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Season 15 (Week 6 [BW2 OU #2]) Won by CyberOdin

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The only thing I look up to is the sky
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Post "in" to participate.

Send a PM to "SmogonTourHost" on Pokemon Online when you win your match, losers need not PM as it could cause confusion.

**Please join Groudons Grotto to participate in today's tour.

Additionally, please do note that today's tour is BW OU! The current ban list on Smogon University is in effect.

In addition, you can only join 2 tours this week!

General Smogon Tour Rules

  • You must have a Smogon Forum account to sign-up for a Smogon Tour tournament.
  • When the tour registration begins, sign-up at the Smogon Tour section of the Smogon Forums. The number of spots available for registration will vary week to week based on user activity at the time. It is up to the discretion of the host when to close sign-ups. If you do not make the cut-off, you can still sign-up as a substitute player if a player does not show up.
  • Substitute players will only be applied in the first round.
  • You must use your forum nickname as your Shoddy Battle nickname in order to play.
  • If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
  • There is a fifteen minute time limit for each round. If you exceed the time limit, notify the current host. He or she will determine the winner based on the current advantage between the players.
  • You may change teams between rounds without penalty.
  • You may only participate in two tour tournaments per week. For example, if you play on Friday and Saturday, you are not allowed to play on Sunday.
  • Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.

Smogon Tour Battling Rules

  • TIMED BATTLE CLAUSE REQUIRED! PM me if your opponent times out, and you will get the win. DO NOT allow your opponents to play after they time out!
  • Species Clause. A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffings on his or her team.
  • In the OU environment, you are not allowed to use Pokémon classified as Uber.
  • All tiers are based on Smogon Tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the "ban list" of the appropriate ladder available on the Shoddy Battle server. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
  • Sleep Clause. A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokémon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokémon.
  • Evasion Clause. A player cannot increase their pokémon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
  • OHKO Clause. Players cannot use moves that have a chance of instantly KO opposing Pokémon. For example, Horn Drill is an illegal move to have on a Pokémon's move set.
  • Self-KO Clause. Players cannot use moves such as Explosion or Selfdestruct that force a tie. If a move that has recoil damage causes a tie, the user of the move is the winner.
  • Soul Dew Clause. The item Soul Dew is banned in the OU environment.

Matches may be conducted on any server as long as both participants agree, but the winners should PM "SmogonTourHost" on Groudons Grotto to avoid confusion.

Round 1:
RockyRd v. Dark Sphynx
Zukai v. TPO3
nightcore v. FLCL
1996ITO v. DracoMalfoy
~GreenCore v. Mothisma
Masterclass v. Mr. Green
Nantsuki. v. Jerichooo
da hui v. Knight1337
Nails v. Woolves
sasu v. Asator
Euler v. Luk skylwaker
WhiteQueen v. Hantsuki
Stolen v. Neliel
-PkmTrainerBlue- v. HSA
M o t h v. Lunar.
Younii v. Bloo
kenny s v. Fakes
Kidbu v. Meridian
ModestGarchomp v. Vinc2612
H-C v. OneTeD
Limitless v. Lavos Spawn
Foster v. The Ro
Tobes v. Staraptor
Celsius v. mostwanted
Chase v. Mike Fenix
jira v. .Robert
Bad Ass v. relaunched
Colchonero v. Infernis
Arrandom24 v. Killua kun
Marshall.Law v. xlf
Sniperzinhu v. Heist
Gabranth v. PasY_G
Honus v. Boudouche
Private v. CTC
The Quasar v. Lady Bug
LonelyNess v. Blue Eon
SoulWind v. Broken Wing
Jinzoo v. ZoroDark
papai noel v. DestinyUnknown
Fantasy v. McMeghan
MrChar v. The Great Mighty Doom
Hideous v. Decision Makers
BKC v. davidness
The Kyle v. -Frexa-
Finchinator v. OO8 the immaculate
complete legitimacy v. pokebasket
Kelsey v. MarceloDK
Hill v. Linkjuhh
Lord Laguna v. toasdt
Alexander. v. Somebody sks
Lase v. Floppy
yan[sogeking] v. Pr0man
Chacal v. toshimelonhead
Ryan Giggs v. noname4505
CrashinBoomBang v. silver ghost
Aqualouis v. Nauar
Princess Bri v. Thatsjustpeachy
Deluks917 v. HellPowna
Terraquaza v. CyberOdin
Iconic v. Zephir
WDFAmatt v. tophway
SOMALIA v. Montreal
Pocket v. King

Round 2:
Lavos Spawn vs The Kyle
Foster vs Bad Ass
Ryan Giggs vs Arrandom24
WhiteQueen vs MrChar
ZoroDark vs .Robert
OneTeD vs Fakes
Nantsuki. vs Dark Sphynx
Vinc2612 vs Aqualouis
Princess Bri vs Tobes
Pr0man vs Honus
Lady Bug vs Nails
MarceloDK vs Lunar.
xlf vs CTC
da hui vs Hill
Chacal vs Deluks917
TPO3 vs Masterclass
Alexander. vs Asator
silver ghost vs Zephir
Heist vs Celsius
McMeghan vs tophway
Meridian vs DestinyUnknown
Decision Makers vs Finchinator
complete legitimacy vs toasdt
FLCL vs Colchonero
Mike Fenix vs Blue Eon
Raichy vs Neliel
CyberOdin vs Lase
SoulWind vs Younii
HSA vs Pocket
~GreenCore vs Euler
davidness vs PasY_G

Round 3:
complete legitimacy vs HSA
OneTeD vs Nantsuki.
Colchonero vs Meridian
.Robert vs Bad Ass
Masterclass vs Zephir
Alexander. vs Arrandom24
SoulWind vs Whitequeen
Decision Makers vs Vinc2612
Lady Bug vs MarceloDK
Mike Fenix vs Deluks917
tophway vs Lavos Spawn
1996ITO vs Princess Bri
da hui vs Pr0man
CyberOdin vs Raichy
CTC vs ~GreenCore
davidness vs Heist

Round 4:
Nantsuki. vs Arrandom24
Mike Fenix vs Lavos Spawn
CyberOdin vs ~GreenCore
Vinc2612 vs Pr0man
complete legitimacy vs SoulWind
Heist vs Bad Ass
Princess Bri vs Meridian
Zephir vs Lady Bug

Round 5:
Princess Bri vs Lavos Spawn
Heist vs Lady Bug
CyberOdin vs Vinc2612
SoulWind vs Arrandom24

CyberOdin vs SoulWind
Heist vs Lavos Spawn


CyberOdin vs. Heist
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