1s RMT: My OU team

The team I use is awesome and has only lost once in 20 battles on wifi.
It is as follows:

Azelf@ Choice Specs
Timid 252 spe/ 252 spa att
Grass Knot
Fire Blast
HP Ice

This is a great lead that pwns machamp, swampert, gliscor and metagross if he stays in. It can OHKO pretty much all the common leads and most people dont expect it and dont switch. Late game this azelf becomes a potent sweeper

Gyarados@ Leftovers
Impish 252 def/ 252 hp
Sleep Talk

This gyara is beastly, so hard to take down. He can get alot of easy switches and waterfall or roar depending on the situation. His waterfall is still powerful with no ev's. Stealth rock hurts his walling capabilities so I have a spinner. Many times I have eliminated the opponents electric users and just roared and waterfalled my way to victory. I have actually taken electric attacks with him, suicunes hp ele, thunderpunches from a variety of pokemon. It is surprising how much he can take and how useful he has become on my team.

Forretress@ Leftovers
Impish 252 hp/ 144 def/ 112 att
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

This guy is primarily for spinning and setting up stealth rock. If i can, ill get up some spikes but it isnt a big deal if i dont. I have eq because heatran is such a common switch in to forretress that sometimes i can catch one on the switch for 4x dmg. I debated having explosion but usually it is better just to spam entry hazards and get as much up as i can rather than exploding.

Snorlax@ Leftovers
Thick Fat
Adamant 252 att/ 252 sp def
Body Slam

I use this snorlax to sponge special attacks and then be able to deal damage right back. He can take special hits very well barring a powerful specs user. My team has trouble killing bulky waters, like suicune and vaporeon, so alot of the time i will use selfdestruct as a mechanism just to get rid of them. His selfdestruct is obscenely powerful and can OHKO alot of OU steels that resist it, not much can survive it. This has quickly become my favourite snorlax set.

Machamp@ Choice Band
Adamant 252 att/ 252 hp
Bullet Punch
Close Combat

I use this champ as a switch in to rotom who gives my team trouble. He can take wilo wisp and all rotoms attacks. His bullet punch is also useful for revenge killing and thunderpunch is for gyarados cause he is such a common switch in

Flygon@ Choice Scarf
Adamant 252 att/ 252 spe

I needed a scarfer and flygon worked perfectly with my team. His electric immunity is nice because gyara is so hard to take down barring an electric move. Pretty standard, he is used for his immunities and scouting abilities.

That is my team. it has worked well for me. It will be interesting to hear what people think my teams pros and cons are.
Just a little suggestion, you can still assign 4 EVs to almost every pokemon.
I'll suggest Jolly nature on Flygon, since it's your unique revengekiller and you need a lot of speed, imo.
Does that Guts Machamp work, anyway?
Just a little suggestion, you can still assign 4 EVs to almost every pokemon.
I'll suggest Jolly nature on Flygon, since it's your unique revengekiller and you need a lot of speed, imo.
Does that Guts Machamp work, anyway?

Machamp works well for stopping rotom, which is why i picked him as a bander. His overall bulk and guts ability make him a decent rotom counter
and i usually dont worry about the extra 4 points cause i manually ev my guys.
In my opinion, if your opponent manages to predict your azelf's physchic against his machamp and swaps to a banded scizor or tyranitar, pursuit is going to deal a lot of damage since being locked into psychic against a resistant or no effect pokemon is not a good idea. Would be a better idea to switch to the classic azelf lead, freeing a space for forretress, getting payback to deal with ghost types like gengar who try to kill the set up forretress or get a free sub on the switch.

as for the banded machamp, I do not really like it. Machamp itself is easily outspeeded by others, and once you are locked into a move it would be impossible to finish him off fast with a bullet punch with yourself locked into a move. This pokemon is easily revenge killed by banded digglet, especially if you were using the thunderpunch and was locked into it. This version is also easily walled by gliscor. I recommend that you use a lum berry no guard version.

Machamp @ lum berry
No guard
Dynamic punch
Ice punch
Bullet Punch

Hope this helped