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  1. Hydra089

    I'm free now if you are

    I'm free now if you are
  2. Hydra089

    Sounds good! See you Friday.

    Sounds good! See you Friday.
  3. Hydra089

    Nice teams man, really enjoyed that 2nd one :)

    Nice teams man, really enjoyed that 2nd one :)
  4. Hydra089


  5. Hydra089

    Yes that works!

    Yes that works!
  6. Hydra089

    Weekend will be best for sure. I'm gmt-6, you pick the time and I should be good to shuffle...

    Weekend will be best for sure. I'm gmt-6, you pick the time and I should be good to shuffle things around if I need to.
  7. Hydra089

    Sure thing

    Sure thing
  8. Hydra089

    or you can pick a time and we can do it when works best for you.

    or you can pick a time and we can do it when works best for you.
  9. Hydra089

    Im free now.

    Im free now.
  10. Hydra089

    I can play now, or whenever works for you.

    I can play now, or whenever works for you.
  11. Hydra089

    OU Why we should suspect test No Guard, DynamicPunch, or Machamp

    It's crucial to consider the long-term consequences of making changes to the game. Once a right (Pokemon / Move + ability) is relinquished, it's extremely challenging to reverse that decision. Therefore, unless Machamp becomes overwhelmingly prevalent and distorts the competitive landscape, it's...
  12. Hydra089

    OU Why we should suspect test No Guard, DynamicPunch, or Machamp

    Machamp has not posed a significant issue for more than a decade. The prevalence of No Guard/DP is not as high in the meta as serene grace/iron head + para spam, Jirachee. Until the primary concerns are addressed, all of these side quest bans can be postponed. Jirachee is far more common on the...
  13. Hydra089

    OU Why we should suspect test No Guard, DynamicPunch, or Machamp

    I completely agree, I've never been a fan of the ban on Pokemon in general. I prefer a meta with a wide variety of options, not just limited to Jirachee, Latios, TTar, and a few others. It's frustrating to see over 100 Pokemon being overshadowed by a "big 5". The recent surge in Machamp's...
  14. Hydra089

    Announcement DPP OU Post-SPL XV Survey Results and Discussion

    Agreed. I fully support the idea that dealing with Jirachi, especially its Iron Head set, should take precedence over banning Machamp. The survey and council feedback clearly show that Jirachi is a more urgent issue. Jirachi's combination of Serene Grace and Iron Head creates a frustrating and...
  15. Hydra089

    Maybe my time zones are screwed up. Play now?

    Maybe my time zones are screwed up. Play now?
  16. Hydra089

    I'll hit you up at 8:30

    I'll hit you up at 8:30
  17. Hydra089

    Sounds good

    Sounds good
  18. Hydra089

    I can do tonight or tomorrow. I'm wide open really.

    I can do tonight or tomorrow. I'm wide open really.