Resource AG Team Bazaar (Post-Home Teams start from #10)

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(Approved by lotiasite)
(OP taken from


(gorgeous art by Albinson)

Welcome to the Anything Goes Team Bazaar! This is the thread for sharing teams you've built that you'd like to discuss or get advice on! In short, it's a thread where you can show off teams without having to go through the trouble of writing up a full RMT. As long as your team is aimed at being functional in the Anything Goes metagame, you're free to post it here (in other words, don't post a team of 6 Caterpies simply because you think they're cute). With that said, here are a few guidelines for posting here that you're expected to have read:
  • This isn't the place to post unfinished or untested teams. While the standards here are more lax than the RMT forum, you're still expected to put some effort into polishing your team before presenting them here.
  • If you're going to comment on a team, please be constructive about it. If someone gives feedback on your team, also try to approach it with a constructive attitude even if you don't necessarily agree.
  • Try to avoid one-liners when commenting on a team. On a related note, try and avoid long back-and-forth discussions arguing about a team. If it gets too out of hand, your posts may be deleted.
  • Include a description, importable, and sprites when posting teams please! Make sure your description addresses specific teambuilding choices and general strategy, as well as any unique sets that might be on your team.
  • Please don't ask for your team to be added to samples. If you want to know why your team was turned down, message a council member and they'll try to give you some idea of why (don't nag though, decisions on teams will not be made right away).

The Anything Goes council will also be monitoring this thread for particularly good submissions, the best of which have a chance to be featured as sample teams in a separate thread. So, Sample Submissions can also be posted here.

The standards for a team being selected for the Sample Teams are as follows:
  • The team is accompanied by a clear explanation of the roles of each member and how the team should be played.
  • The team should be representative of the Anything Goes metagame. Niche builds are less likely to be featured than ones that represent the defining builds of the metagame.
  • The team should be extensively tested and polished. Having demonstrated success on ladder and tournaments is also a plus.
  • The team should have sufficient counterplay to most or all of the metagame, as well as general team archetypes (webs, stall, etc).
  • Sample teams should be relatively simple and intuitive to use. A new player should be able to understand how the sets and team as a whole work based on a brief description. This is a little harder to quantify, so try to put yourself in the shoes of a newer player. Is the general strategy of this team immediately apparent just given your description? If not, it probably isn't suitable for samples.

That's all, post away!
samples subs:

Wake balance:
:toxapex::ting-lu::koraidon::walking wake::corviknight::miraidon:
Scarf Koraidon plus fast Wake is a really threatening combination, and Calm Mind Miraidon rounds out the core by taking advantage of Koraidon's Sun to click Overheat with relative freedom. It's got a fairly standard defensive backbone, but the Pex EVs are specifically chosen to avoid being 2hkoed by fast Wake's Hydro Steam in Sun. It works well on ladder and doesn't have any really bad matchups since between Miraidon and Wake it can break through just about any defensive core out there while Koraidon and Wake provide enough speed control to handle most offensive builds. I used pretty much this same team for the Ubers Moody test and it worked great there, and I've had a great deal of success with it on the AG ladder too.

SubSD Pao Balance:
:chien-pao::miraidon::corviknight::ting-lu::toxapex::great tusk:
TaxFraud and I made this during snake and it's a ton of fun and it's also really good. Scarf Miraidon forces a ton of switches and provides pivoting that you can abuse to get Pao in. Every time Chien-Pao comes in is an opportunity to win the game on the spot if you get the 50/50 right or haven't revealed your set yet. It also matches up super well into bulk but has fine matchups against just about everything since Choice Scarf Miraidon is a great equalizer and makes a lot of matchups that would otherwise be pretty difficult winnable. This one also has the specially invested Pex which IMO should be mandatory now for any Pex that doesn't have some other fat water resist / immunity / Blissey alongside it.

Band Pao + Double Dance Mirai Balance:
This originally had a Skeledirge over Pex but with the advent of Wake I'm finding it increasingly difficult to justify using Dirge on most balances since using it often means relying on one of the dragons as a Wake Check. This team's pretty generic, with the primary idea being to utilize Koraidon and Corviknight's pivoting to get Chien-Pao into a position where it can click buttons and make things disappear. Mirai serves as a nice win condition if Chien-Pao manages to break through Clodsire / Ting-Lu, and as a nice way to force either of those mons to come in so you can double Pao in and break more stuff.

Chi-Yu + Goth Balance:
:corviknight::koraidon::chi-yu::gothitelle::iron treads::toxapex:
This one's a bit of a weirder build, with the primary objective being to use Koraidon to force switches that let Gothitelle or Chi-Yu come in for free and kill them. Once their Koraidon counterplay is gone, it can clean pretty freely. Chi-Yu is a weird mon in that it's just unbelievably frail and as a result difficult to use, but pivoting helps to remedy that to an extent, giving it a good opportunity to shine. Gothitelle is another mon that's weird to use because just having it can lead to some really weird sequences where an opponent tries to play around the potential Gothitelle switchin, but at the same time it can be very difficult to predict when it's actually safe to bring it in, because if you misplay once with it there's a good chance you'll lose Gothitelle. Occa treads is funny and it's not a particularly good check to Miraidon but it does beat Flutter Mane a bit better than Ting-Lu, which is especially important since otherwise Flutter Mane would pretty much just 6-0 this team at preview. It'd probably be possible to drop Treads for Tera Steel Ting-Lu without any real consequences, although losing the extra hazard control will make Chi-Yu just that much harder to use.

I'm not yet fully Clodpilled since I still find that Ting-Lu provides invaluable utility as a backup blanket check to random offensive stuff that Clod just doesn't really provide. On most of these teams, the Ting-Lu could be pretty safely dropped for Clodsire without really jeopardizing the overall structure too much, although as usual it would make them drastically weaker to Gholdengo. Most of the defensive backbones are largely interchangeable, as Ting-Lu + Pex can generally be dropped safely for Clodsire + Skeledirge without suffering any substantial consequences, although random stuff like Flutter mane can suddenly become harder to deal with.

e: added sprites
Welcome to the post where I show you five of my favourite (in no particular order because I am lazy) generic cool and interesting SV AG teams I am submitting as samples, because I care too much about this metagame and need an self-confidence boost. I've had pretty decent success with them laddering on alts and in challenges with others. (Click sprites for PokePaste links).

Number One - Choice Specs Miraidon and Swords Dance Chien-Pao Balance
This team features the potent offensive core of Miraidon + Chien-Pao in order to break teams, has a standard defensive backbone in Clodsire + Toxapex + Corviknight, and rounds of the team with Koraidon to act as a revenge killer. I also have a similar team which instead pairs Miraidon with Iron Bundle, which gives a better matchup vs offensive teams. Not really much to explain, it's all very standard. Maybe I will make a post explaining the common Clodsire/Ting-Lu, Toxapex/Skeledirge, and Corviknight defensive core soon.

Number Two- Espathra Dual Screens Hyper Offense
:froslass::grimmsnarl::espathra::miraidon::chien-pao::great tusk:
This HO team opts for Froslass as its hazard setter as opposed to Glimmora as it would otherwise be unable to block Rapid Spin without Terastallizing. Grimmsnarl is of course a must-have on screens teams, the only notable thing here is that it has 20 Attack EVs to guarantee the 3HKO on Ting-Lu with Play Rough. Espathra and Miraidon make a good pair, weakening each other's checks so the other can clean up, with Miraidon also being able to activate Espathra's Electric Seed. Tera Fairy + Dazzling Gleam is an option over Tera Fighting + Tera Blast on Espathra, with the latter set being able to break past more of its checks, but with the former being less reliant on Terastallization. Chien-Pao is still a great wallbreaker, even on hyper offense where it can more easily afford to drop Heavy-Duty Boots. Great Tusk rounds out the team and is able to remove Stealth Rock for Chien-Pao, comfortably switch into and beat Espathra and Miraidon's checks, and threaten to sweep itself thanks to Bulk Up + Rapid Spin.

Number Three - Choice Specs Chi-Yu Sun
:great tusk::chi-yu::koraidon::ting-lu::toxapex::corviknight:
This is an altered version of a Sun team I made at the start of Gen 9. Originally, Skeledirge was here but I replaced it with Toxapex to better handle Chien-Pao. I also replaced Dragon Claw with Wild Charge on Koraidon, mainly to threaten Pelipper. Specs Chi-Yu under Sun is an insane wallbreaker that is all but guaranteed to get a kill if positioned correctly, which U-turn Koraidon can help with. Here it is paired with Scarf Koraidon for speed control and Bulk Up Great Tusk, which is an excellent form of hazard removal and can threaten to sweep teams. This team has Ting-Lu over Clodsire, but the two are always pretty interchangeable.

Number Four - Double Miraidon Balance
:miraidon::miraidon::great tusk::clodsire::toxapex::corviknight:
What is more broken than Miraidon? Logic dictates two Miraidon. This team showcases one of the few differences between Ubers and AG. The main idea here is that Specs Miraidon weakens/removes the opposing Miraidon checks so that the Double Dance Miraidon can clean up. The latter Miraidon is also good vs offensive teams. Great Tusk is also here as it has great synergy with Miraidon as the two beat each other's checks. The standard defensive core of Clodsire + Toxapex + Corviknight is again utilised here.

Number Five - Iron Valiant Sticky Web Hyper Offense
:masquerain::koraidon::chi-yu::gholdengo::iron valiant::annihilape:
See? There is actually an interesting team, I didn't lie. Webs may not be the most consistent playstyle but this team is a lot of fun. Masquerain is unfortunately the best Sticky Web user available so it is here. I decided to give it the non-standard Hydro Pump to punish Great Tusk and Iron Treads attempting to stay in and Rapid Spin away the webs, but it or Whirlwind can easily be replaced with Stun Spore. Like the last webs team I made, I wanted to exploit Chi-Yu under the Sun with Sticky Web support, so I added four attacks Koraidon and Choice Specs Chi-Yu. Gholdengo is here to block both Rapid Spin and Defog attempts to keep webs up, and to also threaten the opposing team with its Nasty Plot antics. Booster Energy Iron Valiant may seem counter-intuitive on a webs team, but I wanted to fix the issue of being unable to reliably outspeed Heavy-Duty Boots Miraidon and Choice Scarf Miraidon and Koraidon. Booster Energy Fraud Flutter Mane could be used here instead, but Iron Valiant is less susceptible to common priority moves. Lastly, the usually slow Annihilape is another good abuser of webs, and can check Heavy-Duty Boots Iron Bundle, which is otherwise thoroughly annoying to offensive teams.
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Geysers pressured me into submitting some samples so here you go

Kingambit + Encore Iron Bundle Bulky Offense
:kingambit: :iron bundle: :toxapex: :clodsire: :miraidon: :corviknight:
Kingambit is a pretty underrated mon and has good synergy with Iron Bundle, with the two of them able to wear down defensive cores and both providing some speed control. The given EV spread outspeeds most Skeledirge, and always lives Hydro Pump from Specs Bundle after rocks. Bundle abuses Kingambit’s checks and provides speed control outside of Sucker Punch. Pex EVs always live tera water Hydro Steam in sun. Mira nukes pretty much everything and can get free momentum with U-turn. Tera Fairy is helpful against Kora and Mira, but Dragon can be used for additional power. The defensive core is pretty standard to check most major threats, with Iron Bundle and Kingambit giving ample room to play around the remaining threats. Shed Shell on Clod since getting 6-0d by Mira + Goth/Dug isnt fun. Tera Flying on Corv boosts Brave Bird to quite respectable levels, and makes it resist Great Tusk's CC; the EVs always live +2 LO Chien-Pao Icicle Crash.

Scarf Koraidon + Walking Wake Sun
:Koraidon: :Walking Wake: :Great Tusk: :Clodsire: :Toxapex: :Corviknight:
Walking Wake is a menace that just outspeeds and KOs everything. The team typically wants to play to getting Wake into a position where it can click Hydro Steam and win. Dragon Pulse is chosen over Flamethrower to threaten Mira and Kora without the drop from Draco. Kora is a self-explanatory partner, with scarf providing a lot of freedom in how you play. Wild Charge is for Peli which is obnoxious otherwise, but Dragon Claw works perfectly fine too. Tusk has good synergy with Wake by pressuring Pex and Clodsire, and I think the Bulk Up set is an incredibly underused wincon that can just power through entire teams. The defensive core is literally copied from the other team except for tera ground on Pex to help vs Mira, though a fast Taunt Ting-Lu instead of Clodsire would work to facilitate the offensive core. Alternatively, Walking Wake can be replaced by scarf Chi-Yu which is almost as effective.

Double Miraidon + Chien-Pao Offense
:miraidon: :miraidon: :chien-pao: :toxapex: :corviknight: :iron treads:
This is an edit of a team that Geysers and I made for Staxi to use in snake (he won ofc). The main goal of the team is to apply pressure to the opponent's checks to double dance Mira with banded Chien-Pao so Mira can sweep late game. Scarf Mira gives the team more room to play around the opponent's threats, with Tera Dragon making it able to muscle through more mons, and is especially helpful for getting through Clodsire so the double dance Mira can sweep. Skele was changed to Pex to act as the team's primary Wake check, with Tera Grass letting it take a hit from Miraidon or Great Tusk in a pinch. Corviknight is able to act as a pivot to get in Chien-Pao more easily, and can U-turn out of Great Tusk into scarf Miraidon. A SpDef spread is used for extra insurance vs Iron Bundle and Fraud Mane, though a physically defensive set would improve the matchup vs Great Tusk. Iron Treads has an Occa Berry to take an Overheat from Mira, and Tera Ghost blanks fighting moves, blocks Rapid Spin, and can escape a Dugtrio trap. We decided to forgo Rapid Spin in favor of Volt Switch as the team prefers faster games anyway.

These next few teams aren't sample submissions but I wanted to share them anyway

Double Dance Mira Screens
:grimmsnarl: :glimmora: :miraidon: :chien-pao: :iron moth: :great tusk:
If you were at all active in the ag room on ps! in december and january, you already know what this team is. I built the original version of this team back in early december and peaked ladder after a few hours of climbing, and started to share the team around. I tweaked tons of different things until it ended up in its final form. I faced this team countless times on ladder and in roomtours so I thought I would be doing it a disservice if I didn't bring it up. The team's main goal is to get into a position where Mira or Chien-Pao is able to set up safely. Grimmsnarl is running the unorthodox max attack and play rough because it allows it to genuinely threaten a lot of mons with massive damage. Iron Moth is able to lure in ground types to make Miraidon's job easier, and can potentially sweep with agility and a few timely boosts from fiery dance. Tera Steel on Tusk lets it take fairy and dragon moves and allows it to set up on corviknight even easier. Sadly the team has really fallen off so I do not recommend using it anymore.

Koraidon Spam
:koraidon: :koraidon: :koraidon: :clodsire: :great tusk: :flutter mane:
This team is very fun to use. Life Orb Koraidon is able to smash open all of the common Koraidon checks so that the Sub + Bulk Up Koraidon is able to clean through teams. Flare Blitz and Wild Charge are used to easily break Pelipper and any fairy-types, the last two moves are flexible as long as you have a move capable of breaking Skeledirge. The Sub + Bulk Up Koraidon is a good cleaner that can set up on stuff like Clodsire pretty safely. Bulk Up is used instead of SD to make setting up on Great Tusk easier, and Stomping Tantrum is able to finish off weakened Skeledirge and Toxapex. Scarf Koraidon acts as the team's speed control, with tera fighting to boost CC to ridiculous levels. The Clodsire and Tusk sets are pretty standard, with Tera Steel on Tusk helping vs Chien-Pao. AV Flutter checks miscellaneous threats like Walking Wake, Iron Bundle, Chi-Yu and Miraidon, as well as blocking rapid spin so Tusk can't set up and sweep.

edit: added more teams
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Posted these in my AGSD teamdump but here are my favorite and most usable SV teams, enjoy :) - sub encore bundle + tinglu + ghol - spikestack bo - double av + nmi bundle + tinglu + ghol - spikestack heavy offense - hippo + ghol ft. spd glimm & scarf tusk - sand balance - korai spam + goth - sun heavy offense

Just to note, these teams were made for AGSD bo3 sets, so they're not necessarily consistent ladder teams but quite strong in bo1. The heavy offenses will be weak to HO structures, but to be honest most matchups should be playable with these ones. Hope they prove to be good for y'all

edit: see agsd teamdump for brief explanations, but happy to provide them more in detail
Alright, so in this post I'll share some of my SV teams. Particularly, the ones which are my favorite. I've had pretty decent success with these teams on ladder with alts, room-tours and challenge with others. So let's get this started

Specs Chi-Yu
:koraidon: :chi-yu: :great tusk: :ting-lu: :toxapex: :corviknight:
This is a pretty standard Specs Chi-Yu build, but I'll explain it through lol. Originally, this team had Skeledirge over Toxapex, but with Wake being introduced, I swapped Skeledirge with Pex. Scarf Kora provides speed control, and can easily bring in Chi-Yu via U-Turn. Chi-Yu is one hell of a wallbreaker under sun, just bring it in correctly, and it does it's thing. I've chosen BU Tusk here because it can just sweep through teams, and acts as an additional hazard removal apart from Corv. The EVs on Pex are for always living Tera Water Hydro Steam from Wake in sun. You can use Dragon Claw > Wild Charge, but then Pelipper is not pleasing. This team has Ting-Lu over Clod, but you can drop Ting-Lu for Clod, and you should be completely fine.

Double Dance Mira Balance
:miraidon: :chien pao: :toxapex: :koraidon: :ting lu: :corviknight:
Again, this team had Skeledirge over Pex at the start, but now I changed Skele to Pex. The idea of this team is pretty simple, bring in Pao via Corv or Scarf Kora and then click buttons. Once Pao has cleaned through Ting-Lu / Clodsire, Mira just cleans through. And in general, Mira and Pao compliment each other really well with having answers to each other's checks. You should be fine with running Clod > Ting-Lu here, but I feel Ting-Lu provides good backup to stuff which Clod just doesn't. But it should be fine.

Specs Mira + Boots Pao
:miraidon: :chien pao: :iron bundle: :toxapex: :clodsire: :corviknight:
This is a team I built few weeks back which features the offensive core of Mira + Pao + Bundle and the standard defensive core of Pex, Clod, Corv. Mira and Pao compliment each other really well, and Bundle is here because it's one of the best speed controls in the meta apparently. Corv is Tera Flying because it helps to check Tusk better, due to the fact that you resist Close Combat. Also it boosts Brave Bird damage relatively well.

That's it for my teams for now. I do have more teams, but they aren't equipped to the current meta. Anyways, these are the 3 teams I wanted to post, enjoy!!
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Heard about the Breloom craze a couple days ago and decided to build a team with it, which I've been using for AGLT. Also getting like 10 DMs a day to share it so here you go ~

Frozen Spikes (Cloyster) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast

Wicked Witch (Hatterene) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 204 HP / 252 SpA / 52 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Mystical Fire
- Healing Wish

Iron Monkey (Breloom) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Spore

Chilling Sabre (Chien-Pao) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sword of Ruin
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Crunch
- Ice Shard
- Ice Spinner

Winged King (Koraidon) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Low Kick
- Stomping Tantrum
- Flame Charge

Iron Serpent (Miraidon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Hadron Engine
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 172 HP / 236 SpA / 100 Spe
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Dazzling Gleam
- Parabolic Charge
- Agility
Should be easy enough to pilot this team, you lead Cloyster and depending on the anti-lead you either click Shell Smash (vs. Iron Bundle / Chien-Pao / if you force a switch), Icicle Spear (Flutter Mane / Flame Charge Koraidon / Breloom / Miraidon sometimes), Spikes (vs. Miraidon sometimes / most other things). If they anti-lead Grimmsnarl, Toxapex, or Glimmora, immediately go to Hatterene. Be smart with your Cloyster; it is a very high-value Pokemon if used correctly and you shouldn't just blindly Shell Smash / Spikes turn 1 if you have the opportunity to trade with an annoying Pokemon like Flutter Mane. If you really need to get opposing Koraidon / Breloom out of the way, you can Tera Ghost and take them out, but be careful about this and plan ahead.

Hatterene is vital to this team. You DO NOT want entry hazards on your side of the field (there are three Focus Sash users). If you lose momentum against an entry hazard setter, doesn't matter which one, go to Hatterene immediately. It has an Air Balloon equipped to help against common entry hazard setters in Iron Treads, Clodsire, and Ting-Lu. Hatterene has three other majorly important roles in this team, i.e. it blocks momentum loss at the hands of Toxapex for Cloyster / Chien-Pao / Koraidon, weakens Iron Treads / Gholdengo for Miraidon / Breloom, and restores teammates + a potential Focus Sash with Healing Wish. Don't try to be cute and replace this with a sweeper, I guarantee you it will worsen the performance of this team.

Chien-Pao is the next important member of the team. Do not replace this with anything and do not change the item on this. Focus Sash gives you a lot of breathing room against the Dragons, letting you 1v1 them reliably / re-grab momentum from them if they've managed to boost their stats. You can change Ice Shard to Sucker Punch for Iron Bundle but Ice Shard performs better on ladder. Breloom and Koraidon are the stars of this team, synergizing very well with each other. You'll often find one of these two cleaning up your opponent. Don't change this Koraidon set, you need it to overwhelm both Skeledirge and Toxapex for Breloom and Chien-Pao, respectively. Don't be stingy with Terastalizing Koraidon either. If you have the opportunity to overwhelm Skeledirge or take out Iron Bundle / Flutter Mane with Tera Fire, do so. Double Dance Miraidon rounds out the team as the last win condition and a check to the otherwise annoying Gholdengo. Don't be afraid of opposing Clodsire / Iron Treads on preview and write Miraidon off completely. Use Miraidon to bait them in, double switch into Koraidon / Breloom and go from there. If your opponent's Miraidon check is Ting-Lu, preserve Terastal for Miraidon, since chances are it will end up sweeping.

It's the only team I've been using for AGLT and it's performed really well, which is surprising because I can't pilot hyper offense, so it must be really good. Use it well and happy laddering ~
why great tusk if i may ask, tbh imo there are better hazard removers like giratina if u want to be a little bulky and defog isnt blocked by ghost types (fuck gholdengo) or regieleki for a fast strong pokemon who can remove hazards
I think great tusk works just fine, though I very much question the moveset and Tera ghost. It’s the only good rapid spinner in the format and provides much more utility than giratina. It can pretty reliably switch into Koraidon, and it has good synergy with its own koraidon.
Great Tusk is a fine 'mon though you probably don't want Tera Ghost (Tera Ghost is meant for hazard lead sets to block Rapid Spin in an emergency) - Knock Off would be good to hit Calyrex-S and other ghosts on the switch.

The problem with Giratina is that it defogs and does...nothing else. This gen, it lost Toxic which makes it _really_ passive (poor guy, it also lost Roar!). Giratina-O is less passive - a set of Defog/Shadow Sneak/WoW/Hex does good damage and checks EKiller but it neither has boots nor recovery so it's not super bulky in practice. It also has a very bad time against Sash/Tera Caly-S, who can come in on the Defog and force it out.
Great Tusk is a fine 'mon though you probably don't want Tera Ghost (Tera Ghost is meant for hazard lead sets to block Rapid Spin in an emergency) - Knock Off would be good to hit Calyrex-S and other ghosts on the switch.

The problem with Giratina is that it defogs and does...nothing else. This gen, it lost Toxic which makes it _really_ passive (poor guy, it also lost Roar!). Giratina-O is less passive - a set of Defog/Shadow Sneak/WoW/Hex does good damage and checks EKiller but it neither has boots nor recovery so it's not super bulky in practice. It also has a very bad time against Sash/Tera Caly-S, who can come in on the Defog and force it out.
While this information is not incorrect, I find that a far more effective approach to building is to simply ignore hazards with Taunt spam and Heavy-Duty Boots. Giratina-Origin is a phenonenal mon, but it has immense difficulty fitting Defog into its moveset. I find these sets to be far more effective as a tank and overall solid presence. Thunder Wave instead of Will-O-Wisp punishes common switch ins like Fairyceus far better, as few things are going to simply sit there if they expect a Wisp. Of course these movesets are changeable, and it could fit Defog if necessary, but I simply find every other move more important.

On to the real post, I was considering whether or not I would share this with AGPL so close, but Frozoid convinced me, and it's not too hard to figure out the team from my game vs Frito.

:sv/arceus-ground: :sv/arceus: :sv/arceus: :sv/grimmsnarl: :sv/calyrex-shadow: :sv/eternatus:
An extremely simple, yet effective dual screens hyper offense primarily revolving around getting one of two primary sweepers, Bulk Up Arceus and Taunt + Draining Kiss Calyrex-S, into position to sweep. Lead Arceus-Ground acts as the team's sole hazard setter, with a good offensive presence and a fast Taunt deterring opposing hazards. Life Orb Arceus and Eternatus act as the standard wallbreakers, with Arceus able to pressure Ting-Lu, Clodsire, and Toxapex, with Eternatus doing the same for Skeledirge, Giratina, and potential defensive Arceus. Grimmsnarl is the obligatory screens setter with Play Rough to deter Ting-Lu. Calyrex-S is running a Taunt + Draining Kiss set to better abuse screens and cause issues for bulkier teams, the EVs are explained here. Bulk Up Arceus is used as it is another prime abuser of dual screens, and is an incredibly potent cleaner against offensive teams. Kyogre, especially scarf, is a major nuisance for this team, and you have to do your best to keep screens and rocks up to prevent getting humiliated by it.

Edit to avoid double posting:

mostly sharing this since I wanna help all the ladder heroes get better. o7
:sv/rayquaza: :sv/ting-lu: :sv/calyrex-shadow: :sv/giratina-origin: :sv/arceus: :sv/skeledirge:
Standard balance team built around using Choice Band Rayquaza as the primary breaker. Rayquaza is an absolutely horrendous wallbreaker that just gets 2HKOs or OHKOs on pretty much everything, and Air Lock even allows it to take a Dragon Claw from Scarf Koraidon. It can get opportunities vs various defensive mons like Ting-Lu and Clodsire, Adamant can be used but Jolly doesn't miss out on any notable calcs. Ting-Lu is the go-to switch in for Calyrex and Miraidon, and also provides spikes and rocks to better wear down opposing teams. Scarf Caly is an incredible revenge killer and cleaner, with Trick providing immense utility, especially in matchups where the speed is less important. Gira-O works together with Ray to check Kyogre, Groudon, and DD Groundceus, as well as being an incredible tank and pivot, with Thunder Wave being used over Will-o-wisp to punish Fairyceus and Darkceus switching into it. Arceus is an incredible breaker and sweeper, while acting as insurance against almost every threat in the metagame. Skeledirge rounds out the team by checking Zacian-C, Fairyceus, Koraidon, and working together with Gira-O to check Extreme Killer Arceus.
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I decided to share some teams after playing AG ladder on alts with decent success and here is what I came up with:

Team I
A hyper offense team that matches up decently well into opposing HO/Balance. Meowscarada is the fastest lead in the metagame and also has access to many options that make it into a viable lead. The main objective of the team is to sweep with DD Groundceus and Encore Calyrex. Ekiller comes in later to clean weakened teams, and CM Fairyceus is a potent sweeper that usually comes in mid-game. Encore Calyrex punishes opponents for trying to set up or extreme speed and uses a free turn to set up Nasty Plot and sweep. Lorb Koraidon is also very helpful to enable ekiller by defeating it's checks. The DD Groundceus EVs help it outspeed Calyrex-Shadow at +1 and Koraidon EVs outspeed scarfed Calyrex at +2. Poison Tera is used on Fairyceus to make it absorb Toxic Spikes while also being a good defensive tera in itself. Eternatus is very annoying for this team and should be played carefully.

:Hatterene: :Koraidon: :Miraidon: :Chi-yu: :Dondozo: :Ting Lu:
Team II
A fun Hatterene + Chi-Yu build, Hatterene consistently denies hazards which would otherwise cause major problems for most of the other mons. Though rare, Toxic Spikes + Sludge Bomb Eternatus is a major nuisance for this team and should not be let in for free. Air Balloon on Hatterene is there for Ting Lu and Tera Fire > Tera Ghost on Koraidon is for CM Arceus. Just U-turn Koraidon into Chi-Yu vs any walls and you can easily clean. Specs Miraidon is more late game and helps you clean and outspeed everything else (except Calyrex). Overheat can also be dropped for Tera Blast Ice/Dazzling Gleam. Can also use Nuzzle > Mystical Fire on Hatterene to punish switch ins such as Calyrex.

:Eternatus: :Toxapex: :Koraidon: :Ting-Lu: :Giratina-Origin: :Calyrex-Shadow:
Team III
Encore on Scarf Calyrex may seem weird but it has the ability to punish setup effectively and can save games. Taunt Ting-Lu is for opposing Ting-Lu. Defog on Gira-O is for emergency cases and can be dropped for Wisp/Thunder Wave. (I forgot what the EVs on Gira-O do as they aren't mine) Dual poison makes you pretty much immune to Toxic Spikes and can be really annoying vs teams that do not have a proper switch in.

Edit: Added more teams
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hihihihihiiii we're a few weeks into agpl and with all the laddering and grinding ive been doing i wanted to share some teams i have been enjoying using on the ladder and in tests that have been rejected from my teamcord lol :3 so if nobody else is gonna use them I might as well share with the community...especially cus all the post home teams Ive seen posted r boring....

:oricorio: :calyrex-shadow: :grimmsnarl: :pixie_plate: :kyogre: :eternatus:
This was an Oricorio baton pass team I built obviously around Oricorio. It has some nice resistances against Koraidon/Zacian that it can take advantage of which makes it a little bit viable. The main issue of course is its poor stats/weakness to Taunt (which is incredibly prevalent) but with screens up you have a decent likelihood to get something going if you get a free turn or two.

:kyogre: :landorus-therian: :giratina-origin: :arceus: :ting-lu: :calyrex-shadow:
Tl;dr CM Ogre is funny and Tera steel gives you some nice setup opportunities. Tera fairy is also equally viable I think but I'm just a Steel kinda person. The rest of the team I kinda copied from Strap's week 2 (?) team and then just used some balance mons like Ting/etc.

:masquerain: :vivillon: :earth_plate: :arceus: :calyrex-shadow: :koraidon:
Took inspiration from a Bread Sandwich team from one of the early SV home tours idr and changed it to my liking. Webs are not a great archetype but it's definitely possible to get something going if you play the first couple turns right (i.e. versus stuff like lead Koraidon/Miraidon/etc.). Main issue is always whether you lead Arc or Masq or even Viv. It's just hard to pilot really but Viv is always fun to use.

:arceus: :koraidon: :arceus: :calyrex-shadow: :samurott-hisui: :eternatus:
Taxfraud-adjacent HO with Samurott-Hisui as guaranteed spikes, Eternatus to sponge Toxic Spikes, dual ekiller, and obligatory Caly-S. This is really not a particularly creative team and could probably be refined more, but at the same time I think it's something that if piloted well has a solid change to win. I built this when I was still picking up the tier so it's not fully optimized and I'd change it more now if I felt like it.

:gothitelle: :koraidon: :arceus: :giratina-origin: :ting-lu: :skeledirge:
I really don't think Gothitelle is that bad, and I think that this comp is one of the better examples of a Goth team that has been made. I think people are just so hyperfocused on the Goth sample set from pre-home which is outdated and not good that they kind of ignore that there are plenty of other sets/spreads/moves that can be run that are also viable and make the mon good. This is a standard balance with Goth > Caly-S and here I think Goth helps free up the team decently by removing stuff like Groundceus/Some ekiller/some Koraidon/etc. I've still been debating other Goth sets and think that it's super underexplored; can def get something like Specs/Scarf BP Caly -> Gothitelle to trap Ting-Lu etc. or Darkceus.

Other teams
:miraidon: :calyrex-shadow: :miraidon: :arceus: :glimmora: :zacian-crowned:
:garganacl: :giratina-origin: :landorus-therian: :arceus: :pixie_plate: :clodsire:
:kingambit: :arceus: :arceus: :giratina-origin: :clodsire: :pixie_plate:
:skeledirge: :dondozo: :blissey: :toxapex: :dread_plate: :clodsire:

ill try and post more after pl cus ive been having a lot of fun with this tier (s/o Taka corvere ) and i have been cooking a lot more than what ive shared here :3
Hello, I am going to post some more teams after playing AG again. Got decent success with all of these, though I'm too lazy to actually ladder due to how cumbersome it can get.
:Kyogre: :Miraidon: :Calyrex-Shadow: :Splash-Plate: :Ting-Lu: :Giratina-Origin:
Kyogre adds pressure to opposing Ting-Lu, acts as decent speed control and powers up Judgment for Waterceus so that it is able to 2HKO most offensive threats. Miraidon is the primary wall breaker of the team and causes severe damage to Ting-Lu and the occasional Clodsire. Calyrex-Shadow cleans up afterwards.
Gira-O helps keep hazards away as they otherwise cause problems for the team.
Ting-Lu acts as the special wall and sets up hazards.
:Calyrex-Shadow: :Ting-Lu: :Eternatus: :Splash-Plate: :Koraidon: :Dread-Plate:
Rather interesting team I made with Kasib Calyrex to play around with mons like Ekiller and Ting Lu. Band Koraidon acts as a breaker and a major offensive presence. I made Eternatus Scarf here to try out something new, as most Etern are defensive. Modest ensures that Miraidon is OHKOed by Dynamax Cannon. Darkceus is there as a backup check to Ekiller, and the primary check to Calyrex-Shadow due its access to recovery and Foul Play. It can even check mons such as Zacian and Koraidon after a tera in a pinch if it has to.
:Earth-Plate: :Calyrex-Shadow: :Arceus: :Pixie-Plate: :Koraidon: :Miraidon:
Decided to build an HO with a Fairyceus Lead. Koraidon breaks the defensive checks for Ekiller so it can clean up later. Miraidon and Calyrex-Shadow work together in tandem to break through Specially defensive walls such as Ting-Lu. DD Groundceus with defensive investment ensures a better matchup vs opposing Ekiller. It is also quite hard to revenge kill due to it's high defensive stats.
:Miraidon: :Calyrex-Shadow: :Splash-Plate: :Ting-Lu: :Koraidon: :Zacian-Crowned:
I made Agility SD Zacian. Has good bulk and can easily clean entire teams after setting up. Arceus Water checks most of the physical attackers in the game, Ting-Lu is the special wall. Double Dance Miraidon can easily get out of control and can oftentimes win the game for you on the spot, after Calyrex-Shadow weakens Miraidon's checks. Tricking Scarf on walls notably eases the matchup vs bulkier teams, that can otherwise cause problems. Band Koraidon acts as a decent wallbreaker and can easily remove walls like Skeledirge, Toxapex and Dondozo for Zacian.
:Venomoth: :Miraidon: :Eternatus: :Calyrex-Shadow: :Earth-Plate: :Meowscarada:

Funny team I made during the start of post home ladder. Objective is to just pass Quiver Dance to a mon like Miraidon/Calyrex and clean teams.

Lead is Meowscarada as you absolutely cannot afford to get hazards on your side of the field, and Meowscarada does the job well. I have used Knock Off > Sucker Punch and 188 Special Defense to eat from two Astral Barrages after someone on ladder decided to click Substitute vs Sucker Meowscarada.

Venomoth is very important to the team and should be preserved as much as possible. Focus Sash is mandatory for it in order to get +2s in a pinch and to get another chance to click sleep powder, should it miss. If you see an opposing Miraidon you should immediately click Quiver Dance and pass it, provided electric terrain is not present. Watch your opponent switch their Miraidon, then pass to your own Miraidon. Even Specs Meteor from opposing Miraidon won't OHKO after a +1 boost. At +2, Miraidon is nigh unstoppable. If you see a notably fat/stall team, you should ALWAYS pass the boosts with substitute to prevent getting statused/revenge killed. In addition, Venomoth's ability allows it to avoid taunt 50% of the time, which is a boon in this meta.

Eternatus and Calyrex-Shadow are more endgame, though you should not hesitate to use Calyrex early if you see a way to break the team.
Using Psyshock > Encore on Calyrex is an option to annoy Clodsire, however this heavily sacrifices the matchup vs Ekiller, that can otherwise rip this team apart. Do not get your Eternatus chipped unless you absolutely have to, as otherwise, it becomes almost useless in the game due to it getting revenge killed.

Groundceus acts as the team's only physical attacker and can often be the wincon vs fat teams.

Have fun with these.
Sample Submission

When I was reading the recent VR update, I was surprised to see the mention of Solar Beam Miraidon. I also saw it included in Miraidon’s sample sets, and even learned that it had been used in the final rounds of UPL (and had a great win rate to boot!) I was convinced this meant somebody had beat me to it, but after some research and asking around, its first serious usage was indeed in my AGPL week 5 match against Tier! Without further ado, here is the team:


Miraidon with Solar Beam is the main breaker, and the star of the show. 1+ Tera Grass Solar Beam has an 87.5% chance to OHKO Ting-Lu, and has a clean 2HKO on Clodsire. 1+ SpA OR Tera Grass enables an OHKO on 252 HP Arceus-Ground. By knocking these defensive checks down, it can pose a serious threat to teams. Heavy-Duty Boots compliment this, as it can come in and out repeatedly and be a strong force late-game. Koraidon enables all of this, providing the obviously necessary sun support and being able to lure in some of its more passive checks that it can pivot to Miraidon on. Tera Fire allows Koraidon to break through Landorus-T and bulky Arceus forms with Flare Blitz if necessary. Ting-lu is a standard Miraidon check, and can also stave off Arceus-Ground that haven’t yet fallen victim to Miraidon’s Solar Beam. Spikes support weakens support Arceus forms, which is helpful to all of the team’s attackers. Tera Poison flips many would-be super effective attacks (Zacian-C’s Play Rough, Koraidon’s Low Kick, Calyrex-Shadow’s Grass Knot, Arceus-Fairy’s Judgement) to resists, as well as providing a Toxic immunity. Arceus serves as the team’s primary answer to Calyrex-Shadow while also being a threatening setup sweeper late-game. Its more passive defensive checks (Skeledirge, Toxapex, Arceus-Dark) give Miraidon an opportunity to come in, while Tera Fire allows it to beat support Will-O-Wisp Arceus that Miraidon would rather not come in on. Skeledirge is a staple defensive Pokémon, walling Miraidon’s main revenge killers in Zacian-C and Scarf Koraidon. It also checks Arceus and softchecks Arceus-Fairy. Tera Flying can flip the script on Landorus-T, Groudon, and physical Arceus-Ground as well as maintaining a fighting resistance. Finally, Calyrex-Shadow ties it all together. It greatly appreciates Miraidon’s ability to remove Ting-lu, as it can cripple its other major check in Arceus using Encore. This move can also lock other Arceus forms into their setup or recovery, preventing them from spiraling out of control. Calyrex-Shadow’s incredible speed tier allows to to act as a secondary revenge killer to any attacker that isn’t a choice scarf user or another Calyrex-Shadow. Tera Normal actually does allow it to win these mirror matchups, while also providing an immunity to Giratina-Origin’s Shadow Sneak and Arceus’s Shadow Claw.

And that’s the team! I thought a simple, straightforward (but still fun and thought out) balance team would make for a good sample submission. Cheers!
More teams following DLC since there have been no submissions as of late.

:Koraidon: :Koraidon: :Koraidon: :Calyrex-Shadow: :Great Tusk: :Ribombee:

With DLC adding Scale Shot to Koraidon, it is able to break through most of it's checks with ease, completely ripping apart balance and bulky offense cores. I decided to have fun with this team during early DLC and almost peaked with it. Great Tusk is rather weird in here but does it's job by clicking Stealth Rocks and spinning away other hazards, though you can just as easily replace it with Glimmora if you want to. Rest of the mons are self explanatory, you can replace Encore with Taunt on Calyrex-S to better deal with opposing webs teams. (Note that you can replace Iron Head on Koraidon for something else, I just kept it to avoid Recoil against Fairyceus)

:Calyrex-Shadow: :Arceus-Fairy: :Arceus: :Ting-Lu: :Landorus-therian: :Koraidon:

Solid BO that I have been laddering with for a while now, CM Wisp Fairyceus has become a favourite of mine due to being almost unstoppable after a few boosts while still providing invaluable defensive utility for this team. Landorus-T acts as an excellent pivot and glues the team together. Running Adamant on Korai allows it to not be completely walled by Skeledirge/Toxapex and also makes it an excellent late game cleaner. Taunt on Calyrex-S is used for webs though it can be very easily swapped for Encore. Extreme Killer Arceus helps against random threats and can clean very well. Ting-Lu has just enough bulk to live from +1 Grass Knot from Calyrex-S and has speed investment to outpace and taunt opposing Ting-Lu.

:Calyrex-Shadow: :Miraidon: :Eternatus: :Ting-Lu: :Arceus-Fairy: :Landorus-Therian:

Similar BO to the last team but still felt like sharing, Calyrex-S and Miraidon are an excellent core that can break each other's checks and usually either one of the two ends up sweeping. Eternatus helps check Kyogre and Fairyceus better which can otherwise be a major nuisance for this team. Landorus-T is imo a very underrated mon right now, is able to prevent Ting-Lu from setting hazards and sets up its own. Arceus Fairy is Taunt instead of Calm Mind this time, though you can change it to Calm Mind if you want to.
Gm trainers.
Hope you are having a nice day!

DLC 1 metagame is coming to an end and man has it been one wild ride.

I am going to post some of the teams that I made recently which gave me decent success both on ladder and in the UMPL which ended just a few weeks back. Some of the teams are not upto date and require some improvements imo but they are still fun teams which can win you games.

That being said, I am not the best with words. So I am not going to try to explain the teams(for now at least). But you can always message me on both my PS(Primordiallite) and on my Discord(primordialite) if you have any questions regarding the teams. Hopefully that was not too much to read but anyways here are the teams:

Teams I used in UMPL:

Week 1: dual Koraidon with future sight caly s
Week 2: mystic water Kyogre BO
Week 3: defensive Arceus-Steel +Choice Specs Kyogre
Week 4: Mandibuzz balance
Week 5 : Specs Kyogre BO
Week 6 : taunt Miraidon with offensive T spikes Eternatus
Week 7 : funny Baxcalibur webs
Semi final: Iron defense Arceus-Fairy and Agility Caly-S
Final : Specs Eternatus

Some other fun teams: Rayquaza webs Scale shot Koraidon BO Solar beam Miraidon :) Waterceus + Tera blast water Zacian C Phys spam Specs Eternatus (original version)
That's it for now. Have fun!
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DLC 2 meta soon so here you go. Not everything I have but most of the good shit.
quick explanations (for some of them):
Bulky Fairy + Specs Caly BO
:arceus: :arceus-fairy: :koraidon: :skeledirge: :calyrex-shadow: :ting-lu:
Fairyceus broken. Specs Caly best Caly. Other mons good.

Zacian + CM Groundceus BO
:arceus: :giratina-origin: :koraidon: :skeledirge: :zacian-crowned: :arceus-ground:
Functionally the same as the last team. Zac-C takes over from Caly as the fast breaker and also takes over as the Fairy-type so you can afford to run Gira-O to make Groundceus, Caly, and Kyogre matchups a lot better. I prefer Groundceus over Ting-Lu for a special breaker to fuck up Lando, Pex, and Skele but Ting-Lu would still work. This and the first team are the most consistent structures in the meta.

Kingambit Hazardless HO
:arceus-ground: :arceus: :calyrex-shadow: :kingambit: :koraidon: :miraidon:
Inspired by something Mimikyu Stardust said in my UMPL team chat as well as the Icemaster Ubers RMT. Groundceus checks a lot of the brokens, specs Caly clicks buttons with impunity, Scarf Koraidon provides stability and keeps momentum up, Agility Miraidon is broken. Kingambit is a really nasty breaker and cleaner that has some nice defensive utility to boot.

Zacian-C + Gira-O Balance
:zacian-crowned: :toxapex: :ting-lu: :arceus: :koraidon: :giratina-origin:
This is just the sample team but modernized.

Agility Miraidon BO
:koraidon: :calyrex-shadow: :ting-lu: :arceus: :landorus-therian: :miraidon:
Very standard Ting-Lu + Lando-T team. As I have and will continue to reiterate, specs Caly is fucking incredible and is the best set. It is great at making holes or forcing tera for Mira to exploit.

Double Fairy BO
:arceus: :zacian-crowned: :koraidon: :arceus-fairy: :ting-lu: :landorus-therian:
Another very standard team. Double fairy is great at muscling through defensive structures. It honestly might be better to run a more offensive Fairyceus set with Earth Power but it will hurt defensive stability.

Double Dragon BO
:arceus-fairy: :arceus: :koraidon: :miraidon: :landorus-therian: :ting-lu:
The team I built for temp's game vs velvet in UMPL where CM Wisp Fairyceus utterly dominated. So yes, I am responsible for the influx of CM Wisp Fairy everywhere. I am very sorry.

Everything is BO because BO is the best. I don't feel like writing any more. Hope DLC 2 isn't as horrible as this meta.
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