1v1 1v1 Global Cup - Round 1

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fly me up to Jupiter
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Art by Kiwi, tysm!​

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the SWSH 1v1 ladder on the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown, and can be found here.
  • Best of five, two-stage elimination bracket.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on main server or smogtours.
  • Replays are not required this round but I encourage posting them for the development of the metagame.
  • Do not make baseless activity posts; get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
  • The winner of this Seasonal will receive
    this trophy in the 1v1 Hall of Fame.
Because this format is new to the 1v1 circuit not everyone may be familiar with the format so I've included an example 64 player rundown below. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and ask because it's better to find out now than during the actual tournament.

Round 1: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 64 Bo5 matches (128 unseeded players, subs period) & Stage 2
Round 2: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 32 Bo5 matches (64 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 3: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 16 Bo5 matches (32 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 4: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 8 Bo5 matches (16 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 5: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 4 Bo5 matches (8 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Semifinals: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 Bo5 matches (4 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Finals: Stage 1 - 2 sets of Bo5 matches (2 unseeded players) & Stage 2 (essentially a bo3o5 in finals)
Stage 1 End: Players with 2 match wins go through, and those with 2 losses are eliminated.
Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in an Bo5 match to see who progresses (or wins the final).
Each stage is 1 week long and each round is 2 stages equalling 2 weeks long.
Basically you just have to win 2 out of 3 potential games in order to move on to round 2.

Stage 1 I am given the opponents DEG and Rosa. If I win both games I automatically move on to round 2 and get to skip stage 2 the following week. If I go 1-1 I am matched up vs 1 opponent for stage 2 the following week and if I beat them I move on. If I go 0-2 I am out of the tour rip. This 2 week cycle repeats over and over until finals

Contact me if either of your opponents isn't scheduling by Wednesday, December 29th. They will be subbed out if we have subs.

Stage 1

First pairings
jeffdaboss  vs  QWILY
pix  vs  gorilaa
Sky of Doom  vs  Ron
Fleeting Memories  vs  D2TheW
Ballfire  vs  Crystal Vince
SwordIsBored  vs  Golden009
PA  vs  tenzhii
tears  vs  RuthlessDragon6
torterraxx  vs  bea
Justdelemon  vs  Mubs
Adam3560  vs  a salamence
Eiffel-Hit  vs  doc1203
ThisIsTheBoom  vs  Nick.see
rubysapphiremerald  vs  PandaDoux
Itchyy  vs  413X
Notater  vs  Scraftionite
Tol  vs  Joker 1v1
zioziotrip  vs  Rosa
ong  vs  PokeOtter
Vrji  vs  Trashuny
pqs  vs  neomon
Sificon  vs  Grandmaster7890
mocrokiller2  vs  magicarpe_lvl100
Akuu  vs  Boat
crow crumbs  vs  STABLE
oookkk  vs  Vnaps
Monkey  vs  Bag of Trixx
Gym Socks!  vs  ncalathes
Aqua Jet  vs  Opchurtle100
Turbo Drif ♥  vs  deddd mans
Potatochan  vs  Misabi
Cat food and  vs  Micoy
bo_bobson27  vs  weird mon
SuperMemeBroz  vs  Huston
idkgoodnames  vs  Fragments
airfare  vs  Limpy Lucario
linux user  vs  stravench
Mishlef  vs  LeCehlou
Realmas  vs  Ad067
DEG  vs  HermitKrabs
rumia  vs  thebtboy
eu  vs  TDR
montegom  vs  smely socks
Waylaid  vs  RTM
Typical_bastard  vs  SpectralThief
giove97  vs  Seo.
Bomb21XD  vs  Rochsphiter
Churielix  vs  HugeNoobLmao
DenisTheMenace  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
VeprenToin  vs  LRXC
SOMALIA  vs  piyush master
martinvtran  vs  Close
BlanchedAlmond  vs  Bye 1
Char Aznable  vs  Coloriscooltois
eblurb  vs  Bye 3
Yash_0987  vs  Jabiru
Revenge Killer  vs  Bye 5
HeyMan  vs  Bye 7
Murman  vs  Bye 8
Toto  vs  Bye 9
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Jomatoes
crucify  vs  Bye 11
StitChuu  vs  Bye 12

Second Pairings
pix  vs  Monkey
crow crumbs  vs  Huston
Revenge Killer  vs  Churielix
tenzhii  vs  Vnaps
Bag of Trixx  vs  Micoy
Adam3560  vs  HeyMan
Aqua Jet  vs  DenisTheMenace
giove97  vs  Ad067
413X  vs  pqs
PA  vs  Murman
Limpy Lucario  vs  bea
Eiffel-Hit  vs  Ron
tears  vs  montegom
rumia  vs  PokeOtter
thebtboy  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
Gym Socks!  vs  HermitKrabs
Fleeting Memories  vs  Realmas
LRXC  vs  RuthlessDragon6
eu  vs  torterraxx
stravench  vs  RTM
a salamence  vs  SpectralThief
magicarpe_lvl100  vs  smely socks
QWILY  vs  Rosa
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Misabi
Scraftionite  vs  Boat
Trashuny  vs  mocrokiller2
SuperMemeBroz  vs  neomon
oookkk  vs  Opchurtle100
deddd mans  vs  doc1203
rubysapphiremerald  vs  Cat food and
DEG  vs  martinvtran
Golden009  vs  SOMALIA
HugeNoobLmao  vs  Grandmaster7890
VeprenToin  vs  ThisIsTheBoom
LeCehlou  vs  piyush master
airfare  vs  ncalathes
Itchyy  vs  Mishlef
Waylaid  vs  Char Aznable
Potatochan  vs  Sificon
Rochsphiter  vs  linux user
ong  vs  Toto
Mubs  vs  Yash_0987
Close  vs  Typical_bastard
StitChuu  vs  D2TheW
bo_bobson27  vs  Notater
zioziotrip  vs  Justdelemon
Seo.  vs  BlanchedAlmond
Ballfire  vs  Bomb21XD
Tol  vs  Turbo Drif ♥
weird mon  vs  jeffdaboss
STABLE  vs  SwordIsBored
Fragments  vs  Bye 1
Vrji  vs  Coloriscooltois
Akuu  vs  Bye 3
Joker 1v1  vs  Jabiru
Sky of Doom  vs  Bye 5
Nick.see  vs  Bye 6
PandaDoux  vs  Bye 7
eblurb  vs  Bye 8
idkgoodnames  vs  Bye 9
gorilaa  vs  Jomatoes
crucify  vs  Bye 11
Crystal Vince  vs  Bye 12

brackets made here and here
If you still wish to participate you can post "In as sub" and you will be put on the substituted for a bye

You must play both of your opponents by the stage 1 deadline

Deadline for Stage 1 (Sets 1 and 2) January 2nd 11:59 PM GMT-5
Deadline for Stage 2 January 9th 11:59 PM GMT-5
Last edited:
jeffdaboss  vs  QWILY
pix  vs  gorilaa
Sky of Doom  vs  Ron
Fleeting Memories  vs  D2TheW
Ballfire  vs  Crystal Vince
SwordIsBored  vs  Golden009
PA  vs  tenzhii
tears  vs  RuthlessDragon6
torterraxx  vs  bea
Justdelemon  vs  Mubs
Adam3560  vs  a salamence
Eiffel-Hit  vs  doc1203
ThisIsTheBoom  vs  Nick.see
rubysapphiremerald  vs  PandaDoux
Itchyy  vs  413X
Notater  vs  Scraftionite
Tol  vs  Joker 1v1
zioziotrip  vs  Rosa
ong  vs  PokeOtter
Vrji  vs  Trashuny
pqs  vs  neomon
Sificon  vs  Grandmaster7890
mocrokiller2  vs  magicarpe_lvl100
Akuu  vs  Boat
crow crumbs  vs  STABLE
oookkk  vs  Vnaps
Monkey  vs  Bag of Trixx
Gym Socks!  vs  ncalathes
Aqua Jet  vs  Opchurtle100
Turbo Drif ♥  vs  deddd mans
Potatochan  vs  Misabi
Cat food and  vs  Micoy
bo_bobson27  vs  weird mon
SuperMemeBroz  vs  Huston
idkgoodnames  vs  Fragments
airfare  vs  Limpy Lucario
linux user  vs  stravench
Mishlef  vs  LeCehlou
Realmas  vs  Ad067
DEG  vs  HermitKrabs
rumia  vs  thebtboy
eu  vs  TDR
montegom  vs  smely socks
Waylaid  vs  RTM
Typical_bastard  vs  SpectralThief
giove97  vs  Seo.
Bomb21XD  vs  Rochsphiter
Churielix  vs  HugeNoobLmao
DenisTheMenace  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
VeprenToin  vs  LRXC
SOMALIA  vs  piyush master
martinvtran  vs  Close
BlanchedAlmond  vs  Bye 1
Char Aznable  vs  Bye 2
eblurb  vs  Bye 3
Yash_0987  vs  Bye 4
Revenge Killer  vs  Bye 5
HeyMan  vs  Bye 7
Murman  vs  Bye 8
Toto  vs  Bye 9
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Bye 10
crucify  vs  Bye 11
StitChuu  vs  Bye 12
pix  vs  Monkey
crow crumbs  vs  Huston
Revenge Killer  vs  Churielix
tenzhii  vs  Vnaps
Bag of Trixx  vs  Micoy
Adam3560  vs  HeyMan
Aqua Jet  vs  DenisTheMenace
giove97  vs  Ad067
413X  vs  pqs
PA  vs  Murman
Limpy Lucario  vs  bea
Eiffel-Hit  vs  Ron
tears  vs  montegom
rumia  vs  PokeOtter
thebtboy  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
Gym Socks!  vs  HermitKrabs
Fleeting Memories  vs  Realmas
LRXC  vs  RuthlessDragon6
eu  vs  torterraxx
stravench  vs  RTM
a salamence  vs  SpectralThief
magicarpe_lvl100  vs  smely socks
QWILY  vs  Rosa
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Misabi
Scraftionite  vs  Boat
Trashuny  vs  mocrokiller2
SuperMemeBroz  vs  neomon
oookkk  vs  Opchurtle100
deddd mans  vs  doc1203
rubysapphiremerald  vs  Cat food and
DEG  vs  martinvtran
Golden009  vs  SOMALIA
HugeNoobLmao  vs  Grandmaster7890
VeprenToin  vs  ThisIsTheBoom
LeCehlou  vs  piyush master
airfare  vs  ncalathes
Itchyy  vs  Mishlef
Waylaid  vs  Char Aznable
Potatochan  vs  Sificon
Rochsphiter  vs  linux user
ong  vs  Toto
Mubs  vs  Yash_0987
Close  vs  Typical_bastard
StitChuu  vs  D2TheW
bo_bobson27  vs  Notater
zioziotrip  vs  Justdelemon
Seo.  vs  BlanchedAlmond
Ballfire  vs  Bomb21XD
Tol  vs  Turbo Drif ♥
weird mon  vs  jeffdaboss
STABLE  vs  SwordIsBored
Fragments  vs  Bye 1
Vrji  vs  Bye 2
Akuu  vs  Bye 3
Joker 1v1  vs  Bye 4
Sky of Doom  vs  Bye 5
Nick.see  vs  Bye 6
PandaDoux  vs  Bye 7
eblurb  vs  Bye 8
idkgoodnames  vs  Bye 9
gorilaa  vs  Bye 10
crucify  vs  Bye 11
Crystal Vince  vs  Bye 12
Stage 1
First pairings
jeffdaboss  vs  QWILY
pix  vs  gorilaa
Sky of Doom  vs  Ron
Fleeting Memories
 vs  D2TheW
Ballfire  vs  Crystal Vince
SwordIsBored  vs  Golden009
PA  vs  tenzhii
tears  vs  RuthlessDragon6
torterraxx  vs  bea
Justdelemon  vs  Mubs
Adam3560  vs  a salamence
Eiffel-Hit  vs  doc1203
ThisIsTheBoom  vs  Nick.see
 vs  PandaDoux
Itchyy  vs  413X tf is this matchup
Notater  vs  Scraftionite
Tol  vs  Joker 1v1
zioziotrip  vs  Rosa

ong  vs  PokeOtter
Vrji  vs  Trashuny
 vs  neomon
Sificon  vs  Grandmaster7890
mocrokiller2  vs  magicarpe_lvl100 gonna get act called
Akuu  vs  Boat
crow crumbs
oookkk  vs  Vnaps
Monkey  vs  Bag of Trixx
Gym Socks!
 vs  ncalathes
Aqua Jet  vs  Opchurtle100 Does this guy even play anymore?
Turbo Drif ♥  vs  deddd mans
 vs  Misabi
Cat food and  vs  Micoy
 vs  weird mon
SuperMemeBroz  vs  Huston
idkgoodnames  vs  Fragments
airfare  vs  Limpy Lucario
linux user  vs  stravench
Mishlef  vs  LeCehlou
Realmas  vs  Ad067
 vs  HermitKrabs
rumia  vs  thebtboy
eu  vs  TDR
montegom  vs  smely socks
 vs  RTM
Typical_bastard  vs  SpectralThief
giove97  vs  Seo.
Bomb21XD  vs  Rochsphiter
Churielix  vs  HugeNoobLmao
 vs  MiNi Charizard-x
VeprenToin  vs  LRXC
SOMALIA  vs  piyush master
martinvtran  vs  Close
BlanchedAlmond  vs  Bye 1
Char Aznable  vs  Bye 2
eblurb  vs  Bye 3
Yash_0987  vs  Bye 4
Revenge Killer  vs  Bye 5
HeyMan  vs  Bye 7
Murman  vs  Bye 8
Toto  vs  Bye 9
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Bye 10
crucify  vs  Bye 11
StitChuu  vs  Bye 12

Second Pairings
pix  vs  Monkey
crow crumbs
 vs  Huston
Revenge Killer  vs  Churielix
tenzhii  vs  Vnaps
Bag of Trixx  vs  Micoy
Adam3560  vs  HeyMan
Aqua Jet  vs  DenisTheMenace
giove97  vs  Ad067
413X  vs  pqs
PA  vs  Murman
Limpy Lucario
 vs  bea
Eiffel-Hit  vs  Ron
 vs  montegom
rumia  vs  PokeOtter
thebtboy  vs  MiNi Charizard-x
Gym Socks!
 vs  HermitKrabs
Fleeting Memories  vs  Realmas
LRXC  vs  RuthlessDragon6
eu  vs  torterraxx
stravench  vs  RTM
a salamence
 vs  SpectralThief
magicarpe_lvl100  vs  smely socks
 vs  Rosa
Meowth (from Team Rocket)  vs  Misabi
Scraftionite  vs  Boat
 vs  mocrokiller2
SuperMemeBroz  vs  neomon
 vs  Opchurtle100
deddd mans  vs  doc1203
 vs  Cat food and
DEG  vs  martinvtran
Golden009  vs  SOMALIA
HugeNoobLmao  vs  Grandmaster7890
 vs  ThisIsTheBoom
LeCehlou  vs  piyush master
airfare  vs  ncalathes
Itchyy  vs  Mishlef
 vs  Char Aznable
Potatochan  vs  Sificon
Rochsphiter  vs  linux user
ong  vs  Toto
 vs  Yash_0987
Close  vs  Typical_bastard
StitChuu  vs  D2TheW
 vs  Notater
zioziotrip  vs  Justdelemon
Seo.  vs  BlanchedAlmond
Ballfire  vs  Bomb21XD
Tol  vs  Turbo Drif ♥
weird mon
 vs  jeffdaboss
STABLE  vs  SwordIsBored
Fragments  vs  Bye 1
Vrji  vs  Bye 2
Akuu  vs  Bye 3
Joker 1v1  vs  Bye 4
Sky of Doom  vs  Bye 5
Nick.see  vs  Bye 6
PandaDoux  vs  Bye 7
eblurb  vs  Bye 8
idkgoodnames  vs  Bye 9
gorilaa  vs  Bye 10
crucify  vs  Bye 11
Crystal Vince  vs  Bye 12
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed on to the sun
'Til we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
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