Is there a trading post around here? I need a foreign Ditto.
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Is there a trading post around here? I need a foreign Ditto.
Guys I just theorymon'd a Pokemon which might be key to success in the tower against hax
Magnezone @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 72 SpA+ / 180 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk- / 30 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hyper Beam/Magnet Bomb/ Shock Wave (Filler, Ideas appreciated. Maybe something Shock Wave to counter Double Team?)
The calculation that started everything
252+ SpA Wailord Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone on a critical hit: 144-171 (41.8 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I lost my precious Mega-Slowbro run to a mad Fissure spamming Wailord taking the precious life of my Slowbro. In search of a useable Sturdy Pokemon I stumbled upon a nice, non-egg moves having Magnet which is OU since forever.
Now here is the very interesting part : Magnezone can deal with nearly every OHKO Spammer in the tower!
Dugtrio-2TimidBright PowderFissureToxicSubstituteSandstormHP/Spd
-Sandstorm does no damage, immunity to Toxic!
Bastiodon-3CarefulLeftoversStone EdgeFissureDouble TeamIron DefenseHP/SpD
-I am afraid this one ends somewhat in a stall-fest. Atleast Magnezone is going to deal with it
Mamoswine-3AdamantLax IncenseHailEarthquakeAvalancheFissureHP/Atk
-Just... no. This one is trouble
Wailord-4ModestZoom LensHydro PumpBlizzardFissureHyper BeamHP/SpA
-The reason I did the research in the first place.
Walrein-4BoldLax IncenseSheer ColdFissureRestSleep TalkDef/SpD
-Can't do anything to you, SE Thunderbolts
Snorlax-4CarefulAssault VestBody SlamFissureEarthquakeCrunchHP/SpD
-I should probably run a strong Fighting Type with Slowbro-Mega and Magnezone...
Landorus-1CarefulBright PowderRestSleep TalkSmack DownFissureDef/SpD
-Very easy with Hidden Power Ice
Tyrantrum-3ImpishWide LensHorn DrillStone EdgeRestSleep TalkHP/Def
-Flash Cannon Hype. Although never underestimated Stone Edge crits
Rhyperior-3ImpishFocus SashHorn DrillReversalPaybackMetal BurstHP/Def
-Scary. Focus Sash is so damn annoying... maybe Magnet Bomb in forth slot to weaken Reversal?
Vanilluxe-3ModestLeftoversHailBlizzardFlash CannonSheer ColdHP/SpA
252+ SpA Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 28-33 (15.8 - 18.6%) -- possible 6HKO
Even a freeze can't kill you (PP-stalled out)
Articuno-2BoldLum BerrySheer ColdMind ReaderIce ShardIce BeamHP/SpD
Thunderbolt barely 2HKO , lovely :D
Glalie-3TimidLeftoversSubstituteSheer ColdFrost BreathProtectDef/Spd
Although Moody may be scary. I am now certain Magnet Bomb/Shock Wave is great
Abomasnow-3 QuietFocus SashBlizzardSheer ColdFocus BlastIce ShardHP/SpA
252+ SpA Abomasnow Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 180 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 72-86 (40.6 - 48.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after hail damage
Avoid 2HKO. But Crits man :( :( Also Focus Sash
Finally, Magnezone also can take Grass/Electric Types trying to kill my precious Mega-Slowbro. Great synergy!
I'm just saying that people need to put thought into how they will handle different situations and giving a starting point. I'm not saying they absolutely need to have a certain move, except maybe Substitute in Singles and Protect/Fake Out in Doubles. There's no one right answer. You also don't need moves to block status, that's why I mentioned type immunities and abilities.
Coverage is important, but you're not going to go very far with just all-out-attack sets on every Pokémon. It's possible to get good neutral coverage with just a few attacks if you choose your types wisely. If you're running a set up Pokémon, you don't really need more than neutral coverage. Look at Mega Salamence which runs just Aerilate Return on a lot of tree sets.
Coverage works better in Doubles than it does in Singles, especially combined with a teammate that provides Fake Out support, or baits and uses Protect. The ability to double target is huge too.
I'm not going for a serious streak until after Bank, but I started leading with this set for shits and giggles and I'm actually really impressed by how much work she's been putting in:
Silvally @ Normalium Z
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Explosion
- Parting Shot
Yes, Silvally. More often than not, the combination of Breakneck Blitz and Boom leaves me with a 2-1 lead and a free switch-in (or, if I use Parting Shot to keep Boom for later, a free setup opportunity); she's carried me past the 40 mark a couple of times already and I haven't even decided who to pair her with yet.
Curious on postbank Suicune and Gliscor sets people are going to play with
I'm new here and I just reached a 119 winning streak. Wanted to have improvements on my team since I really (I mean REALLY) hate losing because of hax.
My team consists of:
*Mimikyu as my lead with the standard EV spread. 252 on both attack and speed with a jolly nature (but might change to adamant since it loses on a looot of important OHKO)
*Porygon-Z, which really helped a LOT. Also because a friend suggested it and was quite successful but still, +1 on Special Attack with Adaptability misses a lot of KOs.
*Mega Gyarados, which was sometimes helpful (for breaking stupid Sturdy mons and for Taunting,etc.) and sometimes it's just there (I mean literally just there sitting in the back of my team being death fodder or whatever)
Sooo please, help me. XD.
Any recommendations, suggestions are appreciated.
What are the actual movesets? For Mimikyu, for example, are you using the sword dance set, and are you using Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Wood Hammer, or something else? Are you using the Z-crystal set with Pory-Z? If you are doing BoltBeam Z-conversion, what is your 4th move? Recover, Nasty Plot, and Shadow Ball seem like the three most likely to me. Shadow Ball may not be that helpful with Mimikyu already having Ghost as STAB, so one of the other two could be better situationally.
Right now it seems like you are a bit weak to status, especially paralysis.
I am using the Swords dance set on Mimikyu with the life orb. Was thinking of trying a gimmicky set of Bulk Up and Leech life XD. As for Porygon Z, I am using the Z-Conversion Set with Recover. I was really hesitant on using Shadow Ball as a coverage since I opted for survivability but that seems to be what has led me to defeat. I only used recover for stalling out weather for like 2 times and had never used it again.
Yes, I do seem to have trouble with paralysis. Mimikyu had its sweep stopped because of paralysis a bunch of times, the same with Gyarados.
Curious on postbank Suicune and Gliscor sets people are going to play with
Same as previous generation. Why would they change? CMRest Suicune with Scald+Icy Wind/Sleep Talk and SubProtect Poison Heal Gliscor with Toxic+EQ.
I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my sanity! I can't get back to 50 no matter what I do! I'm begining to think you have to have every Trainer and Pokemon in the tree memorized in order to stand a chance at having a great streak!
I'm using a set nearly identical to HeadsILoseTailsYouWin, with some changes.
Dragonite doesn't have the same moveset, (mine: D. Claw, Fire Punch, Roost, DD) and his EVs are 252 Atk/252 Spe. I don't get why there is 188 in his speed and I've been thinking about lowering mine, but what does 188 out speed? I figure Mega Lucario is the most I need to outspeed after one DD but I'm worried about another threat I don't know being out there. I'd like the most bulk possible, anyone can help me with this EV spread?
My Aegislash isn't Brave, and I'd also like to know why 8 in speed?
My Tapu Fini is a plain 252 Hp/ 252 Spe. What his EV spread is for I don't know. Thought about using a more Defensive Fini, but I would need a Bold or a Calm nature to make the most of it, and I'm not restarting my game unti after I can put my poke's in the bank.
Thinking about making a new team, but I don't have the confidence to do it right now. Every team I make gets whooped in the 40s so I feel like trying to make my own unique one would just end up being worse.
I am thinking about a Modest, Choice Specs/Scarf Tapu Lele. Maybe team with a Toxapex and trade to get a Jolly Kangaskhan? I'm up for any suggestions at this point.
I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my sanity! I can't get back to 50 no matter what I do! I'm begining to think you have to have every Trainer and Pokemon in the tree memorized in order to stand a chance at having a great streak!
I'm using a set nearly identical to HeadsILoseTailsYouWin, with some changes.
Dragonite doesn't have the same moveset, (mine: D. Claw, Fire Punch, Roost, DD) and his EVs are 252 Atk/252 Spe. I don't get why there is 188 in his speed and I've been thinking about lowering mine, but what does 188 out speed? I figure Mega Lucario is the most I need to outspeed after one DD but I'm worried about another threat I don't know being out there. I'd like the most bulk possible, anyone can help me with this EV spread?
My Aegislash isn't Brave, and I'd also like to know why 8 in speed?
My Tapu Fini is a plain 252 Hp/ 252 Spe. What his EV spread is for I don't know. Thought about using a more Defensive Fini, but I would need a Bold or a Calm nature to make the most of it, and I'm not restarting my game unti after I can put my poke's in the bank.
Thinking about making a new team, but I don't have the confidence to do it right now. Every team I make gets whooped in the 40s so I feel like trying to make my own unique one would just end up being worse.
I am thinking about a Modest, Choice Specs/Scarf Tapu Lele. Maybe team with a Toxapex and trade to get a Jolly Kangaskhan? I'm up for any suggestions at this point.
Same as previous generation. Why would they change? CMRest Suicune with Scald+Icy Wind/Sleep Talk and SubProtect Poison Heal Gliscor with Toxic+EQ.
Maybe a different EV spread to deal with new threats added this gen?
You could do Sub, Lum Berry, or Heal Bell- those are probably the most reliable ways to get rid of status. The big problem here is that PoryZ is only electric once, and only while it is in, so it can't absorb para. You could try Z-crystal Mimikyu with sub maybe- if you do SD/Shadow Claw/Play Rough/Sub with Z-Fairium you will probably be decently set. Sub doesn't break disguise, so it lets you see what set you are fighting before you waste your disguise on something you can't actually set up on. It also blocks status moves, of course, and Z-Play Rough is more powerful than Life Orb Shadow Claw or Play Rough. You could also do Z-Ghostium, but getting a 100% accuracy fairy move when you wouldn't have one otherwise seems pretty decent.
You could also use an actual electric-type in place of Pory. I've been using Scarf Xurk to a lot of success and I have seen others doing the same. However, it has worse coverage than Pory, so it might mess up your threat list.