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approved by tennisace and the dou mods. ladder forthcoming courtesy of the immortal. banner by spooktune with a little bit of paint magic.
What's This?
As the name implies, this is the nearest that LGPE will get to having a competitive Doubles format here on Smogon. This metagame is based off of the "Normal Rules" in-game, which notably does not use boosts from Candies. It incorporates the unique style of LGPE battles, the new Pokemon Melmetal (and Meltan), and Smogon standard clauses.
Mechanics: Pokemon are set to Level 50. Pokemon do not have EVs, Abilities, or Items. IVs and Nature still apply. Clauses:Regular DOU Clauses. Allowed Pokemon: Pokemon 1-149, 151, Meltan, and Melmetal are allowed. Mewtwo (#150) is banned. Unbans: Snorlax is unbanned. Gengarite and Kangaskhanite do not exist and hence Mega Gengar and Mega Kangaskhan are unrestricted.
I've compiled a huge strategy guide full of tips and tricks to boost your LGPE DOU team's success.
Ha tricked you. This metagame is still really really new so there's lots to explore!
None yet! A ladder will be set up by The Immortal soon, and then everyone can go wild. :)
Just gonna drop some of my initial thoughts after playing and theorymoning for a bit. This is definitely going to be an interesting format without items, abilities whatsoever, along with limited moves. WOW is incredibly good, being able to stop ~90% of the physical attackers in the tier. Mons such as M Aero, Mew, M Zam and others with a high speed tier >90~ seem like pretty solid picks atm, thanks to the lack of speed control wo Trick Roon or Tailwind shenanigans. Stealth Rock is pretty useful for chipping stuff as well, partly also due to the lack of hazard removal options. Bulky stuff such as RK9 and Melmetal also seem to work pretty decently thanks to their natural bulk. Other status such as Toxic and Para can also be useful in slowing down/putting fatter stuff on timer. Might try to come up with a list of the more notable/worth using mons tmr or something.
Just gonna drop some of my initial thoughts after playing and theorymoning for a bit. This is definitely going to be an interesting format without items, abilities whatsoever, along with limited moves. WOW is incredibly good, being able to stop ~90% of the physical attackers in the tier. Mons such as M Aero, Mew, M Zam and others with a high speed tier >90~ seem like pretty solid picks atm, thanks to the lack of speed control wo Trick Roon or Tailwind shenanigans. Stealth Rock is pretty useful for chipping stuff as well, partly also due to the lack of hazard removal options. Bulky stuff such as RK9 and Melmetal also seem to work pretty decently thanks to their natural bulk. Other status such as Toxic and Para can also be useful in slowing down/putting fatter stuff on timer. Might try to come up with a list of the more notable/worth using mons tmr or something.
I actually got some Pokémon that are great. Eevee is a great (but I don’t like it because many people use it more) utility mon. With access to its grass special move, because that’s its most popular move right now in doubles and in singles. What it does, leech seed plus dmg. Pikachu is a fast mixed attacker. Why? Zippy zap has stab and always crits, and it is physical. With floaty fall also being a physical attack which is a flying move which kills grass types and whatever else. It also has 30 percent flinch. Splashy splash is your surf king of deal. Removes all ground types that kill it. Your last one should be Thunder bolt or Pika PaPow. Both being special but Pika PaPow is not released yet since Let’s go double no rest doesn’t allow that. In all, Most people use eevee because of its moves that render it a supporter. Pikachu has Good speed stat of 120, not faster than Jolteon but still. Great. Good mons are like Muk Alola. Zards and Vena. I use X and it was great.
If this was a tier I would say Eevee at S tier sadly and Either put Pikachu at A, A+ or S since all of its exclusive moves are good. Kils its weakness and resistances
You guys are gonna love LGPE DOU, guaranteed. I’ve played it a bit, and it’s pretty neat. Like regular DOU, but with only Gen 1 mons (also Meltan and Melmetal), no items, and you can even use multiple Mega Pokémon. Because a lot of moves are missing, it’s less about speed control and more about hazards. Eevee is the best at doing everything, and it’s one of the only Pokémon that can make a move like Rest an abusable recovery for everybody. I’m excited for an official tier, though.
You guys are gonna love LGPE DOU, guaranteed. I’ve played it a bit, and it’s pretty neat. Like regular DOU, but with only Gen 1 mons (also Meltan and Melmetal), no items, and you can even use multiple Mega Pokémon. Because a lot of moves are missing, it’s less about speed control and more about hazards. Eevee is the best at doing everything, and it’s one of the only Pokémon that can clean up hazards, and make a move like Rest an abusable recovery for everybody. I’m excited for an official tier, though.
I think that he wants to say you can use multiple pokemon with megastone (since the metagame doesnt have itens, so you aren't wasting an item slot) and then mega evolve according the matchup.
You can run multiple megas, but only able to evolve one of them
I think that he wants to say you can use multiple pokemon with megastone (since the metagame doesnt have itens, so you aren't wasting an item slot) and then mega evolve according the matchup.
You can run multiple megas, but only able to evolve one of them
Ive compiled a(n) (incomplete) list of the Pokemon that I think are more or less usable/viable for the format. This is completely based on my own experiences and interactions with other players after playing and exploring the tier for the past few days, so some of the things here might be a bit debatable, so feel free to argue about them/correct me if im wrong about anything.
Tier 1: aka the goodstuffs, require little to no team support to function, usually low risk high reward
Mega Alakazam
/ Alakazam
Mega Alakazam ties with Mega Aerodactyl as the two fastest Pokemon in the tier, and also has the highest raw SpA stat in the whole format, allowing it to hit incredibly hard with Psychic+Shadow Ball, with only Dark Types such as Alolan Muk and Persian being able to reliably check this thing face on. Also has access to Taunt which is useful in stopping Pokemon such as Mew from spreading status/being too annoying.
Mega Aerodactyl/Aerodactyl's Speed makes a dangerous combo with its decent base Atk, letting it move first majority of the time. This coupled with access to literally the best move in the game and Stealth Rocks makes it especially good, allowing it to either annoy its opponents with Rock Slide or to set Stealth Rock to discourage frequent switching from the other side. Access to Taunt is also really nice for stopping stuff like Mew from spreading status as well.
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Happiness: 70
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
- Substitute/Taunt
- Protect/Roost
Above average base 100 Spe and decent all rounded stats, with access to a variety of coverage and utility moves gives Mew a lot of room for flexibility, letting it run whatever moves that is needed on the team to help the team cope with various threats. Psychic is also a good defensive and offensive typing.
Good base Spe and SpA, has a good STAB and can also pivot with U-turn allows it to act as an offensive pivot. It also gets Thunder Wave and Roost which provides some form of Speed control and helps it cope better with Stealth Rock chip
Tier 2: aka the i guess they arent too bad stuffs, some need a bit of team support to function, while others might simply lose out in terms of raw stats or because they fufill only a particular niche
Fire is a really good offensive typing and hits a lot of stuff for good damage, including Pokemon such as Venusaur and Melmetal. Decent overall stats and a unique movepool is what makes Arcanine so good. With the introduction of Play Rough as a TM in LGPE, Arcanine is now able to deal reasonable amounts of damage back to some of its such as Mega Gyarados and Dragonite, or cripple physical attackers with a WOW.
Level: 50
Naive/Jolly Nature
- Play Rough/Crunch/Superpower
- Fire Blast/Flare Blitz
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
Pikachu now has a good base Spe and hits reasonably hard thanks to the stat buffs it gets in LGPE. Also has access to a ton of cool coverage moves that do decent damage and can 2HKO a lot of the more popular Pokemon, most notably Mega Aerodactyl with Zippy Zap.
Eevee's niche lies in the ton of Signature moves (with secondary effects) that it gets. Although it has below average bulk, it can still be annoying for teams to face thanks to Sappy Seed and the support that it can provide for its team.
Has really good bulk and hits very hard with STAB Double Iron Bash. Downside is its low base Spe and that it is prone to getting inflicted by burns which severely dampen its damage output.
Ability: Iron Fist
Level: 50
Adamant Nature
- Double Iron Bash
- Superpower/Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
Mega Gengar
Good base Spe with a high SpA makes it a potent sweeper. Has a ton of coverage options and utility moves that it can make good use of thanks to its Speed. However the biggest problem that stands in Gengar's way is its lackluster bulk and the fact that it is outsped and easily killed by both Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Alakazam.
Decent overall bulk, checks both Mega Alakazam and Mega Aerodactyl and has a really good offensive typing in Water/Dark. However it is set back by its low Spe and the prevalence Will-O-Wisp, which can severely hinder its offensive capabilities.
Dragon itself is an amazing offensive typing thanks to the absence of good Fairy types in the format. Dragonite has a really good base attack and decent speed. Coupled with the fact that only so many Pokemon being able to resist its Dragon STAB allows Dragonite to sweep with Outrage once Pokemon carrying WOW or those that can wall it are removed.
Venusaur has decent overall stats and good offensive typing, but what really sets it apart from other Pokemon in Tier 2 is its access to Sleep Powder, which can become very annoying due to the lack of counterplay to sleep besides Taunt in LGPE
TIer 3: aka other notable Pokemon that im too lazy to write about rn, usually offer certain niches that sets them apart from Tier 1/2 Pokemon, but are either not strong enough or just outclassed in terms of stats, typing and coverage etc
Snorlax, Kangaskhan, Persian-Alola, Muk-Alola, Dugtrio, Dugtrio-Alola, Starmie, Mega Charizard X/Y, Mega Blastoise, Electrode, Cloyster
I'm probably only 40 ish games deep, but here are some decent teams that I've added just a dash of spice to. This is a fun tier imo, shame more people aren't playing it.
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Happiness: 70
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Substitute
- Protect
This is a pretty standard team of killers. Aerodactyl is running pretty standard stuff, sub is good for mew and EQ is "good" for melmetal and rhydon among others. Alakazam has disable because I think its the best 3rd move (psychic and shadow ball are mandatory). Mew has flamethrower/wisp/taunt to shut down melmetal and venusaur completely but esp metal. Rhydon has toxic and rest for when mew wisps it. Melmetal is really good, I run BB > Superpower because there are actually lots of screens teams running around. Zapdos looks like flames but agility is better than p much anything else. Modest Zap has a 50% to OHKO mega aero and timid has 0%, but timid ties mew/other zap which is important too, so your call there. I have toxic on this Zap for mew.
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Agility
- Protect
pretty similar squadron here. I have Agility on Dactyl and Zapdos because I feel this team covers mew and enemy Aero well enough to justify the set up. Gengar is actually a strong pick kind of, supportive boi. Mega Evolving this guy is almost never good; the only relevant things you outspeed by mega evolving are non-mega'd zam which you have to hope it doesnt mega or wait until it cant, and pikachu which runs prio anyways. Oh and persian which you can't touch.
This Muk set is actually busted. Please try it. I threw reflect>toxic on this Zap to better support my aero vs other aero and let muk set up against more threats. Light Screen is probably fine too but aero and melmetal are too scary :(.
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Substitute
- Protect
Gyarados team. Gyarados is the worst good mega. Combined that with eevee for rest + sparkly swirl waking. I also gave the eevee dark move to bring up reflect and the paralyzing attack. It may be worth replacing protect on eevee with one of the healing attacks, I haven't tried that though. Mew is CM because I wanted some fire, and to give eevee more partners to support. This aerodactyl has crunch for mew and sub for mew + enemy aero. Sub is pretty necessary here because you won't be mega evolving this aerodactly as often - regular gyarados is basically fodder.
Also official tier list:
S: Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Melmetal, Mew
A: Muk-A, Rhydon, Snorlax, Zapdos
B: Eevee(might be C tier?), Gengar, Gyarados, Pikachu, Venusaur
C: Cloyster, Golem-K, Kangakshan, Kingler, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Persian-A, Poliwrath, Sandslash-K, Starmie
D-F: Everything else. Electrode & Dugtrio forms are probably like high D tier