1v1 Arcanine


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Arcanine @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Def
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Play Rough
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage / Bulldoze / Burn Up

Good offensive and defensive stats, an extensive movepool, and great abilities make Arcanine one of the better Pokemon in the 1v1 metagame. Arcanine's Fire typing allows it to naturally deal with Pokemon like Genesect, Spectrier, and certain Fairy-types like Sylveon. Intimidate allows Arcanine to deal with prevalent physical attackers such as Sawk, Galarian Darmanitan, and Zeraora. Assault Vest further improves Arcanine's matchup against special attackers like Naganadel and Regieleki. Play Rough deals with Dark- and Dragon-types, most notably Urshifu-S, while Extreme Speed helps against Custap Berry users and faster Pokemon at low HP. Outrage helps solidify matchups with Dragon-types like Naganadel and Dragapult, while Bulldoze eases the matchup against Heatran and opposing Arcanine. Burn Up is used against Pokemon like Crustle and Aggron that try to get the better of Arcanine's Fire typing. Arcanine pairs up well with Grass- and Water-types, covering each other's weaknesses well, and Fairy-types like Togekiss that are capable of dealing with stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and appreciate Arcanine's ability to deal with Steel-types.
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Arcanine @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Def
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Play Rough
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage / Bulldoze / Burn Up

Good offensive and defensive stats, an extensive movepool, and great abilities make Arcanine one of the better Pokemon in the 1v1 metagame. Arcanine's Fire typing allows it to naturally deal with Pokemon like Genesect, Spectrier, and certain Fairy-types like Sylveon. Intimidate allows Arcanine to deal with prevalent physical attackers such as Sawk, Galarian Darmanitan, and Zeraora. Assault Vest further improves Arcanine's matchup against special attackers like Naganadel and Regieleki. Arcanine's substantial coverage options allows it to deal with a myriad of threats. (Mostly for shorting characters.) Play Rough deals with Dark and Dragon types, most notably Urshifu-S, while Extreme Speed helps against Custap users and faster Pokemon that live on low HP. Outrage helps solidify matchups with Dragon types like Naganadel and Dragapult while Bulldoze eases the matchup against Heatran and opposing Arcanine. Burn Up is used against Pokemon like Crustle and Aggron that try to get the better of Arcanine's Fire-typing. Arcanine pairs up well with Grass- and Water-types, covering each other's weaknesses well and Fairy-types like Togekiss that are capable of dealing with stall Pokemon (examples?) and appreciate Arcanine's ability to deal with Steel-types.

QC 1/1 nice work
Arcanine @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Def
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Play Rough
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage / Bulldoze / Burn Up

Good offensive and defensive stats, an extensive movepool, and great abilities make Arcanine one of the better Pokemon in the 1v1 metagame. Arcanine's Fire typing allows it to naturally deal with Pokemon like Genesect, Spectrier, and certain Fairy-types like Sylveon. Intimidate allows Arcanine to deal with prevalent physical attackers such as Sawk, Galarian Darmanitan, and Zeraora. Assault Vest further improves Arcanine's matchup against special attackers like Naganadel and Regieleki. Play Rough deals with Dark-(AH) and Dragon-types(AH), most notably Urshifu-S, while Extreme Speed helps against Custap Berry users and faster Pokemon that live on at low HP. Outrage helps solidify matchups with Dragon-types(AH) like Naganadel and Dragapult,(AC) while Bulldoze eases the matchup against Heatran and opposing Arcanine. Burn Up is used against Pokemon like Crustle and Aggron that try to get the better of Arcanine's Fire typing(RH). Arcanine pairs up well with Grass-(AH) and Water-types(AH), covering each other's weaknesses well,(AC) and Fairy-types like Togekiss that are capable of dealing with stall Pokemon like Slowbro and appreciate Arcanine's ability to deal with Steel-types.