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  1. Kalorin23

    Smogon Wi-Fi's 8th Annual Secret Santa Giveaway [Sign-Ups Closed, Gifts being Given]

    Hello, and Merry Christmas. I got Kingdredakid5 as my Secret Santa giftee. As per their answers, I couldn’t figure out any Pokemon that would be red and work with a Master Ball. So, I did a Ceruledge. They didn’t want a nickname, so I followed through with that. I did train it from Lv. 14 to...
  2. Kalorin23

    Smogon Wi-Fi's 8th Annual Secret Santa Giveaway [Sign-Ups Closed, Gifts being Given]

    1. What is your favorite Pokémon type(s)? : Fire and Dark 2. What is your favorite Pokémon region or game? : Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness 3. What is your favorite type of Poké Ball? : Cherish, Luxury, Premier, Beast 4. What is your favorite color? : Green and Gold 5. Do you...
  3. Kalorin23

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Cool. Are you on Discord? We can chat there.
  4. Kalorin23

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone has a shiny event Zygarde in Ultra Sun. I'm willing to trade for it. My IGN is Kainoa.
  5. Kalorin23

    [READ ME] Tips for Simple Hack Checks

    I was wondering if this Pokemon is hacked. Language: English Species: Hoopa OT: Manesh ID No.: 08195 IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs (optional): Sp. Atk: 250; Sp. Def: 8; Speed: 252 Ability: Magician Pokemon's name: Hoopa Gender: Genderless Level: 100 Pokeball: Cherish Ball Shiny?: No...
  6. Kalorin23

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone has Hoopa and Diancie. I would be willing to trade for them. My IGN is Kainoa on Ultra Sun.
  7. Kalorin23

    [READ ME] Tips for Simple Hack Checks

    I had recieved it from a Japanese Pokemon FireRed a while ago. I never got it through wonder trade. I didn't start using the wonder trade or GTS until a couple of days ago. I transferred mine up to my White 2. It hasn't been touched. This is the Jungle (Mitsurin) Celebi from the 2006 Jungle...
  8. Kalorin23

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    That's fine. We would have to link trade. My IGN is Kainoa, so look for me on Ultra Sun. Hello. I was wondering if anyone has either of the Vivillon event patterns: Pokeball or Fancy. I'm willing to trade something good for them. Also, if someone has an Own Tempo Rockruff. I'll trade them as...
  9. Kalorin23

    ORAS Shiny Legendaries Giveaway

    Do you think I could take both the Ho-Oh and the Reshiram, being how there aren't many people asking about the Legendaries? I did read somewhere that people could take a second one if they wanted. "This goes for everyone too, if you have already participated in the giveaway, you can receive...
  10. Kalorin23

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Just wondering if anyone has any of the 5th gen Mythics, preferably Genesect and Meloetta. It would have to be through Ultra Sun because that's the only game that's set up. If someone does have one, that would be nice. My IGN is Kainoa, in case someone wants to trade.
  11. Kalorin23

    ORAS Shiny Legendaries Giveaway

    Thank you for this grand moment. I would like a Shiny Ho-oh. My IGN is Kainoa. My favorite thing about the Hoenn region is the Secret Bases. The remakes gave the Secret Bases more items and a better trainer system than the originals. Deposited a male Pikipek at Lv. 3 in a Quick Ball. Edit: I...
  12. Kalorin23

    [READ ME] Tips for Simple Hack Checks

    I actually have one from the Jungle Tours in Japan from a long time ago. This one is a legit copy. I have a way of checking to make sure they're real: Check the OT, the ID No., and if they have the correct ribbons. Checking on Serebii or Bulbapedia is always a good idea and should be suggested.
  13. Kalorin23

    [READ ME] Tips for Simple Hack Checks

    Hello. I was wondering if these Celebi are hacked. I checked the IVs and EVs. The IVs are 31 across the board and the EVs are 252 in Special Attack and Speed, and 6 in Special Defense. The ID No. and the IVs are concerning considering the Gameboy Symbol. I got these through Wonder Trade. Are...