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  • Users: Hckr_
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  1. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    You can remove my Emboar set as I left Showdown for a while and I just recently came back and I don't think I need it anymore with the new Sun Moon meta coming soon.
  2. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    Two suggestions is what I have though they were all probably all suggested already. Suggestion One: Let us choose our letter of Unown. Similar to Gastrodon's forms. Not really important but I guess it would be cool. Suggestion Two: This is has already been suggested a ton of times I'm assuming...
  3. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    I know the workshop is closed but I wanted to point out that in the unclaimed cores section I have two of my cores in there. I posted that I didn't need the Zam/Weavile core anymore so you can remove that if you want... (keep the emboar though pls)
  4. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    You can do that from my experience. I had a core of Weavile and Alakazam which I asked to be dropped in order to make space for a different core. It was a builder who told me I could do this so it should work (but only when the thread is open he said.)
  5. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    One of the builders said that if I wanted to delete my core off of the list I just needed to make a post asking for it to be deleted. So if you could get rid of my zam+weavile core and replaced it with something else I'll post below that would be great. Instead of the old core an ou team around...
  6. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    I can see that the workshop is closed but I have a question for later. The first post says very clearly: If you want a team with a Pokemon below or in the C+ rank of the OU Viability thread here your request must be only that single Pokemon; For example if you want a team around Hawlucha, you...
  7. when i see people i dont like i smack them with a jar of 2 week old grape jelly.

    when i see people i dont like i smack them with a jar of 2 week old grape jelly.
  8. Resource OU Teambuilding Workshop v4 (CLOSE)

    Hello. I am pretty new to competitive pokemon; only have played for a week or so... I am not very good at team building and I prefer to be original. Playing on OU I have seen each team is pretty much the same: Lando-T, Rotom-W, Chomp, Clefable, Keldeo, Latis, etc. Anyways I want to have a team...