A dual core of flying glass cannons


I started off with the mindset of building a team around this dual core here. They each cover eachothers resistences and counters flawlessly. However, they are glass cannons and cannot stand Stealth Rock at all! So I decided my next member could only be Excadrill.


So I added in Excadrill a rapid spinner with mold breaker who resist Stealth Rock AND can remove them from my field. Seems to me like an obvious choice for the dual hawk core. From there I decided I needed a pokemon with prankster to taunt rock setups and a pokemon who could stop physical sweepers.


Prankster Sableye fit the bill perfectly for what I wanted, I also wanted a pokemon that could prevent rocks from coming out on me against my bird core whiel shutting down the likes of lucario dragonite, garchomp, etc. Any fast physical sweeper out there relevent to stop. From there I wanted to fit in more of a bulky core and still lacked a mega evolution, from there I decided on Mega Venusaur!


Mega venusaur with thick fat helps this team a lot, its bulky, counters rotom wash, counters azumarill, etc who would all threaten my talonflame and my excadrill who I cannot afford to lose. I decided from here I wanted more bulk and the only pokemon left thats perfect for that would be a Rotom Wash.


So we have my final addition to my team who tanks a lot of the meta and is one of my only real answers to a revenge killing talonflame who attempts to sweep my team. He's also bulky and fits the bulk core perfectly further resisting water and overall gives me good coverage in typing for my team.



Staraptor @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Brave Bird | Close Combat | Double-Edge | U-turn

So Staraptor plays a couple roles for my team: Revenge killer, lead, or a sweeper. I sometimes lead with this if I can predict the lead of my opponents team and I know I can get the quick Brave Bird hit in to do some serious damage right off the bat of the match. I chose Choice Band here because Choice Scarf wasn't needed and he'd lose a lot of the damage output he'd need and is the point of Staraptor, to have a harder hitting Brave Bird than Talonflame. I chose U-turn because he's banded and it works well with Rotom as a sort of volt turn core my team otherwise lacks with actual volt turn members. Close Combat to help rid of members like Lucario and Double-Edge for another STAB coverage move (which is one of the primary reasons I chose Staraptor for my team besides the bird core duo).


Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Adamant Nature
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 164 Spd / 92 HP
Brave Bird | Flare Blitz | U-turn | Tailwind

Let's start off with the item, I play this team on WiFi so I cannot use two choice banded pokemon for my team and he's already so speedy that choice scarf would be redundant and useless to use. Life orb I dislike on a pokemon whos focus is to recoil itself to gain kills. Add a 4x stealth rock weakness ontop of that you have no more than 2-3 switch ins per game and I cannot accept that. So I opted for Sharp beak to give my Brave Bird a harder hit for lacking the Choice Band and the life orb. Aside from this he is here to cover Staraptor's weaknesses and act as a revenge killer. Really like the core these two pokemon have together aside from the weaknesses to Rock.


Excadrill @ Assault Vest
Adamant Nature
Ability: Mold Breaker
252 Atk / 252 SpDef / 4 HP
Earthquake | Rock Slide | Shadow Claw | Rapid Spin

Excadrill became pretty obvious when I was looking at the bird core I have above, a rapid spinner resistant to rock and could spin off rocks would be invaluable. It's also immune to Lightning so that's only icing on the cake to further give my a switch in when I need to switch my birds out. Shadow Claw to give me a way to not get walled by Aegislash etc and I'm not even sold on this final slot yet. But with Assault vest he's designed to be a bulky spinner to survive hits and possibly spin twice if I can or if it comes up. I also like the added bulk due to almost half my team being glass cannons.


Rotom-W @ Chesto Berry
Bold Nature
Ability: Levitate
252 Def / 252 HP / 6 SpAtk
Hydro Pump | Volt Switch | Will-O-Wisp | Rest

Rotom Wash there isn't a lot to say other than the fact that he walls a good portion of the meta game, stops physical sweepers, eats status, and can dish out a pretty strong hydro pump for STAB and coverage. He also helps resistences to keep my talonflame and Excadrill going strong giving me a pokemon to switch into when needed. Only pokemon I fear with this is Mega Venusaur, he can be an issue if my birds fall early on.


Venusaur@ Venusaurite
Modest Nature
Ability: Chlorophyll
252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 6 SpDef
Giga Drain | Sludge Bomb | Sleep Powder | Synthesis

I chose Mega venusaur because he's bulky (ad the bulkiest pokemon in the entire OU meta game at that!) and gives me the ability to remove bulky waters out of the way such as Rotom or Azumarill who threaten my Sableye from doing what it needs to do. Sleep Powder was chosen to induce sleep as I could probably use the status for my team to help give my birds free switch ins which is a minor issue for the dual bird core. Sludge bomb like mentioned above helps counter fairies outside of azumarill and azumarill itself.


Sableye @ Leftovers
Bold Nature
Ability: Prankster
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpDef
Foul Play | Recover | Will-O-Wisp | Taunt

I chose Sableye for its Prankster ability, f my rotom goes down he's a back up will-o-wisp user who has access to taunt and stopping those pokemon from setting up the rocks. I often lead with this pokemon if I know I can stop a setup lead or will-o-wisp ana ggressive physical lead. I run recover because having the ability to recover HP and survivability sounded good especially because of is ability. I found it needed to help protect my bird core from rocks which could really hurt this team if I didn't take action against it. The set is pretty standard and would appreciate opinions towards the IVs I chose?
Shadow Claw isn't needed to hit aegislash or gengar, as excadrill hits them super effectively with EQ. To fix the wated moveslots, try air balloon on excadrill instead of assault vest, thereby giving him more switch-in opportunities (gliscor comes to mind). Now that you have the freedom to use non-attacking moves, try running stealth rock or swords dance instead of shadow claw.
Since tailwind doesnt do much in single battles i would suggest eiether roost or Sd in the slot on talon
Eiether could be used on the many times talon forces a switch
SD to sweep
And roost to heal up if rocks damge is taken
I'll take the swords dance suggestion, however, assault vest is preferred on excadrill. air balloon im not a big fan of, its so easy to pop it without it actually getting its sole purpose.
There's no item clause on wifi for 6v6 singles.

I'd suggest running EQ on M-Venusaur as to not get walled to hell by steel types (most notably Ferrothorn and Overcoat Forretress) I also prefer a bulky spread, in your team I'd go Sassy nature with max HP/SpDef invest as your team lacks special bulk (Excadrill can't switch into random stuff as it needs to keep it's health up in order to spin).

I run a similar team on my cartridge except I use bulky M-Scizor to remove hazards and Gastrodon as my Rotom-W switch in as it's immune to both it's stabs, doesn't mind burn that much and resists rock. I use AV Conkeldurr (need to get me one with knock off and ice punch as stone edge and eq are a lot less threatening but breeding in previous gens sucks) and Aegislash to round out the team, both are bulky offensive pivots that can take a lot of pain and dish out some.
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Shadow Claw isn't needed to hit aegislash or gengar, as excadrill hits them super effectively with EQ. To fix the wated moveslots, try air balloon on excadrill instead of assault vest, thereby giving him more switch-in opportunities (gliscor comes to mind). Now that you have the freedom to use non-attacking moves, try running stealth rock or swords dance instead of shadow claw.

shadow claw is mainly for trevenant and gourgeist, but they aren't threatening to your team regardless actually