Simply sitting on it with Snorlax and hitting it over and over again will work, same thing applies to Metagross.How do you handle Latias ? Feel like it is quite difficult to stop it when it's trying to set-up.
This is a really cool topic! I have some of my own thoughts that i want to toss in.i wanna talk about latios vs latias
CB Sp. Def Hera lead is something Fireburn showed me ages ago and I feel like there's real potential in it. My biggest issue with using it so far, though, has been the fact that losing Guts really hurts your Gengar mu. It can be compensated for with teammates but that's still a building limitation regular CB Heracross doesn't have. The reduced attack investment is also kinda annoying vs Lugia structures and the slower speed stat can bite vs some balance builds. All that said, I feel like the set basically destroys whatever sliver of viability Pokemon like Slaking used to have. (beyond for shits and giggles ofc)SpDef Hera
Why teach Kyogre rain dance if he has Drizzle? And why Surf if he has Water Spout. And you didn't teach Thunder to your Kyogre?![]()
Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 140 SpA / 116 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Rain Dance
- Surf
A concept I stole from ADV OU Suicune, a lot of bulkier teams rely on Groudon resetting the weather vs Sub CM Kyogre, and this totally puts a stop to that. Dropping Ice Beam blows, but such is life.
Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 196 SpA / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Water Spout
- Ice Beam
- Surf
Water Spout at +1 reliably 2HKOes Blissey, and it's a fantastic way to force Latios to click Recover while hitting everything else with an incredibly strong water move, allowing you to get free entry to your Snorlax.
Nothing of that!don't ban wobb, ban bp
This is a really cool topic! I have some of my own thoughts that i want to toss in.
Very cool team, but I think this Umbreon is banned because it have Mean Look + Baton Pass.![]()
Umbreon @ Leftovers
- Mean Look
- Baton Pass
- Taunt
- Protect / Moonlight / Wish / Sand Attack
Also, I don't understand the point to have a Shedinja in the Baton Pass chain if he doesn't know any status moves.![]()
Shedinja @ Lum Berry
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Toxic
- Protect
- Baton Pass
That isn't a rule in ADV Ubers, only OU. Different tiers have different rules and clauses. You can see ADV Ubers clauses below.Very cool team, but I think this Umbreon is banned because it have Mean Look + Baton Pass.
Also your team have multiple pokémon with Baton Pass what is also banned, unfortunelly
Shedninja isn't meant to be a consistent choice, it's meant to be a pretty specialized matchup fish that can easily win against the correct matchup of team that the person bringing it thinks will occur. It's weak in the sense that it's an unconsistent choice, but doesn't make it unviable whatsoever (at least in Ubers, can"t speak for any other tier). As for how you said sandstorm is common, he went over in his post how it isn't.I love Shedinja, as you can see in my profile, but I think it is a bit too weak to a competitive scenario, specially in a world where there is Tyranitar with Sandstorm who just kill Shedinja just to enter in the battle
I try to use my baton pass chain team in gen 3 Ubers and is saying it's banned.That isn't a rule in ADV Ubers, only OU. Different tiers have different rules and clauses. You can see ADV Ubers clauses below.
terribly sorry for this; motivation has been very low for the entire analysis writing team and writing the ENTIRETY of Groudon/Kyogre is a monumental task that we may have to cut into smaller parts. For the most parts, the sets from the sample teams are indicative of how these two Pokemon play. However, because of how versatile and centralizing they are, their EVs and final moveslots are customizable based on the needs of your teams. Protect Groudon has seen major use (and success!) on semi-stall teams to scout moves, recover more HP with Leftovers, and just overall be a nuisance; when combines with shrang's notes from the post you linked, you can get a pretty clear idea about the way these Pokemon play. There's also various teamdumps in the generation 7 and 8 Ubers subforums where you can see more sets while we slowly but surely bring the analyses up to date.Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, but while trying to learn about this metagame, I've found it pretty hard to find anything up-to-date on some of the Pokemon, especially Groudon and Kyogre. Are the sets from either the sample teams or from the linked mini-analysis thread in this post still relevant? If not, does anyone have just basic skeletons of what the weather mons' standard sets are? Have they evolved much over the years?
Thanks for the great post. I’ve been in talks w Lasen recently since he’s the general old gens leader for resources and stuff, we have plans for another pr post in the near future because there’s still been some vocal dislike for the state of bp post restriction, and a follow up would probably be beneficial for most people. Keep an eye out for whenever we put that up, not sure on an exact date but we just talked about “after uwl”.There's been talk about bp lately so I wanted to find out how much of the community stands where and if there's really enough initiative to push the tds into doing a suspect test. As such, I decided to reach out to the folks who would probably qualify for a suspect test (if there was one) by using the voting qualification criteria that was used in the last suspect test.
I've given all the folks a week to respond so I'm going to go ahead and share the results here. Mind you, a decent portion of folks still haven't responded to me yet. (who knows if they ever will, though) Additionally, I'm not even 100% sure that I reached to everybody that would qualify so there may be a few more voices missing. Regardless, this wasn't anything with any real weight and, personally, I'm interested in the input from anybody who cares enough about RS Ubers to share. So hopefully, whoever I missed will speak up in this thread or anybody else who has valuable insight that may not fallen under the specifics for voter qualification (I can already think of a few people).
30 Total Voters (22 Total Votes)
11 Ban:
View attachment 496202
This one is kinda weird since I'm not sure they were aware about the current complex ban in place. They never responded to me, though, so I'm leaving them as a ban vote.9 No Ban:I fundamentally dislike arbitrary complex bans as a means to nerf an otherwise banworthy element (fuck sleep clause, fuck 1 bp per team clause) and I think just about every variation of Baton Pass abuse is banworthy in adv ubers, anyways.
2 Abstain:View attachment 496206
Keys didn't actually "vote" anything but what he said lines up with a lot of the No Ban voters (sorta) so I'm counting him as one.
8 Absent:
Soooo exactly 50% of the votes were for a complete Ban. That number goes up to 55% if we remove the abstain votes, while it drops down to 36% if we count out of total voting pool (well, at least the folks I asked). No Ban votes were a close ~41% of the total votes, or 45% of the votes when ignoring the abstains as well (and just 30% of total voting pool). Of note is that more than half of the No Ban voting pool (5 voters) expressed potential interest in a expansion of the current complex ban of some sort. Most of these (4 voters) were particularly interested in targetting Ninjask/Speed Passing. Of course, even those interested in a potential complex ban expansion aren't exactly convinced yet that anything should be done in the first place. Nonetheless, 80% of the votes (that weren't abstains) express a degree of interest in something being done to address Baton Pass as it currently is in the metagame.
I think the results of this limited survey shows that Baton Pass in RS Ubers deserves the attention of the Ubers tier leaders, Fc and Aberforth . I hope that they will respond to this initiative by taking the steps neccessary to satsify the community on this subject. There's clearly enough support already for it to not be simply ignored until some undetermined time.
I'd ping everybody that responded to this vote but I don't have a badge for mass pings, sorry. I also have some personal thoughts on this (limited) data but I don't want to monopolize this discussion and will give others a chance to respond and share their thoughts first. Thanks again to everybody who took the time to answer me and a bigger thanks to everybody who cares enough about ADV Ubers to talk about this subject in the first place.