Duplicate Add /movesearch parameters into Teambuilder.

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After playing Showdown for a while, the one thing I would LOVE to see in team builder is the ability to search Pokemon by parameters.

For example: The ability to search all Pokemon that have a pivot move (U-Turn/Flip Turn/Parting Shot etc), or pokemon of a certain type that ALSO have a healing move, or even search for pokemon with a specific type coverage rather than specific moves. This will make it a lot easier to build teams and even give new ideas in team building.

I know this function technically exists within the /ms or /movesearch command but it would be more easier and visually appealing, especially on mobile devices, if we could just do it all within the team builder
Oh I apologise, I could not find a similar post. I'm unsure if I can lock or delete or lock this one or even redirect to the other one.
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