Battle Tree Discussion and Records

I went through Skewtr's table and made a short list of all the choice scarf users in the battle tree just so I can see them all in one place. I know it'll help me so I hope this might help you guys too. (Edit: Now with speeds and formatting.)

300 - Aerodactyl-1 (only has rock slide?)
258 - Manectric-4 (Switcheroo)
253 - Garchomp-3
250 - Entei-3
240 - Terrakion-2
229 - Landorus (Incarnate Forme)-2
228 - Staraptor-2
228 - Typhlosion-3
226 - Rotom (Wash Rotom)-2 (Trick)
226 - Rotom (Fan Rotom)-4
225 - Pinsir-4
220 - Darmanitan-4
211 - Heatran-4
204 - Tsareena-4
201 - Skarmory-3
198 - Passimian-3
198 - Braviary-3
181 - Rampardos-3
177 - Torterra-2
175 - Machamp-3
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Just crossed 90, so it looks like Garchomp/Scizor/Fini will end their first Super Singles run on the leader board!


Battle 95 against Gyarados34 (Dragon/Steel/Fairy teams typically don't like it) almost ended in disaster, but still won with all 3 remaining.

Misplayed lead Salazzle because I wasn't paying attention. I should have kept Garchomp in to take the Fake Out, breaking the sash if Salazzle3 and just getting some damage in if Salazzle4. Turn 2 should have been a switch to Fini on Salazzle3 Fire Blast or Salazzle4 Dragon Pulse followed by a Surf OHKO. Would have been worse for me if it ended up being Salazzle3 for this battle. The switch to Scizor was to determine which set it was by if it used Sludge Bomb or Sludge Wave. Had a different plan for each set at that point.

Gyarados34 is still a pain, especially when it comes in on Surf locked Tapu Fini which is worst case for this team. Needed U-turn, Rough Skin chip damage and Bullet Punch to KO it. Would have been even closer if it had attacked and flinched Scizor on the U-turn. Would have used BP next turn for chip damage, then Devastating Drake KO with Garchomp. Flinching Garchomp in this scenario would have been game over.

Would much prefer to have it come in on +2 Garchomp, Garchomp behind Substitute, or even lead Gyarados34.

EDIT2: Paused at 110 for the night to watch the Nintendo Switch presentation.
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Guys I just theorymon'd a Pokemon which might be key to success in the tower against hax

Magnezone @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 72 SpA+ / 180 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk- / 30 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hyper Beam/Magnet Bomb/ Shock Wave (Filler, Ideas appreciated. Maybe something Shock Wave to counter Double Team?)

The calculation that started everything

252+ SpA Wailord Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone on a critical hit: 144-171 (41.8 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I lost my precious Mega-Slowbro run to a mad Fissure spamming Wailord taking the precious life of my Slowbro. In search of a useable Sturdy Pokemon I stumbled upon a nice, non-egg moves having Magnet which is OU since forever.

Now here is the very interesting part : Magnezone can deal with nearly every OHKO Spammer in the tower!

Dugtrio-2TimidBright PowderFissureToxicSubstituteSandstormHP/Spd
-Sandstorm does no damage, immunity to Toxic!
Bastiodon-3CarefulLeftoversStone EdgeFissureDouble TeamIron DefenseHP/SpD
-I am afraid this one ends somewhat in a stall-fest. Atleast Magnezone is going to deal with it

Mamoswine-3AdamantLax IncenseHailEarthquakeAvalancheFissureHP/Atk
-Just... no. This one is trouble

Wailord-4ModestZoom LensHydro PumpBlizzardFissureHyper BeamHP/SpA
-The reason I did the research in the first place.

Walrein-4BoldLax IncenseSheer ColdFissureRestSleep TalkDef/SpD
-Can't do anything to you, SE Thunderbolts

Snorlax-4CarefulAssault VestBody SlamFissureEarthquakeCrunchHP/SpD
-I should probably run a strong Fighting Type with Slowbro-Mega and Magnezone...

Landorus-1CarefulBright PowderRestSleep TalkSmack DownFissureDef/SpD
-Very easy with Hidden Power Ice

Tyrantrum-3ImpishWide LensHorn DrillStone EdgeRestSleep TalkHP/Def
-Flash Cannon Hype. Although never underestimated Stone Edge crits

Rhyperior-3ImpishFocus SashHorn DrillReversalPaybackMetal BurstHP/Def
-Scary. Focus Sash is so damn annoying... maybe Magnet Bomb in forth slot to weaken Reversal?

Vanilluxe-3ModestLeftoversHailBlizzardFlash CannonSheer ColdHP/SpA
252+ SpA Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 28-33 (15.8 - 18.6%) -- possible 6HKO
Even a freeze can't kill you (PP-stalled out)

Articuno-2BoldLum BerrySheer ColdMind ReaderIce ShardIce BeamHP/SpD
Thunderbolt barely 2HKO , lovely :D

Glalie-3TimidLeftoversSubstituteSheer ColdFrost BreathProtectDef/Spd
Although Moody may be scary. I am now certain Magnet Bomb/Shock Wave is great
Abomasnow-3 QuietFocus SashBlizzardSheer ColdFocus BlastIce ShardHP/SpA
252+ SpA Abomasnow Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 72-86 (40.6 - 48.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after hail damage
Avoid 2HKO. But Crits man :( :( Also Focus Sash

Finally, Magnezone also can take Grass/Electric Types trying to kill my precious Mega-Slowbro. Great synergy!
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Guys I just theorymon'd a Pokemon which might be key to success in the tower against hax

Magnezone @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 72 SpA+ / 180 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk- / 30 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hyper Beam/Magnet Bomb/ Shock Wave (Filler, Ideas appreciated. Maybe something Shock Wave to counter Double Team?)

The calculation that started everything

252+ SpA Wailord Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone on a critical hit: 144-171 (41.8 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I lost my precious Mega-Slowbro run to a mad Fissure spamming Wailord taking the precious life of my Slowbro. In search of a useable Sturdy Pokemon I stumbled upon a nice, non-egg moves having Magnet which is OU since forever.

Now here is the very interesting part : Magnezone can deal with nearly every OHKO Spammer in the tower!

Dugtrio-2TimidBright PowderFissureToxicSubstituteSandstormHP/Spd
-Sandstorm does no damage, immunity to Toxic!
Bastiodon-3CarefulLeftoversStone EdgeFissureDouble TeamIron DefenseHP/SpD
-I am afraid this one ends somewhat in a stall-fest. Atleast Magnezone is going to deal with it

Mamoswine-3AdamantLax IncenseHailEarthquakeAvalancheFissureHP/Atk
-Just... no. This one is trouble

Wailord-4ModestZoom LensHydro PumpBlizzardFissureHyper BeamHP/SpA
-The reason I did the research in the first place.

Walrein-4BoldLax IncenseSheer ColdFissureRestSleep TalkDef/SpD
-Can't do anything to you, SE Thunderbolts

Snorlax-4CarefulAssault VestBody SlamFissureEarthquakeCrunchHP/SpD
-I should probably run a strong Fighting Type with Slowbro-Mega and Magnezone...

Landorus-1CarefulBright PowderRestSleep TalkSmack DownFissureDef/SpD
-Very easy with Hidden Power Ice

Tyrantrum-3ImpishWide LensHorn DrillStone EdgeRestSleep TalkHP/Def
-Flash Cannon Hype. Although never underestimated Stone Edge crits

Rhyperior-3ImpishFocus SashHorn DrillReversalPaybackMetal BurstHP/Def
-Scary. Focus Sash is so damn annoying... maybe Magnet Bomb in forth slot to weaken Reversal?

Vanilluxe-3ModestLeftoversHailBlizzardFlash CannonSheer ColdHP/SpA
252+ SpA Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 28-33 (15.8 - 18.6%) -- possible 6HKO
Even a freeze can't kill you (PP-stalled out)

Articuno-2BoldLum BerrySheer ColdMind ReaderIce ShardIce BeamHP/SpD
Thunderbolt barely 2HKO , lovely :D

Glalie-3TimidLeftoversSubstituteSheer ColdFrost BreathProtectDef/Spd
Although Moody may be scary. I am now certain Magnet Bomb/Shock Wave is great
Abomasnow-3 QuietFocus SashBlizzardSheer ColdFocus BlastIce ShardHP/SpA
252+ SpA Abomasnow Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 72-86 (40.6 - 48.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after hail damage
Avoid 2HKO. But Crits man :( :( Also Focus Sash

Finally, Magnezone also can take Grass/Electric Types trying to kill my precious Mega-Slowbro. Great synergy!

Buzzwole or Pheromosa would complete that pair pretty well. Ground and Fighting resist for Magnezone and Dark, Bug and Grass resist for Slowbro. Buzzwole may be better because Pheromosa can't switch into anything. Magnezone has the Flying, Psychic and Fairy resist. You would have 2 Fire weak Pokemon, but Slowbro should handle most of them. Lunge should help Slowbro set up on physical attackers. Pretty slow team and quite susceptible to status. Would be pretty awesome under Trick Room, but only 12 total team moves makes that hard to pull off.

EDIT: Forgot about Heracross.
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I'm just saying that people need to put thought into how they will handle different situations and giving a starting point. I'm not saying they absolutely need to have a certain move, except maybe Substitute in Singles and Protect/Fake Out in Doubles. There's no one right answer. You also don't need moves to block status, that's why I mentioned type immunities and abilities.

Coverage is important, but you're not going to go very far with just all-out-attack sets on every Pokémon. It's possible to get good neutral coverage with just a few attacks if you choose your types wisely. If you're running a set up Pokémon, you don't really need more than neutral coverage. Look at Mega Salamence which runs just Aerilate Return on a lot of tree sets.

Coverage works better in Doubles than it does in Singles, especially combined with a teammate that provides Fake Out support, or baits and uses Protect. The ability to double target is huge too.

Oh no, I wasn't really disagreeing with your point nor did I wanted to undermine it, I guess I just wanted to add an addendum of not overloading some mon sacrifying important coverage (something I really have trouble balancing on some mons :s), of course "important coverage" is apretty vague term and tbh I agree than I've found myself wish I had sub/taunt instead of a move that barely scores 2koes at most in very fringe case. I guess that's why I find some mons like Alola Tails so hard to use since running coverage options isn't accomplying as much as well timed encore/veil/ icy wind.

Yeah I missed the type immunities and abilities part by skimming through your post, sorry again. I agree that on any not hyper offensive team (which are much likely to hit a plateau just because of high volatility) I would consider a fire/ rock(tyrantrum4 nightmares aaah) res while also trying to sneak a fighthing/ ground/ even ghost immunity. Tho I'm saying this in the eyes of oras rotations which are probably very different to super singles which I admit I'm very ignorant about.

Talking about rotations, that's for sure a mode where coverage falls flat and set up + neutral coverage shined, haha guess I tunnel visioned about doubles (and an specific archetype of team at that).
So, nothing extraordinary, but I've reached 50 in both doubles and singles, so I thought I should share the teams I've been using in case anyone is looking for new ideas. Both can be played relatively "aggro" and while you have to make a hard call every once in a while, I think they are really fun and relatively safe for people with less experience of the Tree. I saved a lot of battle videos along the way to showcase here, but with the release of v1.1, none of them can be shared anymore, which is a real shame. I had a new ongoing streak in doubles (the first one I lost at 62), so I brought it to 50 again today and saved Battle 50 vs. Blue to at least prove that it works.

All of these Pokémon can be obtained from my giveaway if anyone is interested in trying some (Raichu, Oricorio and Ribombee aren't listed, but PM me and it'll be my pleasure to send them over as well without counting them for the giveaway).


The strategy is very simple: set up Electric Terrain for Raichu, do as much work as possible with Tapu Koko while it's there (almost a suicide lead really), then finish everything with Raichu. Since the 3rd slot of the team is only meant to compliment this main strategy, many Pokémon can be used to good effect, as long as they have a pretty good matchup against ground types. I first got to 43 on my first run with DD Kommo-o as the 3rd, then tried Tapu Bulu and lost at 31 (pretty unlucky loss though, I think this team could have gone further with more attempts), but I think Kartana is pretty ideal in that slot. In the end, you rarely need the 3rd Pokémon. Even though it is pretty straightforward, here is a quick breakdown of the team:

@ Terrain Extender

Timid | Electric Surge
IVs: 31/30/31/28/31/31 [HP Grass] (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Thunderbolt / Dazzling Gleam / Hidden Power Grass / Taunt

I would say about 30% of the battles were just a Tapu Koko sweep. I'm using a special set to avoid recoil and make use of Fairy STAB. Taunt is extremely important on the set, it prevents so many things that can go wrong in the Tree, and every time I'm in doubt, I use it just to be safe, to avoid Trick Room, weather setters, evasion boosters (ALWAYS taunt Rotom!), calm minders, etc. The Tree really wants to hax the hell out of you, and Taunt goes a long way in preventing it. Otherwise, Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam are pretty straightforward STABs, while HP Grass is very rarely used, but allows you to not fear Golem, Rhyperior and the likes. Grass Knot could have been used instead, but I don't like relying on the opponents' weight. This slot is not as important, though, and Nature's Madness is also viable and useful.

Terrain Extender is absolutely necessary for this team. The entire strategy revolves around Raichu sweeping, and you really need those 8 turns of Electric Terrain to do that.
@ Aloraichium Z

Hasty | Surge Surfer
IVs: ?/?/?/?/?/? [HP Ice] (Hyper trained to 31/?/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 92 HP / 252 SpAtk / 164 Spe
Nasty Plot / Thunderbolt / Psyshock / Hidden Power Ice

This Raichu was actually part of my in-game team - I caught it as a Pichu very early and was fortunate enough to get HP Ice with the Hasty nature. Ideally, Timid should be used instead, but it can rarely live a physical hit anyway, so Hasty isn't that bad. The most important part of this set is the option for the Stoked Sparksurfer Z-move. It's an insane nuke which, boosted by Electric Terrain, can even OHKO some Pokémon that resist it, with the amazing bonus that when it doesn't, it always leaves them paralyzed. If Tapu Koko can handle just 1 or 2 of the opposing Pokémon before going down, Raichu can come in and finish the work pretty nicely. When in front of anything that can't OHKO you or that is too passive, Nasty Plot is also a great option, bringing the nuke status of Stoked Sparksurfer to a sky-high level.

Psyshock wasn't used a lot, but came in handy a few times against Pokémon that are specially bulky, the ability to hit on the physical side is very helpful. However, if unboosted from Nasty Plot, Psyshock is a relatively weak and underwhelming attack. HP Ice also does very disappointing damage if it isn't 4x effective. I think I only ever used it against Garchomp.
Since Raichu is very frail, I often resorted to damage calcs to know which move was best (whether I could safely Nasty Plot, or whether or not I needed to Z-move to get a KO). One mistake with Raichu can be very punishing, so when in doubt, doing a few calcs is worth the time. Tapu Koko + Raichu alone were able to handle about 80% of the teams.

While in Electric Terrain Raichu straight up outspeeds everything, scarfers included, I think a +Spe nature is important in order to stand a chance if you ever find yourself outside of Electric Terrain. Raichu really needs to outspeed the opponent to be efficient.
@ Focus Sash

Jolly | Beast Boost
IVs: 30/31/29/x/31/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Night Slash

As frail as Kartana is on the special side, it's physically bulky (if I had to use it again, I would also probably invest in HP instead of Attack) and can take Ground type attacks pretty well, all the while threatening them with Lead Blade, which synergizes with the rest of the team very nicely. Despite this, I rarely switched Kartana in on menacing Ground types, and usually just weakened them with Koko to then revenge KO easily with Raichu or Kartana. The free switch often meant that Kartana's sash remained intact and got a free Beast Boost in the process, which can then steamroll very quickly. I felt like Night Slash was necessary since Raichu is weak to Ghost, and Kartana's job was to revenge kill whatever stopped Raichu's sweep. Both Smart Strike and Sacred Sword are amazing options in the Tree as they don't check evasion, and this can prevent a lot of shenanigans and hax. The immunity to sand was also a big plus.

When I first tried Kartana, I went with a Choice Scarf instead, but Focus Sash is an absolute necessity for Kartana to work well on this team, as every once in a while, it will have to take a special hit and KO in return. Thanks to the Terrain Extender, there is even a chance for Kartana to come revenge Tapu Koko, faint, and allow Raichu to clean up with the Electric Terrain still up.

List of threats:
- Obviously, Ground types are pretty scary, but generally haven't caused that much trouble.
- Grass types can be problematic, Abomasnow especially.
- Ghost types can be a problem if Tapu Koko has gone down.
- Be wary to never let Trick Room happen!

Note: Thanks a ton to Slowbrotaku for breeding the Oricorio and Cutiefly for me!

The idea for this team came from a video posted by Wolfe Glicke some time ago. It is obviously a gimmicky team, but that's definitely part of the fun. While I doubt this could work well in VGC, I thought if any place would be a place for such gimmick to actually work, it would be the Tree (and what do you know, I was right!). The idea is to abuse Oricorio's Dancer ability to give it free boosts on the same turn as it either protects or attacks. With the guaranteed Quiver Dance (there isn't a single game in which I wasn't able to Quiver Dance turn 1), Oricorio is guaranteed to be +1 in SpA, SpDef and Spe by turn 2, turning it into a genuine threat. It can then steamroll pretty quickly if the AI allows you to keep Quiver Dancing on the following turns all the while Oricorio attacks. While turn 1 is Protect + Quiver Dance 80% of the time, the way to handle the team from then on is very flexible, and as frail as it is overall, it's relatively forgiving if you make mistakes or get haxed. As a bonus, it provides hilarious moments when your opponents go for their own Quiver Dances, Dragon Dances and whatnot. In one battle, I had Oricorio at +6 SpA, SpDef and Speed on turn 3!

@ Sitrus Berry

Modest | Dancer
IVs: ?/?/?/?/?/? [HP Ground] (Hyper trained to 31/?/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Revelation Dance / Air Slash / Hidden Power Ground / Protect

I think Oricorio Pom-Pom is by far the best of the 4. The Electric typing removes its weakness to Electric with absolutely no drawbacks since it is immune to Ground, leaving it only weak to Rock and Ice. The Electric typing is also excellent offensively. Modest is used over Timid because you are boosting your speed anyway with Quiver Dance, and Oricorio isn't the most powerful of Pokémon, so it needs every boost it can get. Revelation Dance is a straightforward STAB, while Air Slash is usually excellent neutral coverage, with the nice chance of flinching (don't rely on it!). Sadly, its 95% accuracy is treacherous and can betray you in the most crucial of moments, so when I didn't NEED to use Air Slash, I usually preferred the other, safer attacks. HP Ground was super fortunate to have (the Oricorio just happened to have it!), since Electric types and Steel types were generally a problem for my lead (especially both types combined, hello Magnezone!). While I think HP Ground is preferable when possible, many other moves can fit nicely in this slot such as Roost, Baton Pass and Taunt. Protect is there because this is doubles, and Oricorio almost always uses it on turn 1 to get the speed boost.

@ Focus Sash

Timid | Shield Dust
IVs: ?/?/?/?/?/? (Hyper trained to 31/?/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Quiver Dance / Pollen Puff / Baton Pass / Protect

Oricorio's partner in crime, Ribombee sets up one or multiple Quiver Dances before either sweeping alongside Oricorio, baton passing to Tapu Lele, or fainting. After the initial Quiver Dance, you have to really use your judgement on what to go for. If it was left unharmed with the sash intact, setting up further Quiver Dances is usually pretty safe. However, if the matchup is good, Pollen Puff can do sizeable chunks of damage, and as a huge added bonus, it heals Oricorio if used on him! Usually, however, the goal is to pass these boosts (just one is plenty) to Tapu Lele, turning one of the game's best Pokémon into an offensive beast your opponent will have no answer to. The Focus Sash is an absolute necessity to allow Ribombee to do its job well and reliably. Despite that, it may faint after turn 1 if the opponent double-targeted it or sand/hail has been set, but while not ideal, it's usually fine, as long as it got its Quiver Dance off - everything else is just bonus.

Shield Dust is preferred over Sweet Veil, but both are very helpful abilities. I was using Sweet Veil on my first run, and it did prevent Yawn from affecting my Pokémon twice (that's a pretty big deal). But Shield Dust prevents secondary effects, which means: no freeze, no burn from receiving a fire move, no flinch from Fake Out (!) or Rock Slide, etc. Considering how much hax the Tree seems to get, this is an amazing ability which allows Ribombee it do its job really reliably.

@ Life Orb

Timid | Psychic Surge
IVs: 31/x/31/31/26/31 (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Psychic / Dazzling Gleam / Psych Up / Protect

If you can safely Baton Pass a single Quiver Dance into Tapu Lele, it's usually game over for the opponent. Psychic in Psychic terrain is already incredibly strong, so boosting it further makes it a real nuke even when resisted. Dazzling Gleam deals with dark types, and since Wide Guard isn't really used by the AI, it's a pretty safe spread move that can finish weakened Pokémon. Psych Up is necessary in case either Ribombee or Oricorio goes down too early. Since they both get the Quiver Dance boost, Lele can Psych Up the boosts from any of the 2. While it isn't too frail and can usually tank a hit, Life Orb reduces its lifespan quite a bit, especially if it was hit on switch-in, so every attacking turn should be used to the fullest.

@ Fightinium Z

Jolly | Beast Booost

IVs: 31/31/31/x/3/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Protect

Kartana is mainly there to cover the other Pokémon's weaknesses. Since its teammates are mostly weak on the physical side (and are boosting their special defense), Kartana can tank a few physical hits (that aren't fire). The lead is very weak to Rock, and both Ribombee and Tapu Lele are weak to Steel, so Kartana can handle all these types pretty nicely. All-Out Pummeling allows for one nuke, especially useful against Chople Berry Tyranitar (I've seen it so many times by now). To be fair, Kartana was very rarely used or needed, but some Ground/Rock themed teams (usually from construction workers or policemen) really give trouble to the rest of the team and require Kartana to shine and sweep. Handling these teams usually requires good usage of Protect from Kartana's teammates.

Replay of battle 50 vs. Blue : U52G-WWWW-WWW4-FCEZ (overall, not that exciting of a battle, it's a simple Oricorio+Ribombee sweep, but it does show how the team works most of the time).

List of threats:
- To the lead, Rock types and Rock type attacks such as Rock Slide are very scary, they need to be handled quickly. Ice also, but to a lesser extent, since these Pokémon are often special attackers and/or KOed by +1 Revelation Dance & +1 Pollen Puff.
- Fire types threaten Ribombee and the team in general, especially if they are physical attackers. Definitely priority targets. Rotom-Heat is a pain, as the only answer on the team is Tapu Lele.

- Steel types are scary for the Ribombee slot, since Ribombee cannot take them on, and cannot Baton Pass safely into Tapu Lele. The same could go for Poison types, but I found these usually easy to handle.
- Trick Room. If your opponent successfully sets it up, it's important to Protect-stall it as much as possible, because the team relies on speed.

As final words, both of these teams are really meant to be fun and easy to use. I doubt they can get to sky-high numbers in the Tree, but they should be able to get you pretty far in very little time due to their aggro nature!
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I'm not going for a serious streak until after Bank, but I started leading with this set for shits and giggles and I'm actually really impressed by how much work she's been putting in:

Silvally @ Normalium Z
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Explosion
- Parting Shot

Yes, Silvally. More often than not, the combination of Breakneck Blitz and Boom leaves me with a 2-1 lead and a free switch-in (or, if I use Parting Shot to keep Boom for later, a free setup opportunity); she's carried me past the 40 mark a couple of times already and I haven't even decided who to pair her with yet.
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Was able to reach 50 streak on Singles finally (lost in the 40s several times with various teams). This team probably won't carry me very long but was able to play around teams through 50. Streak is still going but every match is hairy now. The team is:

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Modest Nature
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
- Dark Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower

Lead. If I could OHKO or 2HKO with minial problems just went for it. Wouldn't mind eating a burn if a 2HKO was possible (most Rotoms fell in this category). Perfect Type synergy with Aegislash. Levitate was great for covering my other mons Ground weaknesses.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Brave Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/15
- King's Shield
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak

Pretty generic Aegislash. The Speed IVs were just what I ended up with when breeding for the 4 IVs. I know there has been a discussion about Aegislash speed tiers and what is optimal but I didn't go crazy trying for anything specific.

Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
- Recover
- Haze
- Scald
- Toxic

Generic Toxapex. Able to Toxistall most pokemon or fish for burn and have enough damage output to eventually take something down. I PP Maxed all his moves do ensure his stall-ability.

In general I did not want to lose Hydreigon and his ability to switch stall EQs/Earth Powers. His type synergy with Aegislash was invaluable in stalling out many things. These were generally dragons with EQ/Dragon Stab. Garchomp and Flygon were in particular scary, but everyone I ran into was eventually worn down. If possible I got Toxapex out to hit a Toxic and then various switching until dead. If Toxapex was in danger of a OHKO, I would just hope to PP stall. After 40 I started using the spreadsheets to scout movesets and honestly could not have done it without those. Red turned out to be pretty easy as I was able to switch stall his lead Life Orb Snorlax out of EQ PP and then King Shield his Crunch until he was at -6. Aegislash SD'd to +6 and OHKOd with Sacred Sword. OHKO'd his Mega Charizard Y with Shadow Sneak and did ~90% to Lapras before dying. Cleaned up with Hydreigon.

Gonna ride this team out then try Doubles (which I never have done in the Subway/Maison)
Lost my doubles streak after 158 wins with Raichu/Koko/Pelipper/Chomp.
Video: DYFG-WWWW-WWW4-F685

Pretty dumb loss as you can see in the Video. Somehow I though Mega Alakazam can outspeed and 1HKO Koko, although Mega can only outspeed and not 1HKO while Specs can 1HKO but not outspeed. So I thought I had to take the gamble and Fake Out it and ran into it's Inner Focus, instead of Raichu Volt Switching into Scizor and going to Pelipper so Koko can Thunder KO Kazam. The next few turns I panicked and made some poor decisions and somehow only Chomp was left. In the end I actually would have won it, if it would have been Electivire-3 instead of 4.
I'll just copypaste the PS export of the team, because it's quite similar to this team from Josh C. and I only used it for about the last 30 matches of the run anyway.
Raichu-Alola @ Focus Sash
Ability: Surge Surfer
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunder
- Psychic
- Volt Switch
- Fake Out

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder
- Dazzling Gleam
- Volt Switch
- Protect

Pelipper @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Level: 50
EVs: 60 HP / 252 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam
- Protect

Garchomp @ Groundium Z
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab
- Protect

More interesting is the team I used for about 120 battles in this run (and nearly 300 overall, cause I lost a run in the 80s with it when the battery of my 3DS died. Twice... lol).


Tapu Fini @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 28 HP / 252 SpA / 228 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Dazzling Gleam
- Moonblast
- Soak


Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Volt Switch
- Protect


Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Smart Strike
- Protect


Flygon @ Groundium Z
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Protect

The key to this team is Scarf-Fini with Soak. Soak changes any opponents typing to mono water, and thanks to the Electric Terrain and Life Orb, Tapu Koko can 1HKO really much. Basically you just look which opponent is more dangerous to Koko/your team, you Soak it, you kill it. If Koko dies, or you Volt Switch out (like when both opponents can kill Koko, sometimes you want to preserve it for later, so you better Volt Switch out and leave 1 Pokémon low HP instead of killing it with Tbolt), you can just bring in Kartana and continue sweeping. In most matches this just overpowers the opponent and you get a quick easy win. Flygon is only in the last slot because I wanted a Pokémon that can tank electric attacks aimed at Fini and ground attacks aimed Koko and it is immune to both. I don't really like an EQ user without immunity to it in my own team, but I can work around it with the Z Crystal and the ground move is really needed. I didn't use Dragon Dance often btw, so maybe Superpower (or maybe Dig lol) could be better in that slot.
When I can't freely Soak or Thunderbolt/Volt Switch, like when the opponent has Storm Drain or Lightning Rod or has a Fake Out, often I protect Koko in the first turn and just attack with Fini, because it still hits good with its 95 base and modest max SpA EVs. Annoying Double Team, Minimize and defensive booster can luckily be ignored until it is alone most of the time, because of Kartanas Sacred Sword, which ignores defensive boosts, and Smart Strike, which hits every time regardless of evasion. Really fast Pokémon and some with speed control moves can be a big threat, if paired up with the wrong partners. For example not easy to handle is stuff like Crobat, Jolteon, Electrode, Beedril-3, Lando-2, Garchomp-3 and it gets worse when paired up with a partner with Fake Out. And I hate Magnezone. It could have Sturdy, so I can't just nuke it with Soak + Tbolt. It can 1HKO Fini and when it has Analytic, it could KO Koko after LO recoil. It could also hold Bright Powder so my attacks could also miss... As a lead it's somewhat manageable (T1 Switch Fini -> Flygon, Koko Volt Switch/Dazzling Gleam to break potential sturdy, T2 kill it with Z-EQ), but that's also depending on its partner.

I stopped using the team in this run around the 120 wins mark, because I had some really close calls (like I only won because of some important miss or crit) and lost a bit of faith in it to carry the run much further and I grew a bit sick of it tbh, because I use it for a few months now and I have a similar team I use for VGC. But I really like it and recommend the team to everyone, who wants to quickly farm some BP and/or get the 50 wins in doubles pretty easy. When Bank is released, Landorus should be used instead of Flygon for obvious reasons.
I'm not going for a serious streak until after Bank, but I started leading with this set for shits and giggles and I'm actually really impressed by how much work she's been putting in:

Silvally @ Normalium Z
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Explosion
- Parting Shot

Yes, Silvally. More often than not, the combination of Breakneck Blitz and Boom leaves me with a 2-1 lead and a free switch-in (or, if I use Parting Shot to keep Boom for later, a free setup opportunity); she's carried me past the 40 mark a couple of times already and I haven't even decided who to pair her with yet.

Keep in mind success reaching 40 doesn't necessarily indicate viability for longer streaks. Pre battle 40, Pokemon have imperfect IVs, so you are faster than things you normally wouldn't be and do more damage to them. Explosion may become less useful as you go on, but the crippling strategy will generally be more reliable. There was another team posted some pages back that used a crippler Silvally lead that looked very good.
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Curious on postbank Suicune and Gliscor sets people are going to play with

I'm more curious on (assuming Machamp from Red and Blue are not stuck with Steadfast) how people will support Fissure Machamp.

If it can have No Guard, I'll personally try out giving it Tailwind support. A Level 1 Gale Wings Fletchling could work wonders because it sets up, gets OHKOed and then Machamp has enough turns to sweep with Fissure.

Under these circumnstances one can even forgo the Scarf and go with a Life Orb or Expert Belt to be able to deal with Pokemon that have Sturdy (Max Speed Machamp outspeeds practically all unboosted Pokemon under Tailwind. With a Scarf it outspeeds literally everything)

(Another possibility I just thought is Baton Pass Extreme Evoboost Eevee, giving as much Speed as Tailwind, but boosting all other stats as well)
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I'm new here and I just reached a 119 winning streak. Wanted to have improvements on my team since I really (I mean REALLY) hate losing because of hax.

My team consists of:
*Mimikyu as my lead with the standard EV spread. 252 on both attack and speed with a jolly nature (but might change to adamant since it loses on a looot of important OHKO)
*Porygon-Z, which really helped a LOT. Also because a friend suggested it and was quite successful but still, +1 on Special Attack with Adaptability misses a lot of KOs.
EV Spread is 44 Def, 212(?)Sp Atk and 252 Speed, Timid (Got this spread from an analysis here in the forum)

*Mega Gyarados, which was sometimes helpful (for breaking stupid Sturdy mons and for Taunting,etc.) and sometimes it's just there (I mean literally just there sitting in the back of my team being death fodder or whatever)
Ev Spread is standard 252 on both Atk and Speed.

Sooo please, help me. XD.
Any recommendations, suggestions are appreciated.

Here's the proof
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I'm new here and I just reached a 119 winning streak. Wanted to have improvements on my team since I really (I mean REALLY) hate losing because of hax.

My team consists of:
*Mimikyu as my lead with the standard EV spread. 252 on both attack and speed with a jolly nature (but might change to adamant since it loses on a looot of important OHKO)
*Porygon-Z, which really helped a LOT. Also because a friend suggested it and was quite successful but still, +1 on Special Attack with Adaptability misses a lot of KOs.
*Mega Gyarados, which was sometimes helpful (for breaking stupid Sturdy mons and for Taunting,etc.) and sometimes it's just there (I mean literally just there sitting in the back of my team being death fodder or whatever)

Sooo please, help me. XD.
Any recommendations, suggestions are appreciated.

What are the actual movesets? For Mimikyu, for example, are you using the sword dance set, and are you using Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Wood Hammer, or something else? Are you using the Z-crystal set with Pory-Z? If you are doing BoltBeam Z-conversion, what is your 4th move? Recover, Nasty Plot, and Shadow Ball seem like the three most likely to me. Shadow Ball may not be that helpful with Mimikyu already having Ghost as STAB, so one of the other two could be better situationally.

Right now it seems like you are a bit weak to status, especially paralysis.
What are the actual movesets? For Mimikyu, for example, are you using the sword dance set, and are you using Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Wood Hammer, or something else? Are you using the Z-crystal set with Pory-Z? If you are doing BoltBeam Z-conversion, what is your 4th move? Recover, Nasty Plot, and Shadow Ball seem like the three most likely to me. Shadow Ball may not be that helpful with Mimikyu already having Ghost as STAB, so one of the other two could be better situationally.

Right now it seems like you are a bit weak to status, especially paralysis.

I am using the Swords dance set on Mimikyu with the life orb. Was thinking of trying a gimmicky set of Bulk Up and Leech life XD. As for Porygon Z, I am using the Z-Conversion Set with Recover. I was really hesitant on using Shadow Ball as a coverage since I opted for survivability but that seems to be what has led me to defeat. I only used recover for stalling out weather for like 2 times and had never used it again.

Yes, I do seem to have trouble with paralysis. Mimikyu had its sweep stopped because of paralysis a bunch of times, the same with Gyarados.
I am using the Swords dance set on Mimikyu with the life orb. Was thinking of trying a gimmicky set of Bulk Up and Leech life XD. As for Porygon Z, I am using the Z-Conversion Set with Recover. I was really hesitant on using Shadow Ball as a coverage since I opted for survivability but that seems to be what has led me to defeat. I only used recover for stalling out weather for like 2 times and had never used it again.

Yes, I do seem to have trouble with paralysis. Mimikyu had its sweep stopped because of paralysis a bunch of times, the same with Gyarados.

You could do Sub, Lum Berry, or Heal Bell- those are probably the most reliable ways to get rid of status. The big problem here is that PoryZ is only electric once, and only while it is in, so it can't absorb para. You could try Z-crystal Mimikyu with sub maybe- if you do SD/Shadow Claw/Play Rough/Sub with Z-Fairium you will probably be decently set. Sub doesn't break disguise, so it lets you see what set you are fighting before you waste your disguise on something you can't actually set up on. It also blocks status moves, of course, and Z-Play Rough is more powerful than Life Orb Shadow Claw or Play Rough. You could also do Z-Ghostium, but getting a 100% accuracy fairy move when you wouldn't have one otherwise seems pretty decent.

You could also use an actual electric-type in place of Pory. I've been using Scarf Xurk to a lot of success and I have seen others doing the same. However, it has worse coverage than Pory, so it might mess up your threat list.
I just got a streak of 94 on super doubles, with the following team:

Gyarados @ Lum Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake

Togedemaru @ Air Baloon
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Spiky Shield
- Zing Zap
- Fake Out
- Nuzzle

Garchomp @ Life Orc (NoCheese edit: "Life Orc" is a clear typo, but one that makes me smile, so I'm leaving it!!)
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Outrage
- Iron Head
- Earthquake

Tapu Lele @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Psyshock
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball

Gyarados and Togedemaru were the leads. The later would use Fake Out on turn 1, while Gyarados uses Dragon Dance, and then I move according to what happen. Garchomp and Lele are back up killers. Now, this team has quite many weaknesses. Trick Room is a big problem, and Gyarados is surprisingly weak even after the dragon dance, and Togedemaru many times can't do anything besides using spiky shield every other turn. The Gyarados + Lightning Rod + Fake Out + Dragon Dance strategy works really well, though, and it gave me free turns every battle an enemy had electric attacks. If someone has suggestions about how to improve the team, specially the back ups, then I'm open to them.

I lost at battle 95 against Dragonite + Golisopode + Incineroar + Vanilluxe. For some reason, I'm not being able to upload the battle video, but I'll decribe how I lost. The opponent started with Dnite and Golisopode. I fake outed the Dnite expecting to break the multiscale, but it had inner focus instead, it used fire punch on togedemaru and the golisopode used rock slide. After 2 turns, it weakened Gyarados enough for Dnite to finish him with extremespeed the following turn, after a incineroar had replaced the golisopode. After my leads died, only lele and garchomp were left. The incineroar got a quick claw trigger and one shot lele with flare blitz. Garchomp killed the Dnite, but then Vanillune appeared and finished him.

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I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my sanity! I can't get back to 50 no matter what I do! I'm begining to think you have to have every Trainer and Pokemon in the tree memorized in order to stand a chance at having a great streak!

I'm using a set nearly identical to HeadsILoseTailsYouWin, with some changes.

Dragonite doesn't have the same moveset, (mine: D. Claw, Fire Punch, Roost, DD) and his EVs are 252 Atk/252 Spe. I don't get why there is 188 in his speed and I've been thinking about lowering mine, but what does 188 out speed? I figure Mega Lucario is the most I need to outspeed after one DD but I'm worried about another threat I don't know being out there. I'd like the most bulk possible, anyone can help me with this EV spread?

My Aegislash isn't Brave, and I'd also like to know why 8 in speed?

My Tapu Fini is a plain 252 Hp/ 252 Spe. What his EV spread is for I don't know. Thought about using a more Defensive Fini, but I would need a Bold or a Calm nature to make the most of it, and I'm not restarting my game unti after I can put my poke's in the bank.

Thinking about making a new team, but I don't have the confidence to do it right now. Every team I make gets whooped in the 40s so I feel like trying to make my own unique one would just end up being worse.

I am thinking about a Modest, Choice Specs/Scarf Tapu Lele. Maybe team with a Toxapex and trade to get a Jolly Kangaskhan? I'm up for any suggestions at this point.
Edit: Double checked and realized first post said to post the video of the *LOSING* battle past 90.
I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my sanity! I can't get back to 50 no matter what I do! I'm begining to think you have to have every Trainer and Pokemon in the tree memorized in order to stand a chance at having a great streak!

I'm using a set nearly identical to HeadsILoseTailsYouWin, with some changes.

Dragonite doesn't have the same moveset, (mine: D. Claw, Fire Punch, Roost, DD) and his EVs are 252 Atk/252 Spe. I don't get why there is 188 in his speed and I've been thinking about lowering mine, but what does 188 out speed? I figure Mega Lucario is the most I need to outspeed after one DD but I'm worried about another threat I don't know being out there. I'd like the most bulk possible, anyone can help me with this EV spread?

My Aegislash isn't Brave, and I'd also like to know why 8 in speed?

My Tapu Fini is a plain 252 Hp/ 252 Spe. What his EV spread is for I don't know. Thought about using a more Defensive Fini, but I would need a Bold or a Calm nature to make the most of it, and I'm not restarting my game unti after I can put my poke's in the bank.

Thinking about making a new team, but I don't have the confidence to do it right now. Every team I make gets whooped in the 40s so I feel like trying to make my own unique one would just end up being worse.

I am thinking about a Modest, Choice Specs/Scarf Tapu Lele. Maybe team with a Toxapex and trade to get a Jolly Kangaskhan? I'm up for any suggestions at this point.

Once you hit the 40s, the team makeup (and AI maybe?) changes drastically, suddenly including legendaries and new sets of old pokemon, usually more difficult to counter and better EV'd. It's a whole different ballpark, which allows for more challenge and variety once you get to the higher streaks.

Memorize the Battle Tree? Thank turskain

The weird speed IVs and natures are usually to outspread specific threats or uninvested speed tiers.

Aegislash has a debate going on in whether it's better to be speedier to outspeed certain things or slower so that things attack it in shield form, not sword form. My bet is that Aegislash was made that way to outspeed something critical but still be extremely slow.

Input the spread and nature into a calculator and compare it to the speed tier information on the first page; you'll probably see some major threat to the team directly below where the Dragonite or Aegislash would be.
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I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my sanity! I can't get back to 50 no matter what I do! I'm begining to think you have to have every Trainer and Pokemon in the tree memorized in order to stand a chance at having a great streak!

I'm using a set nearly identical to HeadsILoseTailsYouWin, with some changes.

Dragonite doesn't have the same moveset, (mine: D. Claw, Fire Punch, Roost, DD) and his EVs are 252 Atk/252 Spe. I don't get why there is 188 in his speed and I've been thinking about lowering mine, but what does 188 out speed? I figure Mega Lucario is the most I need to outspeed after one DD but I'm worried about another threat I don't know being out there. I'd like the most bulk possible, anyone can help me with this EV spread?

My Aegislash isn't Brave, and I'd also like to know why 8 in speed?

My Tapu Fini is a plain 252 Hp/ 252 Spe. What his EV spread is for I don't know. Thought about using a more Defensive Fini, but I would need a Bold or a Calm nature to make the most of it, and I'm not restarting my game unti after I can put my poke's in the bank.

Thinking about making a new team, but I don't have the confidence to do it right now. Every team I make gets whooped in the 40s so I feel like trying to make my own unique one would just end up being worse.

I am thinking about a Modest, Choice Specs/Scarf Tapu Lele. Maybe team with a Toxapex and trade to get a Jolly Kangaskhan? I'm up for any suggestions at this point.

Nearly identical? You're losing because your Dragonite moveset is trash. You really need the extra damage output from Outrage over Dragon Claw, and non-STAB Fire Punch is pathetic. I can't think of anything that's not better taken care of by a switch to Aegislash. If you read HeadsILoseTailsYouWin's post, there was even a threatlist posted that included Primarina34, Altaria3, Gengar4, Gyarados34 and Gardevoir4. Fire Punch actually makes all these worse. Heck, non-STAB EQ which is 25 BP stronger misses out on some super effective OHKO's I'm annoyed by. The EV on Dragonite are not that important. I actually prefer a Jolly 252 Atk/Spe. It hits an empty 217 Spe after +1. You don't really need to go this high because there isn't too much between 200 and 217. I like to at least beat 200 Speed Pokémon like Mega Gengar after +1, so Jolly is required. The power you lose from not being Adamant doesn't seem useful to me. Haven't found any meaningful matchups yet and I looked through half the tree sets.

Aegislash is Brave to lower speed and attack last. If you attack first with Sacred Sword and don't KO you will get hit while in Sword form. If you attack last, you can follow with a Shadow Sneak KO or King's Shield to return to Shield form.

The speed cut Fini EV don't make that much of a difference.

EDIT: I started this lead match up guide for Jolly Dragonite. It's pretty general because I didn't know who I was going to pair it with, but I did assume a Steel type would be present. Never finished it because I switched to Garchomp, and I probably never will because I don't see myself wanting to lead Dragonite again. Posting it because maybe it will help others.
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Same as previous generation. Why would they change? CMRest Suicune with Scald+Icy Wind/Sleep Talk and SubProtect Poison Heal Gliscor with Toxic+EQ.

Maybe a different EV spread to deal with new threats added this gen?

Well, I certainly plan to start with the Chesto Berry mono-Scald / Substitute variant of Suicune, but Sub is a lot less important if you pair it with another Sub user like Gliscor. As for different spreads, I actually like the exact look of my old spread at the moment, save for a tiny adjustment to take advantage of Hyper Training and turn a near perfect Suicune into an actually perfect one. 12 Speed EVs get you to 107, which, just like last generation, conveniently avoids any Speed ties. This is very nice for Sub Cune, since Speed ties mess with resubbing and can leave you stuck getting hit without a Sub if you win the tie, get your Sub broken, and then lose the tie the next round. For reference, the spread is 236 / 0 / 252 / 4 / 4 / 12, which gives level 50 stats of 205 / x / 183 / 111 / 136 / 107, assuming perfect non-Attack IVs.

If for whatever reason Excadrill is a big problem for your team, adding 16 more Speed EVs (28 total) is also an option. This will get you to 109 Speed, which outruns all Excadrill sets (barring stuff like active Sand Rush) while similarly avoiding Speed ties. Were you to do this, my gut would be to pay for it by eliminating the Special Attack and Special Defense investment, and pulling 8 the last EVs from Defense. If you are instead going to cut HP to pay for the extra Speed, it's either by the full 16 EVs or nothing, since cutting HP investment by just 8 drops you to 204 HP, which being divisible by 4 means you can't make a fourth Substitute.

Icy Wind Suicune may be best with further adjustment though; remember that Jumpman16's Maison spread, specifically the Speed, was designed to just barely outspeed the Maison's Jolly Focus Sash Garchomp4 after an Icy Wind. Since that specific variant of Garchomp is now absent (there's still a Focus Sash Garchomp2, but it's a much less threatening special attacking version), some Speed can likely be moved back into bulk.
You could do Sub, Lum Berry, or Heal Bell- those are probably the most reliable ways to get rid of status. The big problem here is that PoryZ is only electric once, and only while it is in, so it can't absorb para. You could try Z-crystal Mimikyu with sub maybe- if you do SD/Shadow Claw/Play Rough/Sub with Z-Fairium you will probably be decently set. Sub doesn't break disguise, so it lets you see what set you are fighting before you waste your disguise on something you can't actually set up on. It also blocks status moves, of course, and Z-Play Rough is more powerful than Life Orb Shadow Claw or Play Rough. You could also do Z-Ghostium, but getting a 100% accuracy fairy move when you wouldn't have one otherwise seems pretty decent.

You could also use an actual electric-type in place of Pory. I've been using Scarf Xurk to a lot of success and I have seen others doing the same. However, it has worse coverage than Pory, so it might mess up your threat list.

I actually used Focus Sash TG Xurkitree before but yeah, coverage sucks.
I used Tapu Koko too but it's quite underwhelming. Outside of strong Thunderbolts, it doesn't quite do much. Soooo post-bank, I'll be using a Sub CM Raikou, I guess. Other post bank options? It's really quite annoying since I was planning on reaching 200+ with Pokémon in the Alolan dex but I guess using post bank mons would be inevitable. Lel