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  1. Oshee-Go

    Project SS OU Teambuilding Lab [closed]

    I really like FS Spoon Lele, but haven't been able to figure out how to best take advantage of its baiting and breaking potential. I'd love to see what an experienced teambuilder could do with the 'mon.
  2. Oshee-Go

    Online Competition Water Paradise

    PSA: 252+ SpA Life Orb Lapras Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Milotic: 86-101 (42.5 - 50%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO Milo has Mirror Coat to retaliate, as well as Hypnosis for disruption. Pretty sure the only thing that can OHKO it from the special side without boosting in this format is Specs...
  3. Oshee-Go

    Resource [Crown Tundra] Sword/Shield BSS Viability Rankings

    I'm relatively new to BSS, so I guess my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to echo this sentiment. Naganadel feels REALLY good right now. Being able to switch into all of Cinderace's high BP coverage moves while threatening to out-speed and OHKO it is awesome...
  4. Oshee-Go

    Rules Past Format Battle Stadium SQSA

    Would the elemental punches be better than EQ or Dark STAB? Thunder Wave seems like it would be overkill with Rock Tomb, but is Rock Tomb worth giving up for a stronger Rock STAB to be used alongside TWave?
  5. Oshee-Go

    Rules Past Format Battle Stadium SQSA

    Any move-set recommendations for Defensive Support TTar (with or without rocks)? I've been getting good mileage out of Rock Tomb and Taunt, but I'm not sure what else to run.