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  1. GOATED im_m0rtal.


  2. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    Project NatDex OU Teambuilding Competition v2 - Cycle 3: Roaring Moon

    i guess we could call this one sun with moon, or moon sun :totodiLUL:
  3. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    Resource ORAS OU Magic Matchmaking - Round 5: Serperior

    i disagree, posting of serperior was definitely not the reason this thread died out. slug just moved over to tcg, had exams, made this low priority etc etc. you can see the same with his youtube channel not uploading any recent videos lol
  4. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    dang. fair enough dude.

    dang. fair enough dude.
  5. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    gl for future

    gl for future
  6. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    brooo icl this happens to me a lot too sob, sorry dude

    brooo icl this happens to me a lot too sob, sorry dude
  7. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    National Dex National Dex Majors I - Stage 1 (Pools)

    claiming act vs megastar54
  8. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    claiming act

    claiming act
  9. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    My goat FDMW!

    My goat FDMW!
  10. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    dude, ima claim act

    dude, ima claim act
  11. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    All Gens Masters League - Player Signups

    Username: GOATED im_m0rtal. Tiers Not Played (Binding) None Tiers Played (not binding) SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, Masters Bo3, All Timezone GMT+5.5 Foreseen Inactivity: School, probably wont be too inactive
  12. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    bro? u online?

    bro? u online?
  13. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    wya dude

    wya dude
  14. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    you here

    you here
  15. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    Resource ORAS OU Magic Matchmaking - Round 5: Serperior

    1. tyler the creator is insane 2. sluggy boy just got tired of seeing me win all the time
  16. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    you positive we cant find a time? you agreed to do sometime around noon a while back

    you positive we cant find a time? you agreed to do sometime around noon a while back
  17. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    National Dex National Dex Majors I - Stage 1 (Pools) won an extremely close one vs SkillzBP , ty for being so flexible s/o Vlarcheops for testing, Wildfiree for tutoring, shuzoku for testing some more
  18. GOATED im_m0rtal.


  19. GOATED im_m0rtal.

    i think thats still +5.5, right now atleast

    i think thats still +5.5, right now atleast