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Hi, welcome to the Ubers subforum version of the Simple Question, Simple Answer Thread.

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What is considered an average-good CRE for ubers?
This is kind of hard to set a number on since every player have their own definition for it, but I'd say ~1620-1625.
Arceus can easily check every Pokemon in Ubers, except maybe Rayquaza due to Swords Dance/Dragon Dance. However, it may need to use rather specialized movesets for a few of them. For example, you need a Rock-type Arceus to counter Ho-oh, which doesn't really have much other use.
Ok, average-good I'd say is ~1400. 1600 pretty much guarantees you a leaderboard spot, so yeah. I doubt even Grass Arceus could take a specs Kyogre Water Spout, although it can outspeed (and thus weaken Water Spout with Thunder/Grass Knot), and basically everything mtr said.

Other pokes that may give Arceus trouble: Specs without Choice Latios
Mewtwo, Darkrai.
Ok, average-good I'd say is ~1400. 1600 pretty much guarantees you a leaderboard spot, so yeah. I doubt even Grass Arceus could take a specs Kyogre Water Spout, although it can outspeed (and thus weaken Water Spout with Thunder/Grass Knot), and basically everything mtr said.

Other pokes that may give Arceus trouble: Specs without Choice Latios
Mewtwo, Darkrai.

Yeah, SpecsOgre 2OHKO Grass Arceus with Water Spout, however it needs 124 Speed EVs with Neutral nature or... 16 Speed EVs with positive nature to outspeed Timid Kyogre, so you may call Grass Arceus Kyogre counter, especially with Calm Mind.

Steel Arceus can handle Latios without bigger problems and MewTwo + Darkrai can he handled by Fighting Arceus. So I think the only uncounterable pokemon for Arceus is Rayquaza and you may still go with ScarfArceus with Ice Beam/Dragon attack to check it if you really need desperately Quaza check.
Ok, average-good I'd say is ~1400. 1600 pretty much guarantees you a leaderboard spot, so yeah. I doubt even Grass Arceus could take a specs Kyogre Water Spout, although it can outspeed (and thus weaken Water Spout with Thunder/Grass Knot), and basically everything mtr said.

Other pokes that may give Arceus trouble: Specs without Choice Latios
Mewtwo, Darkrai.

Specs without Choice Latios has to answer to Steel type Arceus (w/ Recover),

Mewtwo will have a hard time getting past Ghost-type Arceus especially if it's the Ice Beam / Aura Sphere varient and even if it has Shadow Ball

And Darkrai can't really touch Fighting Arceus with Sleep Clause activated.

heres my question

what is "quick stall" and what seperates it from "modern stall"
Someone told me mewtwo may become OU is this true?
It was a gagjoke on Shoddy chat I believe >_>

what is "quick stall" and what seperates it from "modern stall"
Quick Stall deviates from "modern stall" (I prefer to use the term Adaptive stall but whatever lol) in that it doesn't necessarily use normal stallbound Pokemon such as Blissey and Forretress. Instead, it abuses not the Pokemon's ability to defend, but their actual ability to stall mostly on their own. Common Quick Stall Pokemon include Defensive Mewtwo, Jumpluff, and Shaymin-S
what are your thoughts will Skymin and Chomp remain Uber?

Skymin has already been voted to be UBER and Chomp only needs to be voted UBER once more to be stapled UBER (at least for a long time). By the looks of it with Latios and Skymin gone, it will be more of a threat than stage 3-1 so I am guessing it will be voted UBER. Not to mention that in the suspect thread, majority by a great margin are leaning towards UBER for Garchomp.

Now for my question (haha), what is (are) the most sought after play style(s) in UBERS? Is Stall viable in such an offensively aggresive environment?
Plenty of players love to use Stall, such as Jibaku, Uchiha, Gen, me, and more. Many more players prefer offense, but even they recognize that stall is probably more consistent due to it being less predictive, so they have a stall team tucked away somewhere just in case. Rest assured, everyone you meet will probably be familiar with the mechanics of Ubers Stall, whether they like it or not.

Standard Offense and Hyper Offense are definitely the most sought-after playstyles, but stall and defensive play in general are coming back into a vogue, as evidenced by rising Groudon and Ho-oh usage and declining Garchomp and Kyogre usage.

Quick Stall is annoying to play, and will often have things like Jumpluff, Wall Mewtwo, Skymin, etc, who often pose trouble for most teams. It takes more prediction than Classical Stall, but can be very rewarding. I need to make a Quick Stall team sometime...

@Jibaku: well, if you call Modern Stall as 'Adaptive Stall', we need a term for Classical Stall. How about...'Conservative Stall'? Because it usually is played more conservatively.
What's the difference between standard offense and hyper offense in terms of structures and pokemon roles?

Oh yes, I did recognize ho-oh and groudon's usage rising.
Would this possibly (imo it will) lower the usage of palkia and kyogre?
What's the difference between standard offense and hyper offense in terms of structures and pokemon roles?

Oh yes, I did recognize ho-oh and groudon's usage rising.
Would this possibly (imo it will) lower the usage of palkia and kyogre?
Palkia can work under both weathers, so I don't think it's use will lower much at all. Infact, under the sun, fire blast is more powerful than Spacial rend, thanks to the pseudo stab boost.
What's the difference between standard offense and hyper offense in terms of structures and pokemon roles?

Oh yes, I did recognize ho-oh and groudon's usage rising.
Would this possibly (imo it will) lower the usage of palkia and kyogre?
Hooh became a real beast with the addition of Brave Bird and is now capable of 2hkoing all common ubers in the sun(exept for a very bulky Groudon, which can be burnt with Sacred Fire).
Also Hyper offense only exists in the form of baton pass or dual screen, because it is simply too frail otherwise, and once you let something set up you will get utterly destroyed. Offense still relies on bulky pokemon like Groudon and Lugia, to have some switch ins for very strong attackers, that cannot be ohkoed back by many sweepers, for example Mixed Dialga.
I have a Darkrai with amazing IVs in literally EVERYTHING but his Speed is only 29. This means I will be outran by +Speed Max EV Weavile, Swellow, and Darkrai, who I would normally tie (which is only 50% of going first). I achieve 381 instead of 383 with max EVs.

Since I cannot reach 383, what's the next significant milestone I should beat? I could just stay at 381, or go a little lower and invest more into HP.

I checked the Ubers Speed Tiers, and it seems like the next value I'd want to hit is 373, to outspeed +Speed Max EV Arceus (not currently a problem, but soon enough). This will leave me slower than... a strangely build Kingdra and Heatran with +1 Speed boost.

If I just stayed at 381, I'd have a few superfluous Speed points, but who knows what might come out in Black and White.

Thank you for reading!

(Please forgive me if this is an inappropriate place to ask - I tried making a thread but now I realize why that wasn't okay. I hope this is the right place to ask!)
I would aim to pass 375 Speed, so you can outspeed some Kingdra after a DD if its sunny.
Yeah, 376 might be something to shoot for. I'd probably need to boot Kyogre out of my party though for the sake of Groudon >.> Too bad I have Heart Gold... blah.

What is this Heatran, Neutral Speed, 252 EVs, +1? I wasn't aware Heatran had any +1 Speed abilities, and off the top of my head, I can't think of anyone who would be Baton Passing a +1 to him...
Its probably Choice Scarf Heatran. tbh that shouldn't be on there because if its Scarf, it probably is either Hasty or Naive. I'll remove it later.
Thanks Theory.

My friend said I could catch his Groudon in his game, so I think I'll aim for 376 Speed Darkrai and put Groudon and/or Rayquaza on to help nullify Kingdra's Speed.