Hi there! This post has a dual purpose: to showcase my OMFL teams, and to provide some metagame thoughts. I always wanted to do one of these posts after seeing the OMPL people post their teams, and I'd like to shout out
Quantum Tesseract for giving me a chance and drafting me.
Week 1
So the idea behind this was that I have almost NEVER seen Osake bring a blob. His special walls were usually Steels like Jirachi or a SpDef Chomp. In hindsight, I should have run Wisp on Mag for Chomp, but I didn't see a Chomp so it didn't matter. Zarude seemed like the perfect partner because pivoting + Speed, and I liked that Magmortar basically 1v1 Modest Lele. Koko is CM here because I wanted a wincon that could spread para so Mag could break easier if it needed to. The rest of the team is your pretty standard defensive core, although Jacoba Kommo-o is something I think is underrated. You got your Dhelmise counterplay + contact punisher in one, and I think that teams should go Jacoba over itemless on their Dhelm counterplay.
T0 loss, couldn't do anything. I thought a Steel wasn't necessary because the only special wallbreaker I saw Osake bring was Chandy, but I loaded into AoA Adaptability Latios + Facade Tapu BroKo and just lost. And even if I didn't lose to one of those two, Blissey + Jirachi meant Magmortar couldn't do anything. To my credit, I think I played well given the circumstances; I maximized Magmortar's turns in the hopes I got a crit/misplay from Osake, but no dice. It's whatever, sometimes you get an impossible matchup. Team wasn't the greatest anyway.
Week 2
Funny story behind this one. I had actually built several teams for this week because I wasn't sure what to buld for jonas. I had never seen them play, so I tried to build with stuff that punished pivot spam, which is what newer players tend to gravitate towards. Eventually, I ended up being confident in none of my builds, and at the last second, I switched to Table stall because the only thing new players don't naturally prep for is stall. There isn't much behind this one: Avalugg + Rachi regen core blocks most of the tier, double Magic Bounce makes getting hazards up for the opposing side very hard (and Spin on Avalugg makes keeping them up equally difficult), Pex is your catch-all to setup sweepers, and Unaware Mew is my backup to anything Pex can't beat and has Spikes + Knock to pressure the opposing side. This was naturally weak to Alolawak and Xurkitree, which is not something newer players use very often.
There isn't much to say about this game either. It goes how you think stall vs balance would go. jonas tries to bring in breakers, I switch in my counters while scouting for opposing moves and abilites. The Genesect was not scary on team preview, but Scarf is actually quite difficult for this team because U-turn + hazards outdamage Regen on Jirachi and it can win in the long run. The Blissey being MB was also pretty annoying, as it meant that I couldn't get Spikes up and had to settle for Rocks. Game was pretty boring for a while until jonas decided to bring Ferrothorn in on Avalugg that had already revealed Body Press, got crit, and died. Not sure why they did that with a perfectly healthy Pex in the back, but whatever. Game snowballed from there, without hazards I could manage Avalugg and Jirachi easier for ZyDog and Zapdos. I made a misplay with Avalugg eventually and had to sack Mew, but it wasn't the end of the world. After a while Zydog died and the game was pretty much won there, all I needed to do was spam Toxic with Blissey and wait for jonas to bring Zapdos in.
Week 3
During a Week 2 test game with my manager QT, I saw a weird double dance Koko set and I immediately knew what I wanted to bring for Week 3. I was starting to form a definitive opinion on Koko (spoiler: broken), and being able to catch people off guard with a set is always a nice feeling. I hate using Zarude but it's an amazing partner for this set, with Grassy Surge letting it 1v1 Garchomp and even Mamoswine. Genesect was a good partner because broken, and the rest is an old but standard defensive core. Itemless Mew is for Dhelm and Bulletproof Heatran is for Tapu Lele.
I'm dumb and forgot to save the replay, but what basically happened was I set up Grassy Terrian T1, somehow trapped the Koko counter with Tran, and won. All I really needed was a couple of turns to setup, chip the Moltres into +1 Dazzling Gleam range (which I did), and swept from there. Would heavily recommend using DD Koko if your opponent's Koko check is something like VA Corv or Roseli Chomp.
Week 4
For Week 4 I decided to use flavor-of-the-month mon Chandelure and the annoying ZyGod. The reason for this was I saw The Numbers Man using Specs Chandy in OMPL and winning with it, but I didn't want to build a super similar build. I finally caved in and used a variant of the MandyRachi core that's been popping up recently, with Flash Fire over DShield in case I saw a Chandy or something. Last two mons are the same stuff I always use, Rocks Mew and Prankster Pex. What can I say? They're pretty good glue mons.
T0 loss, but not as drastic as Week 1, and I could've played better here. Xurkitree coming in meant I had to play a 50/50 between ZyGod and Rachi...but it turns out adem had 0 brain cells and just clicked Rising Volt the entire time (no disrespect meant towards them, I would've done the exact same thing). Getting in Chandy was hard because my Defogger got beat by their Rocker so I had to deal with Rocks up the entire time, and abusing ZyGod was difficult because I loaded into a stale-ass BoltBeam Mew. Eventually, Xurk got in when I had no switchins to it and I lost. Bleh. Not a fun game. At least the Genesect was Scarf.
Week 5
Not revealing the paste because I have plans for this team, but going into Week 5 I wanted to finish at least 3-2 and hopefully help make playoffs, and HydraRat was probably the most consistent team I had in my builder. The idea behind it is two underrated breakers fire off strong buttons while pivoting into each other, with a malleable defensive core giving both breakers opportunities to come in and wreak havoc. Corvid has been a bunch of things in the past, but here I decided to use Volt Absorb because of Tapu BroKo. Mew was another ability before I changed it to Regen Scarf for this match. Pex is standard, I feel like building a team without Pex in this meta (or something to stop setup in general) is very hard. Finally, Dragalge is a unique RegenVest option that helps pad the MU against DesoLand Heatran and other Fire-types.
This was not a game I should've won lol. I made a major misplay Tricking away my Scarf and not keeping it for ZyDog, which meant that a ZyDog opening was awful for my team. Luckily, my opponent was not well versed in AAA, so I could prey on predictable options and hope they didn't just hard into ZyDog at any time. When Hydregion failed to OHKO Genesect on Turn 70, I just about gave up. My only option was to hard in Mienshao and pray for a crit on Corviknight + the Corviknight clicking U-turn instead of Brave Bird...which is exactly what I got. Honestly, if martinvtran clicked Brave Bird on the turn Mienshao crit, they won 100% of the time. This is a main example of why you never quit even if all seems hopeless because watching your opponent tunnel vision and hand you the win is the most relieving feeling ever.
Other teams
I built this after discovering MandyRachi cores were on the rise. The idea was that Grimm breaks with Tinted Spirit Break, while Koko and Azzy clean up the pieces. Unfortunately, I found out that DShield Mandy is not 2HKOed by Grimm. If you ran Adaptability it could work, but then you would have to predict, which requires thinking, and I hate thinking.
Here are those Week 2 teams I was talking about. I was in a bit of a slump in terms of teambuilding and felt these teams had numerous flaws that I couldn't fix quickly enough before I had to play. I have no intention of using them in the future, so maybe they can help someone.
Metagame Observations
Over the past month, I have become convinced Tapu Koko is too much for the tier. Pixilate sets are already tough to deal with, between being a top-tier breaker and enabler, but combined with how strong sets like Double Dance, Discharge pivot, and Magic Guard + Calm Mind are, this pushes Koko over the edge for me. More splashable checks like Jirachi and WA Corvid are setup bait for CM sets in a vacuum, which forces either Icy Wind on Jirachi + offensive counterplay or a Ground-type that can handle Koko on every team. However, I think the true issue with Koko is the Screens set. Currently, I cannot see what consistently beats Screens, as anti-setup picks like Prankster Pex or Unaware mons can be overwhelmed or rendered null by the right mon. Tapu Koko is one of the main reasons why Screens is so successful, as it will almost always get both of them up, deny hazards + Defog with Taunt and Magic Bounce, and pivot into something that probably 6-0s your team. No matter what the team, Tapu Koko will always dictate the pace of the game to an unhealthy extent, and I think banning it would be an important step to improving the metagame.
I used to think ZyGod was broken. I no longer do. However, I struggle to see what positive value it provides to the tier. Being only the second "Ubers" element unbanned this generation, it has constricted teambuilding to a point where DShield BoltBeam Mew or DShield Mandy are on every team, and not prepping for it doesn't mean "oh this is annoying but I can play around it" but actually "if I give this thing one free turn I can lose on the spot", and with its tremendous bulk + ability to bluff an equally devastating Adaptability Choice Band set, it's usually never dead weight. Unlike Zamazenta, which was also unbanned but is trash so the impact it would have on the meta is not important, ZyGod is very viable, as attested to by the rise of DShield users. Also, I'm not a big fan of how it was just dropped and people were expected to adapt to it immediately. Compared to Zamazenta, which received a suspect test, Power Construct wasn't even on a survey, it was just unbanned by the council. I would argue this is unfair because there are different standards being applied to unbanned elements, and I think that ZyGod should have an actual suspect like Zamazenta to determine its fate.
People are actually complaining about Magic Bounce? Sorry, I don't see it. Tbh if you can't get hazards up versus a MB mon, then you either have a bad team or are getting consistently outplayed. Magic Bounce mons like Blissey and Mew usually have to check other things that aren't the hazards setter, and often they can get overwhelmed. Magic Bounce mons are abusable in the same way other defensive mons are: by wearing them down, harding in breakers on recovery moves, smart doubles, or just abusing their passivity. There is also a major lack of MoldyTran right now, which is most likely why some teams struggle with Magic Bounce more than others, and I would highly recommend making that your Rocker if you wanna body Magic Bounce.
Thanks for reading!