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  1. Ew getting blood poison sucks. =(

    Ew getting blood poison sucks. =(
  2. Random Pokemon Tournament Round 1

    Won against Justinawe 1-0. Very close. I have the logs if needed.
  3. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    So, based on that, I'm gonna do the following: - Seismic Toss over Night Shade on Dusclops. - Psychic over Ice Beam on Slowking. - Change Charizard's moveset. Only need to decide if I'm going physical or not.
  4. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    Good point. Thanks.
  5. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    Cradily: Persian is rare, Hypnosis have shaky accuracy and Jumpluff is even rare. Should I try Lum Berry? Slowking: I'm gonna use your spread. Charizard: Yeah, few things can outspeed it unless they're scarfed. Dusclops: Good point. Going to drop Toxic for Seismic Toss. I've yet to see a...
  6. Random Pokemon Tournament Round 1

    Raigekijin - Vespiquen, Honchkrow, Giratina-O, Infernape, Gastrodon, Cradily, Altaria Justinawe - Chatot, Fearow, Pinsir, Rotom-C, Hitmontop, Ludicolo, Ho-oh Interesting.
  7. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    First of all, Cradily will not get roared away because of Suction Cups. Second of all, isn't impossible to be at 100% health with +6 attack. I just need to use Roost. I can use Earthquake over Rock Slide on Cradily, but then I can't hurt Gligar leads.
  8. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    Yeah, I really like the idea of being at 100% health with +6 Atk. I'm still testing to see what I'll do with Charizard (moveset-wise). Memento on Skuntank is an interesting approach because it can help Charizard. I'll consider it, thanks. I might swap Crunch and Pursuit with Memento and Night...
  9. Bravo Team (NU RMT)

    Hello Smogoners. This is my first RMT thread and I'm not very experienced at pokemons yet, so anything that you want to say about the team (bad, etc) it's fine for me. ^^ Cradily (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Suction Cups EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SDef Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Recover - Stealth...
  10. Smogon Damage Calculator Released!

    Thanks for all the effort to put this up guys. It's amazing.
  11. Damn, should've keep those.

    Damn, should've keep those.
  12. (Archive) Pokemon Database Errors Thread

    I was checking the site's moveset for Lickilicky and, when I selected it in Shoddy, I noticed that the move Wish is at Shoddy but it isn't on the site. And the move Natural Gift for the same pokemon is on the site but isn't on Shoddy. Sorry if my english sucks.
  13. Random Tournament #2 Signups

    Can I join this?
  14. NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

    Probably, because I'm new to the whole pokemon thing anyways.
  15. NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

    As much as I love the NU tier, I always end losing due to weird team. Guess it's time for me to recheck the NU pokes.
  16. Bronzong [4P]*

    I usually only read stuff and don't post, but since no one else noticed... Look at the bolded part, you mentioned Forretress twice.
  17. The Soccer thread

    England, North Korea, Ghana and Greece. North Korea 1 x 0 England Ghana 3 x 0 England Greece 2 x 0 England GG
  18. The Soccer thread

    A team that is winning first round 2-0 and ends losing 3-2 isn't something we can call "potential" IMO.
  19. The Soccer thread

  20. The Soccer thread

    I used Wake-Up Slap, why you're still dreaming?