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  1. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Unpopular opinions

    That's a pretty good way to say, "I've never played the Battle Factory", without outright saying it. :totodiLUL: Let's ignore that Fire Emblem dodgetanks are generally kinda busted for a minute because I agree with you. But obviously, it's extremely unsatisfying for players to have to click...
  2. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Unpopular opinions

    So you're saying it aged like milk? :wo: Yes, I'm just saying it's higher on the priority scale of what would make *me* play a game. Can't really argue with that, but I'm not that much of an art hater :totodiLUL: Maybe I didn't express myself clearly. (Many such cases :mehowth:) I did read...
  3. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Unpopular opinions

    Yeah, I know, I said it like, three times. You wrote a full-fledged article about game reviews with all that Xenoblade mumbo jumbo and the big takeaway about the game itself was "That game was a milestone for the Wii because JRPGs in that era were kind of awful, but it aged like milk, and got...
  4. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Unpopular opinions

    And this is why I couldn't possibly care less about reviews. Ultimately, I'm the one who is going to play the game, instead of rolling the dice and hoping I get a review that isn't glazing some nonsense, I'm going to check Youtube for some no commentary gameplay footage or try to get a demo...
  5. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    Well, that's obvious, innit? :totodiLUL: People are thinking this will be like Showdown, when it will be a lot closer to PBR at best. :mehowth: The battle simulator games were all very tied to the games and a way to sell them, so I don't expect anything that would make it possible for people...
  6. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    It's not too bad because turn-based combat isn't really affected by lag.
  7. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    Speaking of which... Y'all ready for your Online Pokémon Champions experience? :wo:
  8. Volt-Ikazuchi

    GSC In-Game Tier List Mark V

    It hasn't quite been finished yet. Machop wound up at B-Tier (Machamp)/C-Tier (Machoke) Come to think of it, was there anything left to test before write-ups? I guess we could wrap this one up already, right?
  9. Volt-Ikazuchi

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    It doesn't need to be a team raid. A properly balanced 1v1 raid-style battle where the legendary has inflated HP and some other kind of buff would work. Totem mons were raid-like battles, and they were 1v... Well, 1v2 because they're weird with the jumping, but I think you get my point
  10. Volt-Ikazuchi

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Just make them raid battles. We have the technology now :mehowth:
  11. Volt-Ikazuchi

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Shinies haven't mattered since the Red Gyarados :mehowth: Most of them are too ugly to even bother with anyway, and they're just a haphazard palette swap in most cases.
  12. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Unpopular opinions

    Regional Forms and Convergent Species (Regional Fakes) should be treated like Wiglett/Diglett in SV. Both are available in the same game, but in different biomes. I could make a case for it being more plausible for a bunch of Vulpix to move within the same region and eventually become Alolan...
  13. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    That would potentially be messy with Home transfers and whatnot With that said, I do think these ranges are plausible for Gourgeist, but they'll probably be set after the form is defined as usual.
  14. Volt-Ikazuchi

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    The speculated trio of Snivy, Piplup, and Scorbunny was undoubtedly very cool, but people really forgot that they fit too well. :totodiLUL: What would regional forms for those be to make them more French? Sticking a croissant on Empoleon's horns?
  15. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    To be fair... When the core of the argument boils down to "The other two are worse", that's not a good sign :totodiLUL: The flexibility of Dynamax does make it more interesting in practice, and he did mention some BIG balance issues. Ultimately, I'm pretty sure he must have a vid mentioning how...
  16. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    And all they needed to do was put them up in BDSP in an update in the Grand Underground. :mehowth: Sinnoh got done dirty, it is what it is.
  17. Volt-Ikazuchi

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    To be frank, I don't expect much out of Champions presentation-wise, besides having arenas that aren't as hideous as Gen 9's. The real kicker was they the showed they're using the exact same animations as Gen 9 for attacks, so realistically, there's not a lot of room for change. They...
  18. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    Oh, don't worry, I got plans for them. :psysly: I do like the idea of Max Brick Break tho. For sure. Dynamax as a whole is very poorly designed. A single Max Move is already more impactful than a Z-Move just because of the secondary effects, even with the BP trade-off. Ironically, what...
  19. Volt-Ikazuchi

    Pokémon Presents - Pokémon Day 2025 - Pokemon ZA Info & Pokemon Champions Announced

    I have much lower standards. They are not literal children. 10/10, best protags since Wes. :quagchamppogsire::boi: