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  1. Thesinistersableye

    Wait I just realized steps evs LOL! Please get rid of wrap for an actual move and fix the evs if...

    Wait I just realized steps evs LOL! Please get rid of wrap for an actual move and fix the evs if you use this team please *~*
  2. Thesinistersableye

    Hey Jamvad! Here's a team I made with a bunch of friends that actually has alot of heatah and...

    Hey Jamvad! Here's a team I made with a bunch of friends that actually has alot of heatah and potential! Spite mean look dusclops 6-0s fat core such as Celebrex, tangrowth, ferrothorn, and if played well can break stall! Ps: If you're struggling against stall...
  3. Thesinistersableye

    Ash gren+tran can really annoy alot of things due to toxic+rocks and or a constant barrage of...

    Ash gren+tran can really annoy alot of things due to toxic+rocks and or a constant barrage of gren attacks+spikes. (Of you're ballsy make tran magma for nice chip) All of which play into the hand of zygarde. Scizor allows me to pivot in on broken kart, while also giving me defog opportunities as...
  4. Thesinistersableye

    Thine easily breaks stall, especially with Z focus blast+hp flying. Why hp flying? Cause I'm...

    Thine easily breaks stall, especially with Z focus blast+hp flying. Why hp flying? Cause I'm sick off all these bulky grasses and other mons that pivot on thundy (Like mega venu, tang, and the niche but known shed stall) thinking they're safe. Well NAW not this time! Also breaks bulu and tang...
  5. Thesinistersableye Yo jam, I see you've been wanting to get back into mons... Yo jam, I see you've been wanting to get back into mons slowly. So I decided to go easy this time with the heat. I bring to you thundy I hazard stack with mega sciz as an offensive pivot. The idea of the team is to force a reaction. You spike with gren on...
  6. Thesinistersableye Recently made a thundy I OU squad that has some pretty well... Recently made a thundy I OU squad that has some pretty well for me, and it's a nice middle ground of heatah fajita+standard for the Road To Top #1 series So if you ever feel like it, try it out sometime :] (Do you actually read this place tho :thinking:) !
  7. Thesinistersableye

    Also a fun replay of what the team is supposed to do against a fun team from my friend...

    Also a fun replay of what the team is supposed to do against a fun team from my friend
  8. Thesinistersableye

    Lol not really but it feels like it

    Lol not really but it feels like it
  9. Thesinistersableye

    Tran acts as rocks and doesnt make me instant lose to mage you already know. And mega lop acts...

    Tran acts as rocks and doesnt make me instant lose to mage you already know. And mega lop acts as speed control for the team (as well as spreading sleep/para with secret power whether in or outside terrain) and this sleep gimmick is great for cloyster This cloyster set can break through most of...
  10. Thesinistersableye The 57381th attempt at posting a team on your wall lol... The 57381th attempt at posting a team on your wall lol. Alright here's the run down. Bulu/zap is a pretty handy core rn, blocks alot of things. Yanmega can just through walls due to tinted lens, and if you're feeling lucky you can potentially throw off a...
  11. Thesinistersableye

    *Doesn't care about hazards lol nice lack of letter spaces smogon wall

    *Doesn't care about hazards lol nice lack of letter spaces smogon wall
  12. Thesinistersableye Hey Joey! I've got a fire team that is actually really... Hey Joey! I've got a fire team that is actually really consistent that focuses on setting up multiple win conditions to actually clean :]! (Contain sigilyph, serperior, heatran, mega aero, bulu, and a pex) Detailed explanation for the mons in the paste...
  13. Thesinistersableye


  14. Thesinistersableye I got a clean rain team featuring araquinid and kabutops... I got a clean rain team featuring araquinid and kabutops! These mons allows for immense walls breaking against bulky grasses (and certain waters too ^^!) For swampert to sweep. Araquinid in the rain completely decimates any type of stall you can think of...
  15. Thesinistersableye

    The gogoat set if you're interested is bulk up, milk drink, eq and milk drink Max hp and max...

    The gogoat set if you're interested is bulk up, milk drink, eq and milk drink Max hp and max sp.def. Walls ash gren, modest zam (but registeel does that lol), and can 1v1 zygarde with bulk up+horn leech. And fun fact on that mismagius team if you go superpower you can 1v1 celesteela. But eq+horn...
  16. Thesinistersableye

    The bulu was originally a gogoat, but tbh they're interchangeable with a team like this. But if...

    The bulu was originally a gogoat, but tbh they're interchangeable with a team like this. But if you want I can get you a crisp gogoat team
  17. Thesinistersableye

    But if that team feels too "ballsy" for you you can use this instead ;]...

    But if that team feels too "ballsy" for you you can use this instead ;]
  18. Thesinistersableye Third time is the charm :]! Here's a hazard stacking team... Third time is the charm :]! Here's a hazard stacking team featuring two heat mons in alolan muk and manaphy! Being able to trap/threaten the most common threats including lele, char Y (to some extent requires alot of patience), blacephalon, and most...