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  1. Drakus04

    Metagame Anything Goes

    At first glance, it seems to me that this meta is going to be dominated by steel types. Obviously there is Zacian which is insanely busted and is probably going to get banned from ubers, if there even is an ubers tier in the first place. Dusk mane is back and should be pretty strong again, it...
  2. Drakus04

    Unofficial Metagames agL cAnT Use BaLancE (AG) (Peak 2057)

    Hey there, looks like a pretty reasonable team, glad to see you're expending your horizons and using something other than boring HO. There's two changes that I would make personally: 1. The Darkceus spread. I don't really get max speed cm refresh arcs, the only thing the speed does is outrun...
  3. Drakus04

    Project Anything Goes CLC (Season 2)

    ag2cc4 drakus HoF replays:
  4. Drakus04

    Project Anything Goes CLC (Season 2)

    Catalystic, could we get one last core before the end of gen 7?
  5. Drakus04

    Resource USUM AG Viability Rankings

    Here are some of my opinions on these noms B to B-: Hard disagree, in fact I would personally put magearna in B+ but I know that's a bit extreme. Its the only mon that reliably checks both xern and yveltal in one slot, its one of the very few viable clerics and it also does a very good job of...
  6. Drakus04

    Project Anything Goes CLC (Season 2)

    ag2cc3 drakus bronze: silver: gold: platinum...
  7. Drakus04

    got it

    got it
  8. Drakus04

    oh sorry, didn't see your message. I'm on now

    oh sorry, didn't see your message. I'm on now
  9. Drakus04

    Tournament World Cup of Other Metagames II - Player Signups

    Player name: Drakus04 Metas: BH, MnM Eligibility: Canada Significant Time Missed: Nope
  10. Drakus04

    I'd rather play during the weekend. Can you do saturday afternoon, say around 4 pm?

    I'd rather play during the weekend. Can you do saturday afternoon, say around 4 pm?
  11. Drakus04

    I'm est as well, I can play pretty much any time this weekend. What works for you?

    I'm est as well, I can play pretty much any time this weekend. What works for you?
  12. Drakus04

    Project Anything Goes CLC (Season 2)

    ag2cc2 drakus gold: platinum: (disconnect win :/ needed it, otherwise i can't beat dd zyg) Here are some teams if you're lacking...
  13. Drakus04

    Project Anything Goes CLC (Season 2)

    Can we get a new core please?:blobthumbsup:
  14. Drakus04

    Metagame USUM AG Metagame Discussion Thread

    252 SpA Slurpuff Dazzling Gleam vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Arceus-Dark: 168-200 (38 - 45.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Wouldn't really call that a "ton". Also, he obviously wouldn't stay in against lead xern lmao. His set is fine, just make sure magic coat darkceus isn't your only form of hazard control, e.g...
  15. Drakus04

    AG Anything Goes Fall Seasonal (Round 1)

    won in 3, ggs
  16. Drakus04

    ok je m'en viens ça ne sera pas long

    ok je m'en viens ça ne sera pas long
  17. Drakus04

    Pas de problèmes, on jouera à 22h

    Pas de problèmes, on jouera à 22h
  18. Drakus04

    I said 10 pm (22:00), not 10 am. I can still play at 10 pm if you want. Btw are you french? If...

    I said 10 pm (22:00), not 10 am. I can still play at 10 pm if you want. Btw are you french? If so I speak french, we can talk in french if its easier for you.
  19. Drakus04

    AG Anything Goes Fall Seasonal (Round 1)

    I said 10 pm gmt +1, not 10 am, you must have misunderstood me. I can still play at that time.
  20. Drakus04

    saturday 10 pm gmt+1 is fine, see you then

    saturday 10 pm gmt+1 is fine, see you then