Greetings AG community. I've got a decent team to share with you all, although it is just arceus spam (heh). I've played AG since it first started in gen 6, but in gen 6 I kinda sucked and I didn't play it that much (I was more focused on VGC and Ubers). When gen 7 started, I was eager to play the metagame again due to the addition of several new threats such as Solgaleo, Lunala, Zygarde-C, and also the nerfing of darkrai and klefki. After playing around with some of the new gen 7 pokes, I started to get the hang of the metagame a little, and it wasn't long before I completely fell in love with AG. AG is hands down my favorite tier because it is really the only metagame that is played the exact way that pokemon battles are supposed to be played, no pokemon being banned and no clauses except for the endless battle clause. I was never a fan of OU or other lower tiers because I don't like all of the restrictions and banned pokemon, and plus there are suspect tests, so a team that is very good could be rendered unusable at the hands of a suspect vote. Anyway, in the beginning of the gen I kept getting crushed on the ladder by a player named Alexei Karamazov, who is notorious for using 6 arceus teams. After losing to him and some other good players several times, I thought "hmm, why don't I just make an arceus spam team of my own?" And that is when the beta version of Divine Dominance was born. I went on a new alt that I named "Divine Dominance," and laddered with only 6-arceus teams, testing every single arceus form in the process. At last I had put together a decent team, and it actually went 87-2 on the ladder (yeah, the early gen 7 ladder was kinda bad) before I started facing higher ranked players. I even managed to defeat Alexei several times, a player who had previously beaten me consistently. Eventually after getting into the high 1800s with the team, I decided that I would be done with it, and then I switched over to my regular alt to ladder with non arceus spam teams. As several months passed my laddering skills drastically improved, and looking back I realized that my old arceus spam team really wasn't that great of a team. And so, recently, I set out to revamp it.
Teambuilding Process
The original team featured a stealth rock groundceus lead, along with 3 swords dance ekillers, one a normalceus with a silk scarf, the other a shadow force z-move ghostceus, and the last an iron head steelceus. The other two pokemon on the team were a calm mind grassceus with grass knot, and a calm mind poisonceus that carried flamethrower for dealing with pesky steel types such as ferrothorn and celesteela. Despite how this team wasn't terrible, there were several issues with it. First of all, ferrothorn and celesteela posed a TREMENDOUS threat to the team if poisonceus was down, and I was also weak to mega rayquaza and rocky helmet yveltal, since I lacked a fairyceus. In addition to this, my evs were not optimal, since, for instance, I did not have max speed jolly nature on any of my ekillers. To top all of those weaknesses off, I lacked defog. As an immediate change to the team I gave all 3 of my ekillers max speed and a jolly nature, and replaced the arceus-normal's silk scarf with a life orb. However, my team was still pretty darn weak to steel types, and still got completely wrecked by rocky helmet yveltal. Deoxys-spam tapu lele teams also posed a big threat to my team, due to how I relied on 3 extreme speed users for priority kills.
In order to patch up my yveltal and rayquaza weakness, I replaced poisonceus with support fairyceus with defog and toxic. Due to the now lack of a fire move I took calm mind off of grassceus and gave it flamethrower. My team was now much more solid, but there were still some issues that it faced, such as a bit of an increased weakness to steel types, which I could absolutely not afford. At last, I made one final odd change that sealed the deal, and completed my team. Here is the team in it's final form:
The Team
Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Recover
- Toxic
- Defog
First off, we have a classic support arceus-fairy set. The evs allow it to be at max speed, while also being bulky yet not hitting very hard. However, judgement even without investment ohkos mega rayquaza after stealth rock, and does a hefty chunk of damage to yveltal. Toxic allows for arceus fairy to stall out and annoy opposing primal groudons and ho-oh, in addition to simply spreading status. This arceus fairy set can also be effective against swords dance ghostceus, since it can speed tie with it and also cripple it with toxic, and since ghostceus usually relies on shadow force to attack, which is a two turn move, toxic takes it out pretty fast. Still beware of never-ending nightmare, which ohkos fairyceus at +2.
Arceus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
This is a standard lum berry ekiller set, not much to explain about it. This set used to be life orb with a jolly nature, but with the removal of grassceus from the team I had to have a lum berry arceus in order to better check smeargle. It is quite unfortunate that this arceus is not at maximum speed, but running an adamant nature was a must since without a life orb or silk scarf arceus does not hit very hard. The moveset enables arceus to have the best coverage possible, although another option may be to use punishment instead of shadow claw, which at +2 can ohko an opposing ghostceus that has set up a swords dance, something that shadow claw can't do unless a critical hit occurs.
Arceus-Ground @ Earth Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Roar
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
Next we have a groundceus lead set, featuring Judgment, roar, ice beam, and stealth rock. Roar is used to roar out annoying geomancy xerneas or swords dance arceus leads, while judgment is its obvious stab move. Ice beam is excellent against mega rayquaza and other flying types, and actually OHKOs mega rayquaza if it is at -1 spdf from a dragon ascent. Although lacking recovery or speed investment, this arceus has maximum special attack in addition to max HP, which allows it to hit hard and take a lot of hits before it goes down. Also, ice beam surprises salamence and zygardes that think that they can set up a dragon dance, easily ohkoing both of them.
Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
Next is swords dance steelceus, which may be the most useful pokemon on the team. I took extreme speed off and replaced it with stone edge, a move that surprises unsuspecting ho-ohs that try to come in on steelceus. Maximum speed and a jolly nature coupled with 252 atk evs are the obvious ev spread, allowing steelceus to speed tie with other max speed arceus forms. The most useful thing about this pokemon is the 30% chance for iron head to flinch opposing pokemon. Of course it is not good to rely on flinches to win games, but I can't tell you how many times I've annoyed players by getting a lucky flinch that helped me win the game. Also, if steelceus gets to +4, chances are your opponent is in big trouble unless they have quagsire.
Arceus-Fire @ Flame Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
Behold, the star of the team, not for being the best member but for being the most underrated member, fireceus! Now I know your probably thinking "lmao what, firceus sucks, and plus your set lacks recover smh." However, I assure you that this set is quite useful. The main purpose of it is to check ferrothorn and celesteela. Earth power is used to hit primal groudon decently hard, and ice beam can ohko both zygarde and mega salamence, in addition to dealing a good amount of damage to mega rayquaza and yveltal. The addition of firceus to the team also adds another soft check to steelceus and xerneas, which the team kind of needed.
Arceus-Ghost @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Force
- Brick Break
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
Lastly we have standard swords dance z-move ghostceus. Being one of the most powerful arceus sets, this one just had to be included on the team. Never-ending nightmare truly is a nightmare, and ghost + fighting boasts nearly perfect coverage. This is also a soft check to life orb ekiller arceus.
Replays win vs thegengar878, a 1600s-1800s player win vs 1st lorgone, the guy who is famous for creating that cancerous stall team that many people have used to get high on or peak the ladder win vs Falco108, who was using a modified version of hunterstorm's cuntsquad win vs Jaytin, a great player who is consistently high on the ladder win vs Shadow Thief/Leafstorm121, an excellent player who has no trouble getting past 1900 win vs Tic-Tac-Toe Guru, a veteran player who is definitely experienced in the metagame win vs Alexei Karamazov, the original user of arceus spam teams this gen win vs Hunterstorm, who is possibly the best ag player this gen, and winner of the ag open win vs r.U~b%y, a global voiced player who just started laddering recently win vs moongeistbeam5, a friend of mine who is an excellent player and consistently #1 on the ladder. win vs Tic-Tac-Toe Guru again, the battle that got me to 1904.
Proof of Peak
Also, my gxe on the Divine Dominance account was only 86.6 due to me previously using the account to ladder with trash monotype arceus teams. However, I did hit a 92 GXE on another account, called D1V1ne, with one of the beta versions of the team.
Ferrothorn aka assothorn is one of the monst annoying mons to face. Fireceus and boosted ghostceus take care of it but it is still a major threat. Still, I have gotten by many ferrothorn teams surprisingly.
Celesteela, another aids mon that I hate, is pretty much the equivalent of ferrothorn against this team. Fireceus and ghostceus can both take care of it but it is still tricky to deal with.
Quagsire is another big threat, since it walls half my team. The only way to beat it is to hit it hard with groundceus or fairyceus or to get toxic on it. You can also attempt to take it out with never-ending nightmare if it is at low health but that is not easy to do, since almost every quagsire carries protect. Quagsire is EXTREMELY tough to beat if it is paired with chansey or blissey, but somehow I managed to beat a guy with such a team but I think he was just making bad plays.
Mega gengar isn't as big of a threat as it seems. All arceus spam teams have a bit of trouble with mega gengar, but it can still easily be taken care of by arceus-n or arceus-steel's earthquake. Groundceus and fireceus also don't have trouble with it, but of course you have to watch out for d-bond shenanigans.
Darkceus isn't much of a threat, but I could definitely see a calm mind/refresh variant posing some trouble, since fairyceus won't be able to take it down if it gets 2 or more cm boosts, unless you get a crit. Luckily, cm refresh darkceus is very rare.
Ho-oh used to be a big threat but ever since I added stone edge to steelceus it is usually not a problem. Still, if stone edge misses you're in trouble. Scarf ho-oh might also be a bit of a threat.
That pretty much covers everything! Hope you enjoyed reading. Here are some shoutouts:
Dontstealmypenguin - Great ubers and ag player who I've known since like xy ubers. Your new web team that you got to 2090 with is godly.
Moongeistbeam5 - Amazing player who I've known since the beginning of gen 7 ag. Probably one of the best players in the meta with some creative teams.
Synoptic - You suck lol. Haha jk. I'm looking forward to seeing that epic rmt that you've been working on. You're a pretty darn good player.
Thimo - The based lord of gen 7 ag. Lend me some of your teambuilding skills dude.
Hunterstorm - The other based lord of gen 7 ag. Gratz on winning the ag open.
Chloe - The based lord of gen 6 ag. I'm a pretty good flowre impersonator ayy? Haha. You're an amazing player, gotta dethrone hunter and thimo.
Kaushik, p0lt3rgeist - good players and friends
Alexei Karamazov - the original user of arceus spam this gen who inspired me to make this team
F6 Tornado - You've got some godly mono arceus spam teams. Amazing player who almost beat Thimo in ag open.
Some really good players - Jaytin, Donno, FardinAG
Alright, that's it, sorry if I missed you in shoutouts, I tried to include as many as possible.
Peace. :]
Paste of team:
Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Recover
- Toxic
- Defog
Arceus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
Arceus-Ground @ Earth Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Roar
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
Arceus-Fire @ Flame Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
Arceus-Ghost @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Force
- Brick Break
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
Greetings AG community. I've got a decent team to share with you all, although it is just arceus spam (heh). I've played AG since it first started in gen 6, but in gen 6 I kinda sucked and I didn't play it that much (I was more focused on VGC and Ubers). When gen 7 started, I was eager to play the metagame again due to the addition of several new threats such as Solgaleo, Lunala, Zygarde-C, and also the nerfing of darkrai and klefki. After playing around with some of the new gen 7 pokes, I started to get the hang of the metagame a little, and it wasn't long before I completely fell in love with AG. AG is hands down my favorite tier because it is really the only metagame that is played the exact way that pokemon battles are supposed to be played, no pokemon being banned and no clauses except for the endless battle clause. I was never a fan of OU or other lower tiers because I don't like all of the restrictions and banned pokemon, and plus there are suspect tests, so a team that is very good could be rendered unusable at the hands of a suspect vote. Anyway, in the beginning of the gen I kept getting crushed on the ladder by a player named Alexei Karamazov, who is notorious for using 6 arceus teams. After losing to him and some other good players several times, I thought "hmm, why don't I just make an arceus spam team of my own?" And that is when the beta version of Divine Dominance was born. I went on a new alt that I named "Divine Dominance," and laddered with only 6-arceus teams, testing every single arceus form in the process. At last I had put together a decent team, and it actually went 87-2 on the ladder (yeah, the early gen 7 ladder was kinda bad) before I started facing higher ranked players. I even managed to defeat Alexei several times, a player who had previously beaten me consistently. Eventually after getting into the high 1800s with the team, I decided that I would be done with it, and then I switched over to my regular alt to ladder with non arceus spam teams. As several months passed my laddering skills drastically improved, and looking back I realized that my old arceus spam team really wasn't that great of a team. And so, recently, I set out to revamp it.
Teambuilding Process
The original team featured a stealth rock groundceus lead, along with 3 swords dance ekillers, one a normalceus with a silk scarf, the other a shadow force z-move ghostceus, and the last an iron head steelceus. The other two pokemon on the team were a calm mind grassceus with grass knot, and a calm mind poisonceus that carried flamethrower for dealing with pesky steel types such as ferrothorn and celesteela. Despite how this team wasn't terrible, there were several issues with it. First of all, ferrothorn and celesteela posed a TREMENDOUS threat to the team if poisonceus was down, and I was also weak to mega rayquaza and rocky helmet yveltal, since I lacked a fairyceus. In addition to this, my evs were not optimal, since, for instance, I did not have max speed jolly nature on any of my ekillers. To top all of those weaknesses off, I lacked defog. As an immediate change to the team I gave all 3 of my ekillers max speed and a jolly nature, and replaced the arceus-normal's silk scarf with a life orb. However, my team was still pretty darn weak to steel types, and still got completely wrecked by rocky helmet yveltal. Deoxys-spam tapu lele teams also posed a big threat to my team, due to how I relied on 3 extreme speed users for priority kills.
In order to patch up my yveltal and rayquaza weakness, I replaced poisonceus with support fairyceus with defog and toxic. Due to the now lack of a fire move I took calm mind off of grassceus and gave it flamethrower. My team was now much more solid, but there were still some issues that it faced, such as a bit of an increased weakness to steel types, which I could absolutely not afford. At last, I made one final odd change that sealed the deal, and completed my team. Here is the team in it's final form:
The Team
Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Recover
- Toxic
- Defog
First off, we have a classic support arceus-fairy set. The evs allow it to be at max speed, while also being bulky yet not hitting very hard. However, judgement even without investment ohkos mega rayquaza after stealth rock, and does a hefty chunk of damage to yveltal. Toxic allows for arceus fairy to stall out and annoy opposing primal groudons and ho-oh, in addition to simply spreading status. This arceus fairy set can also be effective against swords dance ghostceus, since it can speed tie with it and also cripple it with toxic, and since ghostceus usually relies on shadow force to attack, which is a two turn move, toxic takes it out pretty fast. Still beware of never-ending nightmare, which ohkos fairyceus at +2.
Arceus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
This is a standard lum berry ekiller set, not much to explain about it. This set used to be life orb with a jolly nature, but with the removal of grassceus from the team I had to have a lum berry arceus in order to better check smeargle. It is quite unfortunate that this arceus is not at maximum speed, but running an adamant nature was a must since without a life orb or silk scarf arceus does not hit very hard. The moveset enables arceus to have the best coverage possible, although another option may be to use punishment instead of shadow claw, which at +2 can ohko an opposing ghostceus that has set up a swords dance, something that shadow claw can't do unless a critical hit occurs.
Arceus-Ground @ Earth Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Roar
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
Next we have a groundceus lead set, featuring Judgment, roar, ice beam, and stealth rock. Roar is used to roar out annoying geomancy xerneas or swords dance arceus leads, while judgment is its obvious stab move. Ice beam is excellent against mega rayquaza and other flying types, and actually OHKOs mega rayquaza if it is at -1 spdf from a dragon ascent. Although lacking recovery or speed investment, this arceus has maximum special attack in addition to max HP, which allows it to hit hard and take a lot of hits before it goes down. Also, ice beam surprises salamence and zygardes that think that they can set up a dragon dance, easily ohkoing both of them.
Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
Next is swords dance steelceus, which may be the most useful pokemon on the team. I took extreme speed off and replaced it with stone edge, a move that surprises unsuspecting ho-ohs that try to come in on steelceus. Maximum speed and a jolly nature coupled with 252 atk evs are the obvious ev spread, allowing steelceus to speed tie with other max speed arceus forms. The most useful thing about this pokemon is the 30% chance for iron head to flinch opposing pokemon. Of course it is not good to rely on flinches to win games, but I can't tell you how many times I've annoyed players by getting a lucky flinch that helped me win the game. Also, if steelceus gets to +4, chances are your opponent is in big trouble unless they have quagsire.
Arceus-Fire @ Flame Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
Behold, the star of the team, not for being the best member but for being the most underrated member, fireceus! Now I know your probably thinking "lmao what, firceus sucks, and plus your set lacks recover smh." However, I assure you that this set is quite useful. The main purpose of it is to check ferrothorn and celesteela. Earth power is used to hit primal groudon decently hard, and ice beam can ohko both zygarde and mega salamence, in addition to dealing a good amount of damage to mega rayquaza and yveltal. The addition of firceus to the team also adds another soft check to steelceus and xerneas, which the team kind of needed.
Arceus-Ghost @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Force
- Brick Break
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
Lastly we have standard swords dance z-move ghostceus. Being one of the most powerful arceus sets, this one just had to be included on the team. Never-ending nightmare truly is a nightmare, and ghost + fighting boasts nearly perfect coverage. This is also a soft check to life orb ekiller arceus.
Replays win vs thegengar878, a 1600s-1800s player win vs 1st lorgone, the guy who is famous for creating that cancerous stall team that many people have used to get high on or peak the ladder win vs Falco108, who was using a modified version of hunterstorm's cuntsquad win vs Jaytin, a great player who is consistently high on the ladder win vs Shadow Thief/Leafstorm121, an excellent player who has no trouble getting past 1900 win vs Tic-Tac-Toe Guru, a veteran player who is definitely experienced in the metagame win vs Alexei Karamazov, the original user of arceus spam teams this gen win vs Hunterstorm, who is possibly the best ag player this gen, and winner of the ag open win vs r.U~b%y, a global voiced player who just started laddering recently win vs moongeistbeam5, a friend of mine who is an excellent player and consistently #1 on the ladder. win vs Tic-Tac-Toe Guru again, the battle that got me to 1904.
Proof of Peak
Also, my gxe on the Divine Dominance account was only 86.6 due to me previously using the account to ladder with trash monotype arceus teams. However, I did hit a 92 GXE on another account, called D1V1ne, with one of the beta versions of the team.
Ferrothorn aka assothorn is one of the monst annoying mons to face. Fireceus and boosted ghostceus take care of it but it is still a major threat. Still, I have gotten by many ferrothorn teams surprisingly.
Celesteela, another aids mon that I hate, is pretty much the equivalent of ferrothorn against this team. Fireceus and ghostceus can both take care of it but it is still tricky to deal with.
Quagsire is another big threat, since it walls half my team. The only way to beat it is to hit it hard with groundceus or fairyceus or to get toxic on it. You can also attempt to take it out with never-ending nightmare if it is at low health but that is not easy to do, since almost every quagsire carries protect. Quagsire is EXTREMELY tough to beat if it is paired with chansey or blissey, but somehow I managed to beat a guy with such a team but I think he was just making bad plays.
Mega gengar isn't as big of a threat as it seems. All arceus spam teams have a bit of trouble with mega gengar, but it can still easily be taken care of by arceus-n or arceus-steel's earthquake. Groundceus and fireceus also don't have trouble with it, but of course you have to watch out for d-bond shenanigans.
Darkceus isn't much of a threat, but I could definitely see a calm mind/refresh variant posing some trouble, since fairyceus won't be able to take it down if it gets 2 or more cm boosts, unless you get a crit. Luckily, cm refresh darkceus is very rare.
Ho-oh used to be a big threat but ever since I added stone edge to steelceus it is usually not a problem. Still, if stone edge misses you're in trouble. Scarf ho-oh might also be a bit of a threat.
That pretty much covers everything! Hope you enjoyed reading. Here are some shoutouts:
Dontstealmypenguin - Great ubers and ag player who I've known since like xy ubers. Your new web team that you got to 2090 with is godly.
Moongeistbeam5 - Amazing player who I've known since the beginning of gen 7 ag. Probably one of the best players in the meta with some creative teams.
Synoptic - You suck lol. Haha jk. I'm looking forward to seeing that epic rmt that you've been working on. You're a pretty darn good player.
Thimo - The based lord of gen 7 ag. Lend me some of your teambuilding skills dude.
Hunterstorm - The other based lord of gen 7 ag. Gratz on winning the ag open.
Chloe - The based lord of gen 6 ag. I'm a pretty good flowre impersonator ayy? Haha. You're an amazing player, gotta dethrone hunter and thimo.
Kaushik, p0lt3rgeist - good players and friends
Alexei Karamazov - the original user of arceus spam this gen who inspired me to make this team
F6 Tornado - You've got some godly mono arceus spam teams. Amazing player who almost beat Thimo in ag open.
Some really good players - Jaytin, Donno, FardinAG
Alright, that's it, sorry if I missed you in shoutouts, I tried to include as many as possible.
Peace. :]
Paste of team:
Arceus-Fairy @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Recover
- Toxic
- Defog
Arceus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
Arceus-Ground @ Earth Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Roar
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
Arceus-Fire @ Flame Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
Arceus-Ghost @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Force
- Brick Break
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
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