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Old Gens [ADV OU] Claydol


Claydol @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8HP / 216 Atk / 32 SpA / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Rapid Spin

Claydol is one of the best spinners in the ADV OU metagame. It has the sought-after ability to reliably remove Spikes without Pursuit support; additionally, its longevity thanks to its ability Levitate, unique defensive typing, and immunity to sandstorm helps provide both spinning opportunities and considerable defensive utility against common threats. Earthquake 2HKOes Pokemon such as Tyranitar, Jirachi, and Metagross, while Psychic pressures opposing Gengar attempting to block Rapid Spin. Explosion is a dependable nuke that handles offensive threats like Zapdos; however, sacrificing Claydol too early may leave you vulnerable to opposing Spikes. Teammates such as Choice Band Metagross and Curse + Self Destruct Snorlax are great, as they can remove or heavily damage Skarmory and other Spikes setters so that Claydol can permanently remove Spikes.
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Max speed claydol QC check

In ADV OU Claydol is widely recognised as one of the best Pokemon in the tier fundamentally and one of the best spinners in the metagame. In addition, its capability of spinning away Spikes makes it an invaluable member on teams, as well as its longevity during games thanks to its ability Levitate, ensuring that it can come in freely and provide opportunities to spin away Spikes and provide considerable support . Furthermore, Claydol's sand immunity in conjunction with satisfactory defences elevates itself as a Support Pokemon even further. Earthquake is used in order to 2HKO Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Steel-types like Jirachi and Metagross. Psychic can be used to pressure opposing Gengar switching in to block Rapid Spin, as well as Fighting-types like Heracross, Blaziken and Hariyama. Explosion is a dependable nuke, immediately threatening Pokemon that set up such as Snorlax as well as other offensive threats like Zapdos, however losing your spinner will leave you vulnerable to opposing Spikes. Teammates such as Dugtrio are effective in supporting Claydol in order to trap Tyranitar that can often threaten Claydol and Wish support from either Blissey or Jirachi can be considered as it helps Claydol with longevity.

  • a turbo dol spread was chosen but the speed was not talked about
  • first sentence is mostly waffle
  • needs much more emphasis on spinning, 90% of the time dol has no place on teams that dont benefit hugely from spike removal, the other 10% still appreciate spin sometimes and massively appreciate the speed.
  • the whole analysis should be geared so that it revolves around rapid spins usefulness, sand immune and levitate are cool, but talk about how that makes it a good spinner, claydol actually gains 6% hp if a gengar decides to spinblock it, you cant say the same for starmie or for forre/donphan who have to take spikes
  • also talk about how much of a unique toolbox of resistances and immunities it brings, it can help guard against a plethora of threats for teams that are weak to zapdos, ddtar, aero etc etc, with adamant explosion you can kill anything thats not a resist
  • fast explosion is also just a little broken in adv
Hopefully that gives some context to the slew of changes im about to make.

removals in red
additions in blue

In ADV OU Claydol is widely recognised as one of the best Pokemon in the tier fundamentally and (thats all waffle this just sounds better)one of the best rapid spinners in the ADV OU metagame. In addition, its capability Its sought after ability to reliably remove layers of spikes without support of the pursuit of spinning away Spikes(there are several viable spinners, what makes claydol special is it doesnt need pursuit while pretty much all other spinners do, this leaves u with an extra slot for something else) makes it an invaluable member on certain teams, as well as additionally its longevity during games thanks to its ability Levitate, unique defensive typing and immunity to sandstorm(I see no reason not to compress many of these points in here, more can be added specifically about each further down if wanted but I think the current wording was clunky) help to provide opportunities to spin away Spikes and provide considerable support defensive utility (using support too many times, defensive utility better descibes these points now anyw) against a mix of common threats. Furthermore, Claydol's sand immunity in conjunction with satisfactory defences elevates itself as a Support Pokemon even further. (we already address this now) Adamant(its important to emphasise the differences of this set to other claydol spreads) Earthquake is used in order to 2HKO Pokemon such as Tyranitar, and Steel-types like Jirachi and Metagross. Psychic can be used to pressure opposing Gengar switching in attempting to block Rapid Spin, as well as Fighting-types like Heracross, Blaziken and Hariyama. Explosion is a dependable nuke, immediately threatening all non resists with immense damage Pokemon that set up such as Snorlax (it does like 50% to metagross, and thats a resist, nothing likes this attack invested boom) as well as other and checking offensive threats like Zapdos, however losing your spinner will leave exploding claydol too early may leave (spreads with this much speed are found on offense, they tend to reset layers after skarm dies but if you get a great value boom early in the game - especially vs threats to offense such as say moltres that can be invaluable and worth it) you vulnerable to opposing Spikes. Teammates such as Dugtrio are effective in supporting Claydol in order to trap Tyranitar that can often threaten Claydol and Wish support from either Blissey or Jirachi can be considered as it helps Claydol with longevity. Teammates such as Choice banded metagross and curse + self destruct snorlax are great teammates as they can remove or heavily damage skarmory and other spikers so that claydol can permanently remove spikes uncontested. (these would be great teammates for bulky claydol but this is speedy, it only fits on offense teams, the new partners ive chosen are the best removers of skarm -outside of magneton which this set generally replaces on teams- in the modern adv landscape.

I would encorage other adv QC to give their view since turbo dol is quite a disputed topic these days.
once those are implimented and any other QC who has points is all discussed that will be 1/1
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Claydol @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 (added space) HP / 216 Atk / 32 SpA / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Psychic
- Explosion (reordered to put Rapid Spin first because you focus on it and explain it first)

Claydol is widely recognised one of the best Rapid spinners (or "users of Rapid Spin") in the ADV OU metagame. Its It has the sought-after (added hyphen) ability to reliably remove layers of spikes without support of the pursuit makes it an invaluable member on teams, Spikes without Pursuit support; additionally, (AC) its longevity thanks to its ability Levitate, unique defensive typing, (AC) and immunity to sandstorm helps provide opportunities to spin away Spikes and provide both spinning opportunities and considerable defensive utility against common threats. Adamant Earthquake is used in order to 2HKOes Pokemon such as Tyranitar, Jirachi, (AC) and Metagross, (AC) while Psychic can be used to pressure opposing pressures Gengar attempting to block Rapid Spin. Explosion is a dependable nuke (RC) immediately threatening all non-resists with immense damage and checking that helps Claydol check (if you meant "check" like "check the power of", you can do like "that handles offensive threats like...") offensive threats like Zapdos; (comma -> semicolon) however, (AC) exploding sacrificing Claydol too early may leave you vulnerable to opposing Spikes. Teammates such as Choice Banded Metagross and Curse + Self Destruct Snorlax are great teammates, as they can remove or heavily damage Skarmory and other Spikes setters so that Claydol can permanently remove Spikes uncontested.

GP 1/1
Hey, I'm translating this and caught a little error. "Rapid spinners" is still in the spotlight when it should be just "spinners". Have a great day whoever sees this :)