Post "in" to participate. Be aware that you can only join two tours this week!
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "sparksblade" on SmogTours when you win your match. Do **NOT** PM the host if you lost.
Additionally, please note that today's tour is SS OU! The current banlist on Smogon University is in effect.
General Smogon Tour rules:
Round 1
Felines vs. Ruft
afakedugong vs. doc1203
Adri vs. Wanony
Hugo Barrington vs. tomhyoshi
Finchinator vs. Eternal Spirit
Dasmer vs. Roseybear
airfare vs. Hervalt
Exiline vs. lockjaw
Hockey1 vs. Flyte
Rodriblutar vs. AquaVanilla
Genesis7 vs. watashi
Aurella vs. Ktütverde
Elfuseon vs. zeno420
devin vs. CyberOdin✝
XKH vs. Jhonx~
Gilbert arenas vs. monchooo
NeoNaruto vs. Leo
crucify vs. KiruxOnTheFlux
daforestcave vs. reymaki
Thiago Nunes vs. Baloor
MortalityI vs. Gochan
Nultiprise vs. Acey 2B
Chaitanya vs. Yuji
Malfunction vs. A-drago destroyer
Nascarfan1896 vs. Bloshh
Clone vs. Separation
adricraxk vs. Yves Stone
freezai vs. AquaFinity
Ninja vs. Eonito
z0mOG vs. Mishimono
Jomatoes vs. Mimikyu Stardust
Chazm vs. Bluxio
Stareal vs. umbry
Kev vs. fakenagol
TheKingKarp vs. sensei axew
Pohjis vs. QWILY
Misterioussaint vs. Insult
Kenix vs. Lazy_bread27
zioziotrip vs. Nalorium
Kinetic1000 vs. Garay oak
MichaelderBeste2 vs. Winterains
haxrme vs. Lord Thorx
Fant'sy Beast vs. Mannat
Scoptile vs. KM
SoulWind vs. Skypenguin
Bushtush vs. Ron...5
swordstrike vs. TDNT
TheLastMew vs. RaiZen1704
Xenqt vs. egalvanc
Lennart vs. Euglena
KiritoTenshi vs. LegendaryC26
BluBirD252 vs. beatiful
Coolcodename vs. Icequake
Gei vs. Serika
richard7774 vs. Fakee
NHelioX7 vs. roanba
Fc vs. The_Black_Napoleon
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs. adel
gt853 vs. ririmu
Trickster7 vs. decis
Eremita vs. Spl4sh
Shakur vs. montegom
maxou1239 vs. Abyssal Ruins
Santu vs. Expulso
Bouff vs. Raptor
robjr vs. Excal
Vusty. vs. Confide
crying vs. Meracx
Pataozinho vs. avarice
Flex OKLM vs. MisterWN
Eulelp vs. xtra$hine
drakey vs. Ox the Fox
BlazingDark vs. Chuerk
qtipsa vs. Always!
Zokuru vs. Vulpix03
dahli vs. Oqo
Pujo vs. t0te
Hyssou vs. gilftl308
Harshal_08 vs. HANTSUKI
SiTuM vs. AnnaMyers
TJ vs. Ahsan-219
Natheljesus vs. Bye2
Bossmoo vs. frania
AlphaRay01 vs. Bye4
16bit vs. Bye5
p4P1//0n vs. aqh
Marshall.Law vs. MagicalXerneas
Adaam vs. Waylaid
Crunchman vs. tlenit
Fardin vs. Bye10
Terraquaza vs. Bye11
Aliss vs. Bye13
Cicada vs. HaaiL
Bruno de Lucas vs. teal6
Beraldinho vs. Bye16
Round 2
BlazingDark vs. Dasmer
teal6 vs. RaiZen1704
AlphaRay01 vs. Stareal
tomhyoshi vs. Adaam
sensei axew vs. QWILY
Flex OKLM vs. Gilbert arenas
lockjaw vs. doc1203
Wanony vs. Natheljesus
Ninja vs. Aliss
adricraxk vs. Giannis Antetokommo-o
maxou1239 vs. HANTSUKI
KM vs. richard7774
NeoNaruto vs. Chaitanya
16bit vs. Trickster7
crying vs. watashi
Insult vs. swordstrike
t0te vs. Pataozinho
Beraldinho vs. LegendaryC26
Ahsan-219 vs. fakenagol
zioziotrip vs. Gochan
Finchinator vs. Fardin
A-drago destroyer vs. Always!
drakey vs. Bushtush
Rodriblutar vs. Flyte
HaaiL vs. Nascarfan1896
frania vs. Spl4sh
egalvanc vs. STABLE
Marshall.Law vs. reymaki
freezai vs. Ruft
Shakur vs. Bluxio
Raptor vs. devin
Garay oak vs. haxrme
dahli vs. xtra$hine
Mimikyu Stardust vs. Excal
Thiago Nunes vs. Kenix
Santu vs. Icequake
p4P1//0n vs. BluBirD252
SiTuM vs. z0mOG
Separation vs. Fc
Ktütverde vs. Jhonx~
Winterains vs. Confide
crucify vs. SoulWind
Zokuru vs. Acey 2B
Mannat vs. ririmu
airfare vs. tlenit
Lennart vs. Elfuseon
Gei vs. roanba
Hyssou vs. Terraquaza
Round 3
Ktütverde vs. Raptor
haxrme vs. Mannat
xtra$hine vs. Shakur
Gochan vs. Santu
Acey 2B vs. Dasmer
KM vs. z0mOG
QWILY vs. Ahsan-219
SoulWind vs. Beraldinho
Bushtush vs. tomhyoshi
freezai vs. HaaiL
Pataozinho vs. p4P1//0n
Finchinator vs. Wanony
Trickster7 vs. Always!
Flex OKLM vs. Winterains
Insult vs. Rodriblutar
Separation vs. Elfuseon
Chaitanya vs. RaiZen1704
watashi vs. reymaki
Spl4sh vs. lockjaw
Aliss vs. airfare
egalvanc vs. Kenix
Excal vs. Hyssou
Stareal vs. Giannis Antetokommo-o
Round 4
Separation vs. Insult
Finchinator vs. Ktütverde
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs. RaiZen1704
Trickster7 vs. z0mOG
Flex OKLM vs. Excal
xtra$hine vs. Bushtush
Santu vs. Acey 2B
Beraldinho vs. HANTSUKI
reymaki vs. lockjaw
haxrme vs. airfare
freezai vs. Ahsan-219
egalvanc vs. Pataozinho
Round 5
xtra$hine vs. haxrme
Santu vs. lockjaw
Separation vs. Ktütverde
freezai vs. Pataozinho
z0mOG vs. RaiZen1704
Round 6
Santu vs. Pataozinho
xtra$hine vs. z0mOG
Ktütverde vs. Flex OKLM
Round 7
Pataozinho vs. z0mOG
z0mOG vs. Flex OKLM
Flex OKLM vs. Pataozinho
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "sparksblade" on SmogTours when you win your match. Do **NOT** PM the host if you lost.
Additionally, please note that today's tour is SS OU! The current banlist on Smogon University is in effect.
General Smogon Tour rules:
- You must have a Smogon forum account to sign up for a Smogon Tour tournament. You cannot participate if you do not post in this thread.
- When this tour is posted, post as quickly as you can to ensure a place in the tournament. The number of spots available will vary from week to week, and it is up to the discretion of the host on when sign-ups will be closed. On Xenforo (our current forum software), YOUR POST NUMBER IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE. Do NOT whine to the host or on SmogTours if your post number implies you should have been in the tournament and you are not.
- Substitute players will only be applied in the first round and as deemed necessary by the host.
- If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
- You may change teams between rounds without penalty. You are, in fact, encouraged to do so to prevent your opponents from knowing your team in advance.
- You may only participate in two Smogon Tour tournaments per week. For example, if you play on Friday and Saturday, you are not allowed to play on Sunday. If you do, your results will be null and void and you will LOSE points.
- Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
- All tiers are based on Smogon tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the banlist of the appropriate ladder on PS! with '/tier'. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two (2) of the same species of Pokemon on their team, based on National Pokedex number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on their team.
- Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokemon.
- Evasion Clause: A player cannot increase their Pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
- OHKO Clause: A player cannot use a move that has a chance of instantly KOing an opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold are illegal moves.
- Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, that player loses. SmogTours staff will not turn the timer off in any circumstance.
- Self-KO Clause: If a player uses a recoil move to cause a draw, that player wins. If a player uses Explosion, Selfdestruct, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song to cause a draw, that player loses. If a draw would be caused by a hold item or ability that causes recoil to the opponent, the player that controls the Pokémon with the hold item or ability wins. (This clause helps determine the winner of what would be called a tie in DPP. Later generations do not apply this clause, because their cartridge mechanics will prevent ties from happening.)
- Endless Battle Clause: A player cannot use a combination of items / moves / abilities to force a game that will never end (example: Recycle / Leppa Berry / Heal Pulse, etc).
- Moody Clause: A player can not use the ability Moody.
- Swagger Clause: A player can not use the move Swagger.
Round 1
Felines vs. Ruft
afakedugong vs. doc1203
Adri vs. Wanony
Hugo Barrington vs. tomhyoshi
Finchinator vs. Eternal Spirit
Dasmer vs. Roseybear
airfare vs. Hervalt
Exiline vs. lockjaw
Hockey1 vs. Flyte
Rodriblutar vs. AquaVanilla
Genesis7 vs. watashi
Aurella vs. Ktütverde
Elfuseon vs. zeno420
devin vs. CyberOdin✝
XKH vs. Jhonx~
Gilbert arenas vs. monchooo
NeoNaruto vs. Leo
crucify vs. KiruxOnTheFlux
daforestcave vs. reymaki
Thiago Nunes vs. Baloor
MortalityI vs. Gochan
Nultiprise vs. Acey 2B
Chaitanya vs. Yuji
Malfunction vs. A-drago destroyer
Nascarfan1896 vs. Bloshh
Clone vs. Separation
adricraxk vs. Yves Stone
freezai vs. AquaFinity
Ninja vs. Eonito
z0mOG vs. Mishimono
Jomatoes vs. Mimikyu Stardust
Chazm vs. Bluxio
Stareal vs. umbry
Kev vs. fakenagol
TheKingKarp vs. sensei axew
Pohjis vs. QWILY
Misterioussaint vs. Insult
Kenix vs. Lazy_bread27
zioziotrip vs. Nalorium
Kinetic1000 vs. Garay oak
MichaelderBeste2 vs. Winterains
haxrme vs. Lord Thorx
Fant'sy Beast vs. Mannat
Scoptile vs. KM
SoulWind vs. Skypenguin
Bushtush vs. Ron...5
swordstrike vs. TDNT
TheLastMew vs. RaiZen1704
Xenqt vs. egalvanc
Lennart vs. Euglena
KiritoTenshi vs. LegendaryC26
BluBirD252 vs. beatiful
Coolcodename vs. Icequake
Gei vs. Serika
richard7774 vs. Fakee
NHelioX7 vs. roanba
Fc vs. The_Black_Napoleon
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs. adel
gt853 vs. ririmu
Trickster7 vs. decis
Eremita vs. Spl4sh
Shakur vs. montegom
maxou1239 vs. Abyssal Ruins
Santu vs. Expulso
Bouff vs. Raptor
robjr vs. Excal
Vusty. vs. Confide
crying vs. Meracx
Pataozinho vs. avarice
Flex OKLM vs. MisterWN
Eulelp vs. xtra$hine
drakey vs. Ox the Fox
BlazingDark vs. Chuerk
qtipsa vs. Always!
Zokuru vs. Vulpix03
dahli vs. Oqo
Pujo vs. t0te
Hyssou vs. gilftl308
Harshal_08 vs. HANTSUKI
SiTuM vs. AnnaMyers
TJ vs. Ahsan-219
Natheljesus vs. Bye2
Bossmoo vs. frania
AlphaRay01 vs. Bye4
16bit vs. Bye5
p4P1//0n vs. aqh
Marshall.Law vs. MagicalXerneas
Adaam vs. Waylaid
Crunchman vs. tlenit
Fardin vs. Bye10
Terraquaza vs. Bye11
Aliss vs. Bye13
Cicada vs. HaaiL
Bruno de Lucas vs. teal6
Beraldinho vs. Bye16
Round 2
BlazingDark vs. Dasmer
teal6 vs. RaiZen1704
AlphaRay01 vs. Stareal
tomhyoshi vs. Adaam
sensei axew vs. QWILY
Flex OKLM vs. Gilbert arenas
lockjaw vs. doc1203
Wanony vs. Natheljesus
Ninja vs. Aliss
adricraxk vs. Giannis Antetokommo-o
maxou1239 vs. HANTSUKI
KM vs. richard7774
NeoNaruto vs. Chaitanya
16bit vs. Trickster7
crying vs. watashi
Insult vs. swordstrike
t0te vs. Pataozinho
Beraldinho vs. LegendaryC26
Ahsan-219 vs. fakenagol
zioziotrip vs. Gochan
Finchinator vs. Fardin
A-drago destroyer vs. Always!
drakey vs. Bushtush
Rodriblutar vs. Flyte
HaaiL vs. Nascarfan1896
frania vs. Spl4sh
egalvanc vs. STABLE
Marshall.Law vs. reymaki
freezai vs. Ruft
Shakur vs. Bluxio
Raptor vs. devin
Garay oak vs. haxrme
dahli vs. xtra$hine
Mimikyu Stardust vs. Excal
Thiago Nunes vs. Kenix
Santu vs. Icequake
p4P1//0n vs. BluBirD252
SiTuM vs. z0mOG
Separation vs. Fc
Ktütverde vs. Jhonx~
Winterains vs. Confide
crucify vs. SoulWind
Zokuru vs. Acey 2B
Mannat vs. ririmu
airfare vs. tlenit
Lennart vs. Elfuseon
Gei vs. roanba
Hyssou vs. Terraquaza
Round 3
Ktütverde vs. Raptor
haxrme vs. Mannat
xtra$hine vs. Shakur
Gochan vs. Santu
Acey 2B vs. Dasmer
KM vs. z0mOG
QWILY vs. Ahsan-219
SoulWind vs. Beraldinho
Bushtush vs. tomhyoshi
freezai vs. HaaiL
Pataozinho vs. p4P1//0n
Finchinator vs. Wanony
Trickster7 vs. Always!
Flex OKLM vs. Winterains
Insult vs. Rodriblutar
Separation vs. Elfuseon
Chaitanya vs. RaiZen1704
watashi vs. reymaki
Spl4sh vs. lockjaw
Aliss vs. airfare
egalvanc vs. Kenix
Excal vs. Hyssou
Stareal vs. Giannis Antetokommo-o
Round 4
Separation vs. Insult
Finchinator vs. Ktütverde
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs. RaiZen1704
Trickster7 vs. z0mOG
Flex OKLM vs. Excal
xtra$hine vs. Bushtush
Santu vs. Acey 2B
Beraldinho vs. HANTSUKI
reymaki vs. lockjaw
haxrme vs. airfare
freezai vs. Ahsan-219
egalvanc vs. Pataozinho
Round 5
xtra$hine vs. haxrme
Santu vs. lockjaw
Separation vs. Ktütverde
freezai vs. Pataozinho
z0mOG vs. RaiZen1704
Round 6
Santu vs. Pataozinho
xtra$hine vs. z0mOG
Ktütverde vs. Flex OKLM
Round 7
Pataozinho vs. z0mOG
z0mOG vs. Flex OKLM
Flex OKLM vs. Pataozinho
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