Board Game ★★★★★AMERICAN DIPLOMACY★★★★★ - GAME OVER (5-way draw)

Winter 1845 Builds
With a British fleet in Gulf of Mexico, I'm sure pulsar is taking the necessary steps to defensively secure herself against an incursion... wait, she waived? Okay then! In other news, Britain remembers what an army is!

EYQoP9T - Imgur.jpg

DISBAND A Mato Grosso

Great Britain
BUILD A Nicaragua
BUILD A Yucatan
BUILD F Falklands

BUILD F Oregon Country
WAIVE 1 build

New Granada

BUILD A Ecuador
BUILD F Galapagos

BUILD F Surinam

It is now Spring 1846. Powers should submit orders to me by Saturday, August 24th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

A common adage for playing England on the classic map is "fleets keep you in the game, but armies win you the game." The army builds here are a statement if I've ever seen one.

  • On the post-movement map in the Fall update, Brazil's A Mato Grosso was incorrectly shown as still being in Sao Paulo. This has been corrected for the Winter map and the unit was disbanded anyway, so quit bugging me about it.
Spring 1846 Moves, Part 1
British attacks continue! The remaining Spanish centers are under siege, a war with Brazil has been kicked off, and now we have Mexico possibly under threat as well! While the Venezuelan and Peruvian navies remain powerful, will they be enough to stop the ever-surging tide of ships from across the pond?
8MZPA5o - Imgur.jpg

A Corr. SUPPORTS Rio Grande do Sul to Asuncion (support cut, dislodged)
A Rio Grande do Sul MOVES to Asunction (bounced)
F Marajo Bay MOVES to Sao Salvador (successful)
F Rio de Janeiro SUPPORTS Marajo Bay to Sao Salvador (successful)
F Uruguay SUPPORTS Corr. (support cut, dislodged)

A Chaco Austral MOVES to Asuncion (successful)
A Chaco Boreal SUPPORTS Chaco Austral to Asuncion (successful)
A S.F.V.C. MOVES to Corr. (successful)
A Tucuman MOVES to Chaco Austral (successful)
F Bahia Blanca MOVES to Rio de la Plata (successful)
F Baia de Paranagua SUPPORTS Rio de la Plata to Uruguay (successful)
F Buenos Aires SUPPORTS S.F.V.C. to Corr. (successful)
F Falkland Current HOLDS (successful)
F Rio de la Plata MOVES to Uruguay (successful)

Great Britain
A Virginia MOVES to Charleston (successful)
A Nicaragua MOVES to Honduras (successful)
A Yucatan MOVES to Chiapas (successful)
F Almirante Bay SUPPORTS East Caribbean to West Caribbean (successful)
F Antilles Current SUPPORTS Virginia to Charleston (successful)
F East Caribbean MOVES to West Caribbean (successful)
F Falklands MOVES to South Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Florida Strait MOVES to Gulf of Mexico (successful)
F Gulf of Mexico MOVES to New Orleans (successful)
F Gulf Stream MOVES to North Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Haiti SUPPORTS Santiago de Cuba to Canal Viejo de Bahama (successful)
F Havana MOVES to Strait of Yucatan (successful)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean SUPPORTS Sao Salvador (support cut)
F New York City MOVES to Gulf Stream (successful)
F Santiago de Cuba MOVES to Canal Viejo de Bahama (successful)
F Santo Domingo MOVES to East Caribbean (successful)
F Sao Salvador SUPPORTS South Atlantic Ocean to Todos os Santos Bay (support cut, dislodged)
F Sargasso Sea SUPPORTS Santo Domingo to East Caribbean (successful)
F South Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Todos os Santos Bay (successful)

A Alta California SUPPORTS Sonora to Baja (successful)
A Apacheria MOVES to Texas (successful)
A Guadalajara MOVES to Chihuahua (successful)
A Sonora MOVES to Baja (successful)
F Oregon Country HOLDS (successful)
F Sea of Cortez MOVES to Mid-Pacific Ocean (bounced)

New Granada
F North Pacific Ocean SUPPORTS Sea of Cortez to Mid-Pacific Ocean (successful)

A Ecuador MOVES to Cali (successful)
A Hawaii HOLDS (successful)
A La Paz SUPPORTS Santa Cruz (successful)
A Loreto MOVES to Ecuador (successful)
A Santa Cruz SUPPORTS Amazonia to Mato Grosso (successful)
F Cali (wc) MOVES to Gulf of Panama (successful)
F Galapagos MOVES to Mid-Pacific Ocean (bounced)
F Gulf of Chiriquil SUPPORTS Galapagos to Mid-Pacific Ocean (successful)
F Mid-Pacific Ocean MOVES to Gulf of Tehuantepec (successful)

F Canal Viejo de Bahama HOLDS (dislodged)
F Charleston HOLDS (dislodged)

A Amazonia MOVES to Mato Grosso (successful)
A Caracas HOLDS (successful)
A Cartagena HOLDS (successful)
A Orinoquia HOLDS (successful)
A Para MOVES to Belo Horizonte (successful)
F Guiana Current MOVES to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (bounced)
F Surinam MOVES to Guiana Current (bounced)
F Gulf of Uraba HOLDS (successful)

The following units have been dislodged:
Brazil A Corr. (forced disband)
Brazil F Uruguay (forced disband)
Great Britain F Sao Salvador (retreat to Para or disband)
Spain F Canal Viejo de Bahama (retreat to Bahamas, Camaguey, Florida, Florida Strait, North Caribbean, Santo Domingo or disband)
Spain F Charleston (retreat to Florida or disband)

If your units are on the list of dislodgments, I need retreat orders from you in the next 24 hours (unless you're Brazil); I will finish the update once that has happened.
Spring 1846 Moves, Part 2: Piffed Fleet Poogaloo
Here's the new state of the board after the dust has settled:
upqkrpa - Imgur.jpg

Great Britain F Sao Salvador RETREATS to Para
Spain F Canal Viejo de Bahama DISBANDS
Spain F Charleston DISBANDS

It is now Fall 1846. Powers should submit orders to me by Wednesday, August 28th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

It's interesting to see that Chile and Brazil remain at war with the north becoming so consolidated, with even Venezuelan armies seemingly encroaching on that mosh pit. Given Chile's considerable naval power, they would be a very important asset for any cohesive stop-the-solo attempt against Britain.

  • During the Fall and Winter 1845 turns, a British fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean was incorrectly shown as still being in its previous location (West Indies). The issue has been fixed for the Spring maps and did not affect the accuracy of actual order sets or adjudication.
  • On the Spring movement map, the Chilean A S.F.V.C. was shown with a red movement arrow despite successfully moving to Corr. This was a simple editing mistake, and the unit was still correctly treated as if the move was successful.
Spring 1846 Moves, Part 2: Piffed Fleet Poogaloo
Here's the new state of the board after the dust has settled:
View attachment 662957
Great Britain F Sao Salvador RETREATS to Para
Spain F Canal Viejo de Bahama DISBANDS
Spain F Charleston DISBANDS

It is now Fall 1846. Powers should submit orders to me by Wednesday, August 28th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

It's interesting to see that Chile and Brazil remain at war with the north becoming so consolidated, with even Venezuelan armies seemingly encroaching on that mosh pit. Given Chile's considerable naval power, they would be a very important asset for any cohesive stop-the-solo attempt against Britain.

  • During the Fall and Winter 1845 turns, a British fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean was incorrectly shown as still being in its previous location (West Indies). The issue has been fixed for the Spring maps and did not affect the accuracy of actual order sets or adjudication.
  • On the Spring movement map, the Chilean A S.F.V.C. was shown with a red movement arrow despite successfully moving to Corr. This was a simple editing mistake, and the unit was still correctly treated as if the move was successful.
Imagine not mentioning me once smh
Fall 1846 Moves, Part 1
More fireworks displays cap off this year, and now Brazil has become the host nation for them! Chile and Venezuela are scooping up centers hand over fist, but will it be enough to keep up with the British onslaught?
W7Rzows - Imgur.jpg

A Rio Grande do Sul MOVES to Sao Paulo (bounced, dislodged)
F Rio de Janeiro SUPPORTS Rio Grande do Sul to Sao Paulo (support cut)
F Sao Salvador MOVES to Marajo Bay (successful)

A Asuncion MOVES to Rio Grande do Sul (successful)
A Chaco Austral MOVES to Asunction (successful)
A Chaco Boreal SUPPORTS Chaco Austral to Asuncion (successful)
A Corr. SUPPORTS Chaco Austral to Asuncion (successful)
F Baia de Paranagua MOVES to Rio de Janeiro (bounced)
F Buenos Aires MOVES to Bahia Blanca (successful)
F Falkland Current MOVES to Falklands (bounced)
F Rio de la Plata MOVES to Baia de Paranagua (bounced)
F Uruguay SUPPORTS Asuncion to Rio Grande do Sul (successful)

Great Britain
A Charleston HOLDS (successful)
A Chiapas MOVES to Veracruz (bounced)
A Honduras MOVES to Guatemala (successful)
F Almirante Bay MOVES to Panama (bounced)
F Antilles Current MOVES to Bahamas (successful)
F Canal Viejo de Bahama MOVES to Sargasso Sea (successful)
F East Caribbean MOVES to Gulf of Venezuela (successful)
F Gulf of Mexico MOVES to Texas (successful)
F Gulf Stream MOVES to Antilles Current (successful)
F Haiti MOVES to East Caribbean (successful)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Sao Salvador (successful)
F New Orleans SUPPORTS Gulf of Mexico to Texas (successful)
F North Atlantic Ocean SUPPORTS Sargasso Sea to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Para MOVES to Manaos (successful)
F Sargasso Sea MOVES to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F South Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Falklands (bounced)
F Strait of Yucatan MOVES to Gulf of Mexico (successful)
F Todos os Santos Bay SUPPORTS Mid-Atlantic Ocean to Sao Salvador (successful)
F West Caribbean SUPPORTS Haiti to East Caribbean (successful)

A Alta California HOLDS (successful)
A Baja MOVES to Apacheria (successful)
A Chihuahua MOVES to Veracruz (bounced)
A Texas HOLDS (dislodged)
F Oregon Country MOVES to Gulf of Alaska (successful)
F Sea of Cortez MOVES to Acapulco Bay (successful)

New Granada
F North Pacific Ocean SUPPORTS Sea of Cortez to Mid-Pacific Ocean (target unit does not accept support)

A Bogota MOVES to Cali (successful)
A Cali MOVES to Panama (successful)
A Ecuador HOLDS (successful)
A Hawaii HOLDS (successful)
A La Paz MOVES to Potosi (successful)
A Santa Cruz SUPPORTS La Paz to Potosi (successful)
F Galapagos MOVES to Mid-Pacific Ocean (successful)
F Gulf of Chiriqui MOVES to Gulf of Fonseca (successful)
F Gulf of Panama MOVES to Gulf of Chiriqui (successful)
F Gulf of Tehuantepec SUPPORTS Galapagos to Mid-Pacific Ocean (successful)

No units remaining!

A Belo Horizonte SUPPORTS Mato Grosso to Sao Paulo (successful)
A Caracas HOLDS (successful)
A Cartagena HOLDS (successful)
A Mato Grosso MOVES to Sao Paulo (successful)
A Orinoquia MOVES to Bogota (successful)
F Guiana Current MOVES to Trinidad (successful)
F Gulf of Uraba SUPPORTS Cali to Panama (successful)
F Surinam MOVES to Guiana Current (successful)

The following units have been dislodged:
Brazil A Rio Grande do Sul (retreat to Mato Grosso or disband)
Mexico A Texas (retreat to Missouri or disband)

If your units are on the list of dislodgments, I need retreat orders from you in the next 24 hours; I will finish the update once that happens.
Fall 1846 Moves, Part 2: Missouri Moogaloo
Here's how the board looks now, with Britain a mere 1 center away from the solo:
sjjya8u - Imgur.jpg

A Rio Grande do Sul DISBANDS

A Texas RETREATS to Missouri

Great Britain
has gained control of Bahamas, Charleston, Manaos, New Orleans and Texas, but lost control of Trinidad (+4 builds)
Chile has gained control of Uruguay and Asuncion (+2 builds)
Venezuela has gained control of Belo Horizonte, Bogota, Sao Paulo, and Trinidad, but lost control of Manaos and Panama (+2 builds)
Peru has gained control of Panama but lost control of Bogota, so they have no adjustments!
New Granada has not gained or lost any supply centers, so they have no adjustments!
Mexico has lost control of New Orleans and Texas, but they waived a build last year (-1 disband)
Brazil has lost control of Asuncion, Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Uruguay, but has already destroyed 3 units (-1 disband)

Spain has lost control of Bahamas and Charleston, and has been eliminated from the game. meamPearl considering you were a first-time player learning the game on a highly complex and non-standard map, I'd say you did incredibly well. Steady early-game growth and alliance-building was sadly cut short by a British stab, but there's still a lot of positives you can take away from this.

It is now Winter 1846. Build orders should be submitted to me by Friday, August 30th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

Many have predicted that the game would end this year, but thanks to Jalmont's heroics and a heads-up bounce from pulsar, that wasn't to be! I still see a salvageable stop-the-solo scenario here, but it'll take a lot of effort and a lot of guesswork to actually succeed. This is the part of Diplomacy that truly tests all parts of a player's skill: negotiation, planning, and tactical efficiency.

  • I've been misspelling Gulf of Chiriqui all game in these posts. Oops.
Winter 1846 Builds
Britain insists on piling ever more units into their several war fronts, while Chile and Venezuela attempt to keep up their own pace. The stage is set, and the climactic battle is now!
NN5nuqy - Imgur.jpg

DISBAND F Rio de Janeiro

BUILD F Easter Island
BUILD F Patagonia

Great Britain
BUILD A Chicago
BUILD F Falklands
BUILD F Nicaragua (wc)
BUILD F Yucatan

DISBAND F Acapulco Bay

New Granada
No adjustments!

No adjustments!

BUILD A Angostura
BUILD F Maracaibo

It is now Spring 1847. Powers should submit orders to me by Monday, September 2nd, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

The dotted line borders that Inkscape usually uses for builds just aren't visible enough on a map this big and zoomed-out, so I decided to use the solid circles also shown in hold orders instead.

  • None! Please report any errors you find to me.
Spring 1847 Moves, Part 1
As our long and arduous conflict reaches its mighty crescendo, we see quite a few interesting happenings on the board: Brazil is dying out and helping the British solo threat with their dying breath, Peru is once again proving itself the King of the Convoy, and Mexico is still shifting its armies around and pretending to do something! I'm sure those armies are trying their best.
0LNsoAw - Imgur.jpg

F Marajo Bay SUPPORTS Mid-Atlantic Ocean to Guiana Current (successful)

A Asuncion MOVES to Chaco Boreal (successful)
A Chaco Boreal MOVES to Santa Cruz (successful)
A Corr. MOVES to Asuncion (successful)
A Rio Grande do Sul SUPPORTS Santa Cruz to Mato Grosso (successful)
F Bahia Blanca MOVES to South Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Baia de Paranagua MOVES to Guanabara Bay (successful)
F Easter Island MOVES to Gulf of Corvocado (successful)
F Falkland Current MOVES to Drake Passage (bounced)
F Patagonia MOVES to Falkland Current (successful)
F Rio de la Plata SUPPORTS Bahia Blanca to South Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Uruguay MOVES to Baia de Paranagua (successful)

Great Britain
A Charleston MOVES to Tennessee Valley (bounced)
A Chiapas MOVES to Veracruz (successful)
A Chicago SUPPORTS New Orleans to Missouri (successful)
A Guatemala HOLDS (successful)
F Almirante Bay MOVES to Costa Rica (ec) (bounced)
F Antilles Current MOVES to Florida (successful)
F Bahamas MOVES to Sargasso Sea (successful)
F East Caribbean MOVES to Gulf of Uraba (successful)
F Falklands MOVES to Drake Passage (bounced)
F Gulf of Mexico SUPPORTS Chiapas to Veracruz (successful)
F Gulf of Venezuela SUPPORTS Sargasso Sea to East Caribbean (successful)
F Manaos SUPPORTS Sao Salvador to Para (support cut)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Guiana Current (successful)
F New Orleans MOVES to Missouri (successful)
F Nicaragua (wc) MOVES to Costa Rica (wc) (bounced)
F North Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Sao Salvador MOVES to Para (successful)
F Sargasso Sea MOVES to East Caribbean (successful)
F South Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (bounced, dislodged)
F Texas HOLDS (successful)
F Todos os Santos Bay MOVES to Sao Salvador (successful)
F West Caribbean MOVES to Gulf of Honduras (successful)
F Yucatan MOVES to Chiapas (nc) (successful)

A Alta California MOVES to Apacheria (successful)
A Apacheria MOVES to Chihuahua (successful)
A Chihuahua MOVES to Mexico City (successful)
A Missouri MOVES to Tennessee Valley (bounced, dislodged)
F Gulf of Alaska MOVES to Alaska (bounced)

New Granada
F North Pacific Ocean MOVES to Alaska (bounced)

A Cali SUPPORTS Gulf of Uraba to Panama (successful)
A Ecuador HOLDS (successful)
A Hawaii MOVES to Oaxaca (successful)
A Panama MOVES to El Salvador (successful)
A Potosi MOVES to Antofagasta (successful)
A Santa Cruz MOVES to Mato Grosso (successful)
F Gulf of Chiriqui CONVOYS Panama to El Salvador (successful)
F Gulf of Fonseca CONVOYS Panama to El Salvador (successful)
F Gulf of Tehuantepec CONVOYS Hawaii to Oaxaca (successful)
F Mid-Pacific Ocean CONVOYS Hawaii to Oaxaca (successful)

A Angostura MOVES to Manaos (bounced)
A Belo Horizonte SUPPORTS Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro (successful)
A Bogota MOVES to Santa Marta (bounced)
A Caracas SUPPORTS Maracaibo (successful)
A Cartagena MOVES to Santa Marta (bounced)
A Sao Paulo MOVES to Rio de Janeiro (successful)
F Guiana Current HOLDS (dislodged)
F Gulf of Uraba MOVES to Panama (successful)
F Maracaibo SUPPORTS Caracas (successful)
F Trinidad MOVES to Cumana (successful)

The following units have been dislodged:
Great Britain F South Atlantic Ocean (retreat to Todos os Santos Bay or disband)
Mexico A Missouri (retreat to Dakotas, Great Basin Desert, Iowa Territory, or disband)
Venezuela F Guiana Current (retreat to Cayenne, Georgetown, Surinam, Trinidad, West Indies, or disband)

If your units are on the list of dislodgments, I need retreat orders from you in the next 24 hours; I will finish the update once that has happened.
Spring 1847 Moves, Part 2: North America Gets More Blue
Here's the new state of the board after retreats:
mV7yxh0 - Imgur.jpg

Great Britain
F South Atlantic Ocean RETREATS to Todos os Santos Bay

A Missouri RETREATS to Iowa Territory

F Guiana Current RETREATS to Surinam

It is now Fall 1847. Powers should submit orders to me by Friday, September 6th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

This phase played host to the first draw vote of the game! Sunny is actually starting up law school right now, for anyone who hasn't heard, so he's in a race against time to secure this solo before the end of 1847. He proposed a draw that included all surviving players except Brazil and New Granada, but someone vetoed it, so we keep playing!

  • None! Please report any errors to me if you find them.
Fall 1847 Moves, Part 1
This is it! The moment we've all been waiting for! The climactic battle for a British solo ends here, as sunny grapples with his new responsibilities as a law student and alcoholic-in-training! Have they gotten the necessary +1 net center gain that will put them over the line? It would appear not! Also, it appears that Chile REALLY wants to paint Mato Grosso their color before the end of the game...
ysTPVLM - Imgur.jpg

F Marajo Bay SUPPORTS Sao Salvador (successful)

A Asuncion SUPPORTS Santa Cruz to Mato Grosso (successful)
A Chaco Boreal SUPPORTS Santa Cruz to Mato Grosso (successful)
A Rio Grande do Sul SUPPORTS Santa Cruz to Mato Grosso (successful)
A Santa Cruz MOVES to Mato Grosso (successful)
F Baia de Paranagua SUPPORTS Rio de Janeiro (successful)
F Falkland Current SUPPORTS South Atlantic Ocean to Falklands (successful)
F Guanabara Bay SUPPORTS Rio de la Plata to South Pacific Ocean (successful)
F Gulf of Corvocado MOVES to Drake Passage (successful)
F Patagonia MOVES to Bahia Blanca (successful)
F Rio de la Plata MOVES to South Atlantic Ocean (bounced)
F South Atlantic Ocean MOVES to Falkands (braced)

Great Britain
A Charleston MOVES to Florida (successful)
A Chicago HOLDS (successful)
A Guatemala HOLDS (dislodged)
A Veracruz HOLDS (dislodged)
F Almirante Bay SUPPORTS Gulf of Uraba to Panama (successful)
F Chiapas (nc) SUPPORTS Veracruz (support cut)
F East Caribbean SUPPORTS Guiana Current to Trinidad (successful)
F Florida MOVES to New Orleans (successful)
F Falklands MOVES to South Atlantic Ocean (braced)
F Guiana Current MOVES to Trinidad (successful)
F Gulf of Honduras SUPPORTS Guatemala (successful)
F Gulf of Mexico SUPPORTS Texas (successful)
F Gulf of Uraba MOVES to Panama (successful)
F Gulf of Venezuela SUPPORTS East Caribbean (successful)
F Manaos HOLDS (dislodged)
F Missouri SUPPORTS Florida to New Orleans (successful)
F North Atlantic Ocean SUPPORTS Sargasso Sea to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Nicaragua (wc) MOVES to Gulf of Fonseca (successful)
F Para MOVES to Guiana Current (successful)
F Sao Salvador SUPPORTS Sargasso Sea to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Sargasso Sea MOVES to Mid-Atlantic Ocean (successful)
F Texas HOLDS (successful)
F Todos os Santos Bay SUPPORTS Falklands to South Atlantic Ocean (successful)

A Apacheria MOVES to Alta California (successful)
A Chihuahua MOVES to Veracruz (successful)
A Iowa Territory MOVES to Ontario (successful)
A Mexico City SUPPORTS Chihuahua to Veracruz (successful)
F Gulf of Alaska MOVES to Alaska (bounced)

New Granada
F North Pacific Ocean MOVES to Alaska (bounced)

A Antofagasta HOLDS (successful)
A Cali MOVES to Panama (bounced)
A Ecuador MOVES to Cali (successful)
A El Salvador SUPPORTS Gulf of Fonseca to Guatemala (sc) (successful)
A Mato Grosso MOVES to Manaos (successful)
A Oaxaca MOVES to Chiapas (bounced)
F Gulf of Chiriqui SUPPORTS Cali to Panama (successful)
F Gulf of Fonseca MOVES to Guatemala (sc) (successful)
F Gulf of Tehuantepec SUPPORTS Gulf of Fonseca to Guatemala (sc) (successful)
F Mid-Pacific Ocean MOVES to Hawaii (successful)

A Angostura SUPPORTS Mato Grosso to Manaos (successful)
A Belo Horizonte MOVES to Para (successful)
A Bogota MOVES to Santa Marta (successful)
A Caracas SUPPORTS Maracaibo (successful)
A Cartagena SUPPORTS Bogota to Santa Marta (successful)
A Rio de Janeiro SUPPORTS Marajo Bay to Sao Salvador (target did not accept support)
F Cumana MOVES to Georgetown (bounced)
F Maracaibo SUPPORTS Caracas (successful)
F Panama MOVES to Costa Rica (wc) (successful)
F Surinam MOVES to Georgetown (bounced)

The following units have been dislodged:
Great Britain A Guatemala (retreat to Yucatan or disband)
Great Britain A Veracruz (forced disband)
Great Britain F Manaos (retreat to Amazonia or disband)

If your units are on the list of retreats, I need retreat orders from you in the next 24 hours; I will finish the update once that has happened.
Fall 1847 Moves, Part 2: All Blown-Up Boogaloo
And here's the new state of the board, with no solo winner crowned!
TQCo1X3 - Imgur.jpg

Great Britain
A Guatemala DISBANDS

has gained control of Antofagasta, Guatemala, and Manaos (+3 builds)
Great Britain has gained control of Trindad, lost control of Guatemala and Manaos, and had three units destroyed (+2 builds)
Venezuela has gained control of Rio de Janeiro but lost control of Trinidad, so they have no adjustments!
Mexico and New Granada have not gained or lost any supply centers this year, so they have no adjustments!
Chile has lost control of Antofagasta (-1 disband)

Brazil has lost control of all remaining supply centers, and they are eliminated from the game. Dead by Daylight well played from you, I think you had a solid position for a while that sadly came apart after Argentina fell. It happens, I hope you had some fun regardless.

It is now Winter 1847. Build orders must be submitted to me by Sunday, August 8th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

My existence offends Peru! Also, there was another draw vote at the start of this phase... it failed!

  • I forgot to recolor Antofagasta to reflect its new owner, but the center does belong to Peru and the space will be recolored in the winter update (if the game doesn't draw before then).
Winter 1847 Builds
The British suffer a major setback, but remain a formidable force with two rebuids... meanwhile Peru gets to enjoy the fruits of his new conquests, and Chile bears part of the cost.
6xws2A1 - Imgur.jpg

DISBAND A Chaco Boreal

Great Britain
BUILD A Nicaragua
BUILD A Montreal

BUILD F Galapagos
BUILD F Panama

It is now Spring 1848. Powers should submit orders to me by Thursday, September 12th, at 9PM PST (GMT-7).

GM's Notes:

With the solo threat seemingly pushed back, and players starting to tire from the long game, it's entirely possible that the game ends in a draw here. Whether this is the last update or not, it's been a wild ride so far, and I'm looking forward to unpacking it more in postgame! Also, sorry for the delay; I was rather preoccupied on Sunday.

  • None! Please report any errors to me if you find them.
Well folks, it looks like that's all she wrote. After seven years of fierce fighting, brutal backstabbing, nail-biter negotiating, and a monstrous British solo threat, we've reached our final conclusion for this game. On behalf of the myself and the players, I'd like to thank anyone who was following along with this game as a spectator, whether casually through this thread or with full investment on our Discord server. I hope this was worth the time. And of course, thanks to the players for putting on a show. This is the final board state, the new canonically accurate map of the Americas:

qZLXEGm - Imgur.jpg


sunny004 as Great Britain: 22 supply centers (draw partner + board top)
bluedoom as Peru: 13 supply centers (draw partner)
Lechen as Chile: 10 supply centers (draw partner)
JALMONT as Venezuela: 10 supply centers (draw partner)
pulsar512b as Mexico: 5 supply centers (draw partner)
ImaginaryNeon as New Granada: 1 supply center (survivor, but excluded from draw)
Dead by Daylight as Brazil: Eliminated in 1847 (peak SC count: 6)
meamPearl as Spain: Eliminated in 1846 (peak SC count: 8)
M2H as United States: Eliminated in 1844 (peak SC count: 6)
Aura Guardian as Argentina: Eliminated in 1844 (peak SC count: 4)

Thanks again to everyone who played or just gave the game a passing glance. It's been my pleasure to spread the game of Diplomacy as far and wide as I can, and I hope I'll continue to have opportunities to do so in the future. I will be posting a more detailed postgame report relatively soon, going over the performance of each individual Power as well as my own performance as GM; there's a lot to discuss on both fronts, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, I suggest you all keep an eye out for the next Smogon Diplomacy event, a more traditional game hosted by our dominant England from The Lost Art of Diplomacy: LonelyNess!

Oh, and one more thing: if you're interested in seeing the gory details of how the board evolved in the way it did, come check out our Discord server, where I'll now be opening up the players' negotiation channels to the general public!
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i don't think i played super well, i definitely should have been more careful around sunny. we allied early in the game and i just kind of sheeped him. ce la vie! think if game played out we definitely lose to sunny, so glad to get a draw
Well folks, it looks like that's all she wrote. After seven years of fierce fighting, brutal backstabbing, nail-biter negotiating, and a monstrous British solo threat, we've reached our final conclusion for this game. On behalf of the myself and the players, I'd like to thank anyone who was following along with this game as a spectator, whether casually through this thread or with full investment on our Discord server. I hope this was worth the time. And of course, thanks to the players for putting on a show. This is the final board state, the new canonically accurate map of the Americas:

View attachment 667927


sunny004 as Great Britain: 22 supply centers (draw partner + board top)
bluedoom as Peru: 13 supply centers (draw partner)
Lechen as Chile: 10 supply centers (draw partner)
JALMONT as Venezuela: 10 supply centers (draw partner)
pulsar512b as Mexico: 5 supply centers (draw partner)
ImaginaryNeon as New Granada: 1 supply center (survivor, but excluded from draw)
Dead by Daylight as Brazil: Eliminated in 1847 (peak SC count: 6)
meamPearl as Spain: Eliminated in 1846 (peak SC count: 8)
M2H as United States: Eliminated in 1844 (peak SC count: 6)
Aura Guardian as Argentina: Eliminated in 1844 (peak SC count: 4)

Thanks again to everyone who played or just gave the game a passing glance. It's been my pleasure to spread the game of Diplomacy as far and wide as I can, and I hope I'll continue to have opportunities to do so in the future. I will be posting a more detailed postgame report in the near future, going over the performance of each individual Power as well as my own performance as GM; there's a lot to discuss on both fronts, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, I suggest you all keep an eye out for the next Smogon Diplomacy event, a more traditional game hosted by our dominant England from The Lost Art of Diplomacy: LonelyNess!

Oh, and one more thing: if you're interested to see the gory details of how the board evolved in the way it did, come check out our Discord server, where I'll now be opening up the players' negotiation channels to the general public!
Time to curl back into a ball
i don't think i played super well, i definitely should have been more careful around sunny. we allied early in the game and i just kind of sheeped him. ce la vie! think if game played out we definitely lose to sunny, so glad to get a draw
Honestly I don’t think you played horribly at all, especially for a first-timer. I think you definitely shouldn’t have listened to me when I said to waive a build though; that should have set off a few more alarm bells. But for a beginner I think you played well!

Edit: I will post more thoughts later, esp. Re: solo chances, but I wanted to address pulsars point first
If people decide you want to just carve me up, then next time can you just collectively tell me outright that I can stop caring? False hope is the cruelest of them all.
Sorry man, in my defence I didn't want to carve you up at all, but I had made an agreement with lechen (who stuck to it) to just not attack each other, and the more pressing concern for me was gb getting all of the centres for free in the north. Perhaps in a different timeline I stab lechen with you, I think if it wasn't build anywhere I have no reason to keep chile alive because they can build very close to my home scs.
Interestingly if gb was actually interested in a 3-way draw with jalmont and me I would've considered stabbing lechen but that was such a far fetched thing that I never really expected that to happen lol
thanks for hosting and playing to all.

I try not to concern myself with what others are doing but I thought it was very lame that two people reneged on idling and then proceeded to not really play/play extremely sub-optimally for the rest of the game. I feel bad for M2h.