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Pokémon Alola Exeggutor

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Alola Exeggutor


No. 103 - Coconut Pokémon



HP: 95
Def: 85
SpD: 75

Frisk: Reveals the foe’s held item.
Hidden Ability: Harvest: The Pokémon has a 50% chance of restoring a consumed berry. During sunshine, this chance increases to 100%


Start Dragon Hammer
Start Seed Bomb
Start Barrage
Start Hypnosis
Start Confusion
17 Psyshock
27 Egg Bomb
37 Wood Hammer
47 Leaf Storm

Technical Machine

TM03 Psyshock
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM53 Energy Ball
TM59 Brutal Swing
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM83 Infestation
TM85 Dream Eater
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM96 Nature Power
TM100 Confide
Move Tutor

Tutor Draco Meteor


Alola Exeggutor is the second Dragon/Grass and one of many Kanto pokemon who recieve both a regional form and a change of BST, having less speed but more atk to boot allowing it to be better mixed. While Dragon/Grass is walled by steel like Grass/Psychic, it's new typing allows it to improve further on it's resistances agianst Grass, Water and Electric while being neutral to fire while not dying instantly to Bug moves which seem to have spread in Gen 7. Unfortunately it's main ability leaves something to desire leaving Harvest as our main option.

The effect of Terrains on Alola Exeggutor have to be noted: while Grassy Terrain boosts it's Grass stab, it halves the damage of EQ, a noteable coverage move, Electric Terrain robs its ability to put pokemon to sleep and Misty Terrain halves the output of its other STAB.

Move Sets:

Alolan Special

Exeggutor-Alola @ Grassium Z/Dragonium Z or Choice Specs/Life Orb
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 124 HP / 252 SpA/ 132 Spe or 252 HP/252 SpA/4 Def
Modest Nature/Quiet Nature
- Trick Room/Sludge Bomb
- Flame Thrower
- Energy Ball/Leaf Storm
- Draco Meteor

Relying on it's higher SpA and its ability to spit fire (cause it's a dragon?), this set aims to as hard as possible while keeping enough speed EVs to outrun the defensive folks. Should you choose to instead run Trick Room, Choice specs offers immense power in exchange for changing moves, while opting to choose a Z move will turn already beastly 130 BP attacks into pure terror.

Tropical Hammer

Exeggutor-Alola @ Sitrus Berry/Life Orb/Lum Berry/Yache Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4SpA
Brave Nature
- Dragon Hammer
- Trick Room/Earth Quake
- Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
- Flame Thrower/Trick Room

This makes good use of its move set and ability, allowing it to make good use of its STABs with what is essentially a better Dragon Claw and a choice of hard hitting but recoil-ish Wood Hammer or less powered but still strong Seed Bomb. EQ is good coverage and Flame Thrower comes out of an impressive SpA stat to hit unsuspecting Steels hard. Lum berry allows it to survive better against status and Assault Vest makes it a pesty thorn into the side of electric types. Trick Room is also a great option in a meta full of speedy terrors and Tapu Bulu allows the wood hammer to smack even harder but you opt out of EQ if so.

Slumber Party

Exeggutor-Alola @ Psychium Z
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA/ 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hypnosis
- Substitute
- Dragon Hammer
- Flame Thrower

What's intresting is that with a Z-crystal, not only does hypnosis put the opponent to sleep (most of the time), but also you get +1 speed, which is about enough to outspeed base 90s, after they got to sleep you hit Substitute and go on recking havoc with your main stab and using flame throwers for those naughty steels.

One of the best Trick Room user in the game, and it has one of the best offensive special attacks too?! I think it is underrated at the moment.

Also a neat little thing is Power Swap: Power Swap changes modifiers to Attack and Special Attack with the enemy Pokemon, therefor making it possible to remove the -2 Special Attack from Draco Meteor and Leaf Storm and giving it to your opponent:

Draco Meteor
Leaf Storm
Power Swap

(also can someone tell me what berry to give for an all out offensive Exeggutor? I don't want to "waste" the precious Harvest Ability
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I would think it would run Trick Room to basically be as independent as possible.

This actually pairs well with Tapu Bulu. Boosted Wood Hammers from this thing are pretty good. Kind of wish for Specs it got Dragon Pulse - if only for a Dragon move that doesn't prevent a SpA drop all the time.
One of the best Trick Room user in the game, and it has one of the best offensive special attacks too?! I think it is underrated at the moment.

Also a neat little thing is Power Swap: Power Swap changes modifiers to Attack and Special Attack with the enemy Pokemon, therefor making it possible to remove the -2 Special Attack from Draco Meteor and Leaf Storm and giving it to your opponent:

Draco Meteor
Leaf Storm
Power Swap

(also can someone tell me what berry to give for an all out offensive Exeggutor? I don't want to "waste" the precious Harvest Ability
One of the best Trick Room user in the game, and it has one of the best offensive special attacks too?! I think it is underrated at the moment.

Also a neat little thing is Power Swap: Power Swap changes modifiers to Attack and Special Attack with the enemy Pokemon, therefor making it possible to remove the -2 Special Attack from Draco Meteor and Leaf Storm and giving it to your opponent:

Draco Meteor
Leaf Storm
Power Swap

(also can someone tell me what berry to give for an all out offensive Exeggutor? I don't want to "waste" the precious Harvest Ability
Lum Berry would be your best bet. Having a method to remove status effect with a 50% chance of being able to do it again is pretty nice. You could also argue a few other berries (note - I have not done calcs yet):

- Yache Berry gives Alola Exeggutor a little breathing room from Ice Shard Mamoswine and Weavile. Damage calc example:

252+ Atk Life Orb Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Yache Berry Exeggutor: 218-257 (65.8 - 77.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Choice Band pushes it, but bear in mind this is Exeggutor without any HP investment.

Those are probably the only two I would personally consider. The Tanga Berry gets honorable mention for Goliosopod. Sitrus could also be considered too since it can help Exeggutor stay healthier. This is excluding Natural Gift, though, which may create another whirlwind of theorymoning.
Lum Berry doesn't seem very good because burn should't hinder Exeggutor that much, as it should be running a special set or at least a specially based mixed set. Sitrus Berry is probably the best item for Harvest Exeggutor, and Trick Room +3 attacks its best set. This way, you take advantage all of Exeggutor's assets, namely its semi-good bulk and useful resistances, low Speed, and decent 3-move coverage to turn it into an offensive tank that can also support other slow Pokemon. An other option is Life Orb + Trick Room + 3 attacks, if you want a dedicated Trick Room team or just a late game sweeper that provides Exeggutor's resistances.
Lum Berry doesn't seem very good because burn should't hinder Exeggutor that much, as it should be running a special set or at least a specially based mixed set. Sitrus Berry is probably the best item for Harvest Exeggutor, and Trick Room +3 attacks its best set. This way, you take advantage all of Exeggutor's assets, namely its semi-good bulk and useful resistances, low Speed, and decent 3-move coverage to turn it into an offensive tank that can also support other slow Pokemon. An other option is Life Orb + Trick Room + 3 attacks, if you want a dedicated Trick Room team or just a late game sweeper that provides Exeggutor's resistances.
I personally would rather use LO + 3 Attacks myself. Frisk is an okay ability at least and I couldn't think of many berries with major use. Sitrus would be closest, though Lum helps with Hypnosis if Z-Hypnosis got popular. Also helps with burns if you run it a little more physical (I mean Wood Hammer / Dragon Hammer / Earthquake isn't the worst but outside of Grassy Terrain I would think it inferior - not to mention the EQ cut in Grassy Terrain would mean running Flamethrower... and walled by Heatran).

Harvest Sitrus with Wood Hammer sounds groovy at least.
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I could see a defensive attacking sub set gaining use. toss a chesto and rest on it and throw giga and maybe flamethrower/dragon pulse/sludge bomb in the last slot. It's niche but unexpected.

I think it gets leech seed from pre-evo too? So sub/seeding with a lum or sitrus is a thing too. it's resists are p nice and that bulk isn't amazing but usable.

So I'm thinking

252 hp/ 252 defense/ 4 s.atk
harvest with lum/sitrus
leech seed
giga drain

You're walled by and killed by most dragons but if you're playing ou you probably have a bulky fairy in your pocket so you can use him to bait safe fairy switch ins and setting up. (calm mind faeries are p common)
So I've not been terribly involved with competitive as of late, though I do some theorycrafting of sorts I suppose here and there. I've not touched the current metagame via showdown yet, but I've read a lot of stuff in the last few days so I'm moderately aware of the goings on.

Anyhoo. So my thoughts on this guy are actually something I'm slightly surprised no one has mentioned yet.

Why not run him on a Sun team? I get that Sun is kind of a joke at the moment, but Torkoal getting Drought could see some pretty interesting stuff happening. I've not got any sets planned out, but the general gist would be Torkoal with a defensive spread with stealth rocks and rapid spin for utility, maybe Lava Plume for STAB plus burn or something, not entirely thought out like I said but safe bet you'll have rocks and spin and your item slot may well be taken up by the good ol' hot rock to extend sun.

This makes Harvest go off 100% of the time in sun, which is pretty relevant imo. Further, he gets Flamethrower to benefit from the sun as well. So that's two things he's likely to run already just being bumped by the weather, no need for contribution from him to get this going at all. So slap a Sitrus Berry on him and get some bulk investment maybe, then offensive investment, and you've got some decent recovery while it's sunny. I think that he'd partner well with Torkoal due to his resistance to Ground allowing him to cover for it when those EQ's start coming, but for that there is also another good teammate that just so happens to alleviate some of the above concern about dragons.

Tapu Bulu and his Grassy Terrain is also exceptionally helpful for our palm tree, Bulu is by no means weak even without considering his synergy with the team, and he also helps Torkoal by cutting EQ in half. Which on a physically defensive mon like Torkoal means he could probably stay in on a lot of those without much concern, and maybe allow him to hit certain mons that would run it for coverage with Lava Plume for a burn (if he's feeling risky.) or just set up rocks/spin away other hazards.

Grassy Terrain buffs the hell out of Grass moves, which Bulu loves because he's an independent Tapu who don't need no 'Mon. But at the same time, Exeggutor appreciates the buffed STAB too and the passive recovery on top of the potential to get a Sitrus Berry back each time his HP falls below half is pretty solid bulk.

This does leave you somewhat weak to poison as Bulu doesn't want to take it, but Torkoal doesn't exactly mind poison moves much. A good resist may be necessary on the team, but that's a team building thing outside of the core here and you should have some decent options one way or another for a sun team as far as "stuff that can handle poison"

So in short; Alolan Exeggutor+Torkoal+Tapu Bulu doesn't seem like it would be awful, and you're not necessarily "wasting" a slot for any of the three on their own. Bulu is a monster, Torkoal having Drought does give him some niche usefulness with his high defense, rocks, and spinning in addition to a boosted Lava Plume with a solid chance to burn people and he's arguably the weakest one out of the three, and then Exeggutor himself can do the same things he'd normally do... but he'll do them better with the aid of the two guys above.

I may actually go ahead and throw together some test sets soon, but for now this is just my thoughts on the mon.

Edit: One thing to note is that you'll probably want something with U-turn to help ease the switches that may be necessary due to the two "setters" in Bulu and Torkoal, but again no strong thought has been put into this just yet.

Second Edit: While I'm here, I noted some mention of Heatran. And while I'm not sure of calcs and whatnot, if it was a concern Torkoal does have access to Earth Power. Not entirely sure how he gets it so it could be, like, tutor or something and thus not compatible with Drought, but if it's available and Tran is a concern I think that could be useful. Not entirely sure it'd OHKO but even off a base 85 SpA a 90BP ground move on a 4x weak mon would hurt a bit.
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So I've not been terribly involved with competitive as of late, though I do some theorycrafting of sorts I suppose here and there. I've not touched the current metagame via showdown yet, but I've read a lot of stuff in the last few days so I'm moderately aware of the goings on.

Anyhoo. So my thoughts on this guy are actually something I'm slightly surprised no one has mentioned yet.

Why not run him on a Sun team? I get that Sun is kind of a joke at the moment, but Torkoal getting Drought could see some pretty interesting stuff happening. I've not got any sets planned out, but the general gist would be Torkoal with a defensive spread with stealth rocks and rapid spin for utility, maybe Lava Plume for STAB plus burn or something, not entirely thought out like I said but safe bet you'll have rocks and spin and your item slot may well be taken up by the good ol' hot rock to extend sun.

This makes Harvest go off 100% of the time in sun, which is pretty relevant imo. Further, he gets Flamethrower to benefit from the sun as well. So that's two things he's likely to run already just being bumped by the weather, no need for contribution from him to get this going at all. So slap a Sitrus Berry on him and get some bulk investment maybe, then offensive investment, and you've got some decent recovery while it's sunny. I think that he'd partner well with Torkoal due to his resistance to Ground allowing him to cover for it when those EQ's start coming, but for that there is also another good teammate that just so happens to alleviate some of the above concern about dragons.

Tapu Bulu and his Grassy Terrain is also exceptionally helpful for our palm tree, Bulu is by no means weak even without considering his synergy with the team, and he also helps Torkoal by cutting EQ in half. Which on a physically defensive mon like Torkoal means he could probably stay in on a lot of those without much concern, and maybe allow him to hit certain mons that would run it for coverage with Lava Plume for a burn (if he's feeling risky.) or just set up rocks/spin away other hazards.

Grassy Terrain buffs the hell out of Grass moves, which Bulu loves because he's an independent Tapu who don't need no 'Mon. But at the same time, Exeggutor appreciates the buffed STAB too and the passive recovery on top of the potential to get a Sitrus Berry back each time his HP falls below half is pretty solid bulk.

This does leave you somewhat weak to poison as Bulu doesn't want to take it, but Torkoal doesn't exactly mind poison moves much. A good resist may be necessary on the team, but that's a team building thing outside of the core here and you should have some decent options one way or another for a sun team as far as "stuff that can handle poison"

So in short; Alolan Exeggutor+Torkoal+Tapu Bulu doesn't seem like it would be awful, and you're not necessarily "wasting" a slot for any of the three on their own. Bulu is a monster, Torkoal having Drought does give him some niche usefulness with his high defense, rocks, and spinning in addition to a boosted Lava Plume with a solid chance to burn people and he's arguably the weakest one out of the three, and then Exeggutor himself can do the same things he'd normally do... but he'll do them better with the aid of the two guys above.

I may actually go ahead and throw together some test sets soon, but for now this is just my thoughts on the mon.

Edit: One thing to note is that you'll probably want something with U-turn to help ease the switches that may be necessary due to the two "setters" in Bulu and Torkoal, but again no strong thought has been put into this just yet.

Second Edit: While I'm here, I noted some mention of Heatran. And while I'm not sure of calcs and whatnot, if it was a concern Torkoal does have access to Earth Power. Not entirely sure how he gets it so it could be, like, tutor or something and thus not compatible with Drought, but if it's available and Tran is a concern I think that could be useful. Not entirely sure it'd OHKO but even off a base 85 SpA a 90BP ground move on a 4x weak mon would hurt a bit.

Not a bad plan at all, but I feel like in general Ninetales or mega-charizard-Y will still be the primary sun setters.

you're better off running a different rapid spinner or defogger in my opinion and if you want rocks up super badly there's plenty that have great synergy with sun teams (and can soak up things both your grass/fire types) are weak against. The role compression in torkoal is great, but I don't think it's going to be very valuable in the tier tapu Bulu is in, and it's a little early to say but maybe torkoal and exeggutor will be in the same tier? We'll have to see what happens with drought clauses in lower tiers tho.
Not a bad plan at all, but I feel like in general Ninetales or mega-charizard-Y will still be the primary sun setters.

Obviously Mega Zard Y would still be a way better drought user but do you really think classic Ninetales is better than Torkoal? I'm not convinced of that.

Also I think you can almost assume that any sun team is going to run Torkoal and Zard-Y or Ninetales and Zard Y if they can, back up drought is never bad and he's just a good mon.
Obviously Mega Zard Y would still be a way better drought user but do you really think classic Ninetales is better than Torkoal? I'm not convinced of that.

Also I think you can almost assume that any sun team is going to run Torkoal and Zard-Y or Ninetales and Zard Y if they can, back up drought is never bad and he's just a good mon.

If you're back up droughting I agree with Zard-Y and Torkoal having better synergy than zard-Y and Ninetales.

I guess I'm more so just using my bias take hold because I far prefer Ninetales and speed to hazard setting, but I think it's questionable to assume a torkoal is gonna be able to survive long enough to set rocks, spin, and bulk stuff.

However now that I think about it torkoal is probably superior as the primary setter choice. Seeing how the slowest weather setter's weather takes priority. I have misspoken, you're right.
My main consideration for Torkoal over others was his lower speed stat, yeah. I didn't really outline that so sort of my mistake, but that's not all he really brought over the other two imo for sun.

I'm not guaranteeing Torkoal is gonna be OU, or that Eggy will be even. But I do believe that both of them will see fringe OU use, that they'll be strong enough to put in work, but they'll likely find permanent homes in lower tiers unless someone games some sort of set that works better than expected. Bulu is a safe bet for OU permanence, though, I wager.

But basically, things Torkoal brings over the other two; one, he's slower by a massive margin. I believe he is the slowest weather setter, with Gigalith clocking in at 25 speed to his 20. So you'll always win the weather-war with exception to Mega Tar who can just mega evolve to set up sand on the first turn rather than having to switch out. But for the moment, Ttar's mega stone isn't a thing in Sun and Moon. So you're not being contested by anyone actually outside of mons carrying Z-weather moves as far as getting Sun up, seeing as how the only other Mega with a weather ability just so happens to be the one you wanted in the first place.

Second, he's actually bulky on one of his defenses. Ninetales has 73/75/100 bulk vs Torkoal's 70/140/70 which, with both having the same typing, is just a net increase if you ask me. It leaves Torkoal weaker on the special side, but so much stronger on the physical side that it's really noticeable. (Again I don't have calcs, just the base numbers. Sorry for that.)

And then third, Torkoal can serve the utility purpose of having rocks and rapid spin on one set, which is never bad. Lava Plume is auto-boosted from his Sun, so even uninvested it'll do a decent bit between STAB and the Sun, with that nifty 30% burn chance. He gets some other utility options too, like Yawn for one, Will-o-Wisp for another. Clear Smog to stop boosters who could potentially be trying to set up. So on and so forth; he's got a decent bit of options that never really saw use because his abilities, typing, and lack of any strong role on a team left him unneeded. But now with his niche as the slowest weather setter and with Drought to boost his lacking damage via STAB moves, he packs a little bit more punch and is still bulky.

Sorry for going deep on Torkoal in this thread, but he doesn't have one of his own and it was relevant to the discussion I feel as Drought users pair well with Exeggutor due to his ability in Harvest, and out of them all Torkoal has likely the best synergy with him, and is the most likely to actually stay alive for decent chunks of time as a weather setting primary.

To get back to Alola-Exeggutor, though.

A set I'd imagine would look something like this for the earlier suggestion of running A-Exeggutor/Sun/Bulu

Exeggutor-Alola @ Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4SpA
Brave Nature
- Dragon Hammer
- Earth Quake/Synthesis
- Wood Hammer
- Flame Thrower

This is pretty much the same as something from the OP but slashing Synthesis because Exeggcute learns it and it's reliable recovery, while EQ doesn't exactly cover much that Flamethrower wouldn't with exception to Tran (which is relevant enough to leave it slashed, for sure.)

Another idea is kind of iffy due to it getting Swords Dance, reliable recovery, and access to a perma-lum berry for a form of pseudo status immunity.

Exeggutor-Alola @ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4SpA
Adamant/Brave Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Hammer
- Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb/Earth Quake/Flamethrower
- Synthesis/Flamethrower

Gimmicky, loses out on the Flamethrower so not super likely to be as strong, could run flamethrower over Synthesis but you're out on the recovery then and you're not boosting it at all (be nice if he got Growth for this imo.) Altogether it'd be fun when it works, but I kind of don't expect this to work very well. The better option would likely be the Sitrus/Harvest abuse due to serious four moveslot syndrome on this guy.

Exeggutor-Alola @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/SpD / 4SpA
Modest/Quiet Nature
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Toxic/Giga Drain/Energy Ball/Synthesis
- Draco Meteor/Flamethrower/Dragon Hammer

And then there's this abomination that could be tweaked in a variety of ways but is ultimately just a "what the everloving hell are you doing you horrible human being." set in which you subseed with Sitrus Berry, recovery from Synthesis/Giga Drain or Leech Seed, or just go the toxic stally route because you're evil. Base SpA on this guy is so high it doesn't 100% need to be invested, but you can dump some points into it to get to certain benchmarks I suppose, just taking it from the defense of your choice for the SpA. Also may need to add less HP to get a "perfect substitute" if you're keen to do that, but I don't know the math of it; anything taken from HP for that Modest if you're not carrying a Trick Room setter, Quiet if you are or if you want to run Dragon Hammer for a Dragon STAB in place of Draco Meteor which has the negative side-effect of dropping SpA.

This set is best done in the Sun with Bulu support just to make you nigh unkillable. But just Sun should be fine for it, Bulu would just be amazing support to buff the Giga Drains/Energy Balls and even MORE passive recovery while you stall. Sun buffs the Flamethrower you could run to hit anything that tries to switch in with Seed immunity.

Altogether this is again gimmicky but I think it's less so than the SD set by far; this one could be pretty entertaining to do.
I don't know the English names(sorry) but the berries which healed a low amount of health and confused you when you have the wrong nature for its taste? They heal now MUCH more than Sitrus Berry. I am not sure how much but this is important: With Harvest we could technically turn Harvest Mon in unkillable Sub users
I wouldnt mind seeing a harvest set with Yache berry to make this a great water and electric switch-in. Grass Dragon always gets ripped as a typing but it has 3 4x resists and regular ground resist, with the main weakness being 4x ice. But eating a low BP HP Ice after a Yache Berry is totally fine, with synthesis to heal back up again afterwards and giving an opening to fire off a powerful leaf storm for instance. It has great coverage with grass/fire/dragon, and the last slot can be Synthesis, or it could include earthquake in the set to hit electrics

252 SpA Mega Manectric Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Yache Berry Alola Exeggutor: 170-202 (43.1 - 51.2%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO
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I don't know the English names(sorry) but the berries which healed a low amount of health and confused you when you have the wrong nature for its taste? They heal now MUCH more than Sitrus Berry. I am not sure how much but this is important: With Harvest we could technically turn Harvest Mon in unkillable Sub users
Good call, that's one use I hadn't thought of.
I wouldnt mind seeing a harvest set with Yache berry to make this a great water and electric switch-in. Grass Dragon always gets ripped as a typing but it has 3 4x resists and regular ground resist, with the main weakness being 4x ice. But eating a low BP HP Ice after a Yache Berry is totally fine, with synthesis to heal back up again afterwards and giving an opening to fire off a powerful leaf storm for instance. It has great coverage with grass/fire/dragon, and the last slot can be Synthesis, or it could include earthquake in the set to hit electrics

252 SpA Mega Manectric Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Yache Berry Alola Exeggutor: 170-202 (43.1 - 51.2%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO
Hang on, how is this selected? Like, does the berry's chance to confuse depend wholly on the pokemon's nature? Or does it also factor in species and other things? Serebii isn't terribly descriptive.
tfw tropius is one of your favorite mons
I don't know the English names(sorry) but the berries which healed a low amount of health and confused you when you have the wrong nature for its taste? They heal now MUCH more than Sitrus Berry. I am not sure how much but this is important: With Harvest we could technically turn Harvest Mon in unkillable Sub users

This needs a LOT more attention brought to it. I haven't seen anyone talking about this on any site I visit. It's riskier but way more viable now.
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Apparently those berries go off at 25% hp, though. That's definitely a risk, and I'm not sure it's worth taking. Definitely worth a slash on any Harvest set, for sure, and it's kind of scary to imagine getting Eggy down to 25% only for his berry to bring him back to 75%, from which he can get more HP back with Leech Seed, Giga Drain, ect.
Trick room Eggxecutor

Exeggutor-Alola @ Life Orb/choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest/quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Giga Drain/Energy ball/Leaf storm
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb

Been playing with this beast on the ladder and honestly I got pretty postive results. The one thing I felt it struggled on was ofc speed. So I thought I can try egg out under Trick room and it's been going to work. Movepool is pretty simple fire coverage to hit bulky grass and steel. Draco for maximum damage. Energy ball is for consistent damage, Giga is for Long Term, leaf storm for one time maximum damage. Sludge bomb to hit fairies like clefable

Here's a replay of it
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Trick room Eggxecutor

Exeggutor-Alola @ Life Orb/choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest/quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Giga Drain/Energy ball/Leaf storm
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb

Been playing with this beast on the ladder and honestly I got pretty postive results. The one thing I felt it struggled on was ofc speed. So I thought I can try egg out under Trick room and it's been going to work. Movepool is pretty simple fire coverage to hit bulky grass and steel. Draco for maximum damage. Energy ball is for consistent damage, Giga is for Long Term, leaf storm for one time maximum damage. Sludge bomb to hit fairies like clefable

Here's a replay of it

Why not have exeggutor run its own trick room?
TR with Bloom Doom seems p cool for TR teams, opening holes for other team members, altho TR per se isnt good nowadays cus of aegi (kings shield) but may be a funny niche later on. ofc Bloom Doom coming from Leaf Storm hits p hard, and egg's coverage is p good
Apparently those berries go off at 25% hp, though. That's definitely a risk, and I'm not sure it's worth taking. Definitely worth a slash on any Harvest set, for sure, and it's kind of scary to imagine getting Eggy down to 25% only for his berry to bring him back to 75%, from which he can get more HP back with Leech Seed, Giga Drain, ect.

With wood hammer you can a pretty reliably get down to 25% after taking a neutral hit. But it's still playing with fire to be that close to dying

I use mine with torkoal (who has drought now) and then Harvest turns into reliable recovery, Solar Beam and Flamethrower become decent moves
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These berries with Leech Seed can keep you healthy for a really long time, but they aren't optimal.
They are perfect for Gluttony mons though (think about Belly Drum Linoone and even Snorlax; free BD with no health loss).

Trick Room with Life Orb is the best set IMO: it's Draco Meteor with Modest nature hits harder than even Latios or Kyurem and, unlike those two, it has Flamethrower that rounds up it's coverage pretty well. Giga Drain can keep you healty enough when needed, whilw hitting some fat walls pretty well.

Makes a nice duo with A-Marowak which can lay down some hurt while covering many of it's weaknesses.
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