Tournament 2017 Doubles Circuit

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The King Of Games
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With the start of a new year and new generation its time to announce this year's Doubles Circuit.


The previous Doubles Circuit consisted solely of 4 seasonal spread throughout the whole year, but this year there will a different take.

The Circuit will consist of the following:
1. 2 Doubles Ladder Tournaments: 1 in early February and 1 in the Fall (BFL of 1)
2. 3 Doubles Seasonals: Winter, Spring, Fall (BFL of 2)
3. Smogon Doubles Tour: Summer


This all concludes with an Invitational with the Top 16 players based on Circuit Points earned through the events. A breakdown of how many points may be earned via each tournament is shown below

1st: 15 CP (Winner)
2nd: 13 CP (Out by Round 14)
3rd: 11 CP (Out by Round 13)
4th: 10 CP (Out by Round 12)
5-6: 9 CP (Out by Round 11)
7-8: 8 CP (Out by Round 10)
9-12: 7 CP (Out by Round 9)
13-16: 6 CP (Out by Round 8)
17-24: 5 CP (Out by Round 7)
25-32: 4 CP (Out by Round 6)
33-48: 3 CP (Out by Round 5)
49-64: 2 CP (Out by Round 4)
65-96: 1 CP (Out by Round 3)

1st: 10 CP
2nd: 8 CP
3-4: 6 CP
5-8: 4 CP
9-16: 2 CP
17-24: 1 CP

Smogon Doubles Tour:
1st: 20 CP
2nd: 16 CP
3-4: 12 CP
5-8: 8 CP
9-16: 4 CP
17-32: 2 CP
33-64: 1 CP

1. What are Seasonals?

- Seasonals are large Double Elimination Tournaments held in the Circuit Tournaments Forum on Smogon which pretty much take around 14-15 weeks to finish fully. Each round you will be paired up with an opponent and play a Bo3 SM Doubles OU Match (you will be allowed to switch teams between games). This will be held in the Winter, Spring, and Fall this year only so that the Summer has more room open for the Doubles OU Tour. The First Seasonal's signups are here.

2. What is the Smogon Doubles Tour?
- The Smogon Doubles Tour is a tournament similar to the Smogon Tour. It consists of 9 weeks of live tournaments and concludes with a playoffs of the top finishers point wise. The tiers played will be the current plus 2 most recent Doubles OU Tiers (SM DOU, XY DOU, BW DOU). Each week one of the 3 tiers will be format for the live tours and they will cycle between each week until each format has been played for 3 weeks each.

3. What is the Doubles Ladder Tournament?
- In this tournament people will be signing up alts to ladder and endure a full week to rank as high as possible. The highest ranking finishers may earn a spot in the playoffs. This cycle will continue for a few weeks and end in a single elimination best of 3 playoffs between those who qualified. There may be some small changes to this general format but the previous iteration of the Doubles Ladder Tour can be found here.

4. What does BFL mean?
- BFL, or Best Finish Limit, is a restriction that limits how many placings you may count for your Circuit Point totals and is also used in the Official VGC Circuit. 3 Seasonals with a BFL of 2 would only count your top 2 Finishes even if you played in all 3, and if you played less than or equal to 2 Seasonals it would count all your finishes. The idea behind a BFL is to reward high placings and not consistently average performances. It also becomes a safety net for people who for whatever reason have a bad performance, cant play in that specific season, or have to drop out midway because of extenuating circumstances.
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Rankings are now fully updated including the Winter Seasonal as well as DLT 1

The Current Top 10:
1st: Demantoid (21 points)
2nd: Croven (19 points)
3rd: Stax (17 points)
4th: frania (14 points)
5th: miltankmilk (11 points)
6th: GRAND EMPRESS (10 points)
6th: BlueSkiddoWeCanToo (10 points)
8th: FloristtheBudew (9 points)
8th: Matt (9 points)
10th: Dunga (8 points)
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Rankings are now fully updated to include the latest Spring Seasonal. Here's the current Top 16 (technically extending to 20 people):

1st: Demantoid (31 points)
2nd: frania (25 points)
3rd: Croven (22 points)
4th: Stax (21 points)
5th: nvakna (19 points)
6th: qsns (16 points)
7th: miltankmilk (15 points)
8th: marilli (14 points)
8th: Matt (14 points)
8th: Z strats (14 points)
11th: Checkmater (12 points)
11th: GenOne (12 points)
11th: Matame (12 points)
11th: ZoroDark (12 points)
15th: BlueSkiddo (11 points)
15th: Dunga (11 points)
15th: FloristtheBudew (11 points)
15th: GRAND EMPRESS (11 points)
15th: kamikaze (11 points)
15th: Yellow Paint (11 points)

Congrats to all, and all the best to everyone for the ongoing DOU Tour and the last two upcoming circuit tournaments for the year!

Rankings are now fully updated to include the Smogon Doubles Tour, and what a shakeup that was! Here's the current Top 16 (technically extending to 19 people):

1st: Stax (41 points)
2nd: Demantoid (39 points)
3rd: frania (37 points)
4th: MajorBowman (25 points)
5th: Croven (23 points)
6th: Z strats (22 points)
7th: nvakna (20 points)
8th: marilli (18 points)
8th: Matt (18 points)
10th: miltankmilk (17 points)
10th: qsns (17 points)
12th: SableyeMyBae (16 points)
13th: Yellow Paint (15 points)
14th: Matame (14 points)
14th: Toxigen (14 points)
16th: Checkmater (13 points)
16th: GenOne (13 points)
16th: Level 51 (13 points)
16th: Memoric (13 points)
The Doubles Mods have obtained evidence of ghosting within our Circuit Tournament. Matame has been found to be ghosting both MiyoKa and Toxigen in their Tournament games.

Re: Ghosting
As a result of this, all 3 players will be DQ’ed from all currently active Doubles Circuit Tours and be removed from the Circuit Standings. All 3 will also be subject to a tournament ban from Doubles Tournaments. MiyoKa and Toxigen will be banned from participating for 6 months, while Matame will be banned for 1 year as a result of being involved in both cases.

This ban will apply to Doubles Tournaments within the Circuit Tournaments Forum as well as Tournaments within the main Doubles OU Forum.

Re: Seasonals
MiyoKa will be DQ’ed from the Doubles Fall Seasonal and Frania will receive the win for this round and advance. Due to the nature of Seasonals being double elimination, it is not feasible to do a recreation; there are many paths in Losers' Bracket especially which are affected. There will be some form of compensation for those affected by the ghosting incident and we will try to roll out that information shortly. The main priority of this post was to roll out with the DQ’s ASAP before further rounds are played.

Re: Doubles Ladder Tournament 2
Toxigen will be DQ’ed from the Doubles Ladder Tournament 2. Because Doubles Ladder Tournament is single elimination, a recreation is much more feasible. Toxigen and Matame played Round 1, so that match is of little concern since both are being removed. Toxigen beat Level 51 in Round 2 and advanced to the current round. Therefore, Level 51 will get the win for Round 2 and play EmbCPT in Top 8.
Hi all,

After some discussion we've come to a conclusion on the point compensations for those affected by the ghosting incident within the Doubles Fall Seasonal. It works as follows:
  • All users who lost to MiyoKa or Toxigen in the Winners' Bracket of the Fall Seasonal will be guaranteed at least 2 points following the loss:
    • If the user loses the immediate next set (0 points), they will be compensated with +2 points.
    • If the user wins the immediate next set but loses the set after that (1 point), they will be compensated with +1 point.
    • If the user wins at least two sets following the loss to one of the above users (2 or more points), they will not gain any compensation points.
  • Similarly, all users who lost to one of the above users in the Losers' Bracket of the Fall Seasonal will be compensated with +1 point.
  • Kiyo lost to Toxigen in R1 and lost immediately after. Since a win in R1 is only worth 1 point and not 2, he will be compensated with just +1 point.
The list of compensations is as follows:
  • Demantoid: +1
  • Kiyo: +1
  • Stan Soojung: +1
  • KoldKappuccino: +2
  • K-Legacy: +2
  • Psynergy: +2
If you believe you should receive points but your name is not reflected above, please contact one of the Doubles Forum Moderators (kamikaze, Memoric, MajorBowman and myself).

edit @ 5 Dec: clarified that Kiyo's compensation is only 1 point as he lost to Toxigen in R1, which is only worth 1 point
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Rankings have been updated to include the Fall Seasonal and DLT2, thus concluding the open tournaments for our 2017 circuit! Please check and double-check your own points (especially if you are close to the cutoff of 17 points: DaAwesomeDude1 shaian), and inform any of the Doubles Forum Moderators (kamikaze, Memoric, MajorBowman and myself) if there are any issues with your points.

As of now, these will be the players qualifying for the invitational. We have 5 users in tied 15th place, so we'll be conducting a tiebreaker between these 5 users for the remaining 2 slots. The tiebreaker information should go up within the next 24 hours if there are no issues with the standings. Congratulations to everyone who qualified!

1st: Frania (48 points)
2nd: stax (41 points)
3rd: Demantoid (40 points)
4th: MajorBowman (35 points)
5th: SMB (28 points)
6th: Croven (24 points)
6th: marilli (24 points)
8th: AuraRayquaza (23 points)
8th: Z strats (23 points)
10th: nvakna (22 points)
11th: Yellow Paint (20 points)
12th: Akaru Kokuyo (18 points)
12th: Level 51 (18 points)
12th: Matt (18 points)
15th: GRAND EMPRESS (17 points)
15th: miltankmilk (17 points)
15th: Mishimono (17 points)
15th: Psynergy (17 points)
15th: qsns (17 points)
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Re: Tiebreaks

By points alone, a number of users were tied for slots. We broke ties by each user's win % across all best-of-three sets that they played in circuit tournaments, regardless of whether or not said tournament counted towards their BFL.

Croven and marilli were tied for 6th seed. Croven had a win % of 72.00% (18-7) while marilli had a win % of 71.43% (20-8). Therefore Croven will be seeded 6th and marilli will be seeded 7th.

AuraRayquaza and Z strats were tied for 8th seed. However, they would be playing each other in Round 1 anyway so the seeding makes no difference. For formality's sake, AuraRayquaza had a win % of 55.56% (10-8) while Z strats had a win % of 61.11% (11-7). Therefore Z strats will be seeded 8th and AuraRayquaza seeded 9th.

Akaru Kokuyo, Level 51, and Matt were tied for 12th seed. Matt had a win % of 64.29% (9-5) while Akaru Kokuyo and Level 51 both had a win % of 50.00% (9-9 and 7-7 respectively). Since Akaru Kokuyo had more wins than Level 51 overall, he will gain the higher seed. Thus Matt will be seeded 12th, Akaru Kokuyo will be seeded 13th and Level 51 will be seeded 14th.

GRAND EMPRESS, miltankmilk, Mishimono, Psynergy, and qsns were tied for 15th seed. The win %s are as follows:
  • GRAND EMPRESS: 62.50% (10-6)
  • miltankmilk: 63.64% (14-8)
  • Mishimono: 57.89% (11-8)
  • Psynergy: 61.11% (11-7)
  • qsns: 69.23% (9-4)
Per TD standard operating procedure and precedence, for z players in tiebreaks and a number that's smaller than z/2 playoff slots to fill, a number of players are immediately advanced to playoffs based on predetermined metrics until there's 2^n1 players remaining competing for 2^n2 (1, 2, 4, 8) slots, who are then slotted into a single elimination bracket. Games are played until there's 2^n2 players remaining, and those players are then advanced into the playoffs. In this specific case, we have 5 players and 2 playoff slots. We'd therefore advance one player to the playoff immediately and let the other four play 1v1 games to determine who'd also join the playoffs.

qsns had the highest win % and will be advanced to the playoffs as the 15th seed. The remaining four players will be slotted into a single elimination bracket and will compete for the 16th seed. The bracket will be posted by kamikaze shortly.
The 2017 Circuit is officially over now and the 2018 Circuit is starting next week but I think there is still something that has been left unfinished

Organizing a completely new circuit format for the 2017 year and running it from start to finish was a major challenge and took a fair amount of work and discussion. I would like to recognize the people who made all of this possible.

Firstly I would like to thank the Doubles Council as well as Pocket, Laga, and Bughouse for being involved in the discussion and giving feedback for the format before the 2017 Circuit began.

One new thing we tried this year was the introduction of Smogon Doubles Tour, which is essentially a DOU version of Smogon Tour using the 3 most recent generations of DOU in 9 weeks of live tours and ending in a playoffs. This required 9 weeks of 3 live tours each, which amounted to 27 total tours that needed to be hosted. I would like to thank all the people who helped run the live tours: qsns, DaAwesomeDude1, talkingtree, Memoric, Leru, MajorBowman

I would like to give some special individual shoutouts for these critical folk for how much effort they put in to keep the circuit going throughout the entire year.

1. DaAwesomeDude1: Dad1 didnt have much prior hosting experience but he had been a longtime player and contributor in the DOU Tier that expressed interest in trying to host our Seasonals. We trusted him so we gave him that opportunity. A small briefer on hosting at the beginning is all he needed and he was able to cover hosting of all 3 of our Seasonals, each of which lasted about 15 weeks. He also helped host some of our Live Tours in Smogon Doubles Tour. All of these ran without issue and and he has prob been one of the best consistent quality hosts we have had in awhile. Unfortunately he wont be hosting Seasonals next year, as he is taking a break, but he has earned a Community Contributor Badge for all the effort he has put in for the 2017 Circuit.

The following two people basically held things up from an administrative end and you could basically unofficially see them as the TD's for the Doubles Circuit that worked together with me with a lot of the format and decision making throughout the year.

2. Level 51: Our resident puzzle master and spreadsheet wizard put his talent to good use. Our master circuit spreadsheet with its formulas and formatting to take BFL's into account was all put in place by him. He also setup a spreadsheet to handle Smogon Doubles Tour point totals and taught the Live Tour hosts how to use it which helped us run each week seamlessly. Any time I would be like "isnt that a lot of work to do with a spreadsheet" he would always reply back with "no it should only take a few minutes". Never ceases to impress. SPL is lucky to have him helping with their spreadsheet this year. He also is secretly a talented poet that wrote the poems in all the Doubles Ladder Tournament OP's.

3. MajorBowman: Jake was one of the more vocal people when helping to craft the format of the circuit to begin with. The decision to use BFL for our tours was actually his idea which took inspiration from VGC. It actually solved a notable issue with the previous Seasonal system where people could just play in all 4 tours and have average performances to rank high instead of rewarding the higher performances. He has been an absolute hosting monster throughout the entire Circuit. He hosted DLT 1 Playoffs, entirety of DLT 2, and Smogon Doubles Tour where he did an amazing job with roping together the live tour hosts every single week and finally finishing playoffs. That amounts to pretty much hosting almost everything that Dad1 did not and he is actually taking over hosting the Winter Seasonal this year in Dad1's place. Once again just like Dad1, he earned a Community Contributor Badge for all his outstanding efforts throughout the year.

Finally thank you to the players for competing, being patient throughout the year, and giving us a show throughout each of our events.

Lets have a good 2018 Circuit
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