OU A Comprehensive Guide To Special Offense

Special Offense is one of the central offensive styles of Advance OU. Though it was once known as a primarily spikes centered style, it has since evolved to mirror other spikeless styles in the molds of Physical Offense and Mixed Offense. I'll be giving a breakdown of all the important elements of how to build and play the style and the sort of game plan you need to keep it consistent at TOP LEVEL (Top level is the 1% of the playerbase. The best players who play the tier who will be using the most consistent stratagies and teams.)

What is Special Offense?

Special Offense is very simplistic. The primary goal is to trap special walls (Blissey, Celebi, Jirachi.) or overwhelm them with sheer overwhelming power (Snorlax, Spdef Zapdos, Regice.) and then win the game off the back off of powerful special attackers. This is the most important element of the style and how you are able to facilitate this will determine how you will win the game. We'll be going over every element of the style and why every piece is carefully selected and why they are so important.

Trappers: Trapping is the central element of Special Offense and your ability to get them on the field and trap special walls consistently will determine your success.
Dugtrio: :rs/Dugtrio:
The single most important part of every special offense team for it's ability to trap special walls, remove problematic physical attackers and potential sweepers. Most Common sets use bulk to tank attacks from Blissey and Celebi but can use faster Dugtrio to remove DD Tyranitar and Raikou.

Gengar: :rs/Gengar: Though Extremely rare Gengar can use a Meanlook + Perish Song Set to trap and remove special walls. But I must stress this set is almost never used and very hard to fit. https://pokepast.es/d6a5f4f43daceabf
Jynx: Can run a Lovely Kiss, Mean Look, Parish Song Taunt set to trap Blissey, SUicune, Jirachi, Snorlax and Regice.

Leads and Lures:
The Lead Meta is an very important for special offense as the style wants to gain as much momentum as soon as possible and there for it prefer's massive offensive threats that can immediately generate momentum and position Dugtrio well for a trap.
Zapdos: :rs/Zapdos:
Zapdos is a mandatory slot on a special offense team due to it's immense power, the immediate threat level it has as a lead, ability to bait in every special wall in the game. The incredible defensive utility it has and the ability to immediately threaten Suicune, Skarmory, Metagross, Swampert, and Salamence is invaluable to any Special Offense team. (It Should be noted that Zapdos can Easily Fit Hidden Power Ice Over Grass. It's team dependant.

Jynx: :rs/Jynx:
A powerful lead that starts the game with immediate momentum, forcing in the likes of Steel's, Special Walls and Waters early on. Jynx sometimes can auto win games with crits or freezes which is very game breaking. Very good against lead Zapdos and Lead Skarmory. https://pokepast.es/6ec6682b84f4e113
Vaporeon: :rs/Vaporeon:
Arguably the most powerful water type in ADV OU, Vaporeon is a massive offensive threat in the early game. Forcing in special walls like Celebi and Blissey early on while passing Bulky Subs to it's teammates. https://pokepast.es/23ac95577390fe1e (Vaporeon Can use Roar over Ice Beam to mess with CM Bliss and Roar Suicune. Also prevents Skarmory from phasing it out,)

Abusers and Popular Teammates: The primary abusers of Special Offense, these Pokemon take full advantage of special walls being removed. Some of these Pokemon can even run sets that allow them to be wincons in the case that Dugtrio fails to trap Blissey or Celebi.
Suicune: :rs/Suicune:
Has the potential to threaten everything. Offensive Suicune is very potent when special walls are removed while it can massively threaten even things that normally check it like Zapdos, Celebi and opposing Suicune. Special Offense can also fit odd sets like Rain Dance, Offensive Sub, Off Roar Cune. https://pokepast.es/56a4431b9ac64851 (Offcune can use Hidden Power Electric Over Grass to bring the hammer down on Gyarados, And I guess Mantine if you face Zacpz in Mushi league but lol.)

Celebi: :rs/Celebi:
Celebi has very important defensive utility by Checking Zapdos, Gengar and Waters while being an offensive threat in it's own right. Can run a variety of different CM Sets from Leech CM, CM Pass, Super and Leech 3 Attacks.

Jirachi: :rs/Jirachi:
Powerful CM sweeper that is a big threat when Snorlax and Blissey are removed. Can run bulky Sub CM Sets or Super Rachi sets which are very customizable. Lot's of synergy with Dugtrio.

Raikou: :rs/Raikou:
Mid-Lategame sweeper with high speed and powerful STAB. Can completely stomp in certain match ups.

Jolteon: :rs/Jolteon:
An underrated partner on special offense, Jolteon brings both speed control and electric immunity to it's team while also being a good CM pass recipient and a powerful abuser when it's checks are trapped. https://pokepast.es/a3038c82b34a4ce3

Gengar: :rs/Gengar:
Fast offensive threat that becomes terrifying alongside Dugtrio as Dug can trap the likes of Pursuit Tyranitar, Blissey, Celebi, Jirachi and Magneton allowing Gengar to go completely crazy in the process with it's Status moves and coverage. Explosion is also busted when paired w Dugtrio and being a Heracross check is invaluable as well

Starmie: :rs/Starmie:
A very solid choice that brings both offensive boons and some utility with it's speed and it's ability to spin. https://pokepast.es/8385f3a1743c13be

Defensive Glue/Support Pokemon: These Pokemon provide defensive backbone/defensive utility to a team often checking multiple threats at once or otherwise providing invaluable support.
Metagross: :rs/Metagross:

Pressures Snorlax, Blissey, Regice and Celebi very well. Checks Dragon Dance Tyranitar and Aerodactyl. Explosion Removes Waters and Curse Snorlax. Can run mixed And Physical sets. https://pokepast.es/813858161fbdf242
Swampert: :rs/Swampert:
Best Rock Resist in the tier. Physical Salamence Check. Offensive Refresh Sets Foil Defensive Jirachi while the others are good offensive abusers/ enablers in there own right. https://pokepast.es/71642cc533828b75
Porygon2: :rs/Porygon2:
A valuable support pokemon for it's ability to trap Dugtrio, Enabling Grounded Sweepers such as Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Raikou and CM Celebi.
Regice: :rs/Regice:
Special Wall that can use Explosion to remove other special walls. Psych Up Sets turn the tables on Cro, Sub and Off Cune while bringing the hammer down vs Sub CM Jirachi and Raikou. https://pokepast.es/8b985a2811f5ca93
Claydol: :rs/Claydol:
Rock Resist, Spinner, Electric Resist, Explosion User. (I should note that I think Claydol on Special Offense is Bad and shouldn't be used. Starmie is ussualy the better choice.)

The Rain Dance Users: Rain is a rare but powerful anti offensive style in ADV OU. In a metagame ruled by Aero spikes and aggressive balance teams rain stands out as a style that can potentially be absolutely devastating vs these.
Kingdra: :rs/Kingdra:
The most consistent rain sweeper due to it's bulk, speed and Typing. Making Kingdra the premier choice for Special Offense that want a Rain Dance User.
Ludicolo: :rs/Ludicolo:
A unique alternative to Kingdra that has access to leech seed, Grass stab, resistance to Swamperts Stabs and an immunity to leech seed itself making it somewhat better into Celebi but is worse overall into Salamence and DD Tyranitar. https://pokepast.es/07f6c05a242c7a01
Omastar: :rs/Omastar:
The most powerful rain sweeper in ADV OU but it's typing is so bad that it rarely if ever see's use over it's fellow rain sweepers. But it's normal resistance, Sand Immunity and it's sheer power might make it worth while in some tour games. Maybe...
Gorebyss :rs/Gorebyss:
The second most powerful rain sweeper, Gorebyss is very similar to Omastar in terms of power with Gorebyss lacking it's rock Typing. This means that Gorebyss misses out on the sand immunity and the normal resist but is better defensively overall due it being able to tank at least one Hp Grass from mixed attackers, lack of EQ weakness and access to agility and Baton Pass meaning it has some depth to it's game even if it isn't much.

Niche/ Unorphodox Picks/ Other: Pokemon that could fit on a Special Offense team but are not seen as often due to them being outclassed or they are harder to fit compared to other pokemon.
Tyranitar: :rs/Tyranitar:
Yes..I am aware that it is very strange to see the best Pokemon in the tier in "Niche Picks" but this is due to the fact that Tar is better suited on Spikes teams where it's power truly shines. That being said It's still Tyranitar and it can very much be extremely threatening even on a style that has a harder time fitting it.
Charizard: :rs/Charizard:
Fire Types are a rare sight on special offense due to being hard to fit over offensive waters and electrics but they do have somewhat of a place considering how many targets in the tier are hit hard by stab fire, with Charizard being the best due to it's speed and coverage. https://pokepast.es/187a4ff7cc7f8726
Milotic: :rs/Milotic:
Though seen as a pillar of defense Offensive Milotic has potential to be a big threat due to it's access to sleep and it's powerful Hydro pumps which makes it a descent lead. https://pokepast.es/86b7c604b58f23cc

Slowbro: :rs/Slowbro:
Very slow (hence its namesake) , but has a massive move pool which includes CM, FireBlast, Twave.
Alakazam: :rs/Alakazam:
Very Fast and Strong but it's defensive utility doesn't really exsist and cannot fit all the moves it wants at once.
A worse Vaporeon, but waterspout and boom make it good enough if you really want to use it.
Lunatone: :rs/lunatone:
A Cm passer that is sand immune, eq immune and a mence check that has access to hypnosis. https://pokepast.es/6bee4752fb4cdc15

(This forum was Read and Approved by Vapicuno.)
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How this comes together? :pika:
Building special offense is pretty easy when you fully understand the fundamentals above. Every Special Offense requires a Powerful lead (Vaporeon, Zapdos, Jynx.), A Zapdos (which does everything and it can also lead), A Dugtrio and a Defensive Glue (Metagross or Swampert.) With that in mind lets go over some sample teams to give you a good idea how the style should be built.

Vaporeon Jolteon Special Offense: :Vaporeon: :Zapdos: :Suicune: :Metagross: :Jolteon: :Dugtrio:
CM Spam: :Jynx: :Zapdos: :Suicune: :Jirachi: :Raikou: :Dugtrio: https://pokepast.es/9864fb4eaabfbaf0
Rain: :Zapdos: :Celebi: :Swampert: :Dugtrio: :Kingdra: :Ludicolo: https://pokepast.es/156e62124577b855
Thank you for the post. special offense has since really clicked for me.

I found that mixed tar works really well as a lead to generate momentum. Can you tell me what the reasoning is for giving your mixed tar some bulk instead of max speed? and why crunch over hp grass?

I‘m also curious about what you think about spikes/special offense hybrids.

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