OM [AAA] Iron Moth

Tea Guzzler

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Iron Moth @ Life Orb
Ability: Hadron Engine
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Dance
- Discharge
- Energy Ball
- Dazzling Gleam

Face the fury of the sun in Almost Any Ability! Iron Moth's excellent stat spread and wide coverage make it a premier special attacker on offense teams. Hadron Engine amplifies Iron Moth's damage and ensures that Discharge ruins Well-Baked Body Corviknight and opposing Iron Moth. Energy Ball heavily dents Garganacl, Ting-Lu, and Rotom-W, even 2HKOing Garganacl through Sand Stream. Dazzling Gleam at worst 2HKOes Roaring Moon and Garchomp. Iron Moth is an offensive monster but has severe longevity issues; it fits best on offense teams that can prevent entry hazards from going up in the first place with tools like Taunt and offensive pressure, although teammates with entry hazard removal options like Quaquaval can still be used. Iron Moth also lacks defensive utility, and you often need to predict to use it to break past special walls without the risk of being KOed, so pivots like Greninja and Roaring Moon help it hit the field safely. Entry hazard support prevents Iron Moth from being walled by bulky Pokemon like RegenVest Goodra and lifts pressure from predictions, so setters and dedicated leads like Garchomp, Kingambit, and Prankster Ting-Lu are useful.
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Iron Moth @ Life Orb
Ability: Hadron Engine
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Dance
- Discharge
- Energy Ball
- Dazzling Gleam

Face the fury of the sun in AAA! Iron Moth's excellent stat spread and wide coverage make it a premier special attacker on offense teams. Hadron Engine bolsters Iron Moth's damage and ensures Discharge ruins Well-Baked Body Corviknight and opposing Iron Moth. Energy Ball heavily dents Garganacl, Ting-Lu, and Rotom-W, even 2HKOing the former through Sand Stream. Dazzling Gleam removes Roaring Moon, Garchomp, and Dragonite. Iron Moth is a monster offensively but has severe longevity issues - as such, sources of entry hazard removal, like Corviknight, Iron Treads, and Quaquaval, are appreciated Its longevity issues are resolved by the fact that it's primarily used on HO teams with things that deter hazards @ taunt leads and offensive pressure--that should be the primary focus with strong hazard control as a secondary mention. Iron Moth also lacks defensive utility and often needs to predict to break past special walls without risking being KOed, so pivots like Corviknight, Greninja, and Roaring Moon help it hit the field safely. Would bring up Shed Tail over Corviknight Entry hazard support is also appreciated, as this prevents it getting hung up on ultra-bulky Pokemon like RegenVest Goodra and lifts pressure from predictions, so setters like Garchomp and Kingambit are useful. Would also mention lead setters like prank ting-lu
QC 1/1
Iron Moth @ Life Orb
Ability: Hadron Engine
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Dance
- Discharge
- Energy Ball
- Dazzling Gleam

Face the fury of the sun in AAA! Iron Moth's excellent stat spread and wide coverage make it a premier special attacker on offense teams. Hadron Engine amplifiesbolsters Iron Moth's damage and ensures that Discharge ruins Well-Baked Body Corviknight and opposing Iron Moth. Energy Ball heavily dents Garganacl, Ting-Lu, and Rotom-W, even 2HKOing the formerGarganacl through Sand Stream. Dazzling Gleam removesat worst 2HKOes (missed this in QC) Roaring Moon, Garchomp, and Dragonite. Iron Moth is an offensive monster offensively but has severe longevity issues; - as such, it fits best on offensive teams that can prevent entry hazards from going up in the first place with tools like Taunt and offensive pressure, although entry hazard removal options like Quaquaval can still be used. Iron Moth also lacks defensive utility and often needs to predict to break past special walls without the risk of risking being KOed, so pivots like Greninja, Roaring Moon, and Shed Tail users help it hit the field safely. Entry hazard support is also appreciated, as this prevents itIron Moth from being walled by getting hung up on ultra-bulky Pokemon like RegenVest Goodra and lifts pressure from predictions, so setters like Garchomp, Kingambit, and dedicated leads like Prankster Ting-Lu are useful.
GP 1/1
GP Team Done
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