Introducing 35 Pokes! An Original Meta where 35 Pokémon are randomly generated a month!
With limited, often unusual, options you'll be forced to seriously consider Pokémon you'd never use otherwise, in situations you'd never usually see them.
To give an idea as to what kind of Meta's we've had, thus far we've seen: 3 Weathers, no abusers (December 2023), Terrain Wars (June 2024), and Seaking as a top 5 mon (March 2024)
Want to join? most of our matchmaking happens on our discord!
We also have a browser extension for teambuilding!
Tier Leaders:
Ember Celica
NotGerald [Founder]
33 eels
Ember Celica
35 Pokes Rules:
Form Clause: Player may have two Pokémon of the same species, but not of the same form, on their team. For example, a Rotom-Fan and a Rotom-Mow is ok, two Rotom-Fans is not.
Sleep Clause Mod: Player cannot induce sleep on more than one of the opponents Pokémon at once
Z-Move Clause: Players cannot use Z-Moves.
Terastal Clause: Player cannot terrastalize their Pokémon
Mega Stone Clause: Mega Stones are banned
Evasion Clause: Player cannot use evasion boosting moves, items, and abilities, including but not limited to: Bright Powder, Double Team, Sand Veil, and Accupressure
Unown Clause: The only Pokémon allowed to use the move "Hidden Power" is Unown. The move is otherwise illegal.
Banned moves:
Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Last Respects, Acupressure, Hidden Power (see Unown Clause)
Banned Abilities:
Shadow Tag, Battle Bond, Sand Veil, Snow Cloak, Moody
Banned Items:
Kings Rock, Razor Fang, Quick Claw, Bright Powder, Lax Incense, Berserk Gene
On Dry Passing: Baton Pass is legal, however You cannot have a combination of Moves, Abilities or Items that allows you to intentionally or unintentionally pass boosts, a substitute or passive recovery (Ingrain, Aqua Ring...) to another Pokemon. This includes abilities such as Defiant and Contrary.
Here's a list of the currently allowed Pokémon as of February 2025!
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