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Season 36 (Week 2 [SS OU #2]) Won by Suzuya

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a fairy

has no name
is a Tournament Directoris a Site Content Manageris a Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
RoAPL Champion
Post "in" to participate. Be aware that you can only join two tours this week!

- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at http://smogtours.psim.us/.
- Send a PM to "a fairy" on SmogTours when you win your match. Do **NOT** PM the host if you lost.

Additionally, please note that today's tour is SS OU! The current banlist on Smogon University is in effect.

General Smogon Tour rules:
  • You must have a Smogon forum account to sign up for a Smogon Tour tournament. You cannot participate if you do not post in this thread.
  • When this tour is posted, post as quickly as you can to ensure a place in the tournament. The number of spots available will vary from week to week, and it is up to the discretion of the host on when sign-ups will be closed. On Xenforo (our current forum software), YOUR POST NUMBER IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE. Do NOT whine to the host or on SmogTours if your post number implies you should have been in the tournament and you are not.
  • Substitute players will only be applied in the first round and as deemed necessary by the host.
  • If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
  • You may change teams between rounds without penalty. You are, in fact, encouraged to do so to prevent your opponents from knowing your team in advance.
  • You may only participate in two Smogon Tour tournaments per week. For example, if you play on Friday and Saturday, you are not allowed to play on Sunday. If you do, your results will be null and void and you will LOSE points.
  • Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
Smogon Tour Battling rules:
  • All tiers are based on Smogon tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the banlist of the appropriate ladder on PS! with '/tier'. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two (2) of the same species of Pokemon on their team, based on National Pokedex number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on their team.
  • Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokemon.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot increase their Pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
  • OHKO Clause: A player cannot use a move that has a chance of instantly KOing an opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold are illegal moves.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, that player loses. SmogTours staff will not turn the timer off in any circumstance.
  • Self-KO Clause: If a player uses a recoil move to cause a draw, that player wins. If a player uses Explosion, Selfdestruct, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song to cause a draw, that player loses. If a draw would be caused by a hold item or ability that causes recoil to the opponent, the player that controls the Pokémon with the hold item or ability wins. (This clause helps determine the winner of what would be called a tie in DPP. Later generations do not apply this clause, because their cartridge mechanics will prevent ties from happening.)
  • Endless Battle Clause: A player cannot use a combination of items / moves / abilities to force a game that will never end (example: Recycle / Leppa Berry / Heal Pulse, etc).
  • Moody Clause: A player can not use the ability Moody.
  • Swagger Clause: A player can not use the move Swagger.

Round 1

Star vs. Ado
Roller K
vs. DonSalvatore
polt vs. lolebruh
Jhonx~ vs. Kebab mlml
vs. Luigi
ABR vs. Sachumberto
fish anemometer vs. Attribute
Surimi vs. roxie
SidTheShuckle vs. Raptor
vs. VerySuboptimal
skimmythegod vs. LpZ
Kustavan vs. weird mon
vs. ZModZ
Nowelle vs. veti
vs. sayyonara
Ferenia vs. Fant'sy Beast
zioziotrip vs. Rellia
Hats vs. Hacker
Skyiew vs. JojenReed
Shafofficiel vs. bbeeaa
MahTheBot vs. Mihowk
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs. Autistic Soviet
sasha vs. Empo
monchooo vs. KeldeoCrowned
Anchor9 vs. LuckOverSkill
RebeuGourmand vs. Ampha
vs. Sylvi
Gilbert arenas vs. Nalorium
romanji vs. Eeveeto
Mysterious M vs. Tace
vs. seroo
Chaitanya vs. Baloor
Waci vs. ayk
Fabriisse vs. ChaFouuu
Creator of Some vs. averagetoxapexlover
vs. Typical_bastard
m rodrigues vs. Saladona
3d vs. SpookyZ
hellom vs. Kenix
Ewin vs. adel
Yves Stone vs. jackuzzler
Lily vs. TyCarter
Zokuru vs. Satanic Beast
vs. egalvanc
LightCore vs. adjustments
Expulso vs. Adriyun
Ashbala vs. jetou
woopdoopity vs. Mada
vs. crying
Lycans vs. s7a
XelloW vs. Skypenguin
vs. velvet
Charmflash vs. fade
pulsar512b vs. entrocefalo
vs. t0te
Sacred vs. Suzuya
vs. A Welcome Guest
Zoyotte vs. metrospiderr
Gei vs. hariyana grande
RichardMillePlain vs. sensei axew
Chris Chien Pao
vs. @Bye1
eliana. vs. fatBatman
Ninja vs. @Bye3
Shane the Shroomish vs. @Bye4
MGdos16 vs. JesusGameplays2
Leftiez vs. lou dort
vs. @Bye7
Quantum Tesseract vs. @Bye8
Mannuraj vs. reyscarface
vs. Bye10
Fc vs. Vulpix03
mushamu vs. wssi
Alhen vs. yone
vs. @Bye14
smg (notfunny) vs. @Bye15
QWILY vs. @Bye16
DugZa vs. Dead by Daylight
SoulWind vs. @Bye18
Baddy vs. @Bye19
Kyo vs. z0mOG
vs. @Bye21
Uber45 vs. RyuSnowシ
Phantom0rion vs. @Bye23
elodin vs. @Bye24
Dasmer vs. @Bye25
We Three Kings vs. PDC
Finchinator vs. @Bye27
1LDK vs. Fakes
vs. @Bye29
NoName6293 vs. @Bye30
MichaelderBeste2 vs. @Bye31
tofa vs. @Bye32
B0by vs. @Bye33
devin vs. RiloBR
lihj vs. Ryuji
Shucklegigas vs. yo cho

Round 2

vs. Lycans
LightCore vs. DugZa
Carkoala vs. lou dort
z0mOG vs. Zoyotte
Expulso vs. MGdos16
LpZ vs. KeldeoCrowned
Chris Chien Pao vs. avarice
Fakes vs. Attribute
Waci vs. Raptor
Welli0u vs. yone
vs. entrocefalo
smg (notfunny) vs. Shafofficiel
vs. Ferenia
hariyana grande vs. Shoot
Hats vs. tier
TyCarter vs. Ado
vs. Ampha
Tuthur vs. zioziotrip
Finchinator vs. Suzuya
Gilbert arenas vs. Mada
Baddy vs. devin
Roller K
vs. Giannis Antetokommo-o
Skyiew vs. Uber45
Dasmer vs. Phantom0rion
Charmflash vs. Skypenguin
vs. Ewin
3d vs. Kristyl
vs. MahTheBot
weird mon vs. Ziyeh
yovan33321 vs. roxie
Isza vs. Satanic Beast
Sabella vs. Shane the Shroomish
vs. We Three Kings
Chaitanya vs. NoName6293
LuckOverSkill vs. jetou
vs. lolebruh
tofa vs. veti
sensei axew vs. Yves Stone
Fakee vs. Jefozz
hellom vs. averagetoxapexlover
vs. B0by
Kebab mlml vs. Quantum Tesseract
Santu vs. Empo
vs. lihj
eliana. vs. reyscarface
Ninja vs. m rodrigues
vs. Shucklegigas

Round 3

yone vs. Raptor
Zoyotte vs. ACR1
Kristyl vs. Fakee
KeldeoCrowned vs. Ado
Carkoala vs. sensei axew
Roller K vs. Dasmer
m rodrigues vs. Suzuya
vs. devin
wssi vs. Shane the Shroomish
Eeveeto vs. Vulpix03
ChaFouuu vs. Mada
vs. Quantum Tesseract
zioziotrip vs. tofa
Shafofficiel vs. SoulWind
vs. tier
avarice vs. Chaitanya
yovan33321 vs. Empo
jetou vs. averagetoxapexlover
vs. weird mon
Shoot vs. QWILY
vs. ABR
MGdos16 vs. Satanic Beast
MichaelderBeste2 vs. LightCore
JustFranco vs. elodin

Round 4

vs. Dasmer
ACR1 vs. Skypenguin
tofa vs. Suzuya
vs. Vulpix03
MichaelderBeste2 vs. MGdos16
Mada vs. Empo
QWILY vs. eliana.
avarice vs. Shane the Shroomish
SoulWind vs. sensei axew
vs. averagetoxapexlover
Skyiew vs. KeldeoCrowned
elodin vs. Fakee

Round 5

vs. Fakee
Skypenguin vs. sensei axew
MichaelderBeste2 vs. Attribute
Tace vs. Raptor
Shane the Shroomish vs. Suzuya
vs. eliana.

Round 6

vs. KeldeoCrowned - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-757426
Skypenguin vs. Raptor - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-757425
Suzuya vs. Attribute - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-757419

Round 7
Empo vs Skypenguin
Empo vs Suzuya - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-757441
Skypenguin vs Suzuya - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-757436
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