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  1. idea

    Not A Bug Outrage can end without confusing if it hits a fairy type

    Using outrage into a mon that’s immune ends it without causing confusion
  2. idea

    Non-official SV BH Suspect #1: Poison Heal

    Poison Heal: Ban
  3. idea

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    Whether or not priority is prevented in psyterrain depends on whether the target is grounded, not the user.
  4. idea

    Suspect BH Suspect #1: Poison Heal

    not sure what i'll be voting, but i'm leaning towards ban. pheal is really fun, but it's also unreasonably hard to deal with
  5. idea

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    I assume Urshifu had Punching Glove. Unlike Protective Pads, Punching Glove doesn't just avoid adverse effects from contact, it actually causes the move to not make contact.
  6. idea

    Metagame Cross Evolution

    Some things which i think are probably good or just neat: Basically every Frosmoth evo tbh, ice scales isn't banned and it gives insane stats. if you want pure offense, gastly has 180 spa, and while it's not exactly bulky, with ice scales it's not unreasonable to be able to find a turn to click...
  7. idea

    Resource Simple Questions/Simple Answers: Random Battles Edition

    It’s planned, but for now you can use /showteam to see your Tera types.
  8. idea

    Research Scarlet & Violet Battle Mechanics Research

    Do Covert Cloak/Shield Dust/Substitute prevent Ceaseless Edge from setting spikes? (They currently do on PS.) It seems worth testing since as far as I know, we haven’t had a move where they secondary effect affects the opponent’s side of the field instead of directly affecting the opponent.
  9. idea

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    Pretty sure that both my post and KFox's issue have the same cause: Gholdengo is shown in the teambuilder as being Ghost/Steel, but it is actually Steel/Ghost. Its Tera Type shows as being ghost in the teambuild, since that's its primary type, but it's actually steel Tera Type unless you...
  10. idea

    Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE

    For gen 9 natdex monotype, sometimes all your tera types display as being the same, but you still get an error message when trying to verify the team. . If you add a Tera Type: Type line to the import it works. When selecting Gen 9 natdex as the format...
  11. idea

    Tournament Balanced Hackmons Ladder Tournament 2 - Cycle 1

    idea BHLTW1 idea yes
  12. idea

    BH The Balanced Hackmons Open - Round 2

    won in two ggs against willdbeast
  13. idea

    Yeah sounds good

    Yeah sounds good
  14. idea

    When do you want to play? I’m gmt -8 and should be free most of the day Wednesday and after...

    When do you want to play? I’m gmt -8 and should be free most of the day Wednesday and after 7:30pm Saturday, or after 10:30pm other days
  15. idea

    Format Discussion Metronome Battle

    Fwiw, eviolite working on mons that got evolutions in legends is a purely visual bug, at least in non-metronome formats. In theory it should probably work in metronome since those mons’ evos actually exist in metronome, but I’d expect there’s a good chance it’s still only visual.
  16. idea

    Does Wednesday 6:00pm your time work?

    Does Wednesday 6:00pm your time work?
  17. idea

    BH The Balanced Hackmons Open - Round 1

    won in two ggs against Kabilapok.
  18. idea

    on now as aninterestingidea

    on now as aninterestingidea
  19. idea

    sounds good

    sounds good
  20. idea

    When do you want to play for BH open? I’m gmt -8 and I’m free in the evening Monday to Thursday...

    When do you want to play for BH open? I’m gmt -8 and I’m free in the evening Monday to Thursday, after 10:30pm or so Thursday and Friday, and after 8:00 pm Saturday