A Very Poke-Spelling Bee!


/me huggles
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Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well this Holiday season with all the craziness going on. I'm running tech for a fundraising event for a NYC theater tomorrow that is featuring a whole bunch of Voice Actors from the Pokemon series. Essentially it's a Spelling Bee using various Pokemon names, seeing who can stay in the longest! I should state that this is not an official Pokemon event, but it should still be a lot of fun! There is no payment needed to enjoy the show, but if you want to qualify for prizes (including signed posters and Pokemon cards) all you need is to do is donate $10. I'm not sure how many of you will be interested in this, but if this sounds like something you'd enjoy or are curious in, feel free to join us!

Time: 8pm Eastern US (a little less than 24 hours from this post).
Place: twitch.tv/outofcaution

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!