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk’s strong Muk's useful defensive typing and high Special Defense allows allow it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common Special special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Dragalge Reuniclus spex dragalge smokes ur pack are stopped in their tracks and forced out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn’t isn't useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can whittle through Slowbro, slowly beat he loses to slowbro Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows it to spread poisons nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often being forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon,(remove comma) which loses and losing momentum. It also is weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior, which then get free turns to set entry hazards or boost their offensive stats. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Rest + Sleep Talk offers reliable recovery but is quite passive unreliable sometimes; however alternatively, Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health and still threaten while threatening Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario while simultaneously allowing it to pressure opponents. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosian Typhlosion and Chandelure, and it gifts it Alolan Muk a strong defensive Tera type that can take on tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon can be used to resist more typings, keeping you safe from specific Special attackers like Thundurus, Venusaur, and Infernape improves the sun matchup, retains a good rain matchup, and helps Alolan Muk check other special attackers like Thundurus and Rotom-H better than Tera Water does. Both Tera Water and Dragon help Alolan Muk when facing Ground-types, but they tend to leave it more susceptible to other physical wallbreakers like Flygon, Tsareena (remove comma) and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers—especially especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao.(comma -> period) so So, Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame can help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using Knock Off, Alolan Muk has no strong way to deal with is almost helpless against Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki, so they take advantage of it and start to set-up or set Spikes in front of it, respectively as they set entry hazards or boost; its Drain Punch is just too weak. To counter this, teammates that can handle these such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk’s Muk's presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can spread Knock Off remove items, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire have great synergy with it. On the flipside, with how many times Alolan Muk is forced to switch into an attack, hazards become an issue for it, jeopardizing its ability to take on Chandelure and Munkidori. To clear these hazards, Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Tsareena pair perfectly.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of either Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take Special special hits while also pressuring opponents foes, but, in doing so, it misses out on any reliable recovery it sacrifices a lot of longevity. Toxic Spikes can be on Alolan Muk, but, due to the prevalence of grounded Poison-types like Vileplume, Munkidori, and opposing Alolan Muk, it tends to fall short of useful. (it does not learn this move)

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior easily pressure it OHKO Alolan Muk with a super effective(remove hyphen) Earthquake, and they can capitalize on a forced switch by instead going for setting Stealth Rock or setting up boosting.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super effectively,(remove hyphen, add comma) overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful,(remove comma) consecutive Fighting-type attacks.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to Toxic poison. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth,(comma) while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical breakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Set-up Setup Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be set-up setup fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk's useful defensive typing and high Special Defense allow it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Reuniclus are stopped in their tracks and forced out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn't useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can slowly beat Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows allow it to spread poisons poison nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often being forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon and losing momentum. It also is is also weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior, which then get free turns to set entry hazards or boost their offensive stats. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Rest + Sleep Talk offers recovery but is sometimes unreliable sometimes; alternatively, Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health while threatening Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosion and Chandelure, and it gifts Alolan Muk a strong defensive Tera type that can take on tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon improves the sun matchup, retains a good rain matchup, and helps Alolan Muk check other special attackers like Thundurus and Rotom-H better than Tera Water does. Both Tera Water and Dragon help Alolan Muk when facing Ground-types, but they tend to leave it more susceptible to other physical wallbreakers like Tsareena and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers, (comma) especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao. So, Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using Knock Off, Alolan Muk is almost helpless against Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki as they set entry hazards or boost; its Drain Punch is just too weak. To counter this, teammates that can handle these foes such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk's presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can remove items, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire have great synergy with it. On the flip side, with how many times Alolan Muk is forced to switch into an attack, hazards become an issue for it, jeopardizing its ability to take on Chandelure and Munkidori. To clear these hazards, Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Tsareena pair perfectly.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take special hits while also pressuring foes, but, in doing so, it sacrifices a lot of longevity. (period)

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior easily OHKO Alolan Muk with a super effective Earthquake, and they can capitalize on a forced switch by instead setting Stealth Rock or boosting.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super effectively, overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful Fighting-type attacks.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to poison. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth, while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical wallbreakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Setup Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be setup fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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Alolan Muk's useful defensive typing and high Special Defense allow it to be one of the top threats in the metagame. Common special attackers like Chandelure, Munkidori, and Reuniclus are stopped in their tracks and forced out by it. On top of this, Alolan Muk isn't useless against bulkier Pokemon either; thanks to its access to Knock Off in combination with Poison Touch, it can slowly beat Sylveon, Talonflame, and Gastrodon. Poison Touch along with Poison Jab allows allow it to spread poisons poison nearly uninhibited, letting it chip away at opposing teams quite easily. However, Alolan Muk is quite frail physically, often being forced out by pivots like Mienshao and Flygon and losing momentum. It also is is also weak to fairly common Ground-types like Flygon, Krookodile, and Rhyperior, which then get free turns to set entry hazards or boost their offensive stats. Also, its reliance on unreliable and passive forms of recovery can let it be overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

name: Special Wall
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Poison Jab / Poison Fang
move 3: Rest / Drain Punch
move 4: Sleep Talk / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
tera type: Water / Dragon

Set Details

Poison Jab is preferred for damage, but Poison Fang can be used to spread poison more easily. Rest + Sleep Talk offers recovery but is sometimes unreliable sometimes; alternatively, Drain Punch + Protect allows Alolan Muk to regain health while threatening Steel-types like Magnezone and Lucario. Tera Water can be used to better take Fire-type attacks from Hisuian Typhlosion and Chandelure, and it gifts Alolan Muk a strong defensive Tera type that can take on tons of Pokemon well. However, Tera Dragon improves the sun matchup, retains a good rain matchup, and helps Alolan Muk check other special attackers like Thundurus and Rotom-H better than Tera Water does. Both Tera Water and Dragon help Alolan Muk when facing Ground-types, but they tend to leave it more susceptible to other physical wallbreakers like Tsareena and Brambleghast.

Alolan Muk fails against physical attackers, (comma) especially Ground- and Fighting-types such as Krookodile, Flygon, Lucario, and Mienshao. So, Pokemon like Slowbro, Swampert, and Talonflame help to form a strong defensive core for the team. After using Knock Off, Alolan Muk is almost helpless against Steel-types like Registeel and Klefki as they set entry hazards or boost; its Drain Punch is just too weak. To counter this, teammates that can handle these foes such as Infernape, Krookodile, and Flygon pair well with Alolan Muk. Since it can deal with Psychic- and Ghost-types easily, Pokemon such as Mienshao, Mew, and Munkidori greatly appreciate Alolan Muk's presence. Because of how easily Alolan Muk can remove items, hazard setters like Klefki, Rhyperior, and Quagsire have great synergy with it. On the flip side, with how many times Alolan Muk is forced to switch into an attack, hazards become an issue for it, jeopardizing its ability to take on Chandelure and Munkidori. To clear these hazards, Pokemon like Talonflame, Noivern, and Tsareena pair perfectly.

Other Options

A more offensive Alolan Muk with an Assault Vest and a moveset of Knock Off / Poison Jab / Drain Punch / and one of Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Giga Drain, or Shadow Sneak can be used to take special hits while also pressuring foes, but, in doing so, it sacrifices a lot of longevity. (period)

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Ground-type Pokemon like Krookodile, Flygon, and Rhyperior easily OHKO Alolan Muk with a super effective Earthquake, and they can capitalize on a forced switch by instead setting Stealth Rock or boosting.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienshao, Gallade, and Lucario, while not having a way to hit Alolan Muk super effectively, overwhelm it, taking advantage of its low Defense with their powerful Fighting-type attacks.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types like Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro can wall Alolan Muk due to their immunity to poison. On top of that, Vileplume is able to set up Leech Seed or use Growth, while Slowbro freely sets up with Calm Mind and threatens it with a burn.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Physical wallbreakers like Lycanroc-D and Feraligatr easily overwhelm Alolan Muk with their Choice Band- and Life Orb-boosted attacks due to its low Defense.

**Setup Pokemon**: With how passive Alolan Muk can be, especially with Rest, it can be setup fodder for Pokemon like Cloyster, Gallade, and Flygon.

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