Welcome to the Grand Finals! It's been quite a long ten weeks we've had for this tournament, and now we are finally down to the last two players remaining in the tournament. I would like to congratulate both of our finalists for making it this far into the tournament, and wish them the best of luck in their final match. Speaking personally, hosting this tournament has been quite a interesting endeavor, due to this being the first time I have hosted a tournament this long and having to deal with two back-to-back round robins in the previous round due to my decisions early on. That being said, I've had quite a blast despite these hurdles, and I hope to see all of you who played in this tournament in the future. With that out of the way, for the final time, it's time for me to sign off and let the round commence.
Reminder that in order to win the tournament, entrocefalo must win one set, while Mada must win two sets.
Deadline is Sunday, April 28th 11:59 PM GMT-4
- This is a standard [Gen 9] CAP tournament.
- The format is best of three, double elimination.
- Changing teams in between matches is allowed.
- You are required to post your replays.
- All Smogon tournament rules apply.
- Any change in tiering will not take effect until the following round.
- Matches must be played on Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.
- Please use this guide while scheduling with your opponent.
1st: 16 points
2nd: 13 points
3rd: 11 points
4th: 10 points
5th-6th: 9 points
7th-8th: 8 points
9th-12th: 7 points
13th-16th: 6 points
17th-24th: 5 points
25th-32nd: 4 points
33rd-48th: 3 points
49th-64th: 2 points
65th-96th: 1 points
2nd: 13 points
3rd: 11 points
4th: 10 points
5th-6th: 9 points
7th-8th: 8 points
9th-12th: 7 points
13th-16th: 6 points
17th-24th: 5 points
25th-32nd: 4 points
33rd-48th: 3 points
49th-64th: 2 points
65th-96th: 1 points
Deadline is Sunday, April 28th 11:59 PM GMT-4
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