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  1. First RMT IV Gen

    You really need Light Clay on Cresselia. If you use reflect, then light screen, then switch, you'll only have 2 turns of Reflect. If you want to keep alive longer, then Lunar Dance doesn't make sense. Use moonlight. Also, instead of an Aerodactyl lead, try a Celebi. It can OHKO Swampert with...
  2. [OU Gen 4] My team

    It also helps with the Blissey problem.
  3. OU balanced/stall

    I've found through use of many Skarmorys like that one that leftovers tends to be better. If Skarmory was a spiker, then shed shell would be better. However, even without Skarmory, the Vaporeon can still take physical hits fairly well. This really is based on my experiences with Skarmorys that I...
  4. OU balanced/stall

    If Skarmory has whirlwind, then remove shed shell.
  5. Nattorei

    Grass Steel [Overview] <p>With amazing defenses and fantastic typing, Nattorei is nearly impossible to OHKO even against OU's best sweepers. Without a fire or powerful fighting attack, Nattorei can stop an pokemon in its tracks. Even better, it has stealth rocks, spikes, and TEN resistances...