Hi, welcome to the Ubers subforum version of the Simple Question, Simple Answer Thread.
In addition to this:
1) This thread should obviously be only for Ubers questions. If you have a question for a different metagame, please take it to the respective subforum.
2) The movie Arceus with EV limitations is coming out with Shoddy Battle 2 (don't ask therefore). The one without limitations will be released on SB2 as soon as it's unveiled by GameFreak
3) This should be obvious, but there is never any reason to insult another user. No matter how silly their question may seem, you were once new too.
4) The above being said, please consider your question before you post it (don't post stupid questions).
5) Do not ask questions about the tiering of a Pokemon.
6) Take discussion to the proper thread.
1. Your answers should contain at least a brief explanation, even if it was the simplest of questions.
2. While answering Yes/No question, please quote the question you're referring to. It gets confusing otherwise.
3. At least do a simple google search before asking the question here.
4. We have a lot of excellent resources on our site. Be sure to check our articles, and not just for DP, before asking here. Our item and move descriptions are also a handy resource. You may be able to answer your own question with those resources faster than it would take for someone to respond to your question in this thread.
5. On a related note of #4. If you answer an extremely simple question such as "What does the Yache Berry do?", instead of just answering the question direct them to the appropriate link (in this case http://www.smogon.com/dp/items/yache_berry) so they will know where to find that type of information in the future without coming to this thread.
6. This isn't the thread for "Look At This Pokemon" or "Should I keep it with these IVs" etc., use this thread (forgive me if I forget to update this link if a new thread is created, I'll try to keep up with it).
7. This is already in the Smogon and Stark forum rules, but I will reiterate again do not discuss ROMs or other illegal things. Also, don't ask for AR codes here. Use google for that.
Basic FAQ
2. While answering Yes/No question, please quote the question you're referring to. It gets confusing otherwise.
3. At least do a simple google search before asking the question here.
4. We have a lot of excellent resources on our site. Be sure to check our articles, and not just for DP, before asking here. Our item and move descriptions are also a handy resource. You may be able to answer your own question with those resources faster than it would take for someone to respond to your question in this thread.
5. On a related note of #4. If you answer an extremely simple question such as "What does the Yache Berry do?", instead of just answering the question direct them to the appropriate link (in this case http://www.smogon.com/dp/items/yache_berry) so they will know where to find that type of information in the future without coming to this thread.
6. This isn't the thread for "Look At This Pokemon" or "Should I keep it with these IVs" etc., use this thread (forgive me if I forget to update this link if a new thread is created, I'll try to keep up with it).
7. This is already in the Smogon and Stark forum rules, but I will reiterate again do not discuss ROMs or other illegal things. Also, don't ask for AR codes here. Use google for that.
Basic FAQ
- If the metaserver for ShoddyBattle is down (this is where only 1 server, usually Official, will appear on the list) click Advanced and a box should appear prompting you to "manually enter server information". If you wish to get to Smogon Shoddy under Host: type in shoddybattle.smogon.com and under Port: type in 50000. If you wish to access the CAP server under Host: type in cap.servegame.com and under Port: type in 8888.
- If you are having trouble editing your posts, go to "User CP" as in User Control Panel, "Edit Options", and in the "Miscellaneous Options" section, set Message Editor Interface to "Basic Editor" which will allow you to edit in BBCode, then set back to "Enhanced Interface" when you are finished.
- Looking for a legal Hidden Power legendary IV spread? Either play around with it (it's not hard to figure out the patterns) or look here or here.
- NP = Now Playing (yes this was asked with frequency in other threads!)
- CMT = Check My Thread
- No, you can't have an image in your signature unless you have a badge.
- No, you can't rate threads unless you have badge either.
- Migrated Pokemon from previous generations can change their abilities upon evolution when traded to DP.
- No, we don't know what your SID is. Ask in WiFi forums "Simple Questions / Simple Requests" or something. Or better yet, do it yourself.
- The Rotom-formes are not currently usable over wifi, only local wireless (link battles). Same goes for Giratina-O & Shaymin-S.
- On the note of hypnosis accuracy. If Platinum is the host, the accuracy is 60%. If DP is the host, it's 70%
- For information on Damage Calculators and other interesting applications check out the DP Information / Resource thread and The Best of C&C.
- The RNG stands for Random Number Generator (although it's not actually "random"). The RNG determines almost every one of the "random" events that take place in game and can be used in breading termed "RNG-abuse". For more information and applications see The Process of PID and IV Creation of Non-Bred Pokemon and Deducing your Secret ID and the DPPt PRNG Research thread.
In addition to this:
1) This thread should obviously be only for Ubers questions. If you have a question for a different metagame, please take it to the respective subforum.
2) The movie Arceus with EV limitations is coming out with Shoddy Battle 2 (don't ask therefore). The one without limitations will be released on SB2 as soon as it's unveiled by GameFreak
3) This should be obvious, but there is never any reason to insult another user. No matter how silly their question may seem, you were once new too.
4) The above being said, please consider your question before you post it (don't post stupid questions).
5) Do not ask questions about the tiering of a Pokemon.
6) Take discussion to the proper thread.