A Suspect RMT

At a glance:

This is more of a fast-paced, in-your-face team with Metagross being the only pokemon devoted to some significant bulk. I find the suspect metagame at a quick tempo in general so I think this team fits in well.



Azelf@ Focus Sash
EV's: 4Hp/252SpA/252Spe
Nature: Naive
~Stealth Rock
~Fire Blast

Why?:As you can see from the overview above this team is fairly weak to stealth rock, two being weak to it and two more taking neutral damage from it, so having a fast taunt user was important. I also really enjoy everything else Azelf can do and it fits the fast-paced style of the team.

Moveset and Item: Taunt is to stop rocks from getting up etc. Stealth rock is to do secondary damage which this team appreciates. I went with fire blast over psychic because if find it has superior coverage in a lot of places, particularly against opposing azelf. Explosion to make a big boom once you're done. Focus sash to survive OHKO's.

Ev's and Nature: Standard leadzelf, Ev's are fairly self-explanatory. Special attack is to do as much damage as possible with fire blast, and speed is to taunt and set up rocks, and do everthing really as fast as possible and the rest is dumped into Hp.



Latias@ Life Orb
Ev's: 4Hp/252SpA/252Spe
Nature: Timid
~Calm Mind
~Dragon Pulse

Why?: A very standard yet very effective set, and in my brief experience the most broken of all Latias's sets. After a single calm mind it hits very hard and can take special hits back nicely. Also, what would a suspect team be without a suspect?

Moveset and Item: Calm Mind is to boost special attack and special defense and is the crux of the moveset. Dragon Pulse is the most powerful special STAB after Draco Meteor, which was opted out of due to the special attack drop. Surf and Thunderbolt provide nice coverage. Life Orb is used for the great power boost it provides, and this Latias is not meant to be bulky, so the recoil is not as big of a deal.

Ev's and Nature: Ev's are to maximize Latias's sweeping potential. I chose timid nature over modest becuase it didn't feel to me like the more powerful hits were worth the sacrifice of always losing speed ties to other latias.


Salamence @ Life Orb
Ev's: 232Atk/24SpA/252Spe
Nature: Naive
~Dragon Dance
~Fire Blast

Why?: Massive sweeping potential especially if it gets a DD. Also completes a (kind of) double dragon combo. Wheather I bring this guy out early game or late game, he always seems to rack up a couple kills. One of the two pokes on my team weak to stealth rock, which just emphasizes the need for the fast taunt user in azelf.

Moveset and Item: Typical DD mence stolen from the analysis, dragon dance to boost attack and speed simultaniously, and imo is the best sweeping set-up move in the game. Outrage for a crazy powerful STAB and was chosen over dragon claw for said power even at the sacrifice of being locked in. I normally try to hold off on outrage for a one or two turns to hopefully lure out steels and kill them with EQ/fire blast. EQ and fire blast are nice coverage moves. Life Orb, is to, once again, do as much damage as possible and obviously this isn't a very bulky mence either so it doesn't really mind the recoil.

Ev's and Nature: To be totally honest, as I said above, this set was stolen from the analysis so I'm not exactly sure how the Atk/SpA spread is optimized, but I assume it gives it optimized sweeping potential. Nature is for faster speed without sacrificing either type of attack.


Metagross @ Leftovers
Ev's: 252Hp/168Atk/88Spe
Nature: Adamant
~Meteor Mash

Why?: This is a bit of a bulkier agilitygross. As you can already tell this team has a dragon/ice weakness so I flet like I needed something to take those typed attacks aimed at Latias and Salamence. This set can quickly dish out hits, and even if it fails to KO it can take hits back fairly comforably.

Moveset and Item: Fairly standard agilitygross moveset. Meteor Mash is an obvious STAB. Earthquake is for good coverage alongside it. Thunderpunch is great for things like manaphy and gyrados that are very common. Leftovers is to maxamize it's bulkiness and if much better than life orb simply because this is a bulky sweeper.

Ev's and Nature: Maximum hp is to optimize overall defenses and lets it take hits like a pro. The speed ev's are so it reaches the magical 198 speed and can therefore outspeed base 130 +natured pokemon after an agility. The rest were put into attack to have it hit as hard as possible. Adamant nature is used to have it hit as hard as possible as well.



Gyrados @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Jolly(ho ho ho)
~Stone Edge

Why?: The concept of this was stolen from team ncis, I decided to give it a try and it worked out really well. It revenge kills quite nicely and have taken many opponents of guard with it.

Moveset and Item: Waterfall for primary physical STAB and doesn't have the accuracy loss of a-tail. Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Payback all provide coverage to revenge a wide varitey of threats. Choice scarf is obvious so it can haul ass.

Ev's and Nature: Attack is maximized for obvious reasons, to hit as hard as possible. The speed evs are so it will always outspeed scarf heatran. The rest were put into hp for optimal bulkiness. Nature is so it can outspeed said heatran.


Magnezone @ Choice Scarf
Ev's: 4Hp/252SpA/252Spe
Nature: Naive
~Hidden Power [Fire]
~Flash Cannon

Why?: I wanted a poke to trap and kill steels such as scizor that could otherwise give this team some issues. So the answer was obvious, Magnezone!

Moveset and Item: ThunderboltblahblahpowerfulSTABblahblah. Hidden power fire is really only for scizor and forteress as a neutral thunderbolt is more powerful than a 2x SE hp fire. Flash Cannon is another nice stab, albeit weaker and with worse coverage than t-bolt. Explosion, of course, is for going out with a bang. And none of this revenge killing stuff would be very good without choice scarf.

Ev's and Nature: Maximized SpA and Spe for going really fast and for hitting really hard, the rest goes to hp for very slightly more bulkiness. Nature for improving speed withour sacrficing either attacking stat.

So that's the team! Please rate, critique, etc.
Note: I say "core" tentitavley because it is flimsy atm and I don't want you to think you can't make changes/suggestions in there.
Hey Sledge, nice team you've got here. The only real problem I see at first glance is an enemy Agiligross, who after setting up could potentially sweep your entire team.

To help with this, I think you should change your Scarfed Gyarados to a Scarfnape with this moveset:

Infernape @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 24 Atk / 252 SpA / 232 Spe
Rash nature (+Special Attack, -Special Defense)
~ Fire Blast
~ Close Combat
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ U-Turn

These are just the standard EVs but you could tweak them to outspeed threats like ScarfChomp. With this set you get great type coverage and the scouting ability of U-turn. This also solves your Agiligross problem.
Good luck with the team, I hope this helps!
Hello there. If you recall, I told you on Shoddy that I would stop by to rate your team, so here I am.

What you have here is a standard offensive team, so I want to avoid making too many suggestions that could detract from the goal of the team. Notably, the biggest problem I see is that Tyranitar will give your team a lot of trouble since you have no safe switch-ins to it, apart from Metagross. Now, the reason I point this out is that not only will you find it difficult to repeatedly switch into it, but Sandstorm will wear out your team as well.

Now, I'd like to present you with a solution that could help remedy your weakness to Tyranitar as well as to increase the relative bulkiness of your team, something which you current lack. In my opinion, your current Metagross set should be changed to the Dual Screener, as seen below:

Metagross @ Light Clay
Clear Body | 252 HP / 72 Def / 176 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
Reflect / Light Screen / Explosion / Earthquake (or Meteor Mash)

Now, I believe that switching to this set will increase your team's durability greatly, making it much easier to set up and keep the tempo going in the mid-stages of the game. As far as I can tell, your team provides Metagross with various opportunities to switch in and set up. Once Metagross has completed its job, you can feel free to Explode and give the rest of your team time to set up. I find that Metagross won't have to much difficulty accomplishing this task as Fire-, and to an extent, Ground-type attacks are relatively uncommon in the Suspect ladder as of now.

Now, I don't really see what Magnezone does for your team. I do not find Scizor to be as big of a threat as you make it, as Metagross can use it as time to set up. Additionally, Latias stands a good chance of 2HKOing the standard 248/0 variant with Surf anyways, factoring in Stealth Rock of course. As such, I think that a Tyranitar of your own could fit in the slot much better, particularly if you switch to the Dual Screen set on 'Gross. Yeah, I know I mentioned that Sandstorm hurts your team, but Tyranitar is so common on the suspect ladder that it should hardly matter. Additionally, Dual Screen will allow your team to take more repeated attacks so Sandstorm damage won't pile up as quickly. Anyways, the set I recommend is Dragon Dance + Babiri Berry. Note that the ladder, for the most part, is specially inclined due to the presense of Manaphy and Latias, so Tyranitar will have an extremely easy time setting up. Additionally, Tyranitar has great coverage for the suspect ladder between Crunch, Stone Edge, and Fire Punch, so it'll be sure to cause major trouble for your opponents.

Anyways, that is about all I have to say for your team. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need me to clear anything in my rate up. Good luck on the suspect ladder!