Post "in" to participate. Be aware that you can only join two tours this week!
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "Wiggleetuff" on SmogTours when you win your match. Do **NOT** PM the host if you lost.
Additionally, please note that today's tour is ORAS OU! The current banlist on Smogon University is in effect.
General Smogon Tour rules:
pasy_g vs. Rubyblood
Red Shreder vs. Hyssou
maroon vs. Ophion
Corazan vs. dih
Averardo vs. Sageau
ithrowrocksatkids vs. LightScreener
BlueLobster vs. Sabella
Roseybear vs. Lopunny Kicks
Alkione vs. Odd Della Robbia
Bloodz vs. lighthouses
KW vs. Zycross
Ninjacalibur vs. Dragonflo
lucardinho vs. DKM
Youngster_Bill vs. LemonArc
Maskun vs. BK
Rinzer vs. Shaad Skyel
Adam the First vs. franklinfrank
Regnite vs. Lord_Enz
Borrower vs. FRS Blitz
KillaLeston vs. little maths
cb aaron judge vs. agenS
volcanionisgood vs. Vaboh
Toadow vs. Yuni
AAamen vs. Thiago Nunes
Raichy vs. the pharoah
Sharow vs. rozes
Secretman140 vs. GOAO
Updated Kanto vs. dahli
Quantum Tesseract vs. z0mOG
damflame 3 vs. Kebab mlml
Astrologistic style vs. Mix
Aurious vs. Just Call Me 203
Vay vs. Dlanyer
Khemissi vs. Analytic
PDC vs. DevinSmokesYall
Boat (phiwings99) vs. Louna
Finchinator vs. DurzaOffTopic
Ayoukoo vs. Xevara
CDW Enrique vs. Skelderexx..
High Impulse vs. davidTheMaster
ima vs. Decem
t0te vs. Twixtry
shawyu 1313 vs. Terraquaza
Laggronite vs. EriDBst
MetalGro$$ vs. toytean
Flawless Nazgul vs. Zarakro
boudouche vs. snaga
SoulWind vs. gilftl308
Sjneider vs. Kenix
Gilgamesh9 vs. le LLiolae
Shakur vs. Reverend B.C
Frania vs. Pataozinho
Wabane vs. Dodorik
Morale vs. Fated Keys
SiirinZ vs. chinchiliconcarne
DemZii vs. Gabelou0510
Christo vs. Lamuertefrench
Klay vs. decis
Zenter vs. FLCL
umbreon098 vs. SANJAY
NoivernSkrub vs. Zenadark
vanisherrr vs. Spl4sh
Sitonai vs. Star
Pikete vs. Croo
tomhyoshi vs. toinha
Ismail vs. Hamhamhamham
Alexander. vs. michy47
Corckscrew vs. Stareal
TioDragonite vs. SacredKunoCV
ThirdStrongestMole vs. Sacred Wings
Sand Castle vs. Dankoc
Zesty43 vs. DonSalvatore
kd24 vs. yovan33321
Meracx vs. Souw
Askov vs. Shoka
hellpowna vs. SvartPest
Insult vs. Alvaro271
egalvanc vs. 100percentpureheat
RReis vs. Akola
Confide vs. Stef Bryant
Shiiftry vs. Welli0u
Thueris vs. ABR
Empo vs. Hockey1
Golden009 vs. Cicada
Mapplle vs. M Rodrigues
Excal vs. Skyrio
Mob Barley vs. Tace
VS Bruno de Lucas vs. Raiza
MSnt vs. The Kyle
Scythe. vs. gallame X
Chaitanya vs. Altthiel
Cousiin vs. Savouras
Raining Inside vs. Watchog
Luthier vs. zS
odeio stall vs. NA Weezing
Captain Funk vs. mind gaming
Steve Angello vs. Makesuit
Eternal Spirit vs. jeronipuff
CBU vs. Mysterious M
Icequake vs. 30N
Elias PSY vs. Jytcampbell
52Gambit vs. Sieeeffmon
Goldaris vs. Gondra
Santu vs. Erzengel
Slimmer vs. Ghostmanz
ramboss vs. melle2402
Sacri' vs. Bye2
FinnQwert vs. Bye3
xray vs. dice
Will-I-am vs. Tricking
-okara vs. Ismakhil
Sakito vs. Bye7
Eremita vs. mc56556
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Aurella
Luigi vs. Bye10
John W vs. Bye11
SOMALIA vs. Hantsuki
basaninho vs. Bye13
0NI vs. lyd
Gilbert arenas vs. Bye15
Staxi vs. Bye16
Sensibility vs. Bye17
lavarn1 vs. nalorium
McMeghan vs. Leo
p2 vs. Bye20
Eo Ut Mortus vs. Bye21
Weegah vs. Bye22
daunt vs. Bye23
Round 2
(Sitonai vs Star) vs. damflame 3
Skyrio vs. lighthouses
agenS vs. BK
mind gaming vs. daunt
dice vs. boudouche
Borrower vs. Yuni
Empo vs. Confide
Raichy vs. Dragonflo
melle2402 vs. Zesty43
-okara vs. Lopunny Kicks
Sacri' vs. Regnite
gallame X vs. Aurious
DKM vs. z0mOG
Savouras vs. Frania
Ghostmanz vs. Sageau
Akola vs. Eternal Spirit
FinnQwert vs. EriDBst
SacredKunoCV vs. toinha
Cicada vs. Louna
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Chaitanya
Odd Della Robbia vs. vanisherrr
Twixtry vs. Sabella
Christo vs. Eremita
Corckscrew vs. Hyssou
maroon vs. Alexander.
kd24 vs. Fated Keys
p2 vs. Updated Kanto
Shoka vs. volcanionisgood
John W vs. SoulWind
MetalGro$$ vs. Weegah
Rinzer vs. Skelderexx..
Staxi vs. Mapplle
Gondra vs. Sensibility
Eo Ut Mortus vs. FLCL
franklinfrank vs. Raiza
Gabelou0510 vs. NoivernSkrub
ThirdStrongestMole vs. umbreon098
ima vs. Khemissi
rozes vs. nalorium
PDC vs. Pikete
Terraquaza vs. 0NI
Flawless Nazgul vs. Ismail
Kenix vs. Corazan
The Kyle vs. Gilgamesh9
Meracx vs. LemonArc
Reverend B.C vs. Gilbert arenas
52Gambit vs. egalvanc
Mix vs. Dankoc
Mob Barley vs. Klay
AAamen vs. LightScreener
odeio stall vs. Insult
ABR vs. Erzengel
SOMALIA vs. Rubyblood
hellpowna vs. Finchinator
Sakito vs. Vay
basaninho vs. Luigi
Tricking vs. Watchog
Secretman140 vs. Jytcampbell
KillaLeston vs. Xevara
Luthier vs. Wabane
Makesuit vs. McMeghan
CBU vs. Zycross
30N vs. SiirinZ
davidTheMaster vs. Welli0u
Round 3
Lopunny Kicks vs. Mob Barley
30N vs. Terraquaza
Ghostmanz vs. ABR
Aurious vs. Eternal Spirit
Jytcampbell vs. egalvanc
LightScreener vs. toinha
Louna vs. agenS
rozes vs. LemonArc
Gondra vs. McMeghan
Shoka vs. Zycross
Frania vs. Finchinator
Weegah vs. FinnQwert
davidTheMaster vs. Mix
Zesty43 vs. KillaLeston
mind gaming vs. Fated Keys
Rinzer vs. p2
Star vs. Skyrio
Staxi vs. Gilbert arenas
Regnite vs. Confide
Flawless Nazgul vs. Twixtry
dice vs. Luigi
Wabane vs. Sakito
Raiza vs. Christo
SoulWind vs. z0mOG
Insult vs. PDC
Yuni vs. Alexander.
Corazan vs. Hyssou
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Khemissi
Odd Della Robbia vs. Raichy
umbreon098 vs. Gilgamesh9
NoivernSkrub vs. FLCL
SOMALIA vs. Watchog
Round 4
LemonArc vs. Frania
Staxi vs. Corazan
p2 vs. ABR
Louna vs. Ash KetchumGamer
Weegah vs. z0mOG
Skyrio vs. Luigi
Raiza vs. NoivernSkrub
egalvanc vs. Shoka
PDC vs. McMeghan
Odd Della Robbia vs. Mix
Terraquaza vs. Wabane
Confide vs. Gilgamesh9
Zesty43 vs. Lopunny Kicks
Twixtry vs. Fated Keys
toinha vs. Watchog
Eternal Spirit vs. Alexander.
Round 5
Confide vs. Frania
z0mOG vs. egalvanc
Fated Keys vs. toinha
PDC vs. Skyrio
Raiza vs. Zesty43
Terraquaza vs. Odd Della Robbia
ABR vs. Ash KetchumGamer
Staxi vs. Alexander.
Round 6
Skyrio vs. Frania
toinha vs. ABR
Alexander. vs. Raiza
z0mOG vs. Terraquaza
Frania vs. toinha
Raiza vs. z0mOG
Frania vs z0mOG
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "Wiggleetuff" on SmogTours when you win your match. Do **NOT** PM the host if you lost.
Additionally, please note that today's tour is ORAS OU! The current banlist on Smogon University is in effect.
General Smogon Tour rules:
- You must have a Smogon forum account to sign up for a Smogon Tour tournament. You cannot participate if you do not post in this thread.
- When this tour is posted, post as quickly as you can to ensure a place in the tournament. The number of spots available will vary from week to week, and it is up to the discretion of the host on when sign-ups will be closed. On Xenforo (our current forum software), YOUR POST NUMBER IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE. Do NOT whine to the host or on SmogTours if your post number implies you should have been in the tournament and you are not.
- Substitute players will only be applied in the first round and as deemed necessary by the host.
- If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
- You may change teams between rounds without penalty. You are, in fact, encouraged to do so to prevent your opponents from knowing your team in advance.
- You may only participate in two Smogon Tour tournaments per week. For example, if you play on Friday and Saturday, you are not allowed to play on Sunday. If you do, your results will be null and void and you will LOSE points.
- Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
- All tiers are based on Smogon tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the banlist of the appropriate ladder on PS! with '/tier'. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two (2) of the same species of Pokemon on their team, based on National Pokedex number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on their team.
- Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokemon.
- Evasion Clause: A player cannot increase their Pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
- OHKO Clause: A player cannot use a move that has a chance of instantly KOing an opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold are illegal moves.
- Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, that player loses. SmogTours staff will not turn the timer off in any circumstance.
- Self-KO Clause: If a player uses a recoil move to cause a draw, that player wins. If a player uses Explosion, Selfdestruct, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song to cause a draw, that player loses. If a draw would be caused by a hold item or ability that causes recoil to the opponent, the player that controls the Pokémon with the hold item or ability wins. (This clause helps determine the winner of what would be called a tie in DPP. Later generations do not apply this clause, because their cartridge mechanics will prevent ties from happening.)
- Endless Battle Clause: A player cannot use a combination of items / moves / abilities to force a game that will never end (example: Recycle / Leppa Berry / Heal Pulse, etc).
- Moody Clause: A player can not use the ability Moody.
- Swagger Clause: A player can not use the move Swagger.
pasy_g vs. Rubyblood
Red Shreder vs. Hyssou
maroon vs. Ophion
Corazan vs. dih
Averardo vs. Sageau
ithrowrocksatkids vs. LightScreener
BlueLobster vs. Sabella
Roseybear vs. Lopunny Kicks
Alkione vs. Odd Della Robbia
Bloodz vs. lighthouses
KW vs. Zycross
Ninjacalibur vs. Dragonflo
lucardinho vs. DKM
Youngster_Bill vs. LemonArc
Maskun vs. BK
Rinzer vs. Shaad Skyel
Adam the First vs. franklinfrank
Regnite vs. Lord_Enz
Borrower vs. FRS Blitz
KillaLeston vs. little maths
cb aaron judge vs. agenS
volcanionisgood vs. Vaboh
Toadow vs. Yuni
AAamen vs. Thiago Nunes
Raichy vs. the pharoah
Sharow vs. rozes
Secretman140 vs. GOAO
Updated Kanto vs. dahli
Quantum Tesseract vs. z0mOG
damflame 3 vs. Kebab mlml
Astrologistic style vs. Mix
Aurious vs. Just Call Me 203
Vay vs. Dlanyer
Khemissi vs. Analytic
PDC vs. DevinSmokesYall
Boat (phiwings99) vs. Louna
Finchinator vs. DurzaOffTopic
Ayoukoo vs. Xevara
CDW Enrique vs. Skelderexx..
High Impulse vs. davidTheMaster
ima vs. Decem
t0te vs. Twixtry
shawyu 1313 vs. Terraquaza
Laggronite vs. EriDBst
MetalGro$$ vs. toytean
Flawless Nazgul vs. Zarakro
boudouche vs. snaga
SoulWind vs. gilftl308
Sjneider vs. Kenix
Gilgamesh9 vs. le LLiolae
Shakur vs. Reverend B.C
Frania vs. Pataozinho
Wabane vs. Dodorik
Morale vs. Fated Keys
SiirinZ vs. chinchiliconcarne
DemZii vs. Gabelou0510
Christo vs. Lamuertefrench
Klay vs. decis
Zenter vs. FLCL
umbreon098 vs. SANJAY
NoivernSkrub vs. Zenadark
vanisherrr vs. Spl4sh
Sitonai vs. Star
Pikete vs. Croo
tomhyoshi vs. toinha
Ismail vs. Hamhamhamham
Alexander. vs. michy47
Corckscrew vs. Stareal
TioDragonite vs. SacredKunoCV
ThirdStrongestMole vs. Sacred Wings
Sand Castle vs. Dankoc
Zesty43 vs. DonSalvatore
kd24 vs. yovan33321
Meracx vs. Souw
Askov vs. Shoka
hellpowna vs. SvartPest
Insult vs. Alvaro271
egalvanc vs. 100percentpureheat
RReis vs. Akola
Confide vs. Stef Bryant
Shiiftry vs. Welli0u
Thueris vs. ABR
Empo vs. Hockey1
Golden009 vs. Cicada
Mapplle vs. M Rodrigues
Excal vs. Skyrio
Mob Barley vs. Tace
VS Bruno de Lucas vs. Raiza
MSnt vs. The Kyle
Scythe. vs. gallame X
Chaitanya vs. Altthiel
Cousiin vs. Savouras
Raining Inside vs. Watchog
Luthier vs. zS
odeio stall vs. NA Weezing
Captain Funk vs. mind gaming
Steve Angello vs. Makesuit
Eternal Spirit vs. jeronipuff
CBU vs. Mysterious M
Icequake vs. 30N
Elias PSY vs. Jytcampbell
52Gambit vs. Sieeeffmon
Goldaris vs. Gondra
Santu vs. Erzengel
Slimmer vs. Ghostmanz
ramboss vs. melle2402
Sacri' vs. Bye2
FinnQwert vs. Bye3
xray vs. dice
Will-I-am vs. Tricking
-okara vs. Ismakhil
Sakito vs. Bye7
Eremita vs. mc56556
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Aurella
Luigi vs. Bye10
John W vs. Bye11
SOMALIA vs. Hantsuki
basaninho vs. Bye13
0NI vs. lyd
Gilbert arenas vs. Bye15
Staxi vs. Bye16
Sensibility vs. Bye17
lavarn1 vs. nalorium
McMeghan vs. Leo
p2 vs. Bye20
Eo Ut Mortus vs. Bye21
Weegah vs. Bye22
daunt vs. Bye23
Round 2
(Sitonai vs Star) vs. damflame 3
Skyrio vs. lighthouses
agenS vs. BK
mind gaming vs. daunt
dice vs. boudouche
Borrower vs. Yuni
Empo vs. Confide
Raichy vs. Dragonflo
melle2402 vs. Zesty43
-okara vs. Lopunny Kicks
Sacri' vs. Regnite
gallame X vs. Aurious
DKM vs. z0mOG
Savouras vs. Frania
Ghostmanz vs. Sageau
Akola vs. Eternal Spirit
FinnQwert vs. EriDBst
SacredKunoCV vs. toinha
Cicada vs. Louna
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Chaitanya
Odd Della Robbia vs. vanisherrr
Twixtry vs. Sabella
Christo vs. Eremita
Corckscrew vs. Hyssou
maroon vs. Alexander.
kd24 vs. Fated Keys
p2 vs. Updated Kanto
Shoka vs. volcanionisgood
John W vs. SoulWind
MetalGro$$ vs. Weegah
Rinzer vs. Skelderexx..
Staxi vs. Mapplle
Gondra vs. Sensibility
Eo Ut Mortus vs. FLCL
franklinfrank vs. Raiza
Gabelou0510 vs. NoivernSkrub
ThirdStrongestMole vs. umbreon098
ima vs. Khemissi
rozes vs. nalorium
PDC vs. Pikete
Terraquaza vs. 0NI
Flawless Nazgul vs. Ismail
Kenix vs. Corazan
The Kyle vs. Gilgamesh9
Meracx vs. LemonArc
Reverend B.C vs. Gilbert arenas
52Gambit vs. egalvanc
Mix vs. Dankoc
Mob Barley vs. Klay
AAamen vs. LightScreener
odeio stall vs. Insult
ABR vs. Erzengel
SOMALIA vs. Rubyblood
hellpowna vs. Finchinator
Sakito vs. Vay
basaninho vs. Luigi
Tricking vs. Watchog
Secretman140 vs. Jytcampbell
KillaLeston vs. Xevara
Luthier vs. Wabane
Makesuit vs. McMeghan
CBU vs. Zycross
30N vs. SiirinZ
davidTheMaster vs. Welli0u
Round 3
Lopunny Kicks vs. Mob Barley
30N vs. Terraquaza
Ghostmanz vs. ABR
Aurious vs. Eternal Spirit
Jytcampbell vs. egalvanc
LightScreener vs. toinha
Louna vs. agenS
rozes vs. LemonArc
Gondra vs. McMeghan
Shoka vs. Zycross
Frania vs. Finchinator
Weegah vs. FinnQwert
davidTheMaster vs. Mix
Zesty43 vs. KillaLeston
mind gaming vs. Fated Keys
Rinzer vs. p2
Star vs. Skyrio
Staxi vs. Gilbert arenas
Regnite vs. Confide
Flawless Nazgul vs. Twixtry
dice vs. Luigi
Wabane vs. Sakito
Raiza vs. Christo
SoulWind vs. z0mOG
Insult vs. PDC
Yuni vs. Alexander.
Corazan vs. Hyssou
Ash KetchumGamer vs. Khemissi
Odd Della Robbia vs. Raichy
umbreon098 vs. Gilgamesh9
NoivernSkrub vs. FLCL
SOMALIA vs. Watchog
Round 4
LemonArc vs. Frania
Staxi vs. Corazan
p2 vs. ABR
Louna vs. Ash KetchumGamer
Weegah vs. z0mOG
Skyrio vs. Luigi
Raiza vs. NoivernSkrub
egalvanc vs. Shoka
PDC vs. McMeghan
Odd Della Robbia vs. Mix
Terraquaza vs. Wabane
Confide vs. Gilgamesh9
Zesty43 vs. Lopunny Kicks
Twixtry vs. Fated Keys
toinha vs. Watchog
Eternal Spirit vs. Alexander.
Round 5
Confide vs. Frania
z0mOG vs. egalvanc
Fated Keys vs. toinha
PDC vs. Skyrio
Raiza vs. Zesty43
Terraquaza vs. Odd Della Robbia
ABR vs. Ash KetchumGamer
Staxi vs. Alexander.
Round 6
Skyrio vs. Frania
toinha vs. ABR
Alexander. vs. Raiza
z0mOG vs. Terraquaza
Frania vs. toinha
Raiza vs. z0mOG
Frania vs z0mOG
Last edited: