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ADV ADV Summer Seasonal #1: Round 2

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Well my opponent limits his profile access and never contacted me on my wall, activity / coinflip i guess...
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second time in a row
Pearl vs eden
PDC vs Lfrs
The Kyle vs Flamita

xapx vs Skilpad

deadline of wednesday at 11:59pm gmt-4 (had/have time to play monday and today too)

coinflips holy shit there are a lot

regarding activity there are a fuckton of calls but the only difficult one was Dizno vs egalvanc in which Dizno had msgd egalvanc reasonably asking for a small change in the time that day to which egalvanc did not reply even though he was active on smogon shortly after

if you arent sure why your match got flipped or acted then I might not have seen anything, pm me privately on here or discord (Watchog#5004) within the next 24h please

i was away this weekend and the person who was supposed to post r3 for me had something come up so i apologize to the participants for the delay


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