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  1. -hydro NU team. Offensive Fight Z Hitmontop snipes a lot of thing that... NU team. Offensive Fight Z Hitmontop snipes a lot of thing that expect a more passive set, prio has general utility. Had Dragalge over Exeggutor pre-ban.
  2. -hydro

    Flash Clash [Online Competition] - Now Playable on Showdown!

    I ran Outrage/Iron Head/Fire Punch/EQ on mine. I guess it just comes down to what your team needs, for me Fire Punch was a must. Could probably swap out EQ for ESpeed, but I haven't really come across a situation where it would be useful. I would use it on non-band sets to finish off Pokemon of...
  3. -hydro

    Flash Clash [Online Competition] - Now Playable on Showdown!

    I've had a bit of fun with Frisk Choice Band Trick/Disable/2 Attacks Dusknoir last night. It's a tad gimmicky, but usually wins when I decide to choose it (small sample size though, it's only like 5-1). I replaced Shedinja with it, which I literally never picked. It can catch both offensive and...
  4. -hydro

    Flash Clash [Online Competition] - Now Playable on Showdown!

    This is pretty cool. The Curses also help you muscle through Whimsicott with Rock Blast. They carry Taunt but don't tend to use it straight away with all the Leech Seeding, Protecting and Substituting they need to do. Tried it:
  5. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    I got into Hackmons Cup recently. This battle embodies the glorious insanity of the mode. I had an ordinary start and was on the back foot for most of the battle. Ended up 1 v 3 at the end, with the 1 being my Giga Drain/Bubble Cyndaquil. Since it had Shell Smash, in the back of my mind I...
  6. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    He actually followed me into my next random battle (against someone else), called me a f*g and then left. Would have looked super weird to the other guy, especially as he just said "f*g" and didn't mention me by name.
  7. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    Bellossom beats Mega Beedrill 1 v 1 at the end, wins me the match, salt mines now open for business (like my previous one, only the end is particularly interesting).
  8. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    Interesting end, losing to Aftermath. Think I've seen matches end in just about every way possible now.
  9. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    Eh, it was the first time I saw someone quit after the first turn in a ranked match, so I found it amusing. I once had like 5 RQ's in a row in unranked battles so I know how it is, but in ranked matches people tend to stick around in my experience. I have a few sweeps, but I don't think there's...
  10. -hydro

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here!

    This match ends after one turn because I predicted a switch. This kind of thing happens all the time in unranked battles, but I think that was the first time it has happened to me in a ranked match.
  11. -hydro

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    It feels a little dodgy posting this considering it will be the only one below 100 on the leader-board, but hell the minimum is 70 so I may as well. Recently got a 93 win streak in super singles. Guess I'll start with the team, and add some general comments afterwards. Dragonite @ Lum Berry...
  12. -hydro

    General Introduce yourself!

    Thanks for the welcome. I don't really play Wi-Fi battles, but I've done a lot of things I haven't before since getting back into AS; so I may in the future.
  13. -hydro

    General Introduce yourself!

    Yo, I'm hydro. Lurked occasionally so I thought I'd join up. Uh let's see. I do play a little Showdown. Mainly Random Battles as I enjoy having to think on my feet. Though I have played a few tiered battles against a couple friends. I've made the odd Battle Tower/Subway/Maison team too. I've...