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has better special bulk than most mons under 350, and is the primary switchin to random strong specs attacks. Also beats cm mons by boosting alongside them. Tera ground immediately every game cuz miraidon is broken.
friendly reminder that eviolite is banned even on mons that don't receive the 350 boost, so if anything, this chansey should either be a happiny or a blissey (preferably a blissey)
Meditite @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pure Power
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
- Trick
I really like this Meditite set as a revenge killer or something that can cripple defensive options as thanks to Pure Power, it gets rough to switch in, and the Choice Scarf means that it gets the jump on a lot - Trick is so you can cripple a defensive option, which helps against some defensive pieces although you miss out on Arceus, since plates can't be tricked.
StallTwo will be a great pokemon to use when things gets settled, in my opinion, since it's a great way to annoy bulky offense/defensive teams since it's fast, it has taunt, and psystrike means that traditional specially defensive pokemon can't check it amidst the mind games with Psychic vs Psystrike. Wisp also means that it can bother a bunch of physical threats, and Pressure means that defensive Pokemon can't stay in forever or they lose a lot of PP.
This is a Reference document that allows people to see the 350 Cup Stats of normally weaker Pokemon in one complete resource. You can see what Pokemon have the highest attack, speed, etc. via the various pages. Huge thanks to Gwanian for helping me with the technical aspects and yokoisop for alerting the council about the Doc. On the discord server, it's now pinned in the metagame-discussion channel, and Hiusi guy will eventually add the Doc as an official link here, although Im not sure when that happens.
The meta seems to be trending towards stall, which would hurt the appeal for casual players. This is why I decided to make two sets to shut down these very passive teams at times.
Hisuian Zorua sports a massive 170 Spatt and great 140 speed, allowing it to easily outpace most stall teams. While most people dismissed it as Blissey fodder, this set turns Blissey into setup fodder.
+4 252 SpA Life Orb Zorua-Hisui Tera Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 364-429 (50.9 - 60%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Tera Fighting Zorua-Hisui Tera Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 484-572 (67.7 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
This Pokemon also has the raw power to break through Unaware Fuecoco
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zorua-Hisui Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Unaware Fuecoco: 251-296 (53.1 - 62.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
While Fuecoco can invest in Special Defense to avoid the 2HKO, it is still heavily pressured and can be broken through with Tera Ghost/Normal
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zorua-Hisui Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Unaware Fuecoco: 251-296 (53.1 - 62.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
And just in case you thought Clodsire was safe
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Tera Ghost Zorua-Hisui Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Unaware Clodsire: 200-237 (43.1 - 51.1%) -- 5.5% chance to 2HKO
While it's a Slim chance to 2HKO, basically any chip invalidates Clodsire as an answer
Zorua-Hisui is amazing don't trust these Big Stall agents.
Axew @ Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Dragon / Water / Ground / Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Taunt
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head / Poison Jab / Stomping Tantrum / Aqua Tail
Out of all the 350 and below BST Pokemon, Axew has the highest attack of all, sporting a massive 174 attack stat.
Taunt shuts down Willo-wisp from Fuecoco and Whirlwind from Hippopotas. It sets up an Unaware ignoring swords dance thanks to Mold Breaker and, the calcs speak for themselves.
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Axew Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippopotas: 242-286 (50.8 - 60%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Axew Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 842-992 (117.9 - 138.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Axew Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fuecoco: 298-352 (63.1 - 74.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
There is the problem of Hippopotas 2HKOing Axew with earthquake, but the Axew player can beat the Hippopotas by predicting the earthquake and going for Dragon Claw twice after Hippopotas Sword Dances on the switch in, although the Hippo player can predict this and go for a risky whirlwind, though it may not be healthy enough to take it on repeatedly. (I lied it gets 3HKOed) The simple way to take it down is to Tera water and watch it die
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Tera Water Axew Aqua Tail vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippopotas: 549-647 (115.3 - 135.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
And no, Dondozo can't answer this. Axew prevents Curse using taunt and then...
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Axew Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 304-359 (60.3 - 71.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Sorry Slowpoke fans
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Axew Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowpoke-Galar: 278-329 (49.2 - 58.3%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO
And it could always Setup another Swords Dance
This mon is legal for now. Abuse it while you can.
Well, when I first read this forum, there were no helpful documents so I made one... but now there iis one... I now feel sad xD
Here it is if you like helpful colours and comparisons to Ubers :P
is kinda broken, there are very few good answers to it - it is forcing Toedscool on the majority of good player's teams. bulky ekiller, nickname for trolling :D adamant scarf reckless has very few switchins, the rest of the team appreciates staravia u-turning on rock and steel types. miraidon answer, also helps with zorua-h and glimmet matchups, generally you just annoy a lot of the tier theres alot of annoying ghosts rn so this guy really helps, another source of strong priority is great, too. also matches up well vs almost all physdef walls ive seen so far he lives like every physical hit, helps with opposing staravias and arceuses as wel as hisui growlithe, zacian, rayquaza, koraidon and any other fighting types
overall thoughts: fun meta, i think miraidon should probably be quickbanned, id probably also consider discussing arceus and tera bans too.
besides my 6, heres some other mons i think are good
Sadly no, it’s slow, not that bulky, has only an above average special attack, and needs a turn to set up. A lot of mons do its job, even in sun, better. Having only 120 / 80 / 90 bulk just doesn’t justify a 70 speed. It’s not bulky enough to properly threaten offensive mons, and its stats still aren’t very threatening to defensive mons. A Pokémon that I feel would fit the role of a slow but strong growth attacker better would be cacnea. With base 170 in both attacking stats, it can take full advantage of growth doubling its physically and special attack under sun. Coverage on both defenses plus a 170 base stat also means that it can threaten most slower defensive mons much better than numerous could ever hope to. I still don’t think cacnea itself is that good even then, though that may be because I haven’t seen it used well.
Sadly no, it’s slow, not that bulky, has only an above average special attack, and needs a turn to set up. A lot of mons do its job, even in sun, better. Having only 120 / 80 / 90 bulk just doesn’t justify a 70 speed. It’s not bulky enough to properly threaten offensive mons, and its stats still aren’t very threatening to defensive mons. A Pokémon that I feel would fit the role of a slow but strong growth attacker better would be cacnea. With base 170 in both attacking stats, it can take full advantage of growth doubling its physically and special attack under sun. Coverage on both defenses plus a 170 base stat also means that it can threaten most slower defensive mons much better than numerous could ever hope to. I still don’t think cacnea itself is that good even then, though that may be because I haven’t seen it used well.
Perhaps running stockpile and making it just impossible to remove? Also I think the 1 turn setup to max out your offenses is worth it tbh. I'm yet to try it out though, I'm still theorising and teambuilding
Perhaps running stockpile and making it just impossible to remove? Also I think the 1 turn setup to max out your offenses is worth it tbh. I'm yet to try it out though, I'm still theorising and teambuilding
I forgot that it had simple so Nevermind it does stand up to cacnea. I don’t think stockpile would work out due to it having no recovery, but the one turn of set up is actually worth it. Plus its typing is much better than cacnea offensively so it can hit some of the premier special walls like toedscuel for super effective. It’s attack stat is also a respectable 120 which when tripled means it can also easily run a mixed attack set. I would prob go flamethrower, earthpower, and trailblaze so that it also gets faster. I still think it wouldn’t be the best, but I could def see it having an sizable impact on games and maybe sweeping steam or two.
Poison heal is an absolutely amazing ability, and if you get a free turn or two (which is pretty easy due to this man’s 120/120/120 bulk), poison heal and leech seed entirely make up for the health used to make substitutes. This makes it a very good way to force chip damage on the opponent, or force them to switch, which would be made even better with hazards on the field… *cough* glimmet *cough*
Honestly Protect is probably better than Seed Bomb or Facade (more chip, free turns for healing), but I can’t bring myself to make this thing as passive as that. Unfortunately, though, Shroomish seemingly has no good offensive sets: it has much lower attack than Breloom, and doesn’t have setup moves to become beefy
Because glimmet seems like such a prevalent threat, you might be able to afford running an item that isn’t toxic orb (although I wouldn’t recommend it)
Lastly, this provides a possible check against choiced Miraidons: it has good bulk, resists electro drifts, and can take advantage of forcing one out
Hello people, I have no idea if there are player rankings for this OM or not but one guy mentioned being top ten here and I would like to know where I stand, also to see what teams the top players are using so I can learn the meta better. Thus I would appreciate if anyone could point me towards such a resource.
Hello people, I have no idea if there are player rankings for this OM or not but one guy mentioned being top ten here and I would like to know where I stand, also to see what teams the top players are using so I can learn the meta better. Thus I would appreciate if anyone could point me towards such a resource.
I spent way too long today laddering instead of doing anything productive and hit top 20/1300 elo in the process. Here's my takeaways from the tier right now
A. Miraidon is turbo busted. You play a guessing game where if you click the right button something dies and if you don't then something gets chunked. Forces a ground onto every team and wins endgames where your opponent lacks an electric immunity/sturdy resist.
B: Glimmet is everywhere. It is more reasonable to deal with than you might expect from a mon with 210 base spa but I feel like Toxic Debris of all things is what pushes it over the edge. It narrows down the mon's true checks to just special attackers and forces poisons onto every team to soak the spikes up. Toeds represents a reliable spinner but doesn't really want to wear boots so even if you cleanly beat Glimmet with a physical attacker it makes progress anyways if you don't have a poison.
C: Tera is always hotly debated in any tier but I think it feels tentatively fine? I don't think there's any big abusers of it atm and I don't feel it swinging games as much as in other metas I've played likely owing to the fact that Slowpoke/Toeds are incredibly sturdy stopgaps vs offensive threats on either side.
Anyways onward to the (fairly standard) team
Miraidon clicks buttons and beats things. I lead it sometimes vs Glimmet because Volt Switch into Meowth beats it decently well. Tera Fairy wins the Paldea box legend/Rare Ditto match up
Slowpoke walls anything physical. Thunder Wave wins so many matches it's crazy and I opt for physical instead of special because I often find myself needing that extra power
Toedscool walls anything special. I used to run spikes but leech is a stronger blind click and wins into certain mons that try to out damage you
Meowth Galar is slept on. Tough Claws gives it a very strong pivot and a crazy powerful fake out. Steel is a rare typing in this meta and allows it check glimmet (even if chunked by mudshot), Staravia, Head Smash locked Growlithe, etc. Rocky Helmet because I was mad after an annoying game into Tandemaus
Crabrawler is a lategame cleaner. Coverage + boosting + draining enables it to check a variety of things (notably Ice Punch eats Toed) and remain rather healthy in the process. Nothing flashy but it wins regardless. Punching Gloves occasionally comes up into Gible but could be something else.
Maschiff is what this team was initially built around and served me quite well. The idea was to pivot into it via Meowth/Miraidon on a mon that matches bad into it and effectively trap it via Stakeout assuring KOs/huge damage on switch out. It worked well and you see some crazy calcs from it. Outside of stakeout shenanigans he was just Hoopa Unbound 2: Dog Edition and clicked Crunch to win. The issue was that glimmet's toxic spikes would eat my team alive even in the best cases where I could spin them away immediately. So I swapped to Alola Grimer and he's fine. Way less fun than Maschiff but Knock Off Utility is nice and vampirism from drain comes in handy alongside it's fighting coverage. Psychic fangs notably plays way nicer into screens. All in all they're both good but the second Glimmet gets axed (if at all) I'm switching back to Chiff gaming
I spent way too long today laddering instead of doing anything productive and hit top 20/1300 elo in the process. Here's my takeaways from the tier right now
A. Miraidon is turbo busted. You play a guessing game where if you click the right button something dies and if you don't then something gets chunked. Forces a ground onto every team and wins endgames where your opponent lacks an electric immunity/sturdy resist.
B: Glimmet is everywhere. It is more reasonable to deal with than you might expect from a mon with 210 base spa but I feel like Toxic Debris of all things is what pushes it over the edge. It narrows down the mon's true checks to just special attackers and forces poisons onto every team to soak the spikes up. Toeds represents a reliable spinner but doesn't really want to wear boots so even if you cleanly beat Glimmet with a physical attacker it makes progress anyways if you don't have a poison.
C: Tera is always hotly debated in any tier but I think it feels tentatively fine? I don't think there's any big abusers of it atm and I don't feel it swinging games as much as in other metas I've played likely owing to the fact that Slowpoke/Toeds are incredibly sturdy stopgaps vs offensive threats on either side.
Anyways onward to the (fairly standard) team
Miraidon clicks buttons and beats things. I lead it sometimes vs Glimmet because Volt Switch into Meowth beats it decently well. Tera Fairy wins the Paldea box legend/Rare Ditto match up
Slowpoke walls anything physical. Thunder Wave wins so many matches it's crazy and I opt for physical instead of special because I often find myself needing that extra power
Toedscool walls anything special. I used to run spikes but leech is a stronger blind click and wins into certain mons that try to out damage you
Meowth Galar is slept on. Tough Claws gives it a very strong pivot and a crazy powerful fake out. Steel is a rare typing in this meta and allows it check glimmet (even if chunked by mudshot), Staravia, Head Smash locked Growlithe, etc. Rocky Helmet because I was mad after an annoying game into Tandemaus
Crabrawler is a lategame cleaner. Coverage + boosting + draining enables it to check a variety of things (notably Ice Punch eats Toed) and remain rather healthy in the process. Nothing flashy but it wins regardless. Punching Gloves occasionally comes up into Gible but could be something else.
Maschiff is what this team was initially built around and served me quite well. The idea was to pivot into it via Meowth/Miraidon on a mon that matches bad into it and effectively trap it via Stakeout assuring KOs/huge damage on switch out. It worked well and you see some crazy calcs from it. Outside of stakeout shenanigans he was just Hoopa Unbound 2: Dog Edition and clicked Crunch to win. The issue was that glimmet's toxic spikes would eat my team alive even in the best cases where I could spin them away immediately. So I swapped to Alola Grimer and he's fine. Way less fun than Maschiff but Knock Off Utility is nice and vampirism from drain comes in handy alongside it's fighting coverage. Psychic fangs notably plays way nicer into screens. All in all they're both good but the second Glimmet gets axed (if at all) I'm switching back to Chiff gaming
2 things I would say is that it’s kinda confusing at first why you have 7 mons together in the pokepaste, you have to read into the very end of the rundown segment to see why that’s like that(though it isn’t that much reading). Second you detail that meowth-galar is a great physical wall, but all the examples you give slowpoke also walls on its own. Though the fact that meowth-galar has some bulk is still good and still prob works well on the team, you can prob give it a more offensive item and let slowpoke do more of the tanking. I’ve found giving slowpoke a Rocky helmet instead of leftovers is super useful and slack off+regen means it isn’t missing out on too much. I will personally recommend earthquake and tera ground as well instead of zen headbutt so that it can surprise miraidons that want to kill it.
Edit: Also rapid spin then earthpower on toedscuel should just invalidate glimmets existence.
Edit 2: I’m dumb forget what this used to be
I spent way too long today laddering instead of doing anything productive and hit top 20/1300 elo in the process. Here's my takeaways from the tier right now
A. Miraidon is turbo busted. You play a guessing game where if you click the right button something dies and if you don't then something gets chunked. Forces a ground onto every team and wins endgames where your opponent lacks an electric immunity/sturdy resist.
B: Glimmet is everywhere. It is more reasonable to deal with than you might expect from a mon with 210 base spa but I feel like Toxic Debris of all things is what pushes it over the edge. It narrows down the mon's true checks to just special attackers and forces poisons onto every team to soak the spikes up. Toeds represents a reliable spinner but doesn't really want to wear boots so even if you cleanly beat Glimmet with a physical attacker it makes progress anyways if you don't have a poison.
C: Tera is always hotly debated in any tier but I think it feels tentatively fine? I don't think there's any big abusers of it atm and I don't feel it swinging games as much as in other metas I've played likely owing to the fact that Slowpoke/Toeds are incredibly sturdy stopgaps vs offensive threats on either side.
Anyways onward to the (fairly standard) team
Miraidon clicks buttons and beats things. I lead it sometimes vs Glimmet because Volt Switch into Meowth beats it decently well. Tera Fairy wins the Paldea box legend/Rare Ditto match up
Slowpoke walls anything physical. Thunder Wave wins so many matches it's crazy and I opt for physical instead of special because I often find myself needing that extra power
Toedscool walls anything special. I used to run spikes but leech is a stronger blind click and wins into certain mons that try to out damage you
Meowth Galar is slept on. Tough Claws gives it a very strong pivot and a crazy powerful fake out. Steel is a rare typing in this meta and allows it check glimmet (even if chunked by mudshot), Staravia, Head Smash locked Growlithe, etc. Rocky Helmet because I was mad after an annoying game into Tandemaus
Crabrawler is a lategame cleaner. Coverage + boosting + draining enables it to check a variety of things (notably Ice Punch eats Toed) and remain rather healthy in the process. Nothing flashy but it wins regardless. Punching Gloves occasionally comes up into Gible but could be something else.
Maschiff is what this team was initially built around and served me quite well. The idea was to pivot into it via Meowth/Miraidon on a mon that matches bad into it and effectively trap it via Stakeout assuring KOs/huge damage on switch out. It worked well and you see some crazy calcs from it. Outside of stakeout shenanigans he was just Hoopa Unbound 2: Dog Edition and clicked Crunch to win. The issue was that glimmet's toxic spikes would eat my team alive even in the best cases where I could spin them away immediately. So I swapped to Alola Grimer and he's fine. Way less fun than Maschiff but Knock Off Utility is nice and vampirism from drain comes in handy alongside it's fighting coverage. Psychic fangs notably plays way nicer into screens. All in all they're both good but the second Glimmet gets axed (if at all) I'm switching back to Chiff gaming
I've been running Lum Berry and Tera Electric on my Crabrawler. Stops random status side effects cold, giving you a free extra hit to break the one thing that walled you or a free set-up. Electric makes you resist Flying and powers up Thunder Punch when Miraidon gets banned.
2 things I would say is that it’s kinda confusing at first why you have 7 mons together in the pokepaste, you have to read into the very end of the rundown segment to see why that’s like that(though it isn’t that much reading). Second you detail that meowth-galar is a great physical wall, but all the examples you give slowpoke also walls on its own. Though the fact that meowth-galar has some bulk is still good and still prob works well on the team, you can prob give it a more offensive item and let slowpoke do more of the tanking. I’ve found giving slowpoke a Rocky helmet instead of leftovers is super useful and slack off+regen means it isn’t missing out on too much. I will personally recommend earthquake and tera ground as well instead of zen headbutt so that it can surprise miraidons that want to kill it.
Edit: Also rapid spin then earthpower on toedscuel should just invalidate glimmets existence.
Edit 2: I’m dumb forget what this used to be
Meowth Galar really is more of an off tank than a main tank. Its type gives it a useful defensive profile sometimes (mostly into Glimmet and Ekiller) and it has enough natural bulk to live a few hits. It's main role is forcing chip with Fake Out and pivoting with U-turn both of which do solid damage thanks to tough claws. Rocky Helmet helps both of these roles (ie in the second replay it chips Zacian a ton to land the KO) but yeah its a debatable inclusion.
Slowpoke has leftovers because it's the lazy include because it's the lets it stay in longer but Helmet is fair option too.
I don't like Toeds into Glimmet because Toed gets dented in the exchange and can't always switch safely into it. If Glimmet teras it's just over for the poor guy. Toed is the only special wall I have so I prefer not to take chip or it'll stop me from walling Miraidons or other strong special attackers that need Toed at full. Meowth (and Tera Brawler I guess) meanwhile switches in cleanly to Gem, Gleam, and Sludge.
I've been running Lum Berry and Tera Electric on my Crabrawler. Stops random status side effects cold, giving you a free extra hit to break the one thing that walled you or a free set-up. Electric makes you resist Flying and powers up Thunder Punch when Miraidon gets banned.
Yeah I ran Tera Electric at first but found I needed extra insurance into Ekiller and Glimmet both of which gave me problems. Steel's resists also are just nice to have for things like fully walling Staravia
Lum is a neat idea. I haven't gotten wisp'd myself enough to consider it yet but it's probably better than glove even if I want to believe the 10% is taking me places.
Glimmet leads can be super-predictable at times, that its very easy to just lead Toedscool T1, click Earth Power and break their sash as they click rocks, then click rapid spin on Turn 2 (Rapid Spin also immediately removes the Tspikes from Toxic Debris on the exact same turn the ability activates). If they tera their sash Glimmet, your opponent pretty much wasted their tera. Consider running speed EVs to entirely outspeed Glimmet, it also has luxury of outright outspeeding Pawniard and Band Growlithe-Hisui, or can even go near-full speed to outspeed the bike lizards.
Hey, as of writing this I’m at the top spot (elo-wise) of the 350 ladder
As such, my ego is now massive and I wanted to talk about my team
Better Than Me (Shroomish) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 SpD
Careful Nature
- Leech Seed
- Toxic
- Facade/Seed Bomb/Protect
- Substitute
VERY passive, also the best thing ever. I already posted about this, just know that protect is probably the most optimal move of the three, and that this thing has an absurd 120/120/120 bulk. Also he gets shredded by taunt
Bike Ride (Drifloon) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk
- Defog
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Substitute
Honestly I mostly put it on the team for the sake of a defogger, a Toedscool would prolly be better with rapid spin. Will-o and hex make a good combo against physical attackers, and combines well with the other mons putting status effects on stuff, little to say here
Small Cuts (Pawniard) @ Leftovers
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 112 Def / 100 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch
It’s like kingambit but faster and better, again little to say here, except that replacing a move with brick break and giving it speed EVs is a good counter against other Pawniards
All Of The Drugs (Glimmet) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Power Gem
- Sludge Wave
- Mud Shot
- Stealth Rock
As soon as someone told me it gets 210SpA in 350 cup, I had to put it on the team. Don’t lead with it, otherwise your hazards will be immediately destroyed. It struggles with steel types, but mud shot
1. Helps with that
2. Works as a hedge for if the opponent switches, giving you the jump on whatever switches in
Also Focus Sash can save your ass
Boring (Kyogre) @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Calm Mind
- Thunder
OKAY, I ADMIT IT, IM A HACK. DOUBLE THAT SINCE I JUST STOLE THIS FROM THE SMOGON ANALYSES, IM SORRY. Leading with it has given me some very funny situations where the man knocks out 2 or 3 other Pokémon. People will leave their Toedscools in on this WAY too often, letting you get free calm minds, ice beam them, and wreck their team. Also, Miraidons will attempt to volt switch on you basically without fail, so Tera Ground Ice Beam will at least get ‘em good, and often OHKO if you have a calm mind
The Nerve (Meditite) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pure Power
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Trick
- Ice Punch
Another mon someone pointed out to me as being good. Idk what the math behind pure power is that makes it stronger than Crabrawler, and I don’t care. I also don’t have much to say about this; it’s speed control/cleanup, have fun ig
I'm bad at both playing and teambuilding but I've been messing with these three together and having fun. I've been running Heat Rock on Koraidon (might be a bad idea?) also Taunt to block hazards and U-Turn. Deerling hasn't been mentioned in the thread yet as its 120 attack isn't super huge but it does pack stab Double Edge, it's decently bulky with 120/100/100, and Chlorophyll with 150 speed makes it so fast under sun you can invest nothing in speed and still outpace the whole unboosted metagame. Banded Hrowlithe under sun is straight up a KO machine, sun-boosted Flare Blitz is nasty.
I'm not good enough to know what'd be good to pair these guys with, I've been running Arceus-Ground and a few special attackers but I'm sure there are other fun mons, experiment and have fun in the sun!
Wanted to share some of my thoughts, opinions and drop a couple teams for those interested:
Most Ubers-Viable Pokemon retain their viability here. I highly recommend you structure your teams more like Ubers teams rather than trying to fit as many sub 350 BST Pokemon as possible.
It's Toxapex, useful for viable physical mons like Koraidon or Ekiller. The dozens of unviable physical attackers that people might try out will also end up getting walled by Mareanie pretty handedly. This mon is decently splashable, and it's an excellent Tspike absorber just as Toxapex originally is. Not using Mareanie in your defensive core is more often than not self-sabotage with how many people think Glimmet is the boogie man and are spamming it.
Cool regen pivot with helpful resistances to things like Kyogre or Miraidon on top of being a Tspike absorber. I think Grassceus is more valuable as it's less passive and Foongus' Spore can find trouble with Miraidon setting up Electric Terrain. Using Foongus in that slot can free up a different Arceus though, like a Fairyceus or Groundceus.
Slowpoke's bulk cannot be understated. Though competing with Mareanie as a bulky water is annoying for it, Slowpoke definitely has more potential for versatility. Simple defensive sets are definitely best for it, but bulky CM variants also have use.
It shouldn't be surprising that Staravia is good. Though, even with Tera boosting its STABs, I think this is the worst Staravia has been in 350 Cup. It's become very 1-dimensional as a Pokemon after losing Roost and Defog, whereas before it could be used as a very viable Intimidate pivot. It performs its 1-dimensional role as a wallbreaker well regardless, especially thanks to Tera.
Hisuian-Growlithe is a very strong breaker. Teams that don't prep for it properly offensively or defensively will definitely crumble fast. If you opt for Choiced, please run viable hazard removal like Gira-O as support for it though. Rock Head is not Magic Guard. This thing will still die faster than you expect vs Rocky Helmets and rocks. Its biggest problem is that the 110 speed tier is pretty fraudulent no matter how strong it is.
I like this guy. Alolan Grimer is a fun soft-check to Pokemon like Hisuian Zorua, Flutter Mane, etc., but it should definitely be far from your only check. Strong 3 attack sets, banded sets, or more defensively-based ones are gonna be your best bet here. Knock Off and Gunk Shot are excellent STABs to fire off of a 160 base attack, and Poison Touch can let you punish Pokemon just for switching in.
Pawniard is still good, but I'm sorry, losing Knock Off is literally just a very big deal. Even beyond that, Pawniard's value around Pokemon like Groundceus, Koraidon, Mareanie and Zacian falls off fast. As impressive as 170 attack is, Night Slash is just a laughable STAB compared to Knock Off. I think calling this a fraud is harsh, but I also don't feel right representing it as a Pokemon "worth running" this gen. I'll still list it here because you'll be able to run it on HOs like Screens/Shed Tail/Webs at the very least to patch up some of its major weaknesses.
I personally consider this to be a fraud despite its obviously high 170 special attack, but it has uses for sure. You're naturally immune to Espeed and Claw from Ekiller, and it has pretty valuable utility moves like Wisp and U-turn that gives it much needed dimension. Tera undoubtedly carries Hisuian Zorua—a +2 Orb Tera Blast can OHKO Ting-Lu when you become Fighting-type just as an example. This feat is completely impossible otherwise. Without Tera, Zorua is a bit of a bum with a very pitiful movepool (literally two 80 BP STABs, one of which also doesn't offer much at all). But this is judging it with Tera still allowed.
Any set other than Flare Boost CM is fraudulent. And this set still struggles, as you're hopeless vs. viable Dark-types without activating Tera and it's not as strong as it looks like it should be because all of its moves have horrible base power. You're still OHKO'ing things like Mareanie with Thunderbolt after a CM (with Flare Boost active) though, so don't think it's that weak.
The Frauds
What is the hype about for this Pokemon? Being "forced" to run teams viable against Toxic Spikes is not the consequence of Glimmet, and it never has been. Not getting steamrolled by Tspikes is just the reward of good building. As a lead, this thing is possibly worse than its evolution due to having a hilariously bad movepool. What good is the 210 special attack when your literal entire movepool is walled by Steels and Grounds? What good is that 210 special attack when the only moves you're using on lead are Rocks and/or Spikes? Glimmora has these same problems, which is why its 130 base special attack is hardly ever important beyond getting off Earth Powers. At least Glimmora has Mortal Spin for opposing leads and a much more expansive movepool in general to actually use its special attack if it wanted to (Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Mud Shot primarily).
Just use Koraidon please. Koraidon is stronger. Koraidon has infinitely more movesets. Koraidon has a better typing.
Just use Miraidon please. Miraidon is stronger. Miraidon has infinitely more movesets. Miraidon has a better typing.
While yes, if you hypothetically force something out by some sort of miracle, you will do a pretty big number...what is bro forcing out? It's insanely slow for this tier's standards. The tier also isn't exactly lacking viable Dark-resists, and a lot of things it could hypothetically force out also commonly have either defensive or offensive Tera's in place for it like Zorua-Hisui with Tera Fighting.
A nice physically defensive Ground-type that can remove Koraidon's sun and subsequently wall it, Zacian, Pawniard and many other physical attackers thanks to Whirlwind. And that's about it. If you like a nice momentum sinking Stealth Rocker that can do nothing vs any viable hazard removal and invites in every special attacker in the world, pick Hippopotas. He's a chill sand setter for Houndstone though.
Fringe HO cheese mon and nothing more. It suffers from the same problems that it and Polteageist suffer every time, but it's not useless if you play your Tera correctly. That's what they always say though. It's a fraud.
Some teams to get started (basically 350 Cup'd Ubers teams by Giannis, Dahli and entroce in Ubers Open finals to show that Ubers teams should be your basis. Give your thanks to them and those that helped them build the original teams):
Got pretty nice results with these teams, though I lost once to a secret assassin sent to sabotage me with a Double Scarf team LOL
Probably really easy to improve, was thinking maybe some kind of Arceus is obvious but I can't really judge which type and what set. I also really liked spdef Giratina to have an easy glimmet switchin, so I'm not too sure where all the spreads should point towards. You might think Foongus > Gulpin but I really like Gulpin as a knock + switcheroo/trick absorber as well as a tspike setter. Snover is very funny but probably easily replaced and upgraded, though it's pretty nice to blizzard the leech seed switchins.
Edit: Realized I posted the wrong paste, that was an older version before I got cooked by Miraidon, here's the right one: https://pokepast.es/da128ff96dc8337a