Search results

  1. nah but it did look like one lol

    nah but it did look like one lol
  2. omg i actually survived O_o

    omg i actually survived O_o
  3. ok im in and ready to battle

    ok im in and ready to battle
  4. alrite, sorry i was gettin sum food x3

    alrite, sorry i was gettin sum food x3
  5. i'll uu battle you

    i'll uu battle you
  6. kk lol. pm me anytime u wanna uu battle (and i checked my poke stash, i have sum NU pokes if u...

    kk lol. pm me anytime u wanna uu battle (and i checked my poke stash, i have sum NU pokes if u wanna try them out)
  7. i kno about the sleep clause it was a mis-click

    i kno about the sleep clause it was a mis-click
  8. thats was a long battle lol, i shoulda kept up with the game. and i made a lot of mistakes >_<...

    thats was a long battle lol, i shoulda kept up with the game. and i made a lot of mistakes >_< thanx for the "welcome back to pokemon" ass whippin lol
  9. idk about that one...i got three if them xD

    idk about that one...i got three if them xD
  10. yea i kno. my bad i saw them at the last minute according to this site. but i consider anything...

    yea i kno. my bad i saw them at the last minute according to this site. but i consider anything nu to be uu sorry bout that
  11. sure lol...i got ur pm too

    sure lol...i got ur pm too