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  1. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    Hi there Ninun, sorry for the late reply, I have one built in my Pokemon Stadium Rental Guide v4 but if you end up building something fancier please let me know!
  2. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    I don't think the best team would be just all the 30 mons but this team will definitely work! I think for anything goes you want to look in the 30-20 mons, some 15 are interesting enough in their roles like Arcanine, Electabuzz or Paras too. From the 30s mons maybe you want to drop something...
  3. Link407

    OU ADV OU Viability Ranking and Metagame Discussion

    Hi there! playing ADV OU now for a while and wanted to give my thoughts on the viability rankings: The mon I am really missing is Dusclops, a bulky spinblocker with good matchups against rapid spinners, usable STAB shadow ball and Focus Punch for coverage alongside the valuable Will o Wisp...
  4. Link407

    Gen 3 Regice Mixed Offense

    Thank you Dawn Dreams for your reply! I will highly consider your Zapdos spread! But I prefer BP instead of Toxic! Also will try Sleep Talk on Regice :) About Breloom I am not completely sure, Black Belt, Max Attack, Adamant Breloom Stings, even has chances of KO on DD Tar with Match Punch and...
  5. Link407

    Gen 3 Medicham is love, Medicham is life(ADV OU)

    Hi mate! I really like your team and seems like the same structure as mine right now! What I don't see is the need of Pursuit TT at all, your team already pressures Gengar quite well, also there is 5 mons weak to spikes, so what I would do is trying Suicune as Vapicuno said and completely...
  6. Link407

    Gen 3 Regice Mixed Offense

    Hi everyone! First let me introduce myself, I was playing competitive back in the days, mostly on console and VGC tournaments until retired, recently I got back full with Stadium Rentals (maybe you have seen some of my posts) but suddenly something catch my eye, Charizard Ou after all those...
  7. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium 2 Rental Metagame

    Thank you pwndnoob! Yes I could miss something like Jynx and a lot of unevolved in Stadium 2! Still focus in Stadium 1 but I think this is a good starting point! :)
  8. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    SPRING CUP TIER LIST UPDATE: 6v6 Focused Tier list (For 3v3 bulkier Pokemon tend to perform better, like Snorlax, Slowbro, Lapras, other, like Gengar, lose weight due to role compression) Playable Formats: -Free Choice: You have 100pts for team building (130pts for rookie, -10pts each...
  9. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium 2 Rental Metagame

    Pokemon Stadium 2 Rental Metagame With Pokemon Stadium 2 now available in Nintendo Switch Online Expansion pack and even enabled to play online I am very surprised a Rentals analysis was not yet started! I know Stadium 2 is not a master piece like the original Stadium, movesets and stats tend...
  10. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    The Autumn Cup is over, and It has let us with a lot of testing and multiple replays. We tested 50+ Pokemon in a 6v6 tournament and a 3v3 Tournament where a Pokemon could not be picked up twice in a pretty dope tournament with even a custom game that let us choose scenario and play in a real...
  11. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    Hi Enigami and thank you for your feedback! My ranking is far from, perfect but I take into account a lot of different stuff, for Snorlax It is his raw power, bulk and ability to hit Ghosts with Rock Slide, also have to take this ranking under the 6v6 and 3v3 prism. In 3v3 Snorlax is the...
  12. Link407

    Other Tiers Pokemon Stadium Rental Metagames Hub

    Hi there everyone! Long time since I was a competitive player but still sometimes reading great info from here, so I wanted to share something really nice with you all! Last week we prepared a basic Tierlist and improvised a Rentals tournament during a party... thing is, it was crazy fun! me...
  13. Link407

    Celesteela Discussion

    Im really trying to figure out a good doubles moveset with this thing, to fill a anti-Fairy space in my team, seems Heavy Slam to be a must choice, but what do you think about a Special based on set to avoid intimidate and burn? on the other hand seems most vgc used fairy mons will be spd based...