name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sludge Bomb
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Facade
item: Choice Band
ability: Poison Point
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nidorino sets itself apart from other Choice Band users thanks to its Poison typing, excellent Attack stat, and rarely-seen ability Poison Point. STAB-boosted Sludge Bomb is incredibly dangerous to switch into for non Steel- or Poison-type Pokemon due to its high chance to inflict poison. Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon, most notably Rhyhorn and Cubone, are dissuaded from switching in because of the poison chance due to their tendency to use Substitute. Return provides Nidorino with an option against opposing Poison-types that may attempt to switch in such as Dustox, Grimer, and Koffing. Hidden Power Fighting allows Nidorino to threaten Steel-type Pokemon like Aron and Magnemite. Facade allows Nidorino to deal some semblance of damage even after being burned by Koffing. An Adamant nature is chosen to make use of Nidorino's fantastic Attack; using Jolly doesn't enable Nidorino to outspeed anything notable.
Nidorino fits best on balance and offense teams that appreciate the likelihood of it spreading poison. Nidorino's access to Poison Point in conjunction with Sludge Bomb can open up opportunities for wallbreakers and setup sweepers by poisoning bulkier Pokemon. Other physical attackers such as Aipom, Rhyhorn, and Cubone appreciate Nidorino as a secondary wallbreaker. Due to its lacking Speed, Nidorino appreciates help from Thunder Wave users such as Nosepass, Chinchou, and Magnemite. Chinchou deserves a special mention, as it's able to threaten Koffing as well as Rock- and Ground-types that Nidorino can only hope to poison such as Rhyhorn and Cubone. Butterfree makes for a fantastic partner, as it's able to remove Koffing with Psychic and use Sleep Powder against Pokemon that would otherwise threaten Nidorino such as Chinchou. Nidorino struggles against special attackers, so specially defensive Pokemon such as Castform, Dustox, Delcatty, and Sunflora are integral for supporting it. Specially defensive Poison-types such as Dustox and Grimer are often forced to come in on Nidorino in fear of a Sludge Bomb, so special attackers such as Elekid and Chinchou appreciate Nidorino's ability to weaken them with its Normal coverage.
Other Options
Nidorino can opt to use Leftovers to increase its longevity and more easily damage switch ins, but this heavily reduces its effectiveness as a physical wallbreaker. Double Kick is an option over Facade specifically for Substitute Magnemite, however Nidorino almost always prefers Facade in case it gets hit with Will-O-Wisp while trying to weaken Koffing for other physical wallbreakers.
Checks and Counters
**Koffing**: Koffing is the most reliable pivot into Nidorino, as it resists Sludge Bomb and is only 3HKOed by Return, giving it time to Nidorino's with Will-O-Wisp. While this does strengthen Facade, it still lacks the power to KO Koffing even after two uses of Return.
**Steel-types**: Aron and Magnemite can both switch into Nidorino if it's locked into Sludge Bomb and threaten it with Earthquake and Thunderbolt respectively. They also make safe switch-ins to Nidorino's Normal-type coverage moves. Both must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting, however.
**Shuppet**: Shuppet is immune to Nidorino's Fighting- and Normal-type coverage. However, as a Substitute user it can easily be crippled by poison from Nidorino's Sludge Bomb, which 2HKOes it despite resisting the move.
**Protect Users**: Protect users such as Castform, Seaking, and Delcatty can all scout the move Nidorino locks itself into, making it easier to switch into.
**Faster Attackers**: Elekid, Chinchou, and Aipom can all outspeed Nidorino and threaten it with their STAB-boosted attacks.
**Ground-types**: While neither like being poisoned by Sludge Bomb, Rhyhorn and Cubone can severely threaten Nidorino with Earthquake.
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