Search results for query: *

  1. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Tapu Bulu Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks for all you've done, this should be my last request :)
  2. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Gothitelle Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks :)
  3. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Kingdra Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks, dear <3
  4. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Politoed Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Female (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks to you, I'm almost done with my team :)
  5. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Scrafty Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks, I appreciate your work a lot :)
  6. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Mawile Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks a lot, man :)
  7. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Heatran Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thank you ^-^
  8. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Bronzong (with Levitate, if it's not a problem) Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks! :D
  9. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Stakataka Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Female (ITA) IGN: Leonardo Thanks, you're great :)
  10. Leo_Nardo

    Eisen's Battle-Ready Frenzy [Under renovation]

    That's great news! Thank you :)
  11. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    As always, thank you :) Pokémon requested: Araquanid Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Male (ITA) IGN: Leonardo
  12. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Thanks ^^ Pokémon requested: Staraptor Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Female (ITA) IGN: Leonardo
  13. Leo_Nardo

    Eisen's Battle-Ready Frenzy [Under renovation]

    Hi! I'm really interested in your Modest Heatran (the one holding a Shuca Berry). Are you looking for Johto Pokéballs? I have at least one copy for each of them; I don't have much more to offer apart from those :C
  14. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    I'm sorry, I'll be requesting five-six Pokémon this week for a project I have in mind, hope I won't be a disturbance to you :) As always, thank you. A lot. Pokémon requested: Camerupt Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Female (ITA) IGN: Leonardo
  15. Leo_Nardo

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Thank you a lot for your effort :) Pokémon requested: Reuniclus Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv.1 Female (ITA) IGN: Leonardo
  16. Leo_Nardo

    Sure! Thank you :)

    Sure! Thank you :)
  17. Leo_Nardo

    Hey! I'm ready to trade, let me know when you're free. Thanks :)

    Hey! I'm ready to trade, let me know when you're free. Thanks :)
  18. Leo_Nardo

    Help!!! Alolan Starters In All The Balls!!! ~ Inkblot's RNG abuse & Past Gen shop (It's about time)

    Great! I'd be free right now, just tell me when you prefer to trade :)
  19. Leo_Nardo

    Help!!! Alolan Starters In All The Balls!!! ~ Inkblot's RNG abuse & Past Gen shop (It's about time)

    Hi! I really liked our last trade, and I found myself in need of your Modest Gen4 shiny Heatran. Would you be willing to give it away for another Apricorn Ball? As always, thanks :)
  20. Leo_Nardo

    Help!!! Alolan Starters In All The Balls!!! ~ Inkblot's RNG abuse & Past Gen shop (It's about time)

    I'll register your code and go online too! EDIT: IGN Leonardo