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  1. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    could someone please help me understand one odd thing in battle maison (super triples, but it doesn't matter). It has happened to me more then once to fail a move that was supposed 100% acccuracy against pokemon who, according to the list here in smogon, should not have an evasive item... in...
  2. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Hi All, i'm currently well beyond streak 50 in super triples with this team (in this order, left to right) : Mega-Charizard@Charizardite - Timid - Air Slash - Fire Blast - Solar Beam - Substitute Infernape@Life Orb - Jolly - Iron Fist - FakeOut - Close Combat - Flare Blitz - Mach Punch...
  3. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    i don't know in black/white, but, about the gengar with giga-drain, i was wondering if, coupling such a gengar with focus sash, and supposing that gengar was hit and survived a previous hit, will focus sash activate if gengar recovers full-hp with a giga drain (supposing that the sash wasn't...
  4. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    i made a small change to smeargle, replacing dark void with taunt... that's because i'm beginning to meet too many trick roomers with lum or chesto berry... and some ghost types (dusknoir) that cannot be faked out.. a nice situation occured to me before replacing dark void with taunt : i met...
  5. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    i'm having good results in double battles with a brand new team : Smeargle@choice scarf own tempo jolly 31/xx/31/xx/31/31 252 speed 252 hp 6 def spore dark void gastro acid fake out ------------ slaking@choice band adamant 27/31/22/xx/31/31 252 atk 252 speed 6 sp.def truant double edge...
  6. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    my streak in super doubles ended at 63 (see my previuos post for my team) with a legendary a damn cresselia who substitutued and vanished my garchomp last outrage before confusing, and hit himself next turn... i still think that a scarfed staraptor and yatched chomp is an amazing...
  7. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    that is a good question... consider that i played the 2nd generation game (ruby or similar) from the begininng, just to be able to capture and breed a slaking, 'cause that was the only game where it was possible to teach slaking double-edge. the reason for double edge over giga impact is...
  8. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    well i managed to win battle 49 with the hereby team... now, before proceeding, i'd like to share some opinions about adjustements.... i'm consiedring those changes : - in place of chomp (and changing Lations from focus sash to life orb), this : infernape@focus sash iron fist jolly...
  9. Black & White Battle Subway Records

    This is my team for Double battles : Staraptor@choice scarf Reckless Adamant 28/31/26/xx/31/31 252 Speed 252 atk 6 HP Brave bird Double edge Close combat U-turn Garchomp@yatche berry Sand Veil Jolly 17/31/31/xx/31/31 252 Speed 252 Atk 6 HP Dragon Claw Outrage Earthquake Swords Dance...
  10. Battle Subway

    you're right, it must have made double edge, i checked with the pokemon list, here it is : 615 Kangaskhan Jolly Chople Berry Fake Out Double-Edge Overhead Throw Sucker Punch Atk/Spd
  11. Battle Subway

    hi all, i'd like an opinion on those who already challenged the B/W Battle Subway (Single). I lost my streak at 200+ in an irritating way : My Team : Infernape@Life Orb Jolly Iron Fist Fake out close combat flare blitz thunder punch Garchomp@lum berry sand veil Jolly Outrage Earthquake Swords...
  12. Battle Subway Pokémon Data

    thanks team rocket elite for the good work.. do you plan to also extrapolate the data of the pokemon that the various trainers may have ? this info is very important for those, like me, who would like to challenge the battle subway.... i have another question : each time you face a battle...
  13. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Hi all, after getting the gold plate in everything but battle factory, i was trying to reach rank 5 in wi-fi battle tower.... but after my leading chomp has been slaughtered several times by strong HP ICE by Shiny Gengars and Jolteons, i’m beginning to wonder about “legality”... i spent weeks...
  14. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Thanks Jumpman, you're right as usual... i had that suspect, too, but was too adamant to end the battle... but my question remained... i understand that hall is different, but now i'm running the factory... i insist on the fact that here the trainers/pokemon that i see, do not match with any...
  15. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    well, second attempt with Argent went better.. watch video no. 94-50102-15908 this time the bitch had a sitrus regice... i quite fainted when I watch it.... i couldn't possibly 1HKO regice with outrage, so I had to withstand one blizzard... but chances weren't that bad... in order to lose...
  16. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    sigh... I just lost at battle #170 in pbt battle hall with argenta...damn it.. the bitch had the brightpowered swampert... i was with classic chomp@focus sash... my first outrage missed, obviusly... i received a muddy water, chomp is 55%... second outrage hits for a little more then half damage...
  17. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I’m very proud to share ,with all the enthusiasts of the forum, the fact that I just won my 100 battle in pokemon platinum battle tower – single. My team was the same of my previous post, where I lost at battle 90 : I restarted it...
  18. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    @chinese : thanks for your kinf replay.. i'm wondering how came that i didn't know about soul dew.... are there other items that have no effect in the battle facilities ?
  19. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I lost in PBT-platinum at battle #90... :( That’s it... i just lost at battle #90 in Platinum Battle Tower... I made a mistake and payed hard for it... but feel free to let me know what you think... my team is as follows : Gengar@focus sash Timid Xx/xx/xx/31/xx/31 0/0/0/252/4/252 Destiny bond...
  20. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    A tricky question on my Chomp for PBT... Hi all, I was breeding a Garchomp for my pokemon platinum battle tower team, and i found this : Jolly IV (Speed, HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Def) : 31/13/31/31/31. The question is : I was thinking about this EV spread : Speed : 244 Atk : 252 HP : 12 In this way...