3DS Is it worth it?

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Having been a long time fan of pokemon, I have inevitably brought the console to play pokemon on, GBC GBA and DS. But the 3DS is turning me off getting the latest version because of its high price (correct me if i'm wrong but the DS wasn't £140 at release). I'd love to play X or Y but at the cost of £170, I don't want to spend that price (the game however is worth it in my eyes).
Looking around at the other titles for the 3DS I cannot seem to find a game that i'd like to play outside the pokemon main games. As a RTS fan I cannot seem to justify myself buying the console for a single game and possibly the next generation of pokemon. As for games that i could go along with ie Yu-gi-oh and guitar hero (lol) unless I'm mistaken the 3DS aren't continuing these franchises, further pushing me away from the 3DS.
With the DSi for some unexplained reason It hated my wifi i had at home I bought an officail Nintendo internet dongle, again it hated my internet. If the 3DS hates my internet like my DSi it would cripple my enjoyment of the 3DS more. I'd like to get into pokemon competitively again so that is a amjor issue for me. Has the 3DS connection issues improved for the DSi?
Now I know the 2DS is an option, but still I'm buying the console for one game and still spending over £100 the same goes with a pre-owned console. It still doesn't seem like a worth-while investment.

So excluding pokemon X/Y from the 3DS is it worth it? Is there something I'm missing which will justify the price?
Ace Attorney 5
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Tales of the Abyss
Luigis Mansion Dark Moon
Mario Kart 7
Kid Icarus Uprising
Tales of the Abyss
Kingdom Hearts DDD
Mario and Luigi Dream Team
Zero Escape Virtues Last Reward
Fire Emblem Awakening
Monster Hunter

there's probably a bunch of other games I'm missing from this lineup, but I think this pretty much guarantees the quality of the games on this system. if you are having any second thoughts by now, you are doing it wrong.
We have a 3DS discussion thread in The Great Library, and people there are very familiar with its library and features.

My personal opinion is that only you can answer this question. What makes a console worth the purchase? I strongly believe the library makes the platform past a certain point of money and power/featureset. There's no point buying a console that's amazing if you don't want to play games on it. Whether you can justify the expense of a console for one game is unique to you depending on your personal values and finances. There are one or two games I love so much I most likely would've bought the 3DS just to play, but I loved many many games on the DS and still get a lot out of it, so it was worth it for me anyway.

If you don't know why your DSi didn't work with your internet then it's too hard to tell if you would be able to use the 3DS wifi at home. The DSi only worked with WPA2 on certain games iirc (I'm not sure about this, as I never got a DSi), whereas the 3DS supports WPA2. So the encryption of your network could be one problem, for example, but that's just one. I'm not sure if you would be able to go home and check and return it within a week or whatever if it doesn't work, for example, depends on the consumer laws where you live and the policy of the store and stuff like that. If you intend on getting back into competitive Pokémon you can play on simulators when they're available or you can play in the game itself, which is very viable as breeding and getting competitive legendaries has been made much, much easier.

I mean, the 3DS has a bunch of fun features and there are eshop games and stuff but at the end of the day you're not going to buy the 3DS for the mediocre camera or the ability to play music on it or whatever. You're gonna buy it for the ability to play games, all those things are just icing. So it's up to you whether you want to get it just for XY. You can always ask in the thread what games might be good for someone with your preferences and look further into them or upcoming games. The 3DS has a great library of first-parties and a solid list of third-parties in my opinion but it might not float your boat.

If you weren't using a flash cart with the DSi you could possibly also just sell that (don't know how much it'll go for though, definitely not enough to cover it but it might help) and buy a 2DS. It's backwards-compatible.

eta: fwiw, there are a LOT of direct references from NPCs to Hoenn in XY and I consider it quite likely there'll be an RSE remake on the 3DS (not sure about gen 7), obviously there's nothing confirmed in that though...
(This is not my logic, but someone's logic I once read somewhere)

How much would you spend for an hour of entertainment, maximum? Let's go with 1 dollar, because I'm a stingy person who doesn't like spending money.

A 3DS costs 200 dollars, from what I quickly Googled. X/Y costs about 60 dollars brand new. If this math is wrong, please correct me.

Now, I know for myself, I got hundreds of hours of entertainment from my older Pokemon games. If the past is anything to go by, X/Y will also give me approximately the same amount of enjoyment. XY should, bar unforeseen circumstance, pay for itself.

The 3DS needs to do a bit more - it can't use the (first) 60 hours of XY, because that's paying for XY. However, any hours after it, as well as the list of games in Acklow's list that you'd purchase, as well as any future games that have not been announced (hoenn remake please) and anything else not on Acklow's list you'd happen to purchase, all contribute to the 3DS's repay.

While this logic might be flawed, it's convinced me to purchase a 3DS and XY when I have the time to.

edit: im dumb, actual prices below apparently!
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(This is not my logic, but someone's logic I once read somewhere)

How much would you spend for an hour of entertainment, maximum? Let's go with 1 dollar, because I'm a stingy person who doesn't like spending money.

A 3DS costs 200 dollars, from what I quickly Googled. X/Y costs about 60 dollars brand new. If this math is wrong, please correct me.

In the US, fwiw, a regular 3DS is about 180, 3ds xl around 200, 2ds around 130, and X/Y are about 40 each.
If you think the 3DS is too expensive, maybe buy the 2DS. I know, it's ugly and you don't have the 3D effects but the games still remain the games.
If you think the 3DS is too expensive, maybe buy the 2DS. I know, it's ugly and you don't have the 3D effects but the games still remain the games.
I can't see the 3D effects and I'm sure they're cool and all but it's never made a game feel disappointing for me so far!! I hope this wouldn't be the deal-breaker for someone, better a cheap 3DS than none at all.
Welp, lets see...

Ace Attorney 5
Phoenix vs Professor Layton
Virtues Last Reward
Fire Emblem Awakening
Animal Crossing
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A Link Between Worlds, etc

There are plenty of titles worth the money, but in the end it all depends on your taste in games.
I bought a 3DS a couple months back and it's been worth the money so far. Most of the library has been mentioned (except Etrian Odyssey, EO4 is awesome and probably my favorite game on the system) so if enough of those look good to the point where it justifies the price then go for it.
In terms of games it's pretty well worth it, several have been named and you have upcoming ones like Smash Bros and new Mario titles.

As for the system, I'd probably consider 2DS if cost is a factor, it's cheaper and (depending on how obsessive you've been conditioned) is not a clamshell design. Nor does it do 3D. But the 3D effect isn't that appreciable anyways (ie, not a factor in most games not made by Nintendo) and in Pokemon X/Y, having it on lags battles anyways. If it was out when I got my 3DS anyways I probably would've went with 2DS instead, and depending on how Pokebank turns out and what you can/can't do between your carts, might get a used one anyways so I can transfer mons between carts.
actually while we're on the subject of fatlus the only game i've played that they've made has been devil survivor (on jumpluff's recommendation) for around 20 minutes (either the rom or my emulator was fucked).

i don't really like JRPGs with a few exceptions so i'm wondering how much of a traditional JRPG SMT4 is. people seem to like it and recommend it.
Pokemon X
Pokemon Y
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Super Mario 3D Land
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Mario Kart 7
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

And before you can say "Merry Christmas", there will be a new Zelda. The 3DS has unquestionably been the best console of 2013 and has an extensive library. And I've played on a friend's 2DS; it is not nearly as ugly as it looks. You can get a 3DS for 170 new though you can probably get it for 130 or so on eBay. A 2DS will also run you 130. The 3DS is a JRPG lover's best friend and has an absolutely stunning first party lineup along with some kickin' third-party games like Devil Survivor and Virtue's Last Reward. I can't recommend the console enough, especially if you find a good deal. This is not a 170-dollar Pokemon machine.
Game selection of the 3ds is growing fast. I was really disappointed when i first bought it because of the games, but now there are so much games that i wish to play but cant fit in my wallet. Lol
Just going to bring up that you can get some relatively cheap refurbished consoles sold through Nintendo's website. Picked up my 3ds for $120 including shipping, so if you're looking to save money, that'd be a good place to consider.
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