Project Uber

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Yo Theorymon here. As you may know, 5th gen has sort of got me into a panic, so I have to test stuff. This is a pretty dead thread that I have both fond and ummn... not very fond memories of, so I am gonna test a lot of things suggested in this thread and edit them depending on whether or not they work! Btw, the creative movesets thread will be cleaned out soon! For historical and comedy reasons, I undeleted all the posts in this thread! Have fun in the oldest Ubers forum thread!

Project Ubers

This is Project Uber, where we are testing everything, that we want to in the Uber metagame. People will try any sets they like (with in reason), with any pokemon they would like to use. So this thread isn't about if you think you can make Sunkurn sweep, or something just as stupid. Once you have decied what pokemon you would like to test, post in this thread to say what pokemon it is. We will document the results and then have a fairly nice list of pokemon that can be used in Ubers. The Uber players know most of the overused Uber sets, so doing anything with Kyogre, Dialga, Groudon etc. would be a little redundant. Though if you are planning to test the underused Ubers, Manaphy and Ho-Oh for example, then that is ok. If you have an idea for the specific Uber set please use the regular format:

Pokemon @ Item
Ability: (if there is more than one option)
- move 1
- move 2
- move 3
- move 4

"Test before you suggest"

If only people followed that =/

This is something that will get your posts deleted and possibly infracted if you don't follow this rule. Testing something like Tropius with no reasoning other than you want to is poor and not what we're looking for. I would like to stress that you do NOT make teams for Ubers out of just testing subjects! Make good teams, that are actually what would be considered standard and solid. If you do this the results are not at all valid, and will basically be invalid. Also, have others test the Pokemon as well as you! In addition, I would like to reiterate that any set posted in this thread should already have been tested by YOU before you post them here. Nearly any set-up sweeper can work well with Wobbufett support. Only post a sweeping set if it actually does well on its own, not after the opponent is at -1 Atk and Encored! SD Rayquaza is amazing with Wobbufett support, but it can also come in on some attacks and set up without it.​

It would be nice to know who is testing what, so if you are testing a set please post in this thread and give us a little blurb about how the pokemon is going. Remember, more than one person can test a set! I would like to remind you that even if a set doesn't work, please tell us so. The more information we have the better. Also just because a pokemon "Works" you can try out new sets and see how it will effect the game. When testing a set make sure to save a few battle logs, just encase we would like to see them. Here is a list of the pokemon we have tried up to this point:

Lucario - Effective - Swords Dance Sweeper, with Stealth Rock support and a Swords Dance under his belt, Lucario can outspeed or OHKO most of the Metagame. It has several factors that differentiate it from Rayquaza, such a completely different set of resistances, a virtual Stealth Rock immunity and STAB Close Combat. Heh, this ended up getting Agility and lead sets too.

Shiftry - Effective - Nasty Plot Sub Abuse, Shiftry with Sun support is an incredible sweeper due to it's stat up move, Nasty Plot, and his powerful Dark-type STAB. The only flaw in this set is if Kyogre or Rayquaza come out to ruin your fun with their Abilities. Its also a good Swords Dancer!

Jumpluff - Effective - Sub Seed Sun Abuse, if the sun is shining the nothing in the game can outspeed this little Puffball, making it almost impossible to stop once it sets up Leech Seed.. Not much else to say here.

Ludicolo - Effective - Rain Dish Sub Seed, same logic that goes with Jumpluff, except Ludicolo can also switch into Kyogre pretty much for free. Twash also uses some weird sweeper set with Snythesis o_O

Blissey - Effective - Uber SpAtk Wall, this is pretty common, also one of the only Wish passers that gets used in the Uber metagame. I cant say much else here

- Effective - Uber Trapper / Dragon Dance Tyranitar / Anti-Lead, trapping Latias and other pokemon is really helpful, especiall if they can't switch out, or stay in. Dragon Dance is amazing given Taunt to stop Lugia or Giratina from coming in to Phaze you or burn you. Anti-Lead handles almost everything thanks to the sash breaking ability of Sand Stream. Oh lord Tyranitar, I swear it can do everything! I have been testing stuff since July and STILL have more sets to test x_x

Scizor - Effective - Uber Trapper, with the same logic as Tyranitar but a tad more extreme. With Technician Pursuit hurts almost the same amount as if the user did decide to switch out. Its also a good Swords Dancer!

Metagross - Effective - Uber Trapper, not as effective as Tyranitar or Scizor, not getting STAB on Pursuit or a Technician Bonus, but his sky high Attack stat makes up for it. Metagross sure as hell ended up being more versatile than I thought, having a whoping 7 Ubers sets in the WIP analysis!

Bronzong - Effective - Dual Screen, easy enough to use with Explosion and Dual Screen. Makes setting up Baton Pass Mew or another sweeper easy. It is also good at Stealth Rocking and stuff.

Forretress - Effective - Hazard set up, really one of the few pokemon in Ubers that can set up entry hazards well. The analysis is still giving me nightmares.

Gengar - Effective - Special Sweeper, with three immunities and a great Special Attack and Speed stat, Gengar can sweep and come in easy enough. I really need to test Pain Split.

Jirachi - Effective - "Uberachi," a defense set that can pass Wishes, or Toxic Stall. U-Turn is great as it helps you scout your opponents moves. Jirachi is another insanely versatilemon, hell it even uses Draco Meteor well!

Celebi - Effective - Anti lead, with the ability to Thunder Wave, set up Rocks and take a hit from all Kyogre sets, U-turn and instantly recover it's easy to see why Celebi works. Like Jirachi, Celebi is pretty versatile. Also, I cant wait for Nasty Plot wheee!

Shaymin-s - Effective - Special Sweeper / SubSeed, The four attack special sweeper can hit almost everything in Ubers for damage, besides Skarmory and Bronzong who aren't see very much yet. Can't say much else here.

Kingdra - Effective - Dragon Dance Mixed Sweeper, with Rain in abundance and Kingdra getting double STAB because of it, it's easy to set this pokemon up. He comes with one weakness too. Kingdra is so awesome.

Skarmory - Effective - Physical Wall, in a metagame where the only other physical walls are Giratina and Lugia, Skarmory comes in with a handful of resistances and immunities that makes it preform just as well as the other two. Access to Spikes is invaluable. I should probably test Torment Skarmory. also fun fact: a +2 Brave Bird from Sharp Beak Skarmory can actually 2HKO Giratina after SR!

Weavile - Effective - Physical Sweeper, with the given Choice Band Weavile can hit every Uber pokemon, besides Manaphy and Kyogre, for Super Effective damage. With the fear of Pursuit many Psychic-type pokemon will stay in to take a powerful Night Slash, and Dragon-types are picked off with Ice Shard. Screw Choice Band, go go LIFE ORB

Jolteon - Effective - Sub Baton Pass, with the outstanding base speed Jolteon was given, it isn't too difficult to set up a Substitute and pass it off to another pokemon. Even if something threatening like Groudon comes in, use Yawn and you obtain yet another free turn. woah what? I better test this set.

Ho-oh - Effective - Tank, probably one of the most underated Uber pokemon right here, with the great defenses and high Attack stat Ho-oh isn't getting OHKOed anytime soon, but is sure dealing them out with the sun up, still best to use with Rapid Spin support. BRAVE BIRD

Mamoswine - Effective - Lead, this set can beat Groudon, Darkrai and Deoxys. Mamoswine then makse it easier to take on the opponents team. I actually ended up liking the Endeavor lead much better.

Ninjask - Limbo - Ninjask can really only use Baton Pass, though if it gets a successful pass to the likes of Rayquaza or something then that would be great. Has an analysis already.

Absol - Limbo - Is still beaten by the Scarf Darkrai lead, which was the main selling point of using this set. If the Darkrai doesn't use Trick, on the other hand, then Absol does work well. I barely even get the appeal of this.

Kabutops - Limbo - Swords Dance Rain Abuser, without rain he is slow, and because of that he can't do much to anything else. So he only works when there is rain falling. Has an analysis already.

Primeape - Limbo - Choice Scarf revenge killer, he was mainly used to Counter Darkrai, which he did. He just doesn't hit hard enough to be used much outside of just a Darkrai counter Has an analysis already.

Heracross - Limbo - Choice Scarf Revenge, same logic as Primeape, but Heracross can hit Latias for STAB Super Effective damage. Getting an analysis.

Heatran - Limbo - Bulky Tran / Specs Tran, the Bulky set did what it was supposed to do, lure out Kyogre as you used Substitue then Toxic him. Other than that he does have a a great amount of resistances, but not enough power. The same logic but reverse with the Specs Set. Heatran can deal some damage, but can't take hits as well. Turns out my Heatran analysis has 7 sets so far lol.

Quagsire - Limbo - He was mainly used only to counter one specific pokemon, which isn't warrent enough to consider him an effective pokemon, but not bad enought to call him a failure. Has an analysis already.

Poliwrath - Failure - The Sub Punch set lacked the power that was needed to get a few kills. Pretty much a worse Toxicroak, which wasn't good either. I bet this really sucks but maybe I will test it BECAUSE I CAN!

Yanmega - Failed - Has a dreadful Stealth Rock weakness, and not only that doesn't have the defenses to take the powerful Uber hits. I bet I will end up testing this someday because I keep wishing that it could have Speedboost and Tinted Lens at the same time :(

Tangrowth - Failed
- He is outclassed by Victreebel and Shiftry in the case of sweepers, he also has a sub par Speed stat and a Special Defense stat which is terrible. What?! I hope to god this is better than Victreebel lol. I an defintly testing this, it does probably screw up a lot of Groudon, and it has EQ for Dialga. hell I could even use Rock Slide for Ho-Oh!

Parasect - Failed - The time of parasect is over. lol if I find a good Parasect set I'll arange a party for Gen! Now... I do have a weird plan for Toxicroak that has a small chance of working for Parasect too...

Toxicroak - Failed - Like Parasect, he cannot keep up with the new threats of Ubers. I am retesting this because I can! Also, I have some weird ideas like using Sash Toxicroak with Fake Out or Protect so SR might not ruin my sash, though I bet Toxicroak will end up just being a fun gimmick, I will test it again JUST IN CASE!

Shedinja - Failed - Stealth Rocks are everywhere, the rare occasion where Rocks are not up and nothing can hurt Shed is too rare to be reliable. lol this might get an Ubers analysis because Ubers is its best chance at doing anything at all.

Hitmontop - Failed - Hitmontop really only scares off Dialga and Darkrai. Dialga is a stretch since he has great defenses and outspeeds the little guy. Im not quite sure why, but for some reason I really want to retest Hitmontop, but I bet its gonna fail hard like it did for other people.

Honchkrow - Failed - Really Honchkrow can't do shit to many leads, besides Darkrai. I actually have to test Honchkrow sets because of an analysis someone reserved x_x

Raikou - Failed - It can't switch in, even if it does and forces something out a Calm Mind isn't enough to OHKO the threats needed. Hmm.. I think Manaic actually really likes Raikou, so I may give this one a shot.

Dugtrio - Failed - Frail, can't do much to anything besides the occasional revenge kill. WHAAAAAAAAAT?! Dugtrio is so fucking awesome with Wobbuffet support! granted, screw CB Dugtrio.

Houndoom - Failed - Either too weak or not fast enough. Houndoom may get the rare revenge kill when using the Choice Scarf set, though. Maybe I will test this to see how bad it is someday. Or maybe it doesnt suck... nah.

Weavile - Failed - AntiLead set, because the only lead that Weavile stands a chance against is Deoxys. Yeah screw this set.

Vaporeon - Failed - Tank, Vaporeon just lacks the defenses needed to withstand the power in the Uber tier. He is average defenses and resistances that almost mean nothing in the tier itself. Heh I heard madog used Vaporeon on Uber BP teams.

Victreebel - Testing needed I wasn't too fond of this when I tested this for a short period of time, but I don't have a fully devloped opinion on this yet.

Exeggutor - Testing needed Indeed, though that Shadow Sneak weak is gonna hurt.

Vaporeon - Testing needed Maybe if I make a pure BP team...

Walrein - Testing needed I don't even get why I would use this when the teams I use Abomasnow on aren't even mainly focused on Hail!

Lapras - Testing needed Oh I never thought of this, sounds like another anti Kyogre gimmick though, but hey I might as well tes it anyways!

Abomasnow - Effective - needs retesting Abomasnow is getting an analysis.

Umbarsc and Theorymon are testing Deoxys-D
Ferdie is testing a AntiLead Breloom
Theorymon is testing lead Metagross
hhjj is testing Starmie

Darknessmalice has tested Skarmory - Works, With Skarmory's amazing defensive typing, and its huge defenses, he can take a hit a phaze the opponent away in no time at all
Darknessmalice has tested Mamoswine- Effective, Mamoswine is a fantastic Anti Lead in the Uber metagame, and given his ability to survive sun boosted Fire Punch he is invaluable.
PurpleWeezing, KD24, Steelrage and Locopoke have tested Hitmontop - Failed, can't do much outside of Darkrai
Erazor and YoshithePirate have tested Yanmega - Failed, Yanmega does have the speed to compete with Ubers, but the lack of a hard hitting Special Attack stat hurts, lets not even mention Stealth Rock.
Theorymon has tested Sub Petaya Empoleon - Failed, still can't do much damage and is outsped after an agility.
Theorymon has tested Anti Lead Weavile - Failed, Weavile just cannot keep up with any other lead, besides Deoxys.
Theorymon has tested Lead Mamoswine - Effective, just further confirmed that the set was a good one.
Katherine has tested a Baton Pass Jolteon - Effective, with Jolteon's amazing Speed stat and the ability to put pokemon to sleep through Yawn it is easy to pass a Sub from this guy. Lets not forget the STAB Thunder.
Misa has tested a Calm Mind Raikou - Failed, same logic that goes with Jolteon.
Iluvtogekiss and 12345 have tested Toxicroak - Failed, Toxicroak just can't keep up with the metagame. It's beaten by too many things and only can come in on a handful of pokemon.
Gen. Empoleon has tested a Choice Scarf and Nasty Plot Houndoom - Failed, Houndoom either suffers from a lack of power when using the choice set, or he suffers from a lack of speed when using something else. It is not difficult to outplay and a Blissey will come in and wall easily.

Gen. Empoleon
has tested a Rock Polish Torterra - Failed, Torterra is pretty much a worse Groudon with Grass-type STAB, which was the main reason I was using it in the first place. GO GO TORTERRA + GROUDON! On a serious note, I bet the Speed screw this one over, but for some reason I want to test it...

TheChocolateBunny has tested a Tank Ho-Oh - Effective, Ho-oh has an amazing Special Defense that allows it to shrug off quite a few hits, not only that but with Roost Stealth Rock damage is gone, though having a Spinner on your team would be helpful to our bird friend.
Bologo has tested Absol - Limbo, Absol is too frail and not fast enough to do a good enough job in Ubers, the anti lead set only works occasionally, so even then it is difficult to say.
reachzero and noob3 have tested a Sweeper Weavile - Effective, Weavile comes with enough power and speed to hit every Uber for at least neutral damage. Choice Band, Life Orb or Expert Belt is really all up to you.
Diingbong has tested a Baton Pass Niinjask - Limbo, Ninjask does what is supposed to do, pass speed; sometimes Ninjask can't do that thanks to Stealth Rock, or he gets roared away.
Veedrock has retested Dragon Dance Kingdra - Effective, with Rain everywhere and Kingdra getting double STAB is great. Swift Swim + Dragon Dance also happens to cause a lot of switches as even if rain is gone, Kingdra still has speed and power.
Darkseeker has tested Vaporeon - Failed, "I always felt vappy was the weak point in my team and i could improve only if i replaced vappy."

We will also be posting the sets that have worked, though I don't have access to all the information as this project is still new. I need EVs for Metagross, Kabutops and Bronzong. Also if there are too many slashes for a pokemon, please tell me which are and are no necessary.


@ Life Orb
Adamant / Jolly Nature
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Crunch
- Extreme Speed

Life Orb
Rash Nature
24 Atk / 252 SpA / 232 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Grass Knot / Solarbeam
- Dark Pulse
- Explosion / Hidden Power Fire
@ Leftovers
Timid Nature
188 Def/252 Spd/70 SDef
- Encore
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder
@ Leftovers
Calm Nature
252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD
Rain Dish
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam / Toxic
@ Leftovers
Calm Nature
6 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Natural Cure
- Wish
- Protect
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

@ Choice Band
Careful / Adamant Nature
252 HP / 56 Atk / 200 SpDef
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Crunch
- Earthquake

@ Life Orb / Lum Berry
Jolly nature
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt
- Crunch
- Earthquake

@ Lum Berry
Adamant nature
84 Atk / 184 SpD / 240 HP
- Superpower
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Thunder Wave
@ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpDef
- Pursuit
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- U-turn
@ Choice Band
Adamant nature
/ / /
- Meteor Mash
- Pursuit
- Bullet Punch / Earthquaje
- Trick / Earthquake
@ Light Clay
/ / /
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Explosion
- Hypnosis
@ Leftovers
Impish Nature
252 HP / 12 Atk / 244 SpD
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback / Earthquake / Gyro Ball
- Explosion / Spikes / Stealth Rock
@ Life Orb
Timid nature
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- HP Fire / Ice
- Explosion
@ Leftovers
Careful Nature
252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD
- Wish
- U-turn
- Toxic
- Protect
@ Leftovers
Calm Nature
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
- Recover
- Thunderwave
- Stealth Rock
- Grass Knot
@ Life Orb
Timid Nature
6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Air Slash
- Seed Flare
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power (Ice)
@ Leftovers
Timid Nature
4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Earth Power / Hp Fire
- Seed Flare
@ Life Orb
Lonely Nature
208 Atk / 136 SpA / 164 Spe
Swift Swim
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor
@ Leftovers
Bold Nature
252 HP / 216 Def / 40 SDef
- Spikes
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Stealth Rock / Toxic

@ Leftovers
Sassy nature
252 HP/24 Spd/20 SAtk/212 SDef
Snow Warning
- Wood Hammer
- Blizzard
- Leech Seed
- Protect

@ Choice Band
Adamant / Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Ice Shard
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
- Pursuit

@ Leftovers
Timid Nature
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunder
- Subsitute
- Yawn
- Baton Pass

@ Life Orb
224 hp / 252 atk / 8 spD / 24 spe
Adamant Nature
-sacred fire
-Return / punishment / substitute

@ Lum Berry
Adamant Nature
252 attack / 136 Def / 116 speed
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Avalanche
- Superower

@ Leftovers / Focus Sash
Jolly Nature
176 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Protect
- X-Scissor
- Baton Pass

@ Focus Sash
Adamant Nature
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Super Luck
- Snatch / Taunt
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch
- Magic Coat

@ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
/ / /
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Brick Break

@ Choice Scarf
Adamant Nature
252 Atk / 188 Spe / 70 HP
- Close Combat
- U-Turn
- Stone Edge
- Punishment / Ice Punch

@ Choice Scarf
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Sleep Talk

@ Leftovers
Careful Nature
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Water Absorb
- Toxic
- Encore
- Yawn
- Ice Punch / Brick Break
@ Leftovers
Quiet Nature
252 HP / 124 SpA / 132 SpD
- Fire Blast
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [GRASS] / Explosion
@ Choice Specs
Quiet Nature
252 HP / 160 SpA / 96 SDef
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [GRASS] / Dragon Pulse
- Explosion

Yo, Theorymon here. later I am gonna put up a GRAND TESTING LIST of almost everything I have tested in national pokedex order, absurd or not!
Hmm... can I test Yanmega?

Seems like it is pretty viable as a lead with Lum Berry since it can take all of Darkrais attacks nicely and just set up a sub. Worth a try even though it is walled by Dialga =P.
@ Lum Berry
Adamant nature
84 Atk / 184 SpD / 240 HP
- Superpower
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Thunder Wave

this is a great lead imo, absolutely destroys deoxys and darkrai leads, and beats diagla as well. only real trouble leads would be scizor and groudon who are easy enough to deal with.

i already tested this a while ago with a team me and mind made.
No testing for Weavile? Seems good to me, with STAB Ice Shard/Persuit/Night Slash destroying quite a bit of the metagame.
Not really. I was thinking something with Lum Berry since Darkrai leads are running rampant.

Yanmega @ Lum Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
EV's: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature(+SAtk, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Toxic/Hypnosis/U-Turn
- Bug Buzz
- Air Slash

Just an idea. Supposedly functions as an anti lead. Darkrai Dark Voids but Lum Berry saves you so you can Substitute. This gives you a turn to cripple something or do damage. Bug Buzz gets pretty nice coverage in ubers while Air Slash hits Parasect, Toxicroak and Shaymin-S for decent enough damage.
Not officially for this thread, but I've been using Swords Dance Weavile to great effect in Ubers. After a setup (which is relatively easy, switch in on Rayquaza (after a sacrifice), Blissey, Garchomp or the Latis and SD on the switch) it's very easy to OHKO a lot of 'mon.

I've been using SD, Brick Break (for Dialga, Blissey, Dual Screens and the rare Tyranitar), Ice Shard (to revenge Rayquaza and ScarfChomp) and Night Slash.

I just wish people were on Ubers more often lol.
WoW is close to useless on Shedinja, it's much better off with Dig for Steel types. No, I'm not joking. Shedinja is actually very usable if it has lots of support, namely Rapid Spin and weather changers. I'll be reporting back on Weavile before too long.

Yanmega @ Lum Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
EV's: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature(+SAtk, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Toxic/Hypnosis/U-Turn
- Bug Buzz
- Air Slash

Good idea, but maybe Protect instead of Toxic. That way you can be sure that you'll avoid a Trick Scarf.

WoW is close to useless on Shedinja, it's much better off with Dig for Steel types. No, I'm not joking. Shedinja is actually very usable if it has lots of support, namely Rapid Spin and weather changers. I'll be reporting back on Weavile before too long.

I'll change that, I remember getting beaten by that damn digging bug

umm. why does quagsire have a calm nature, but 50 ATK EVs? might just be a typo, but I thought I'd point it out

Fixed it
I have already tested Honchkrow and gengarx777 has dominated with it as well. I will continue to test more but the current set is:

@ Focus Sash
Naughty nature
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
- Taunt
- Superpower
- Night Slash
- Heat Wave

good lead, cant be slept by darkrai, superpower takes out darkrai, tar, and dialga. night slash is for deoxys and denting kyogre leads. heat wave hits scizor very hard before he can uturn

taunt right away on stuff like groudon and you can taunt on dialga but i usually superpower to try and quickly hurt it.
@ Petya Berry (HP IV is 30)
Modest 252 SpAtk/4SpDef/252 Spe
-Ice Beam

I have been using Empoleon to some success. It might not be as fearsome as Lucario, but it can still be a threat. After the Petya boost, rain, stab and torrent, Surf 2HKOs Kyogre, Dialga, and sometimes even Blissey! Thoese Surfs are very powerful, and the 4x Ice resitance is helpful. Empoleon needs quite a bit of support to work in Ubers (Kyogre mainly) but it can work fairly well in Ubers. the speed stat is maximazed so you can at least Speed Tie with Deo-A. The main problem is that Empoleon is outsped by Scarfers like Kyogre even after Agility, so I may test out a timid spread.

New super late edit: okay IDK what I was thinking a year ago, screw this set. Its fatal flaw is that if Groudon comes out with the sunlight, you are totally screwed if you set up! NOW... I may test other Empoleon sets in the future, but this set is not one of them!
Copy from the Uber thread. These are the Kingdra sets I plan on testing, in case anybody is wandering or wants to help test.


Kingdra (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 132 Atk/192 Spd/184 SAtk
Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Draco Meteor
- Waterfall
- Outrage

This set is taken from RL's House of Gimmicks. He has comments there, though some of them are sketchy (namely the speed number). I'm still going to give it a try.

Kingdra (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 200 Atk/56 Spd/252 SAtk
Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor

This is a set I made and it looks very promising. The speed EVs allow you to beat 12 speed Groudon before any boost, while Draco Meteor is a 2HKO on Support Groudon. After speed I maxed Special Attack (since Dragon Dance raises Attack) and threw the rest into Attack.

Turns out that it is very similar to the analysis set, though I don't understand why the analysis set is so speed heavy (rain + DD > all). My set also leans towards Special Attack because DD should make up for it, though I may change it and follow the analysis and swap nature (transferring a few EVs to Attack too).


Concerning Absol: a lead has some seruious potential, though it has 4 slot syndrome; sucker punch, superpower, x-scissor, magic coat, taunt, counter.

Taunt and counter can take out Lead Groudon (which can be outrun with max speed). Magic Coat stops Darkrai. The rest are attacking moves for whatever purpose. Definitely worth consideration.
I have already tested Honchkrow and gengarx777 has dominated with it as well. I will continue to test more but the current set is:

@ Focus Sash
Naughty nature
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
- Taunt
- Superpower
- Night Slash
- Heat Wave

So Honch should be updated with this set?
omg sorry didnt realize you were waiting for my shiftry set :0

@ Life Orb
Rash Nature
24 Atk / 252 SpA / 232 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Grass Knot / Solarbeam
- Dark Pulse
- Explosion / Hidden Power Fire

works with wobbuffet to kick ass. immune to psychic, resists stuff like ground and water which can be sometimes (yes rarely) helpful.

but anyway, he can easily get nasty plot with wobb support or by his own when faced against a groudon. at this point, he has 506 speed outspeeding deoxys-e and groudon who run rock polish to get to 505 speed. dark pulse kills everything along lol. grass knot or solarbeam, i prefer grass knot for kyogre switch in. explosion or hp fire are both great, i like explosion for that power and ohkos on stuff like blissey.

i love this thing, a lot of people can attest to how fucking deadly this thing is.

edit: yes put honch with that set for now, i will try to perfect evs and whatnot but that is currently the best.
I'll be testing Honchkrow, more specifically:

Honchkrow (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 224 Atk/236 Spd/48 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower
- Pursuit
- Heat Wave

The ultimate Darkrai killer, right there next to Primeape, except it also has good coverage against Deoxys-E. Hasty natured because we'll be wanting it to take as less as possible from a Focus Blast or Dark Pulse.

Also, I really don't think people should even be considering Kingdra, because all it has that Palkia doesn't have is Swift Swim, which Palkia can basically achieve by using Choice Scarf. But that's just my opinion, anyway I'll be busy testing Honchkrow.
Tentacruel @Lum Berry
Calm Nature
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SDef
- Surf
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off / Ice Beam

Used as a lead, setups Toxic Spikes turn #1 preventing any Darkrai/RP Groudon sweep if you are stalling. Setups one layer at least on Darkrai leads and Deoxys can't do anything as you Rapid Spin their Spikes. Knock off is to catch something on the switch if you are Taunted by Deoxys, or you can use Ice Beam.

The EVs may need some work, but I used it and it's effective so far. Paired with Skarmory, you'll also have almost half of a stall team =P
locopoke, my problem with no taunt on the set is that you leave yourself in trouble from wobb, groudon, and other set up pokes. can you tell me why pursuit is the better option?
locopoke, my problem with no taunt on the set is that you leave yourself in trouble from wobb, groudon, and other set up pokes. can you tell me why pursuit is the better option?

On second thought, I don't know how I forgot about Wobbuffet, but you posted Honchkrow before me anyway so you can have it lol. I'll post again when I think of something to test.
Heatran @ Choice Specs
252 HP / 6 SpDef / 252 SpAtk
Why did you choose that spread? That's a huge waste of EVs.

Quiet Nature with 252 HP / 160 SA / 96 SDef gives Heatran the same amount of HP and SDef as the Sassy one, with 369 Special Attack instead of 359.

The best IV spread I can find atm is 31/31/27/31/31/31 for Quiet.

Also I don't like to mention this again, but put Payback on Forry. Seriously lol. Just watch out for Lucario.

The Quagsire set is incorrect iirc. Check Train Man's Quag analysis. And just max out HP/SDef.

Max Speed on Hera. 24 HP doesn't help and actually hurts you after swapping into 4 rounds of SR.

Blissey's EVs are very wrong
Eh, I just asked Shoddy for the blissey set, so that may be why it's incorrect.

What should we do with the Heracross HP Evs? Also someone pointed out the Specs Tran EVs already, I updated it in the wrong set. My mistake

EDIT: Fixed everything except the Heracross EVs, still need to get those fixed


Stick with 252 Def / 252 SDef / 6 whatever Calm Bliss until someone finds a better spread.

As for Hera, just move them all to Speed. When you're facing Darkrais and SStealth Rocks, 302 HP helps more than 307 HP, as these moves cut health down by a specific point. 304 is that number (also an SS/Lefties number), and 307 is only 3 points higher, whereas 302 is 6 points higher from 296, the next lower SR number.
I think that Cresselia has more potential then people give her credit for. Probably the best Groudon counter in game, solid check on Rayquaza, can handle a few threads. I think that Calm Mind set would be an interesting option after killing her counters like TTar (Dugtrio) or Scizor (Magnezone). Probably Max HP/Max Defence as she needs as much bulk as possible, especially in Ubers which hits harder. Something like this:

Cresselia @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold Nature
Evs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 SpD (but I guess it's worth a shot to invest a bit in special attack like in analyses)
Ability: Levitate
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Signal Beam / HP Fighting
- Rest / Moonlight

I think that "special curselax-like set" may work here if you can keep phazers from her. But if you have a moment to set her up, I think she would be fine. Anyway, she just needs a bit of tests.

Also I think that both Special Wall and Physical Wall sets would be a solid option for uber tier with those sick defences.

Also Tangrowth may have a chance for some test. Unfortunately some scarfers may ruin Tangrowths fun even with sun. One set is quite obvious.

Tangrowth @ Life Orb
Nature: Naive / Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP or 200 Atk / 80 SpA / 228 Spe (if you use HP Fire)
Ability: Chlorophyll
- Swords Dance
- Power Whip
- Earthquake
- HP Fire / Rock Slide / PayBack

And something else, which works similar to... CB Seaking (which isn't that bad in Ubers with Waterfall and Megahorn to work with. In other words - CB Tangrowth.

Tangrowth @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant / Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP
Ability: Chlorophyll
- Power Whip
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Sleep Powder / PayBack / Return

Simple Choice Bander. It's attack is a bit lackluster for Ubers, but with some prediction it may put a dent in almost anything not named Giratina or Lugia. And it sounds good to nail those Kyogres/TTars with STAB Power Whip (or Rock Slide in Rayquaza case) with one, solid hit without worrying about them ruining your fun with changing weather. And thanks to sun it may act as a revenge killer in some cases. Maybe it'll work ?

The Quagsire set is incorrect iirc. Check Train Man's Quag analysis. And just max out HP/SDef.
Those attacking EVs are specifically for Earthquake. Those EVS quarrantee OHKO on all Heatrans and 2OHKoes on most UberBlisseys. I tested that spread and it works. Even with Max/Max it's 2OHKoed by Modest Specs Ice Beam. Maybe I'm unlucky but I never survived two hits from Modest SpecsOgres Ice Beam even with Max/Max (which I tried). 206 SpD is enough to survive two Ice Beams from Timid one. I saw Train Man's set. It's similar to mine, but works a bit different as mine works more as a scout with Substitute.

EDIT: I'm planning to test them. Unfortunately not right now as I need to go soon :).
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