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  1. New UU List (July 2009)

    It's alright, in the games which I've played though it hasn't gotten a solid use. I mean, Ice Shard is great and all, but as soon as something like a Golduck comes in, it's just going to be swtching out, as it can not take a STABed special attack. It will do alright, that's for sure, I just...
  2. New UU List (July 2009)

    I've already been using Dugtrio in some of my WiFi UU battles. If he can switch into a lanturns T-Bolt, it's a gurenteed KO, which is nice. I can see anice little Mantine + Dugtrio combo happening, using Mantine to bait the electric attack, and then using Dugtrio to trap, outspeed and KO it...
  3. HGSS Megaspeculation Thread

    Wow Serebii just did a major update on HG/SS Lati@s and Mewtwo are all apperently able to be caught within the game. Red Gyarados is Confirmed. Lugia and Ho-Oh are lv 45. the lv 1 Dialga knows Metal Burst, the Palkia knows Hydro Pump and Giratine knows Shadow Sneak. There's some big news...
  4. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    The Subroosting skarm might be better, its' moveset looks nice. Garchomp was chosen because it's the fastest dragon without any set-up. And can fire un-boosted outrages, and still rip apart the teams. I Might try Salamence, just because of the intimidate bonus.
  5. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Ok. I'm going to be doing some therymoning here, so please bear with me. This is for the Battle Arcade By the way, so that we're all on the same ground. The reason that I love the Battle Arcade is that there are NO items. In other words, I can't be quick claw hax'd to death. (thank god) BUT...
  6. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    I just got a streak of 42 in the battle Arcade It wasn't the best streak, but it's the highest I've gotten so far. I used Jumpman's Starmie, Tyranitar and Garchomp team. Really solid team, and even without items it's still good. I got done in by this guy: 651,Dewgong...