Rick Ross Rain
by spook
by spook
It has only been a few months since my first RMT unfortunately helped spawn the Gouging Fire Suspect Test, allowing fraudulent Volcarona to remain in our tier for far longer than he should have. I have returned today, not only to bless you guys with a powerful rain team, but to address an extremely pressing issue: As it stands right now, Garchomp's broke ass who gets cooked by half the tier is sitting in B- Rank while Bellibolt (The superior OU Threat) didn't even make the list. To compound this travesty, extremely unserious picks such as Pincurchin and Smeargle somehow made the cut. This is UNACCEPTABLE. I implore everybody reading this post to go complain in the OUVR Thread until we get Bellibolt the respect and honor he deserves.
This is my first attempt at a non-mono water rain team, so I would love any feedback from the rain connoisseurs out there.

(click above)
Shoutouts 2020 idm boomer for most of the nicknames!
Proof of Peak:
Team Description:

RICK ROSS (Bellibolt) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Electromorphosis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder
- Weather Ball
- Tera Blast
- Volt Switch
For months now, Bellibolt has been living in the shadow of another "Bolt" lurking around the OU Tier: Raging Bolt. This includes on rain teams, as Raging Bolt gets access to all the moves I have chosen for this set, and more. However, Bellibolt has a few positives that raging bolt lacks. For one, his pure electric type allows him to act as a better assault vest user that takes far less damage from many threats, most notably primarina, who destroys rain. His ability, Electromorphosis, is one I hadn't heard of until now, and is absolutely busted. With Bellibolt's ability, everytime he gets hit by any damaging move, he gains the charge effect, doubling the power of his next electric move. This means that Bellibolt is blessed with a 220 BP nuke along with a 140BP pivot option. Weather Ball is for Grounds, and OHKOs non specially defensive Great Tusk, Landorus-T (most of the time), and Gliscor. Lastly, I am running Tera Blast Fairy to hit dragons in general, but most importantly flip the matchup on Raging Bolt which would otherwise wall us. Bellibolt is a great pivot that can buy time for repositioning while keeping up offensive pressure.

SKULLKRAKEN (Basculegion) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wave Crash
- Flip Turn
- Aqua Jet
- Psychic Fangs
I had been meaning to use Basculegion for some time now because he looks really cool, and I figured this team was the perfect opportunity. I initially planned on using Swift Swim, but #1 lurker oat cala_aa appeared from the shadows to inform me that Barraskewda is a generally better Swift Swim user, so I switched to adaptability. This thing is like the Gouging Fire of Rain, though he doesn't hit quite as hard and a lot of the ends up killing himself vs stall. However, he excels against bulky balance builds, where he gets many free switches and can OHKO anything on the opponents team. He is also an amazing revenge killer, one example being his 90% chance for jet to OHKO weavile under rain (without using tera). I have Psychic Fangs for water absorb Clodsire but I have never clicked it so it can honestly be swapped out for liquidation.

THE MAILMAN (Dragonite) @ Eject Pack/Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
Rash Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- Low Kick/Earthquake
- Roost
Dragonite acts as our much-needed Waterpon check. I have tera steel to survive play rough, along with and dragon/fairy attacks in general. Dragonite is also an additional check to Raging Bolt, as we outspeed and kill/force tera on modest varients. Eject Pack allows dragonite to act as a pivot to get in our rain abusers easier, and I am running Low Kick for Kingambit and Ting-Lu. Earthquake is also an option, but I prefer Low Kick since Kingambit is such a threat to rain. Heavy-Duty Boots is an alternative item choice for a better matchup into teams where treads has a difficult time getting the spin off.

Elon Tusk (Iron Treads) @ Eject Button
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 92 SpA / 168 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Volt Switch
Iron Treads is the Hatterene of rain - His only job is to provide support through pivoting and keeping hazards off. I had zero clue what type of evs or moves Iron treads is supposed to run on rain so I just went with speed for Kyurem and max hp. I have earth power so I can attack Glimmora without putting up t-spikes, but feel free to change this set up however you like, there are most definitely more optimal spreads/moves/items out there. Defensively, Treads is a decent Raging Bolt answer, so in conjunction with Bellibolt and Dragonite, Raging Bolt should be manageable.

SKEWMA (Barraskewda) @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Flip Turn
- Aqua Jet
- Close Combat
Barraskewda is the obilgatory rain pick. He is fast and strong, giving us a great matchup into offense builds. Close Combat is a nice option for Roaring Moon and Waterpon, and Flip Turn is an amazing move for getting kills while maintaining proper positioning. This is the only speed control on the team other than Basculegion's Aqua Jet, so try to play safe with him against offense, or you will just get run over.

NIGEL (Pelipper) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Surf
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Roost
Pelipper is just here to set up the rain. You can try Knock Off over Hurricane to remove Heavy Duty Boots against stall. I never tried this myself, but seeing as this team's stall matchup is atrocious, Knock Off could actually be worth while. Another thing I just noticed while writing this - do you guys think min speed Pelipper would be better? I'm not sure if it's worth being slower than bulky Kingambits and Clefables just to get the slow U-turn when this team already has so many pivoting options.
When I looked over the orginal pokepaste I realized that I was using a 0 attack ivs Barraskewda while laddering
I started from mid 1800s and reached peak with only 2 losses.
vs Exotic64 (Balance + Peak Game)
vs sensual politics (veil)
vs mimilimi (Reuni Balance)
vs. heileone (Volcanion Balance)
Most of my games were forced public due to the medal season (terrible mechanic), so you can find more replays on my account.
Bonus Team:
I hope this RMT inspires some of yall to build with bellibolt (its defensive set is amazing too) and hopefully we can get Bellibolt a spot on the OUVR!
As thanks for reading, here is a hyper offense just as brainless as rain that I made a while back that had a similar ELO peak to this team. Enjoy!
https://pokepast.es/d3506b16c402b555 (bait tusk w/ hands then win with boulder)
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